Recent content by Apple Sky

  1. Apple Sky

    Social Media Posts for Pride Month? (For Christians)

    This is Satan's game, he's even stolen the Rainbow from God, so I say, pray for them & let God be the Judge. King James Bible And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
  2. Apple Sky

    Flat Earthers: What They Believe and Why

    Thanks d taylor, these books look interesting I may purchase them. :thumbsup: From the book; Terra Firma: the Earth Not a Planet, Proved from Scripture, Reason, and Fact This chapter sounds interesting; The World Circular, But Not Globular; Has Immovable Foundations, Therefore Not a Planet
  3. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    Cool what ? Cool they lie ?
  4. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    So they say,
  5. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    How high tho, that is the question ?
  6. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program Dominic meaning 'of the Lord'. I'll let you guys work it out what they were doing. Is Hillary referring to Operation...
  7. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    No such word.
  8. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    What about the talking donkey ?
  9. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    Like You, you don't know about Genesis 1-6. Well I suppose, the book of Revelation, Daniel & Isaiah are also mythological. King James Bible And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. King...
  10. Apple Sky

    Flat Earthers: What They Believe and Why

    The moon is emitting cold light. Here's proof.
  11. Apple Sky

    Flat Earthers: What They Believe and Why

    I believe this to be due to tectonics, I reckon this is what happened at Babel when God confused their language. I too believe all this What makes you think this ? Also, if you stand in the direct light of the moon you will find it colder
  12. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    So in other words you are picking & choosing what is mythical & what is not.
  13. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    So what about the rest of the Old Testament, like Exodus, Isaiah ? Are these mythological also ?
  14. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    Okay, but why the doubts of Gen 1-6 ?
  15. Apple Sky

    Another look at the moon landing.

    How can you not believe that Gen 1-6 is not true but believe that the rest of the Bible is true ?