Recent content by Bubba1301

  1. B

    How to be cheerful?

    One can try taking pleasure in the simple things.... a sunrise, a playful puppy, anticipation of what God is going to do next. Sometimes it may be more difficulty by having to force yourself to think as an optimist and look at the positive side of things. Usually, I'm quite optimistic, but at...
  2. B

    Loving yourself

    True love is a choice or action... not a mere feeling. 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 8 describes love without using passive descriptors. The descriptions provided are active and decisive. Yes, the golden rule of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a good rule of thumb. Yet, even...
  3. B

    finding a worship band?

    Well... I don't know where you are, but one thought you can look into would be if there are any college near where you live. If so there might be some Christian student ministries on the campus with a worship band. They may be willing to come and help you out on Sunday evenings. I know the...
  4. B

    How to share the gospel?

    One evening I was hanging with a college girlfriend and her roommate. The roomate was quite an outspoken Athiest, but brought up in a Sunday Catholic family - just doing the religious things because that is what they are supposed to do..... anyway, I digress... We were simply sitting in a...
  5. B

    The genesis (or return, one of the two) of high-waisted jeans

    Well... they wouldn't exactly be waders for my 6' 2" frame... but I've got a pair that I have at work just in case I need to do some work in the pond on our golf course.
  6. B

    For the Ladies

    I have studied Judo for many years and have found it to be a wonderful style to teach in a basic self-defense class. Judo can be thought of as the basis for most other forms of martial arts. It focuses on using your opponents weight and momentum plus a little leverage to overcome your...
  7. B

    Conflict resolution...

    I'm quite a laid back kind of person... it takes a lot of stress / antagonism to get me flustered, and even more to get me angry. I try to avoid conflict, not by running from it, but by trying to diffuse it with patience and kindness before it explodes. I received what I consider my greatest...
  8. B

    The genesis (or return, one of the two) of high-waisted jeans

    You could probably get some duck tape and use them as wader fishing pants then :)
  9. B

    What is the WORST movie you've ever seen?

    Though it was kinda eye candy with some of the special effects - but I agree that was a total waste of time.... though I did like seeing a demented Tim Robbins :D
  10. B

    What is the WORST movie you've ever seen?

    Original or Tom Cruise remake?
  11. B

    For the Ladies

    Another thing after smashing the foot you can then drive your heel repeatedly into the shin - midway down the lower leg. The bone here is very minimally covered with skin and muscle, a few well placed heel kicks can cause great pain and even slow your attacker down. The weakest point of any...
  12. B

    What is the WORST movie you've ever seen?

    I think I not only killed many brain cells, but lost vital IQ points from watching Napoleon Dynamite.... though all the movies mentions thus far are worthy of killing brain cells.
  13. B

    The genesis (or return, one of the two) of high-waisted jeans

    The high rise jeans just remind me so much of ol' grandma and grandpa.... but the ironic thing is that they wear normal rise jeans, but because they are slightly hunched the regular jeans look like high rise jeans.... I honestly can not believe that is coming back in fashion.
  14. B

    The Trinity

    Here is something to ponder and has yet to be mentioned.... the number 7 in scripture has typically been used to imply perfection, completeness, wholeness and the like. Could it be that Jesus holding the 7 spirits of God implies that Jesus holds the perfect and complete power and authority of God?
  15. B

    Problem but I dont know what it is in my relationship

    One thing that you may try doing is journaling your time with God. What I mean is write down your thoughts / feelings toward God. Also, while reading the Bible, make note of anything that catches your eye or suddenly comes clear to your understanding, or even things that you don't understand...