Why is Christianity opposed to the theory of Evolution?

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Apr 26, 2013
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Oh come on.. it has everything to do with it.. There had to be an explanation as to where everything came from (if you're an atheist) and so the big bang theory was born (never mind where the gasses that caused the explosion came from).. the beginning for the theory of evolving.. the universe and everything in it.. I don't know the specifics because I never cared to know. Why would I study something that repulses me? Do you study the Bible? And oh please..don't be one of those atheists.. (assuming you are one) that claims they have read the entire bible and studied it extensively.

I don't want to debate all this..and i'm not going to. I answered your question and now you can answer mine.. If you are so inclined.

Does the theory of evolution discuss where everything came from?

Does germ theory discuss where everything came from?

Does the theory of gravity discuss where everything came from?

You keep showing just how little knowledge you have of evolution, yet you are certain, that it is a lie.

Does educating yourself on these topics frighten you?

Lastly, when I was still a Christian, I did study the NT quite intensely, from a scholarly and historical standpoint. Acquiring new knowledge about the historicity of the same, is why simply couldn't believe the story any longer.
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Jul 2, 2007
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Religion and science and as well faith and fact are mutually incompatible. Here is why you have the bible
that says man was made in the image of god and that woman was made of a mans rib, well we know that
not to be true. I mean there is evidence of evolution one does not need to try hard to find it why else
would we need a new flu vaccine every so often or even antibiotics. That being said that there is evolution,
viruses and sicknesses do evolve to combat against medication. Humans have evolved it took along time
every so often we do find fossils of our older ancestors.

I think that the majority will disagree with you, Rygaku, that religion and science are incompatible. I suspect you don't understand either science nor religion very well if this is what you think.

Check out this link: Do Science and Religion Conflict? Not According to Highly Religious People.
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Jul 28, 2015
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Does the theory of evolution discuss where everything came from?

Does germ theory discuss where everything came from?

Does the theory of gravity discuss where everything came from?

You keep showing just how little knowledge you have of evolution, yet you are certain, that it is a lie.

Does educating yourself on these topics frighten you?

Lastly, when I was still a Christian, I did study the NT quite intensely, from a scholarly and historical standpoint. Acquiring new knowledge about the historicity of the same, is why simply couldn't believe the story any longer.

I knew it..I never talked to an atheist in my life that didn't claim to know every detail of the bible.

And NO, educating myself on a theory opposed to creationism does not frighten me..But it does deeply sadden me.. that teachers are forced to teach it to little children and it's forced on students in colleges. And you wonder why so many Christians are going down that path? It's a miracle there are any left that do still believe Genesis..

If you don't want to answer my question... I'll just google it.
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Jul 2, 2007
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And you wonder why so many Christians are going down that path? It's a miracle there are any left that do still believe Genesis..

Laurie, believing in Genesis does NOT require that one reject the theory of evolution.
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Oct 22, 2015
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i would have to say that an allegorical understanding of Genesis chapter 1 is not warranted by Scripture itself. The only reason a person would choose to view the chapter allegorically would be that they felt some other source more authoritative than the Holy Bible...The same line of thought would attempt to refute the miracles in the life of Christ, including the resurrection, due to empirical evidence which shows that people cant turn water to wine, nor miraculously grant sight to the blind, or health to the sick, and that they most certainly dont rise from the grave three days after interment...Some of us simply stand on the full weight of Scripture, with a full knowledge of what the Holy Word teaches and we refuse to budge, no matter what the current false claims of science falsely so called may be...

Romans 5:12
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

^ if man evolved over millions of years via a life and death cycle before he reached Adam, this verse about the fall of man would be a complete lie and death would be a common eventuality and not a judgement brought upon the world by fallen man. Paul of Tarsus took a literal view of Genesis, as did Moses..for brevity sake ill conclude my post here, but the question of "why do some Christians oppose Evolution" would be better phrased "How can some Christians accept Evolution in spite of the Scripture"
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Jun 18, 2006
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They didn't propose evolution because it supported atheism (it doesn't, you can be a theistic evolutionist),
Evolution can't support both atheism and theistic evolution?
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Paul of Eugene OR

Finally Old Enough
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May 3, 2014
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Or detrimental mutations?

