More From My Beautiful Mind. Lol

I was driving along this morning and the sun was getting in my eyes so I put my visor down. For whatever reason I then began contemplating how cars in the distant future would be. I joked to myself that instead of using a sun visor, perhaps cars would have high-tech windshields. Maybe they would be touchscreen. Lol.
I told myself that was silly but then I got to thinking...(a dangerous activity indeed. Lol) We have things today that less than seventy years ago the very idea of would have seemed silly, even impossible. Cell phones for example. Im on an android right now. Its thin, small, flat, and touchscreen. Such a phone didn't exist in 1950 (Im a big I Love Lucy fan so... that's why I picked that year, in case you were wondering). Back then people only had-landline phones-*dramatic music* they were corded (gasp), bulky, and to dial you had to spin what I suppose was called a rotary. (?) To someone living in 1950 a phone like mine that is barely the length of my hand, thinner than a deck of cards, and is used simply through touch would have seemed ridiculous. Perhaps impossible even.
There are many more examples of things that have changed or things that have since been created, that far exceed imagination.
My thought process was then, if we (mankind) can do and create beyond our own Much More can God do? How Much Greater is His work! How much more can He perform the unfathomable! He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think(Ephesians 3:20).
" it is the power of God that makes what seems impossible possible. Nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37
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