What is judging?


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Jan 26, 2017
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We are told in the bible to judge not, lest we be judged, for that with which we judge we should also be judged.

We are also told, however, that it is not our duty to judge outside the church but within it.

So, just what is judging?

Today it seems that everytime someone says something bad about someone there is a cry of "why are you judging?"

It seems to me that people do not understand what judging is in the first place.

If I say "you are not supposed to commit homosexual acts", is that judging? No. If I say "you are not suppsed to commit homosexual acts, and because you do you are not welcome as a member of our church" is that judging? Yes, although rightously. What is the difference between the two? The penalty we impose. Without penalty there is no judgement.

There was a discussion going on where I think the OP believes I reported them for cussing, which I did not (if I had realized the OP believed this earlier my responses would of been much different). In the end the the OP stated that they didn't want any advice, they had come to vent. I said fine, I was done and "I wish the pity party would end".

This is not the thread as to what I should, or should not, of said, that is for another thread please. Please try to stay on topic about judging, not my ability to communicate well.

I agree that was not the most sensitive thing to say although the reason I had said it was to try to get the OP to think about what a pity party was. Also, I had mistakenly thought that the "veteran" under their name meant they were a veteran of the website so I had, mistakenly, thought they had been around for a while. In hindsight I would not of said this or would of tried to express my thoughts in a different way. Experience is a great teacher. The OP expressed their feelings on this, I had actually made them think about it which was my intention, but before I could respond with what I had meant someone ( @ToBeJudged ) accuses me of judging.

The thread quickly desolved into, "I'm not judging...", "yes you were", etc... with the OP dropping out without me able to further the conversation as was my intention. Yes, it was my intention to make the OP think and respond.

Now, the issue is, how is stating "I wish this pity party would end" judging by any means? It could be considered heartless by some, I agree. It could be considered rude, I agree. But, how was it judging?

Did I change my opinion of the OP in any way? Other than feel more compassion for them, no. Did I exclude the OP from anything? No.

Somehow people have gotten it in their minds that expressing one's thoughts is judging. Somehow people have gotten it into their minds that telling someone where we think they are wrong is judging. Somehow people have gotten it into their minds that saying something someone does not want to hear is judging. Don't you dare reprove someone, that is judging. Don't you dare tell someone they are sinning, that is judging.

Our current English word for judging, I think, is the problem. One of the definitions of our English word is "form an opinion or conclusion about" but that is not what the bible is talking about. We are told throughout the bible that this is a good thing (judge within yourself).

What the bible actually means by judgement is the other type of definition, "to pass sentence on; condemn" and as saying "I wish this pity party would end" is neither passing sentance on or condemning.

The reason I know this is the definition intended because people in the bible were constantly expressing their opinion on things. We are told in the bible to rebuke each other as Christians, if this was judging we would not of been told to do this. We are told to correct each other, if this was judging we would not of been told to do this.

I see numerous examples in the bible where rightous men (Apostles, prophets, etc...) say things that so many people would jump up as yell "YOU ARE JUDGING". In fact, in this other thread I used a few times the words of Jesus Himself, and was further accused of judging.

So, tell me, how are we to rebuke others if rebuking is judging?

1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

According to these people claiming "Judgement!" that would be judging. Since we are told to do this it obviously (to me) isn't.

Only God can judge but those who are used to testify to the knowledge of Christ during this millennium reign of Christ become His voice called the gospel of God. So while we're preaching the gospel of God to one of God's disciples who are not listening to his voice in the way God wants him to, then God has his servant rebuke the thoughts from Satan in the believer's mind to keep him focused on the voice of the Lord.

We servant's don't go around judging anyone because we understand that all the inhabitants on earth are of Satan. They will all be destroyed during this generation of the program including the flesh of the servant.

So if you're judging someone else without ever hearing the voice of God, then you are bearing false witness against they neighbor which is one of the ten commandments that God had Moses bring into the visible world.
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We are told in the bible to judge not, lest we be judged, for that with which we judge we should also be judged.

We are also told, however, that it is not our duty to judge outside the church but within it.

So, just what is judging?

Today it seems that everytime someone says something bad about someone there is a cry of "why are you judging?"

