Verses That Disprove SDA Sabbath


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SDA's have told me that the Catholic Church "changed" the day of worship about 350 AD. On the contrary, Justin Martyr, and others, described Sunday worship hundreds of years earlier.

Here is an excerpt from the First Apology of Justin Martyr. I have highlighted the sentences where he mentions Sunday but included a longer quote to give the style and flavor.

Scholars date the Apology of Justin Martyr to 156 AD.


But we, after we have thus washed him who has been convinced and has assented to our teaching, bring him to the place where those who are called brethren are assembled, in order that we may offer hearty prayers in common for ourselves and for the baptized [illuminated] person, and for all others in every place, that we may be counted worthy, now that we have learned the truth, by our works also to be found good citizens and keepers of the commandments, so that we may be saved with an everlasting salvation. Having ended the prayers, we salute one another with a kiss. There is then brought to the president of the brethren bread and a cup of wine mixed with water; and he taking them, gives praise and glory to the Father of the universe, through the name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and offers thanks at considerable length for our being counted worthy to receive these things at His hands. And when he has concluded the prayers and thanksgivings, all the people present express their assent by saying Amen. This word Amen answers in the Hebrew language to genoito [so be it]. And when the president has given thanks, and all the people have expressed their assent, those who are called by us deacons give to each of those present to partake of the bread and wine mixed with water over which the thanksgiving was pronounced, and to those who are absent they carry away a portion.


And this food is called among us Eukaristia [the Eucharist], of which no one is allowed to partake but the man who believes that the things which we teach are true, and who has been washed with the washing that is for the remission of sins, and unto regeneration, and who is so living as Christ has enjoined. For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Saviour, having been made flesh by the Word of God, had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and from which our blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh. For the apostles, in the memoirs composed by them, which are called Gospels, have thus delivered unto us what was enjoined upon them; that Jesus took bread, and when He had given thanks, said, "This do ye in remembrance of Me, this is My body;" and that, after the same manner, having taken the cup and given thanks, He said, "This is My blood;" and gave it to them alone. Which the wicked devils have imitated in the mysteries of Mithras, commanding the same thing to be done. For, that bread and a cup of water are placed with certain incantations in the mystic rites of one who is being initiated, you either know or can learn.

And we afterwards continually remind each other of these things. And the wealthy among us help the needy; and we always keep together; and for all things wherewith we are supplied, we bless the Maker of all through His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Ghost. And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits; then, when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things. Then we all rise together and pray, and, as we before said, when our prayer is ended, bread and wine and water are brought, and the president in like manner offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability, and the people assent, saying Amen; and there is a distribution to each, and a participation of that over which thanks have been given, and to those who are absent a portion is sent by the deacons. And they who are well to do, and willing, give what each thinks fit; and what is collected is deposited with the president, who succours the orphans and widows and those who, through sickness or any other cause, are in want, and those who are in bonds and the strangers sojourning among us, and in a word takes care of all who are in need. But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Saviour on the same day rose from the dead. For He was crucified on the day before that of Saturn (Saturday); and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples, He taught them these things, which we have submitted to you also for your consideration.

Click here: Saint Justin Martyr: First Apology (Roberts-Donaldson)


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Feb 23, 2011
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Since you won't listen to my words, I'll give you God's words:
"For while we were in the flesh, the sinful passions, which were aroused by the Law, were at work in the members of our body to bear fruit for death. But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter." Rom. 7:5,6
"nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified." Gal. 2:16
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us..." Gal. 3:13
"Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death." Rom. 8:1,2
"For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law." Rom. 3:28
Keep reading those verses over and over until you get it!

To identify sin.

