Women: career & family


the phlegmatic one
Feb 7, 2004
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mbams said:
I just don’t believe the Bible says what you state. I also believe that God wouldn’t contradict Himself. If women were never supposed to have careers or work, and that it is the abomination you say it is, then why do so many need to do it? Why does God provide jobs for women who need money? Why are so many blessed as a result of their workings?

"Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not malicious gossips or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled." - Titus 2:3-5

The Greek (although I know one must be wise when going back to the original languages, and I haven't treated it with as much prudence as I should have, but to get the gist):
1. malicious gossips - diabolos - prince of devils, evil spirits, Satan, false accuser, slanderer.
2. sensible - sophron - from the base of, safe, sound, self-controlled (in opinion and passion), discreet, sober, temperate.
3. pure - hagnos, hagios - clean, innocent, modest, perfect, chaste, blameless, consecrated, religious, holy (strongest form of), saint
4. workers at home - oikouros, ourous - to look after domestic affairs with prudence and care, be a guard (be ware)
5. kind - agathos, kalos - benefit, well, beautiful but chiefly, valuable, virtuous, distinguished, better, fair, godly, honest, worthy

The reason husbands and wives both need careers for financial reasons, generally, is because of their standard of living. We're too choosy about our homes, cars, food, and entertainment. I understand there are rare cases when this isn't so, but a lot of times...it is. As to God's providing careers for women...he provides us every day with opportunities to go against Scripture, even when we pray for things. Regarding prayer, no answered prayer can go against the Word of God, or that is placing what we think is the Holy Spirit (myself included) over the authority of the Bible, which ends up in a pluralism of beliefs and liberal theology run amuck.

(I think that about sums up every opposing post...sorry to single one post out to quote, but I believe it summed up most of the opposing party's beliefs in a few succinct sentences.)

Sisterly Love,
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“In case I don't see ya…”
Feb 8, 2004
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eutychus said:
As to God's providing careers for women...he provides us every day with opportunities to go against Scripture, even when we pray for things.
What!? God provides opportunity to sin? That seems completely contrary to scripture! God said he gives us good and perfect gifts - ones that are better than even a wonderful parent would give. And what good parent would intentionally provide opportunities to sin?

eutychus said:
Regarding prayer, no answered prayer can go against the Word of God...

Yeah, that was kind of my point. If God is answering these prayers, then how can it be an abomination or against his will?
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the phlegmatic one
Feb 7, 2004
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mbams said:
What!? God provides opportunity to sin? That seems completely contrary to scripture! God said he gives us good and perfect gifts - ones that are better than even a wonderful parent would give. And what good parent would intentionally provide opportunities to sin?
It's not contrary to Scripture at all. Maybe my wording was poor (as most of my wording usually is ;) ). God doesn't place fence posts for us to keep us corralled in righteousness. Granted, he does keep us from a lot of sin we could get ourselves into, but he lets us sin, and lets us face those consequences. He does it to teach us, to remind us that he is our Rock, and we are dependent on his goodness.

James talks about it Chapter 1 of the epistle:
"13Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. 14But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. 15Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death."

This can also be seen throughout Job.

Regarding the parental thing...it's objective. Personally, I think a good parent allows their kids to make some mistakes, so they learn. It's a process of growth. Then again, I'm not one to talk since I don't have kids.

Yeah, that was kind of my point. If God is answering these prayers, then how can it be an abomination or against his will?
Sorry, once more my words are being a pain. I meant that anything we think is answered prayer cannot go against God's word. This is kind of a fanatical statement (please bear with me), but it's not holding "answered prayer" against Scripture that gives us people like Mary Baker Eddy, Joseph Smith, and Muhammad.
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