Recent content by AionPhanes

  1. AionPhanes

    Witchcraft Vs Religion in Schools

    Reading a work of fiction that portrays a character practicing a religion** shouldn't necesarily be problematic regarding the state establishment of religion. ** Assuming for the sake of argument that the fictional practice of a fictional tradition magic is actually supposed to be, or is, a...
  2. AionPhanes

    Of the 452 suicide attacks last year, how many were self identified as Muslim ?

    Let's assume for the sake of argument that you are correct and (an incredibly minute percentage of ) Muslims are more likly to respond to US agression and provocation with terrorist attacks here in the States than non-Muslim South Americans and Asians would. That still wouldn't warrent the...
  3. AionPhanes

    Of the 452 suicide attacks last year, how many were self identified as Muslim ?

    People always say the CIA and our foreign policy is naive and ineffective because it leads to blow back and chaos. Americans don't understand that those are exactly the goals they wish to obtain. Nothing naive or incompetent about it. They are competent butchers.
  4. AionPhanes

    Of the 452 suicide attacks last year, how many were self identified as Muslim ?

    So basically this is Republican-Democrat Neocon plan: 1. Foster situations conducive to violent terrorist tactics. Examples: Invasions, supporting armed revolutions against states so terrorists can use the chaos to create bases of operation, arm radicals and put an embargo on the regime...
  5. AionPhanes

    Of the 452 suicide attacks last year, how many were self identified as Muslim ?

    Severity certainly plays a role but I wouldn't underestimate the impact of the media propaganda machine that often works as a mouth piece for Demipublican-Republicrat foreign policy and war objectives either. Just watch FOX news the propaganda about the "Muslim Problem" is literally non stop...
  6. AionPhanes

    Of the 452 suicide attacks last year, how many were self identified as Muslim ?

    I want you to list actual numbers of Muslim terrorist attacks compared with non-muslim terror attacks. Simply naming off a list of attacks commited by Muslims proves nothing other than the already accepted fact that some terror attacks are commited by Muslims. FBI statistics from 1980-2005*...
  7. AionPhanes

    Of the 452 suicide attacks last year, how many were self identified as Muslim ?

    I also think it's important to realize that our foreign policy and wars have resulted in a massive body count that can out do any terrorist group like AQ or ISIS hands down. So if you hold terrorism against all Muslims you would also have to apply all those deaths to Americans and Christians...
  8. AionPhanes

    Of the 452 suicide attacks last year, how many were self identified as Muslim ?

    In some countries that may be true. In others, like the United States for example, it isn't. I've noticed that even the far right pundits on Faux News stopped making that claim because they couldn't defend it. Now they make statements that sound like that but if you listen closely instead...
  9. AionPhanes

    how does devout christians justify voting Democrat?

    Don't misunderstand my last two posts as being pro democratic party though. Overall Democratic leadership has been just as violent and destructive in terms of war and foreign policy as the Republican party has. Many of the bloodiest and most unnecessary wars have been started by liberal...
  10. AionPhanes

    Did God Create Fossils?

    So you are admitting that your last statement was misleading? That the Bible in fact says nothing about Satan using magic to create fossils. Also, the Bible portrays witchcraft as a reality so if magic does work the Biblical authors really weren't hiding the fact that it works. Saying Satan...
  11. AionPhanes

    Did God Create Fossils?

    What verse can I look to that elaborates on Satan creating fossils to confuse scientists living thousands of years in the future about the age of the earth ? I've never even seen the word "fossil" in the translations I use.
  12. AionPhanes

    Trump Might Get CFR into our history books

    None of the history books I remember in my elementary through high school classes had a section on think tanks as far as I can recall. They didn't mention the partisan ( Heritage Foundation, Center for American Progress, Cato Institute. etc..) or non partisan (CFR, Brookings Institue, etc..)...
  13. AionPhanes

    BREAKING: State Department Declares ISIS is Committing Genocide Against Christians in Iraq and Syria

    As much as I dislike Assad I don't think we should have backed the armed revolt against the regime. I dont beleive that Obama and the other politicians who supported the revolution did so out of any real concern for the people of Syria either. They backed the rebels because they view Iran and...
  14. AionPhanes

    Bernie Sanders chased off the stage

    How wimpy. Trump would not only kill the bad guy but also murder their family to make a point*! Humility and turning the other cheek is unchristian and would make our country look bad. Following Christs actual teaching is not Christian [TM]. * His propsed manner of handling terror suspects...
  15. AionPhanes

    how does devout christians justify voting Democrat?

    The state can be run based on a thin view of the good that people of various religious and non religious perspectives will be able to give a thumbs up to. A more thick and detailed view of the good is for the specific religious communities and individuals to develop for themselves but not...