It seems to me that people do not understand what judging is in the first place.

If I say "you are not supposed to commit homosexual acts", is that judging? No. If I say "you are not suppsed to commit homosexual acts, and because you do you are not welcome as a member of our church" is that judging? Yes, although rightously. What is the difference between the two? The penalty we impose. Without penalty there is no judgement.

There was a discussion going on where I think the OP believes I reported them for cussing, which I did not (if I had realized the OP believed this earlier my responses would of been much different). In the end the the OP stated that they didn't want any advice, they had come to vent. I said fine, I was done and "I wish the pity party would end".

This is not the thread as to what I should, or should not, of said, that is for another thread please. Please try to stay on topic about judging, not my ability to communicate well.

I agree that was not the most sensitive thing to say although the reason I had said it was to try to get the OP to think about what a pity party was. Also, I had mistakenly thought that the "veteran" under their name meant they were a veteran of the website so I had, mistakenly, thought they had been around for a while. In hindsight I would not of said this or would of tried to express my thoughts in a different way. Experience is a great teacher. The OP expressed their feelings on this, I had actually made them think about it which was my intention, but before I could respond with what I had meant someone ( @ToBeJudged ) accuses me of judging.

The thread quickly desolved into, "I'm not judging...", "yes you were", etc... with the OP dropping out without me able to further the conversation as was my intention. Yes, it was my intention to make the OP think and respond.

Now, the issue is, how is stating "I wish this pity party would end" judging by any means? It could be considered heartless by some, I agree. It could be considered rude, I agree. But, how was it judging?

Did I change my opinion of the OP in any way? Other than feel more compassion for them, no. Did I exclude the OP from anything? No.

Somehow people have gotten it in their minds that expressing one's thoughts is judging. Somehow people have gotten it into their minds that telling someone where we think they are wrong is judging. Somehow people have gotten it into their minds that saying something someone does not want to hear is judging. Don't you dare reprove someone, that is judging. Don't you dare tell someone they are sinning, that is judging.

Our current English word for judging, I think, is the problem. One of the definitions of our English word is "form an opinion or conclusion about" but that is not what the bible is talking about. We are told throughout the bible that this is a good thing (judge within yourself).

What the bible actually means by judgement is the other type of definition, "to pass sentence on; condemn" and as saying "I wish this pity party would end" is neither passing sentance on or condemning.

The reason I know this is the definition intended because people in the bible were constantly expressing their opinion on things. We are told in the bible to rebuke each other as Christians, if this was judging we would not of been told to do this. We are told to correct each other, if this was judging we would not of been told to do this.

I see numerous examples in the bible where rightous men (Apostles, prophets, etc...) say things that so many people would jump up as yell "YOU ARE JUDGING". In fact, in this other thread I used a few times the words of Jesus Himself, and was further accused of judging.

So, tell me, how are we to rebuke others if rebuking is judging?

1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

According to these people claiming "Judgement!" that would be judging. Since we are told to do this it obviously (to me) isn't.
Hear hear..ive found that unbelievers just dont like being exposed. When they obviously in the wrong according to Gods standards. It is the holy spirit who convicts people. If you are led by the holy spirit, you may rebuke someone, but if not, you may be judgeing unrighteously or unfairly according to your own standards.

Learn from what nAthan did, he told David a little story of a pet lamb and let David judge his own sin as wrong as he recognised himself in the story.
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Endtime Survivors

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I think Jesus makes a good point on this matter, "Do not condemn the guiltless". He does not say do not judge, but more like judge rightously.

Yeah this I can agree with.

It may be very possible when a Christian unrightously says "do not judge" they mean the rightous saying of "do not judge the guiltless". Perhaps a change of what we say would be benefitial.

I think it's more likely that when Christians say, "Don't judge me" they're really saying, "don't hold me accountable for my behavior". Otherwise they wouldn't be talking about judgement in general, but rather the quality of the judgement.
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Matthew 4:4
Sep 14, 2015
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Goodbook said in post 102:

Hear hear..ive found that unbelievers just dont like being exposed. When they obviously in the wrong according to Gods standards. It is the holy spirit who convicts people.

