Media added by Greg Merrill


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7000 Yr Dispensation

7000 Yr Dispensation

This is a graphic I made to help illustrate the Berisheet Prophecy's use of a 7,000 yr dispensation of God dealing with man's sin.
Discipleship Ministry
This is a graphic that shares the URL for my discipleship ministry.
Trump Equitted

Trump Equitted

A picture is worth a thousand words.
Rapture 6

Rapture 6

Rapture 5

Rapture 5

Rapture 4

Rapture 4

Rapture 3

Rapture 3

Rapture 2

Rapture 2



Cem Crosses

Cem Crosses

Pro 17  22

Pro 17 22

Christmas Card 3

Christmas Card 3

Christmas Card 1

Christmas Card 1

That same northern cross is also depicted as a goose, and many people, especially in the past, would celebrate Christmas with a goose for dinner. Reminds me of John 6:56 "He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me; and I in him."


These stars God put in the heavens reminds me of my friend's Christmas tree. When I now see them in the night sky they may remind me of God's Christmas gift, Jesus.
Friend's Christmas tree
Went over to a friend's house and just had to take a picture of them and their tree.
Christmas Church

Christmas Church

What's More Important?
What's more important, asking a foreign president to look into something, or creating a booming economy that gives thousands of people a good way of living!
Trump Podium Troops

Trump Podium Troops

Words of encouragement from their Commander and Chief, not from the safety and comfort of anywhere in the USA, but in person, in a foreign country, where they fight on a battlefield.