What is true tolerance?

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Nov 21, 2004
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mesz said:
Tolerance is treating everyone with respect. It does not mean agreeing or approving what the person does or believes in, but treating them with respect no matter what.
So true!
By respect I mean you should allow them to practice their beliefs (assuming it is not against the law) even though you disagree with it.
So wrong....

And you'd better not disagree with me (unless of course I am breaking the law in some way), or else you are being intolerant! does God's law count? Because by that standard, I shouldn't really allow anyone to practice their beleifs...
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Mar 1, 2004
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does God's law count?

To us, certainly. And God's law is:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

And the second is like unto it, namely this:

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two laws hang all the laws and the prophets."

Can you say you keep even these two laws as effectively as you ought? Why, then, do you burden others?

I'm having enough difficulty shifting the logs in my own eyes to go around self-righteously shifting other peoples' specks.

"In like manner that you judge, so you too will be judged."
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artybloke said:
To us, certainly. And God's law is:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
And what does loving thy God with all thy heart mean? Doesn't it mean to obey His commands?

artybloke said:
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
And what exactly is loving thy neighbour entail? Does it mean sitting by while they do wrong? While they continuely sin, and in so doing drag themselves to hell? I don't consider that loving them at all. You must remember that this life is temporary, but the next is eternal. Help them prepare themselves for the eternal, not the temporal.
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Mar 1, 2004
North of England
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Letalis said:
And what does loving thy God with all thy heart mean? Doesn't it mean to obey His commands?

And what exactly is loving thy neighbour entail? Does it mean sitting by while they do wrong? While they continuely sin, and in so doing drag themselves to hell? I don't consider that loving them at all. You must remember that this life is temporary, but the next is eternal. Help them prepare themselves for the eternal, not the temporal.

The thing is, we're no longer under the law of Moses; we're under the law of Christ. And Christ is more concerned about our loving and kind behaviour toward each other than all the 613 commandments of Moses. God commands us - not to not eat shellfish, or not sleep with the wrong gender - but to treat each other with the love He showed us through Christ on the cross.

But you're right; it is good to point out peoples' sinfulness. So: next time you see an employer ignoring safety rules to make greater profit at the expense of his employees, I take it you'll point out his sin to him. Next time you see someone (or a nation, for example) charge exhorbitant interest against the poor then I'm sure you'll point out the sin to them. Next time you see someone unjustly imprison another person without charge, or under a trumped-up charge, you'll be first in line to point out that person, or nation's, sin. Just like the Old Testament prophets of old, who seemed so much more concerned about corporate sins than the personal sins of individuals. Gosh, they were missing a trick there: why didn't they condemn people for sleeping with each other, like they ought to have done?

Incidentally, I met someone this weekend who did just that: he's from the Congo and is now an asylum-seeker. And he's a Christian.
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Senior Member
Mar 13, 2006
True tolerance comes from understanding especially through communication and acceptance. It's easy to judge things that we don't understand. We should try put ourselves in others shoes. If Christians were more understanding, then maybe we wouldn't have such a bad name. We have to be less snobby and ignorant towards others especially if they are different and have different views.
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