The Holy Spirit reproves the world (John 16:8) through the scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16). The elect at some point during their lifetime eventually accept the reproof of the scriptures and repent and believe in Jesus (Acts 13:48b). But the nonelect cannot ever accept the reproof of the scriptures (John 8:43-47). They can only see what the scriptures teach as being foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 2:14). That is why the world continues to lie in wickedness (1 John 5:19b) despite the reproof of the Spirit.
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Feb 29, 2016
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I am also considering this. I came to the conclusion that a "diagnosis" is not a judgement any more than a Doctor who said "I believe you may have an illness of which you are not aware , I am very very concerned for you ..I have also suffered from this illness and was able to find a cure ...do you see that according to the word of God that this may be a symptom ? " I believe judgment would be along the lines of " You have cancer and therefore I have no reason to believe you are in fact a human nor have any worth of attempting to find a cure ...I myself have never been sick and therefore I despise you . As a matter of fact, I thank God He has made me unlike you. ..anyway , to me these attitudes are different.
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Shining God's Light for a Lost World.
Aug 31, 2004
We also need to be careful about judging fellow believers over what we may believe to be sin (for us) but not a sin to them, which Romans 14:1 refers to as "doubtful things". Even if we don't say anything to them about it, it is easy to judge in our hearts about someone else's walk merely because personal convictions may differ. No, I am not talking about things that are clearly said to be sin according to the Word of God. I'm talking about certain things that make for differing opinions based on how certain Scriptures may stand out to each individual believer, therefore, differing convictions.

For instance, Joe and Jim are both Christians. Joe listens to only traditional Christian music (hymns rendered in a grass-roots folk style and "old-school" barbershop quartet style Southern Gospel), reads only the King James Bible and books by traditional Christian writers (no Christian authors with any "modern" ideas or opinions of any kind, whatsoever, even though they are not necessarily heretical), does not watch movies or television. Joe does not believe in any game which uses playing cards or dice, and believes cracking jokes (no matter how clean) to be "foolish jesting". Joe is married to Bonnie, with one adult daughter, Marie, mid-20s, who just got married to Ben in a strictly arranged setup. Marie was homeschooled from grade K to 12, was sheltered from the outside world and was not allowed to have friends. Joe's family dresses very plainly in not-too-colorful clothing because they view clothes that are remotely stylish are "flashy", and Bonnie and Marie only wear skirts no higher than the ankle; they are not allowed to wear pants at anytime, whatsoever. Jim, by contrast, listens to all kinds of music, both Christian and secular (the secular music is always clean and contains no lyrics that contradict the Bible). In fact, he favors guitar-based rock and uses it in church during the worship service. He plays while his wife Jenny sings. They have three kids, two boys in grade school (Tom and Sam) and one high school sophomore daughter (Gina), all involved in a variety of recreational activities, sports, and music programs. They are trusted to use their own judgment to pick activities that are not morally questionable (with the help of their parents who try their best to make sure their kids do the right thing). They use a variety of Bible translations, including KJV, and they read God's Word, apply what they read to their lifestyle the best they know how, and pray daily. They dress fashionably, and always appropriate depending on the occasion. The family has a few good friends and many acquaintances, and are not too good to greet everyone they see with a warm smile. The family loves movies (but they love the Lord more). Jim and Jenny are teetotalers, but only because of personal preference. Jim has a great personality and sense of humor, and isn't afraid to let out an occasional belch just for the sheer fun of it. Jim realizes that sometimes convictions are different among the body of believers, and if he knows someone who is "a little more strict" (yes, Jim has such friends), he is willing to lay his Christian liberty aside when he knows he is going to see them. Overall, they are seen as good examples in the community in which they live (though there are a few who don't care for them).

Okay, so where does the judging tie in here? Well, let's say that Joe encounters Jim. They break out into casual conversations about their Christianity and their different ways they live their lives. They discuss likes and dislikes and show either other pictures. What does Joe think of Jim when the conversation is over? If he just views him as just a little different, hoping that Jim deep down respects him for his somewhat "stronger convictions" even though they don't agree, then there is no judging involved. However, if Joe views Jim as a "carnal" or "lukewarm" believer who raises his family as no different than heathens, then Joe would be judging Jim, not on what really is sin, but on "secondary issues" or "doubtful things" (again, see Romans 14). Joe would be judging on what his idea of "holiness" is, and anyone who is different in any way, in his eyes, does not truly care about pleasing God. Wrong on all levels.

