Finding Faith and Myself

Before I say where I am today I will tell you some of the things in the past.

I've always been open-minded and always felt a strong connection with God and the Divine and the Universe. I've always felt spiritual and I still am but I felt it was just a part of myself and my faith. I often found myself speaking to God inside, praying. A lot of times without thinking about it.

I've never really been open with it, apart from my spirituality. Even then only with other spiritual people or friends. I just felt it was personal, as it is for everyone. I simply felt my faith, undefined, was precious to me. I still can't define it but I don't think you ever can 100%. All I know is that I have a strong sense of faith and reverence and that I am also spiritual. I wouldn't call myself New Age. When I read about Esoteric Christianity I could relate a lot with it, still it isn't IT. That is something I have to find inside in my connection to myself and God.

I have had strong and vivid experiences that has strengthened my faith. Be it surviving death as a child, being washed with an incredible feeling of love or down to small signs and confirmations that caught my attention. God and my faith has also helped me in dark times in my life.

What I am trying to say is I've always had faith but never really realized in what way or what it really meant to me.

I realize now looking back on life, I've always had a Christian faith along with also being spiritual. I just didn't see it. But I am still careful defining myself or what kind of Christian faith I have. I still feel that is an inner personal journey I must make. I'm very open-minded and humble about it in general. Although I've never felt my faith stronger than now.

So now I am here. I don't exactly know what it is I am trying to say. Only that right now I am discovering my Christianity because of how strong I've felt about it in recent months. I am seeking answers and the path forward in it. I know spiritual friends but I don't think I know any Christian or otherwise religious people. I suppose that can make you feel a bit lonely, at least right now, even if I have the most loving family and friends.

Also, I am not baptised yet. I know God loves me anyway, but I want to get baptised as well (that will be another post). I am also thinking of visiting one of the churches and communities here. I just don't know which one yet.

So yeah, right now I am a seeker. A pilgrim on my inner path.

God Bless,
Love - Jariel