Recent content by AuraTwilight

  1. A

    God created the Universe 27 years ago.

    This thread is ridiculous. Everyone knows the world was created three years ago by the great Haruhi Suzumiya in a phenomenal data explosion to provide the world with aliens, time travelers, espers, and sliders for her own personal entertainment. Repent and accept the Holy Truth, or you'll be...
  2. A

    Evolution is Impossible

    Yes. Unfortunately, you're wrong. Fail.
  3. A

    Creationism IS Dangerous

    Are all of those Christians Creationist? The two don't always go hand-in-hand.
  4. A

    Life after death proves evolution wrong!!

    This, my friends, is your brain on drugs.
  5. A

    If you created/designed life, the universe and everything…

    I'd construct the universe to be made of thought instead of matter and then introduce Consensus Reality so that my creations could design their own universe, then probably incarnate as an ordinary human and dck around.
  6. A

    The bible saids Abam and Eve are not the only humans?

    I suppose someone could always do their mom.
  7. A

    Avoiding the 0

    Even still, "Without meaning" does NOT equal "without value."
  8. A

    Why the pagans?

    How very Christian of you to discard what I say because I'm younger than you. How very Christian of you to say that drug addicts don't need medical help because they got themselves in that mess. How very Christian of you to say that transsexuals are just vain, spoiled snobs when a great...
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    Why the pagans?

    So how's the rent for an apartment in La La Land?
  10. A

    Avoiding the 0

    Just because there's no God doesn't mean life is meaningless. If you need a deity to give your life meaning, your life can't be all great. Or because your statements are technically a form of harassment. Rational my behind. That didn't make any sort of sense.
  11. A

    Why the pagans?

    Because he's Renton. God knows he's probably done more work for the "devil" than he has his supposed Lord. Remember, Satan is supposed to be the father of lies, bigotry, and hatred, all of which is Renton's main forte.
  12. A

    Cambodia bans door-to-door evangelism

    If this is legit, then only one word is appropriate: Awesome.
  13. A

    Adoption by gays

    Source? Or are you just pulling statistics out of your behind? Frankly, I've read statistics that said that gays accounted for 15% of the population and 90% of AIDS cases.
  14. A

    Pope goes Democrat!

    Well, if taxes aren't paid, how does the government gain money to help feed the poor, support education for everyone's children, or fight poverty? They can't just print more money since that lowers the value of ALL currency in the entire economy.
  15. A

    The Idiocy of Evolutionism.

    We use the Christian calender because it's the norm. There's no need to replace it. Also, read a book. Screw you, everyone likes getting smashed at New Year's. And this has nothing to do with evolution. Not everyone accepts that God equates Love. Especially since the caricature of God is one...