Recent content by Amiable16

  1. A

    Please Help if you can - Desperate

    Dude I'm quitting aswell... Don't go cold turkey when quitting masturbating. Make a plan to only do it on certain days. Eventually you will stop producing as much sperm and you'll have less desire to do it...
  2. A

    What would you name your future children?

    I thought Amber Lynn would be a great name for a girl 'till I found out it was a pornstars name. Ha
  3. A

    first one to get too 1000 gets 1000 blessings.

    608 Gonna lurk this page until it gets close to 1000 :)
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    Do I have to learn evolution in school .....

    It's not that I'm scared to learn it or that I'm scared it will turn me into an old earth creationist... I was once an OEC but I researched evolution and felt that a Young Earth made more sense... It's just that what they are teaching is blatantly false like the evolution of a horse and what was...
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    Do I have to learn evolution in school .....

    In my biology course there is a section on evolution. Part of what is in it is about what Darwin observed. The other part makes some ridiculous claims. "Almost everyone accepts that evolution took place" "It is important to understand that there is no contradiction between any of the worlds...
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    Black ops 2

    If the game has any influence on you, you should stop playing it. If not then no reason to give up.
  7. A

    New music please.

    I'll list some good Christian music. Akissforjersey The Almost (Underoath side project) Anberlin As Cities Burn As I Lay Dying August Burns Red Emery Family Force 5 Far-Less Haste The Day He Is Legend Mae Showbread Secret & Whisper Mortal Treason Blessthefall Project86 Becoming The Archetype
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    Why does evolution not make sense to you?

    Evolutionists are constantly manipulating research and relusts to back up their claims for example the peppered moth. At the time this was seen as H.B Kettlewell was quoted as saying "If Darwin had seen this He would have witnessed the consummation and confirmation of his life's work." This...
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    Why does evolution not make sense to you?

    The scientific community has concluded that enough time has passed that evolution is not only possible but that Darwins theory is an absolute fact. This is the result of false scientific proof based on the time it takes light to reach us, and the time it would take to get where we are as a...
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    Why does evolution not make sense to you?

    Evolution: the process of change and diversification of living things over time. I don't see how someone could be a old earth creationist. To me this is a direct contradiction to the scripture. In the old Hebrew one day from sunset to sunset is 24 hours. If God created the flowers one day then...
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    Why does evolution not make sense to you?

    Cheers man. I think scientifically my biggest issue with the evolution theory is irreducibly complex structures. Organs that are so complicated that 1. every single part is vital and indispensable 2. all parts must be present at all times 3. everything must work perfectly straight away...
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    Why does evolution not make sense to you?

    I was searching for an answer this question as I didn't fully understand it so just accepted what science was feeding me . Now I don't believe that evolution can't exist outside Pokemon. I believe in the Kalam cosmological argument. 1. Everything that began to exist must have a cause 2. The...