I wish not to debate; I'm merely adding a little food for thought.
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Texas Baptist now living in Colorado
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I was called judgemental by my own family. I said, "I am just pointing out what the Bible lists as sin." I was told, "Judge not lest ye be judged." I said, "I am just pointing out what the Bible lists as sin." I have been called judgemental because they say "He who is without sin cast the first stone." Somewhere amongst all this back and forth scripture calling I decided to just live according to the word and not worry about what everybody else is doing except my own kids. I keep my opinions to myself - unless I am asked. Surprisingly, now that everybody is older and a little more mature they ask for my opinion. I just tell them what the Bible lists as sin. The Bible is first and foremost for us to know what our own sin is according to God. It is also for us to teach others. But the thing about teaching is that everybody in the classroom (at least where adults are concerned) is we are usually there because we want to be. Just some food for thought.
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Feb 29, 2016
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We also need to be careful about judging fellow believers over what we may believe to be sin (for us) but not a sin to them, which Romans 14:1 refers to as "doubtful things". Even if we don't say anything to them about it, it is easy to judge in our hearts about someone else's walk merely because personal convictions may differ. No, I am not talking about things that are clearly said to be sin according to the Word of God. I'm talking about certain things that make for differing opinions based on how certain Scriptures may stand out to each individual believer, therefore, differing convictions.

For instance, Joe and Jim are both Christians. Joe listens to only traditional Christian music (hymns rendered in a grass-roots folk style and "old-school" barbershop quartet style Southern Gospel), reads only the King James Bible and books by traditional Christian writers (no Christian authors with any "modern" ideas or opinions of any kind, whatsoever, even though they are not necessarily heretical), does not watch movies or television. Joe does not believe in any game which uses playing cards or dice, and believes cracking jokes (no matter how clean) to be "foolish jesting". Joe is married to Bonnie, with one adult daughter, Marie, mid-20s, who just got married to Ben in a strictly arranged setup. Marie was homeschooled from grade K to 12, was sheltered from the outside world and was not allowed to have friends. Joe's family dresses very plainly in not-too-colorful clothing because they view clothes that are remotely stylish are "flashy", and Bonnie and Marie only wear skirts no higher than the ankle; they are not allowed to wear pants at anytime, whatsoever. Jim, by contrast, listens to all kinds of music, both Christian and secular (the secular music is always clean and contains no lyrics that contradict the Bible). In fact, he favors guitar-based rock and uses it in church during the worship service. He plays while his wife Jenny sings. They have three kids, two boys in grade school (Tom and Sam) and one high school sophomore daughter (Gina), all involved in a variety of recreational activities, sports, and music programs. They are trusted to use their own judgment to pick activities that are not morally questionable (with the help of their parents who try their best to make sure their kids do the right thing). They use a variety of Bible translations, including KJV, and they read God's Word, apply what they read to their lifestyle the best they know how, and pray daily. They dress fashionably, and always appropriate depending on the occasion. The family has a few good friends and many acquaintances, and are not too good to greet everyone they see with a warm smile. The family loves movies (but they love the Lord more). Jim and Jenny are teetotalers, but only because of personal preference. Jim has a great personality and sense of humor, and isn't afraid to let out an occasional belch just for the sheer fun of it. Jim realizes that sometimes convictions are different among the body of believers, and if he knows someone who is "a little more strict" (yes, Jim has such friends), he is willing to lay his Christian liberty aside when he knows he is going to see them. Overall, they are seen as good examples in the community in which they live (though there are a few who don't care for them).

Okay, so where does the judging tie in here? Well, let's say that Joe encounters Jim. They break out into casual conversations about their Christianity and their different ways they live their lives. They discuss likes and dislikes and show either other pictures. What does Joe think of Jim when the conversation is over? If he just views him as just a little different, hoping that Jim deep down respects him for his somewhat "stronger convictions" even though they don't agree, then there is no judging involved. However, if Joe views Jim as a "carnal" or "lukewarm" believer who raises his family as no different than heathens, then Joe would be judging Jim, not on what really is sin, but on "secondary issues" or "doubtful things" (again, see Romans 14). Joe would be judging on what his idea of "holiness" is, and anyone who is different in any way, in his eyes, does not truly care about pleasing God. Wrong on all levels.

