The Journey Into Silence


The Journey into Silence

Silence is more than a lack of noise or outer agitation. Quiet does not always lead one to go inward but to sleep, or dream, or to let one’s mind just float. While this can be good, restful, and necessary, the call of silence is to go deeper. When we start to listen to the silence we sooner or later discover a presence waiting for us.

In silence, we learn that the Infinite has a personal relationship with us. It is when we are silent that we can respond to this loving attention of the Infinite in a conscious manner.

When still, we learn what keeps us from fully responding, and then our true journey begins. We learn of grace, overflowing mercy, and yes we start to trust in the struggle that we are all called to, the long journey to become fully human as Christ Jesus was fully human.—Br.MD

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Mark Dohle
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