Detrimental mutations don't matter in the progress of evolution. Because they are eliminated by natural selection. They arrive, of course, but are eliminated. As a result there is a in any population a certain level of messed up genes in a certain number. But . . . so what? Oh, you can feel sorry for the individuals stuck with them.
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Paul of Eugene OR

Finally Old Enough
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May 3, 2014
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Because you just made those numbers up. From what I remember, the actual measured numbers don't add up. I wish I had saved the link.

Well not quite. The 200 generations number is based on evolution simulations I have run on my computer. The number doesn't vary much with size of population because after the beneficial mutation starts to take off, its numbers grow exponentially. It will vary from 150 to 300, actually. The other numbers make sense in the context, don't they?
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Sep 3, 2015
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If all you have is scientific data that supports evolution.. but no proof.. then all you have is an opinion.

How is having an overwhelming amount of evidence from several different lines of study that all come to the same conclusion an opinion?
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Jul 30, 2013
I knew it..I never talked to an atheist in my life that didn't claim to know every detail of the bible.

Somehow, I don't think you've talked to very many atheists.

Anyway, let me solve that problem for you.


For that matter, I doubt there are many who do. Pretty big book.
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Jun 11, 2012
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Thank goodness the schools are including the evidence at younger ages.
Brainwashing in governmental schools you mean. Oh yes thank goodness for that! *facepalm*

This type of evidence has been provided countless times in evolution/creation threads and it is either ignored, or a fundy will just say, it is all a lie, with no scientific reasoning as to why it is a lie.
Macroevolution only goes against the Laws of Physics, Laws of probabilities and II Law of Thermodynamics. That's all!
I understand though, evolution is an enormous threat to certain religious beliefs and no matter what the evidence, or lack of desire to understand it, it must and will be denied.
Nope no threat. No threat at all. We have the book and read the end. Spoiler alert....God wins! It's just a shame that people will believe an off the wall lie, before believing in a Creator.

Can you write here one example of how any idea of evolution has produced a breakthrough in medicine?
Microevolution has tons of breakthroughs in medicine. It is a true science. Provable, testable and verifiable. You will have no argument from any Creationist there. Name one that macroevolution has done.

You keep showing just how little knowledge you have of evolution, yet you are certain, that it is a lie.
Well you have been brainwashed in the modern school system. Evolution is the "darling" right now. I'm sure you were a very good student. Geeze. No wonder so many are homeschooling their kids now.
Does educating yourself on these topics frighten you?
Nope does it you? Or did I get your dander up by threatening your "darling"?

I don't know if that's true... that most Christians agree with the theory of evolution.. but.. if they don't yet....they soon will. I know that.

But even though...it does not make it a fact. It's still just a theory.
You don't have to buy into it. These guys are full of smoky mirrors. Microevolution is provable, verifiable and testable. That is a given. Macroevolution is faith based. Calling it a theory is really a stretch. The only reason it has the respect it does is because Macroevolution piggy backs onto provable, verifiable microevolution. They conveniently "extrapolate" micro to macro and say..."It's all the same thing" Well I call them on it. No.... it isn't. There is no proof of crossing kinds anywhere. Sure, they say they found the "missing link" and the "new missing link". and lets just rename this "missing link" because we want the credit for it, but there are sooo many "missing links" that should be there that are not there, not to mention the process to even "get there" is missing too.
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Sep 3, 2015
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that teachers are forced to teach it to little children and it's forced on students in colleges.

What are teachers supposed to teach in a biology class? Biology makes no sense without the theory of evolution. And college students aren't forced to do anything.
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Apr 26, 2013
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What are teachers supposed to teach in a biology class? Biology makes no sense without the theory of evolution. And college students aren't forced to do anything.

Science taught in science class, what a concept!!!
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Apr 26, 2013
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I knew it..I never talked to an atheist in my life that didn't claim to know every detail of the bible.

