Recent content by CJ.23

  1. CJ.23

    the faith of the Church of the Roman Catacombs

    Er, Marriage & Confirmation are sacraments in the Anglican Church. :) Not the two necessary sacraments, but sacraments nonetheless! That aside, fantastic thread! cj x
  2. CJ.23

    Mark 16:14 and onwards

    Luckily there are no poisnous snakes in my neck of the woods - well only adders, and they are very vey rare! :) Er, thanks for all your replies. I will read them carefully. cj x
  3. CJ.23

    Mark 16:14 and onwards

    Hi chaps and chapesses! I as just reading Mark Chapter 16 with a Catholic and a Charismatic friend. We all ended up very confused! So far no problems! OK, now we have the issue. Are the signs of the believer, well (looks embarassed) handling snakes etc, etc? My Charismatic friend...
  4. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    Yet as I point out in my OP, Britian does just that, and has done for well over a century. And we are NO closer to God as a Nation; so I think this is interesting. I have noticed a stereotype of Britain as godless heathens - yet we have long embravced compulsory worship in schools. cj x
  5. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    OK, I'm in a playful mood, questioning and thinking. I had always assumed seperation of Church & State would be a good thing, but I have changed my positions. here is why... If you exclude Faith from Public life you marginalise it. While it may seem fair and democratic, it also tends to give...
  6. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    Patriotism strikes me as as much a faith as any. I really can't see the difference between offerring allegiance to the State and offering allegiance to any faith. Did not the early Christians refuse to offer sacrifice to Rome on exacty these grounds? How is belief in an intangible ideal like...
  7. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    You have the american flag, the pledge of allegiance, etc etc? What is the difference? Is that not a belief system? Our schools are government, the State is Christian, so we have no differentiation between faith and state? Yet oour wiccans can do thei stuff, are muslims have their prayer...
  8. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    Yes, but you ae asuming that Reigious Education leads to moral relativism. It doesn't - we make value judgements on what we believe, and we actually assume that faiths have distinctive contents, and that we must make decisions as to what we hold true and valuable. Very few of the people I know...
  9. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    Yep, we do have. Acollective act of worship allows religious minorities to go and do their thing. IdSeperation of Church and State really such a cool idea? Your legal system, ethics and morality are all broadly Judeo-Christian. What is tadvantage of maintaining it, given the experience of...
  10. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    Oddly enough, we are about to. :) Well in an hour, we have a vampire RPG game to discuss! - and everyone of them, even the Pagans, gave me a Christmas card, not a Happy Holidays one! No PC rubbish for us! Long live the unification of Church and State! :D :D :D cj x
  11. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    You have the option to withdraw your children and teach them at home, or in a privae school, if you want an atheist curriculum, :) And seriously, there is an opt out clause in our state schools, but it is hardly ever taken. Parents generally prefer their children to be exposed to religuion...
  12. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    Why? It has done no harm to the UK. If you are non-Christian you pray to your deity. if you are atheist your family vcan opt you out. The law here requires a collective act of Christian worship, but other faiths usually tag along or justopt out. Anyway in UK schools we have two distinct...
  13. CJ.23

    School Prayer Rumpus, British Style

    No, it's a legal requirement in every state (what you chaps call public) school. We also have religious education as a a core compulsory part fo weekly studies till age 15. We are after all legally a Christian nation. cj x
  14. CJ.23

    broad searches by Bush

    Er, bacteriological warfare could destroy the USA as you know it surely? cj x
  15. CJ.23

    broad searches by Bush

    Hi Mike, I am a great admirer of the Peace Movement of the 1960's, and note the surveillance and harassment that characterised that era. My argument would be things have changed... Firstly, this is not an internal matter. The Peace movement ultimately won, but they did so using...