I wish not to debate; I'm merely adding a little food for thought.
Hi brother ..I appreciate your wish not to debate and this type of forum certainly invites debate ( and strife at times. ) Boy , meekness and humility are often thrown out of the window here .
I also struggle with this question of judging due to the admonition from Paul that we are not to keep company with believers who do XYZ ...covetous , idolaters , etc. That requires a judgement of some sort I guess or maybe the word is discernment . ( I tie judgment to condemnation but discernment to concern . ) Lots of splits in the church over the centuries due to this type of thing but I guess it can not be helped. We are also told to admonish one another ..again , I guess it comes back to the "spirit " in which one does something .
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Shining God's Light for a Lost World.
Aug 31, 2004
Hi brother ..I appreciate your wish not to debate and this type of forum certainly invites debate ( and strife at times. ) Boy , meekness and humility are often thrown out of the window here .
I also struggle with this question of judging due to the admonition from Paul that we are not to keep company with believers who do XYZ ...covetous , idolaters , etc. That requires a judgement of some sort I guess or maybe the word is discernment . ( I tie judgment to condemnation but discernment to concern . ) Lots of splits in the church over the centuries due to this type of thing but I guess it can not be helped. We are also told to admonish one another ..again , I guess it comes back to the "spirit " in which one does something .

I see what you're saying. Judging is a very touchy and misunderstood topic, and there are different forms of judging which makes it all the more confusing. I always use care when I enter these types of threads because there is always the chance of somebody misunderstanding or misinterpreting what I am attempting to get across. In fact, it has happened before, and I think to myself, what have I gotten myself into. I am not good at debating; I just simply say what's on my heart regarding whatever topic is being discussed.

I also thought you might want to know that I am a woman - a sister in the faith. Click the avatar and you'll see. :) :tutu:

Blessings to you.
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Matthew 4:4
Sep 14, 2015
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marineimaging said in post #108:

I said, "I am just pointing out what the Bible lists as sin."

That brought to mind:

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9 ¶Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
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Texas Baptist now living in Colorado
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One of my carnate hopes is that our Father in Heaven says to not judge one another because He has given tasks to the believers and He expects them to be carried out without intervention by those others who also believe on Him. As we see throughout the Bible our Father was working with people an many different ways. Some even in spite of sin and especially those whom he had a special relationship with. Let me point out one such account. Abraham is engaged with God and takes his son onto the mountain where he will sacrifice him. God has a reason and wants Abraham to see it through right up to that moment when God intervenes with the tangled sacrifice. Had someone judged him and intervened, then Abraham would not have seen it through to God's pleasure. This is probably an oversimplification but I hope you get my point. Furthermore, I can see three explicit reasons God does not want us judging others. One, like above He has given some of us orders that might seem contradictory to scripture and to intervene is to mess with His plan. Two, God is the only righteous judge of mankind. If we judge others then we are taking His authority onto our shoulders and that makes us into trying to be God. The ultimate sin. Three, the Word is very clear that no man is sufficiently righteous to judge another. We have ALL sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. But then, is it judgement when you point out something that a fellow believer is doing that is against the Word? (See One above). So, can we point out others faults out of love? (See Two above.) The only thing we can do is study the Word, live the Word, and impart the Word onto our own children. If we do those things with a kind heart and do them as a duty to God, where in the world would you be able to find the time to go around judging others? I know I have done it, but should not except when it comes to my own children and then, when they became adults they entered their own special relationship with God.
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Feb 29, 2016
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I see what you're saying. Judging is a very touchy and misunderstood topic, and there are different forms of judging which makes it all the more confusing. I always use care when I enter these types of threads because there is always the chance of somebody misunderstanding or misinterpreting what I am attempting to get across. In fact, it has happened before, and I think to myself, what have I gotten myself into. I am not good at debating; I just simply say what's on my heart regarding whatever topic is being discussed.