And NO, educating myself on a theory opposed to creationism does not frighten me..But it does deeply sadden me.. that teachers are forced to teach it to little children and it's forced on students in colleges. And you wonder why so many Christians are going down that path? It's a miracle there are any left that do still believe Genesis..

If you don't want to answer my question... I'll just google it.

When did I claim to know every detail of the bible?

Is it ok with you, if years ago, I chose to investigate the NT, by studying the work of well credentialed scholars and NT historians? Or, is that something, I shouldn't have done?
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Apr 26, 2013
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I have NO problem with microevolution taught anywhere. Make it a TRUE science and you would have a deal!

Maybe you should make a proposal, as to what should be taught in science class and substantiate why, it is you that should determine what TRUE science is.
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Sep 3, 2015
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Brainwashing in governmental schools you mean. Oh yes thank goodness for that! *facepalm*

Biology makes no sense without the theory of evolution. What do you propose should be taught instead?

Macroevolution only goes against the Laws of Physics, Laws of probabilities and II Law of Thermodynamics. That's all!

The second law of thermodynamics only applies to isolated systems. The Earth is not an isolated system. It receives energy from the sun. Can I ask why you still go to this argument even though it's been shown to you on several occasions why it doesn't apply?

We have the book and read the end. Spoiler alert....God wins!

Is that the one where a beast comes out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads that looks like a leopard but has bears feet? Yeah...that sounds plausible.

Name one that macroevolution has done.

Before new drugs are approved for human trials, they are tested on rats. Using the theory of evolution, we know we share a common ancestor with rats. This can be seen in the genomes, which are 85% similar. Rats suffer from similar diseases as we do. This is because we share the same basic physiology and similar organs. Our nervous system works in the same way and react similarly to infection and injuries.

There is no proof of crossing kinds anywhere.

What do you mean by the word "kinds"? Evolution doesn't use that word. There have been many transitional species found.
Tiktaalik Roseae says hello once again. This discovery showed evolution's predictive powers. It's nickname is "Fishapod" as it has both fish and amphibian like features....exactly what we should find if evolution were true.

We also have many transitional hominid species. The most recent is homo naledi. With both ape and modern human like features. Exactly what we should find if evolution is true.


We also find transitional species leading up to whales and dolphins. They evolved from four legged land mammals.
This video explains it for you:

Sure, they say they found the "missing link" and the "new missing link". and lets just rename this "missing link" because we want the credit for it, but there are sooo many "missing links" that should be there that are not there, not to mention the process to even "get there" is missing too.

Evolution has filled in several "missing links". They are no longer consider missing since well.....they were found. Are you suggesting because the fossil record doesn't have every have all of them, they can't come to a conclusion based on the amount of evidence already found? That would be like saying in a court of law "Well we have the defendants DNA, finger prints and the murder weapon but we don't have any eye witnesses so since we don't have it all we must find the defendant innocent".
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Oct 16, 2014
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If things were different, they'd be different. We'd be different.

There are many formulations of the anthropic principle, and any number of exceptionally rigorous examinations of it, both supporting and opposing. Its an unresolved questions.

Your point about oxygen is completely incorrect though - in the last 300 million years, the oxygen content of the atmosphere has swung wildly, reaching above 35% and below 15%

And where do these numbers come from? And please don't just say science. How was this measurable? Which textbook or Popular Science Magazine was this quoted from? I'd really be impressed that a scientist would be able to empirically and unquestionably arrive at the conclusion that there were, in fact, variations in oxygen levels on earth! And how could they arrive at the fact it was 300 million years ago? Do you see how much faith has to go into a mere mortal man's estimations over what a deity, such as God, simply spoke into existence? I don't play the "what if" game or "if things were different game" because that's not fact. I'm talking about the Earth as we know it today and as it is and has been in order to sustain life since the beginning. So please, enlighten me. Where did this tidbit of information come from? How do we know it got as high as 35% and as little as 15%?

Apart from non-belief in deities, name an atheist dogma.