The texts that you quoted from Paul's writing are simply referring the "the law of sin and death", in other words Paul just saying that when they were born again, and filled with the Holy Spirit, they will not be controlled by their carnal nature, that sins continually. When a person receives Jesus they then be empowered to overcome sin in their life and be obedient to the Law of God, instead continually sinning in their former carnal state. Paul was not saying that the Law of God is irrelevant to born again Christians, in fact born again Christians will be much more sensitive to what the Law of God points out when it comes to one's lifestyle, words, thoughts, and actions, or inaction.
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Jul 18, 2011
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have you read my posts??? How many should I read before evaluating your fruit? :confused:
Transgession is the act of breaking the law. This is the generic statement that I find in almost every denominational church. Some say that sin is the transgression of God's Law. How many ways can you say "Sin"?

sin is the result of that law being broken.... Sin is the result of broken law? Why couldn't sin also be the act of breaking law?
I asked you to define the difference between the two but you have not.

now you havent read my posts.......because friend if you would would see i contend, with verses posted askin for explanation on people who follow the letter.

Why are you so bent on me reading your posts? Is there some subliminal brainwashing code hidden within? I will never compromise truth or flatter fools for favor.

Again i dont follow tablets of stone You follow "Self"

i follow the magnified law
A Law that has no sting or death?

Isa 58:1
58 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

God states in the above passage that there's a difference between transgression and sin, what is it?

I'll help you with a few clues, first off, God's people is Israel in this verse, the house of Jacob is the remnant that He saves out of the house of Israel. What is the difference of the two groups and why is their sin counted or called differently? What do they do to cause God to consider them differently?

And then explain how one of these may become the unpardonable sin, and which one.

This test score will count on your final so do your best and impress your followers. Others may also learn from your mistakes. :doh:
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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Good point but the question is, of which spirit?

Revelation says that the entire world is deceived in the last-day; this said, what time are you living in?......

Ummm, the time of great deceptions? :confused:
occurs 28 times in 28 verses in the NKJV

NKJV) Jeremiah 29:8 For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let your prophets and your diviners who are in your midst deceive you,
nor listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed.

NKJV) 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for [that Day will not come] unless the falling away comes first,
and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

NKJV) Revelation 20:8 and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog,
to gather them together to battle, whose number [is] as the sand of the sea.
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May 9, 2012
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If we really want to get technical about what day is the sabbath, you have to really pry into Hebrew history. The first month Abib means "green," signifying when the barley turns green in the field. This first happens in the spring time, usually around the spring equinox. A month begins when the moon is new. Therefore, the custom in finding out when the first day of the first month of the first year begins is marking when the spring equinox occurs, then finding the night the new moon occurs after the equinox. That day is the first day of the first month of the first year. Then, you need to count six more days, and that is your sabbath. It doesn't matter what name the day has, the seventh day of a month depends on the signs and seasons.

Now, considering that each month has half to a full day difference in days, it is important to realize that each new moon signifies the new month. That night is the first day of that month. Six days after that is the sabbath. That is the true sabbath.

For example, tonight will be a new moon. That means that at sundown tonight, it is the first day of the month of Tamuz in Hebrew. Six nights after tonight begins the sabbath of the month of Tamuz: on the Gregorian calendar this day start at sundown on Monday, June 25, 2012 and will end at sundown on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. This is the Sabbath. The first day of the first month of the first year was on Gregorian March 22, 20112, two days after the new moon. Therefore, the sabbath day of the month of Abib was at sundown on Gregorian Wednesday.

In the time of the Egyptians, people grew crops and determined the time of the year by the sun, stars and moon. The Hebrews were given these celestial objects to do the same thing, in fact, the whole story of Creation was written in the sky by God like a map. The days of the week specifically follow the timetable of the moon, sun and stars. So, it is trivial to say that the fifth day of the week is on a new moon when month means new moon.

You can find this written in the five books of Moses, specifically laid out are the feasts in Leviticus 23. Also, this is why Christians need to be familiar with Hebrew history, because things like "And no man knoweth the day or hour, none except my Father..." and "Behold, I come as a thief in the night" would lose its historical and literary meaning.
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Jun 13, 2006
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As I stated earlier those who proclaim scripture points to a change from sabbath to sunday are reading into the text what isn't there. Show me where Paul said christians were worshipping on sunday and I'll show you how when read in context they say nothing of the sort.
It's a SDA stunt to imply that any day is wrong to worship God.
It's a SDA stunt to claim a transfer of the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

Here are scriptures of the apostles gathering on Sunday ("day of Pentecost).....and daily.