I also thought you might want to know that I am a woman - a sister in the faith. Click the avatar and you'll see. :) :tutu:

Blessings to you.
Oh , I am so sorry my sister. Of course from what I can gather, we will neither be male nor female in the Resurrection . I guess we will be in Christ.
You bring up an interesting point regarding , "getting ourselves into something" . When the Lord came and found me, it cost me my home and pretty much the wealthy and successful lifestyle of which my family was proud. Circumstances dictated that I had to move into a run down house with no running water, heat , etc. And it was filthy before a through cleaning . Anyway , I shared with a "brother" who was also a friend of my family the conditions of the house .

He immediately informed my Mom who called and indicated she thought I had lost my mind ...I was angry at this brother and quoting to him from the book of James about how the tongue sets on course the fires of hell ...Why did he feel it necessary to tell my Mom and worry her , etc. etc. ..Eventually the Holy Spirit revealed to me that it was MY tongue that set on course the fires of hell ...what I should have shared with my friend was the Lord's goodness in providing me a place to stay as so many are homeless ..It was not necessary that I shared the condition .
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Shining God's Light for a Lost World.
Aug 31, 2004
Oh , I am so sorry my sister. Of course from what I can gather, we will neither be male nor female in the Resurrection . I guess we will be in Christ.
You bring up an interesting point regarding , "getting ourselves into something" . When the Lord came and found me, it cost me my home and pretty much the wealthy and successful lifestyle of which my family was proud. Circumstances dictated that I had to move into a run down house with no running water, heat , etc. And it was filthy before a through cleaning . Anyway , I shared with a "brother" who was also a friend of my family the conditions of the house .

He immediately informed my Mom who called and indicated she thought I had lost my mind ...I was angry at this brother and quoting to him from the book of James about how the tongue sets on course the fires of hell ...Why did he feel it necessary to tell my Mom and worry her , etc. etc. ..Eventually the Holy Spirit revealed to me that it was MY tongue that set on course the fires of hell ...what I should have shared with my friend was the Lord's goodness in providing me a place to stay as so many are homeless ..It was not necessary that I shared the condition .

No problem at all. :) You are right; male/female will no longer matter when that day comes, nor will anything anybody disagreed about here on earth (including this topic here), for all brothers and sisters will be in complete unity with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are seeing through a glass dimly according to 1 Corinthians 13:12; with our imperfect knowledge we don't know everything, and never will until that day arrives when all will be made perfect.

And thank you for the story. Those kinds of things do happen. They are experiences we all learn from, and as long as we are on this mortal earth, we will never run out of things to learn.

Well, I don't want to get too far off topic, so....

Blessings to all!
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Matthew 4:4
Sep 14, 2015
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marineimaging said in post #112:

One of my carnate hopes is that our Father in Heaven says to not judge one another because He has given tasks to the believers and He expects them to be carried out without intervention by those others who also believe on Him.

That's right, insofar as Jesus gives each believer his or her own spiritual work to do (Mark 13:34, Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:28-30; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10). And he gives different believers different amounts of spiritual talents (Matthew 25:15). So it's not possible for all believers to do the same spiritual work for Jesus, or to accomplish the same amount for him. And so any one believer shouldn't (as sometimes happens) judge any other believer for not doing the same spiritual work that he or she is doing, or for not accomplishing as much as he or she is accomplishing (Romans 14:4). Nor should any believer think that the spiritual work which Jesus has given him or her is unnecessary and not a real part of the operation of the church (1 Corinthians 12:14-30). But there is still no room for complacency, because for those believers who have been given much spiritual talent by God, much will be required of them by God (Luke 12:48b). And for those believers who haven't been given as much spiritual talent by God, they are still expected to accomplish something for him (Galatians 6:4-5), and not to just sit back and do nothing at all for him (Matthew 25:26,30, John 15:2a, Romans 2:6-8).

