Declaration of God's favor

Father , I thank YOU that You are a good God, amd I know that i have YOUR favor and You have my best interest at heart:

Your favor is opening doors of opportunity
Your favor is bringing success into my life
Your favor is causing people to want to help me
Your favor is rising me to new heights/level
Your favor is restoring my relations with _____ ( brothers, sisters,parents,spouse, children, office mates,friends etc)

I thank you that TODAY is a new day! That you want t o do a new thing in my life, that You have great things in store for and my family.

Greater is He who is in than who is in the world
No weapon formed against me is going to prosper
The battle belongs to the Lord
GOD has crowned me with honor and favor.I declare If GOS is for me who dare against me In Jesus Name Amen!

start declaring GOD'S favor for GOD is so good , kind , loving and faithful.

God Bless you