By your standard these daily gatherings was traditions of men and outside authority because Sunday and other days was not commanded to be kept.

Act 2:37Now when they heard [this], they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men [and] brethren, what shall we do? 2:38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Act 2:39For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, [even] as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Act 2:40And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation. 2:41Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added [unto them] about three thousand souls.
Act 2:42And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Act 2:43And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.
Act 2:44And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
Act 2:45And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all [men], as every man had need.
Act 2:46And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
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Jun 13, 2012
Lubbock, TX
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A Law that has no sting or death?

Isa 58:1
58 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

God states in the above passage that there's a difference between transgression and sin, what is it?

I'll help you with a few clues, first off, God's people is Israel in this verse, the house of Jacob is the remnant that He saves out of the house of Israel. What is the difference of the two groups and why is their sin counted or called differently? What do they do to cause God to consider them differently?

And then explain how one of these may become the unpardonable sin, and which one.

This test score will count on your final so do your best and impress your followers. Others may also learn from your mistakes. :doh:

thats right i dont follow tablets of stone

how is that following self?

you think of yourself a little more highly than you ought to my friend......

Your posts seem to be all over the place, and do not even address anything i have posted previously

you just like to pick up where you want to pick up...

i cant make you see the difference, but i have defined the difference.

the test scores will depend on the final?

dude go examine got some type of delusion of grandeur

your irrational
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Jul 18, 2011
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IOW'... sin is forgivable because is is knowledgeable by the sinner and may be repented and is always repented because it is sin. Sin is not a permanent scar or score, therefore it's not bound by the law that governs over temporal flesh.

Transgression is not acknowledged because the stiffneck says that they have no thing to repent of, even when they stand against God. They won't admit guilt, therefore they don't repent, therefore they're not pardoned, it's the Unpardonable Sin by the choice of the stiffneck whom God calls His people, Israel. The House of Jacob are the little flock, the remnant who are refined through the fire (not saved from it) and made righteous for His purpose, pleasure and Glory.

Now, this said, just how stupid am I? You couldn't have defined it like this, you have to turn it into a personal attack, that's okay because I don't go there. It's time to pay attention to the Biblical lesson that I just gave you, stick it in your pipe and smoke it.

It might make you a better beast of the field.
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Jun 13, 2012
Lubbock, TX
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You give a lesson?

And then you tell me to "stick it in my pipe and smoke"

"if i can fathom all of God's mysteries but dont have love i am nothing"

Who called you stupid?

You come at me with your vast "knowledge" but i havent spoken anything against you lol

I dont even know why your even talking to me...............sure you asked me to prove yoru post and i did with my bolded post

but you never addressed that, you went on something else completely different.....

You need to examine yourself my friend........again you think of yourself a little more highly than you ought to.

so while in that single verse that posted, it could mean that.....

as a whole that isnt what "transgression" is....

I dont make it a habit to pick out one small iota of a verse.........and then sit here and say "this is what it means and your fruit is bad because i had to tell you and you didnt see it"

i hope you repent........dont continue in your arrogance .

looks like i just recognized your fruit.......uh oh
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Jun 13, 2012
Lubbock, TX
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transgression, rebellion
transgression (against individuals)
transgression (nation against nation)
transgression (against God) 1a
in general 1a
as recognised by sinner 1a
as God deals with it 1a
as God forgives
guilt of transgression
punishment for transgression
offering for transgression
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Jul 30, 2004
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The texts that you quoted from Paul's writing are simply referring the "the law of sin and death",


I'm not going to go back and forth with someone who is an SDA. I have better things to do. You are in denial of those scriptures, hence you misinterpret them. I'm done here.
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Hebrews 2:14.... Pesky Devil, git!
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The texts that you quoted from Paul's writing are simply referring the "the law of sin and death",