Also, Jesus is not a hard taskmaster. He will never give believers more work to do for him than they can easily bear (Matthew 11:28-30). So if believers ever get stressed out that Jesus is asking them to do too much, then it is not Jesus asking them to do whatever is stressing them out (Luke 10:40-42). They need to take a step back and ask Jesus what particular spiritual work he is actually asking them as individuals to do (Mark 13:34, Romans 12:6-8).
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Texas Baptist now living in Colorado
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Oh , I am so sorry my sister. Of course from what I can gather, we will neither be male nor female in the Resurrection . I guess we will be in Christ.
You bring up an interesting point regarding , "getting ourselves into something" . When the Lord came and found me, it cost me my home and pretty much the wealthy and successful lifestyle of which my family was proud. Circumstances dictated that I had to move into a run down house with no running water, heat , etc. And it was filthy before a through cleaning . Anyway , I shared with a "brother" who was also a friend of my family the conditions of the house .

He immediately informed my Mom who called and indicated she thought I had lost my mind ...I was angry at this brother and quoting to him from the book of James about how the tongue sets on course the fires of hell ...Why did he feel it necessary to tell my Mom and worry her , etc. etc. ..Eventually the Holy Spirit revealed to me that it was MY tongue that set on course the fires of hell ...what I should have shared with my friend was the Lord's goodness in providing me a place to stay as so many are homeless ..It was not necessary that I shared the condition .
So many times we fail to see that our own tongue is the wrong tongue.
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Texas Baptist now living in Colorado
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That's right, insofar as Jesus gives each believer his or her own spiritual work to do (Mark 13:34, Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:28-30; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10). And he gives different believers different amounts of spiritual talents (Matthew 25:15). So it's not possible for all believers to do the same spiritual work for Jesus, or to accomplish the same amount for him. And so any one believer shouldn't (as sometimes happens) judge any other believer for not doing the same spiritual work that he or she is doing, or for not accomplishing as much as he or she is accomplishing (Romans 14:4). Nor should any believer think that the spiritual work which Jesus has given him or her is unnecessary and not a real part of the operation of the church (1 Corinthians 12:14-30). But there is still no room for complacency, because for those believers who have been given much spiritual talent by God, much will be required of them by God (Luke 12:48b). And for those believers who haven't been given as much spiritual talent by God, they are still expected to accomplish something for him (Galatians 6:4-5), and not to just sit back and do nothing at all for him (Matthew 25:26,30, John 15:2a, Romans 2:6-8).

Also, Jesus is not a hard taskmaster. He will never give believers more work to do for him than they can easily bear (Matthew 11:28-30). So if believers ever get stressed out that Jesus is asking them to do too much, then it is not Jesus asking them to do whatever is stressing them out (Luke 10:40-42). They need to take a step back and ask Jesus what particular spiritual work he is actually asking them as individuals to do (Mark 13:34, Romans 12:6-8).
I asked my wife to pray for me because I had lost the joy I used to have. She asked when it bothered me most and I said, "From the moment I wake up." That could have been a slap in the face of our relationship or against her, but she knew what I meant. As I think about it though I realize I need to start giving of myself again because that is where the joy came from. Not in waiting for someone to make my day joyful, but in giving to others and doing so without expectation of reward. I started at my new job with a spirit filled heart but over time allowed others who are not appreciative of their job to wear me down. I allowed them to wear away at my countenance for the Lord. It is not for them to give me joy. It is for me to give joy and find joy in the giving.
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I asked my wife to pray for me because I had lost the joy I used to have. She asked when it bothered me most and I said, "From the moment I wake up." That could have been a slap in the face of our relationship or against her, but she knew what I meant. As I think about it though I realize I need to start giving of myself again because that is where the joy came from. Not in waiting for someone to make my day joyful, but in giving to others and doing so without expectation of reward. I started at my new job with a spirit filled heart but over time allowed others who are not appreciative of their job to wear me down. I allowed them to wear away at my countenance for the Lord. It is not for them to give me joy. It is for me to give joy and find joy in the giving.
Hi Brother ..I agree and I will say this. I completely understand your statement regarding those at work. It is truly difficult to be in the world but not of the world . It makes me wonder if the "washing of the feet" that Jesus instructed His disciples to do for one another is a way of saying we should be praying for each other since we all " walk " in the world and get our feet dirty as it were.
It is so easy to be drawn into fleshly conversations at work . ( Not filthy jokes or anything like that ) but gossip which may be true may is not loving towards who is being discussed . Or another snare is just plain worldly ambitions which the world discusses. Quite the battle to stay free from that .
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