Namely that evolutionists would rather entertain goo, an alien egg, a big bang theory, or something else other than entertaining the idea that there is intelligent design in everything around us. In DNA, in plants, in animals, in humans, etc. The more we learn about our surroundings, the more complicated we find it really is and it becomes harder and harder to believe that non-intelligence or matter simply composed everything and pieced everything together randomly. I don't care if you quote me 3 billion years or 300 billion years, non-intelligence did not randomly piece together life or organisms as we know it today. There's not a chance at all this happened. The fact remains that evolution cannot be replicated in a laboratory and it's because of these aforementioned reasons...and logic for that matter.

Isn't it funny how evolutionists want to assign an intelligence to something they deem non-intelligent? Example? The coined term "mother nature" is often used. Why is that?

Science is simply a search for causes. There are two types of causes:

Non-intelligent (Natural)


An evolutionist would believe that DNA happened by chance or through non-intelligence whereas any simple change in a sound pattern (such as the SETI program) is considered intelligent. Do you see the conflict of reasoning here? Do you see the fallacy in what is known today as "science?" Why the conflict of reasoning? Could it be because these things must happen in order to fit the limited worldview of the non-believer?

Finally, when did evolution become fact? I suppose if you say a lie long enough... Additionally, the reason for the zealousness of those like Richard Dawkins is because evolutionists/non-believers need to believe there is no God. With no God, who then can stand in the way of what you think is right or wrong? Moral relativism takes place and you become your own god. This is why you want to believe it...this is why you need to believe it. Who is God to tell you what is right or wrong? Am I right? So to answer your question, the overzealous belief in the Theory of evolution has to be dogmatic. Otherwise, the opposite is true; which is there IS a God and you are not it. And maybe you don't think of yourself as a god, but your actions say otherwise. You'd rather believe you have control over your own destiny and control over things in life....until life strikes back...and God forbid a terminal illness happens, there are things that are out of your control. Yet there is a thought that the atheist would rather not entertain.....surrender. Self-surrender and humility that things are indeed out of your control and things you do not understand, yet there is a loving God who is merciful and promises the Great Comforter to us.

Now, another atheist replied to me saying that there are living organisms that use death to bring about life. They use this as a foundation for the fact that natural selection happens and death brings about life, which further reinforces the idea of mutation. But again, mutations are factually destructive. They're not PRODUCTIVE. In fact, 99.99% of mutations are destructive (I can't say 100% because that's just not science). So how could something chaotic bring about order and harmony? But Christians have an answer. The answer is God never intended for animals to kill each other or for any death to happen when He created the world in Genesis. When God created, it was good....in fact the Bible says, "...it was VERY good." God wished for his creation, man included, to simply have faith in God and obey Him so that all creation have eternal life with God. The Book of Revelations also says there will be a new creation here on Earth and everything will be the way it was always supposed to be. So yes, there are insects that cause death to bring life. Yes, there is fungi that destroys something to maintain its own self-preservation. But these consequences are a direct result of sin in the world. When sin entered the world, there was a great divide.

The divides are as follows:

1) Us vs. God - Adam and Eve literally walked with God and saw God. They talked to God! When sin happened, God expelled them from the garden of Eden and thus were divided away from God as a result of their sin.

2) Us vs. Others - Because of sin, Adam and Eve tainted relationships. We read later the consequences placed on women and on man as a result of their sin. We read in just a few chapters later, that the first murder happens within Adam and Eve's family! All of this....because of sin! Death (or natural selection as the evolutionists would have it) is a direct result of sin.

3) Us vs. Creation - Today we have hurricanes, floods, landslides, typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. We also have violent animals, poisonous animals, and animals that need to be killed by other animals for life...for nourishment. Yet all of this was never in God's original design for creation. Death was never meant to be a part of His plan. Yet free will allowed sin to enter the world....so now we have Hawk Wasps laying eggs in Tarantulas, thus killing and destroying for its own species preservation.

4) Us vs. Us - We are in conflict with ourselves. We fight and toil with our inner emotions and demons to do right. When we serve ourselves in selfishness and self-centeredness, people will never be truly happy. You can have every material thing in the world and you still won't be satisfied. The sin we wrestle with within ourselves, is directly tied back to what happened in Genesis and what happened when sin entered the world.
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