I'm not going to go back and forth with someone who is an SDA. I have better things to do. You are in denial of those scriptures, hence you misinterpret them. I'm done here.
And perhaps why Jesus said this to those who enforced the Mosaic Law upon the Jews :idea:

Lazarus and the Rich Man - Here a little, there a little - Commentary

John 5:45 "No be ye supposing that I shall be accusing ye toward the Father,
is the one accusing of ye, Moses into whom ye have hoped"
[Reve 12:10]

Reve 12:10 And I hear great voice in the Heaven saying "now became the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of the God of us, and the authority of the Christ of Him, that was cast the Accuser of the brothers of us, the one-accusing them in sight of the God of us day and night. "
[John 5:45/Acts 25:11]
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Jun 13, 2006
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The SDA Sabbeth? It is Gods sabbeth and I am not SDA but it is the oine thing they got right.
Are you saying that Sabbath is not a sign of a covenant between God and the Children of Israel?
Tell me one thing about the Sabbath that SDA have right?
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Jul 18, 2011
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In Colossians 2:16-17, the apostle Paul declares, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.” Similarly, Romans 14:5 states, “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” These Scriptures make it clear that, for the Christian, Sabbath-keeping is a matter of spiritual freedom, not a command from God. Sabbath-keeping is an issue on which God’s Word instructs us not to judge each other. Sabbath-keeping is a matter about which each Christian needs to be fully convinced in his/her own mind.

In the early chapters of the book of Acts, the first Christians were predominantly Jews. When Gentiles began to receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, the Jewish Christians had a dilemma. What aspects of the Mosaic Law and Jewish tradition should Gentile Christians be instructed to obey? The apostles met and discussed the issue in the Jerusalem council (Acts 15). The decision was, “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood” (Acts 15:19-20). Sabbath-keeping was not one of the commands the apostles felt was necessary to force on Gentile believers. It is inconceivable that the apostles would neglect to include Sabbath-keeping if it was God’s command for Christians to observe the Sabbath day.

The key to understanding how Jesus is our Sabbath rest is the Hebrew word sabat, which means “to rest or stop or cease from work.” The origin of the Sabbath goes back to Creation. After creating the heavens and the earth in six days, God “rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made” (Genesis 2:2). This doesn’t mean that God was tired and needed a rest. We know that God is omnipotent, literally “all-powerful.” He has all the power in the universe, He never tires, and His most arduous expenditure of energy does not diminish His power one bit. So, what does it mean that God rested on the seventh day? Simply that He stopped what He was doing. He ceased from His labors. This is important in understanding the establishment of the Sabbath day and the role of Christ as our Sabbath rest.

God used the example of His resting on the seventh day of Creation to establish the principle of the Sabbath day rest for His people. In Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15, God gave the Israelites the fourth of His Ten Commandments. They were to “remember” the Sabbath day and “keep it holy.” One day out of every seven, they were to rest from their labors and give the same day of rest to their servants and animals. This was not just a physical rest, but a cessation of laboring. Whatever work they were engaged in was to stop for a full day each week. The Sabbath day was established so the people would rest from their labors, only to begin again after a one-day rest.

And contrary to what scriptures say:

"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." -Mk. 2:27 (KJV)

Sabbartarians make it all about man serving the Sabbath.

God Bless

Till all are one.
"Colossians 2:16-17 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day." ---end quote---

Please reconsider, your explanation is very popular but untrue, to put it politely. Paul is explaining the difference between natural and spiritual, the spiritual man is not rightly judged by natural minds concerning ANY thing. If we throw away the Sabbath, or these festivals that he mentions, then we must also do away with the FOOD and DRINK!

Are you still eating natural food and drink or have you been slain in the Spirit and evolved into the Higher Nature (Spiritual)? Think about this, Jesus didn't hunger (naturally) until the 40 days in the wilderness were finished. He proved to us then that God Alone can sustain His people even through the fiery furnace and plagues and famines while all of the natural minded people will suffer and die from these which are about to come. The natural man relies on natural food, God's people are spiritual and they will have what it requires to be saved from the Nuke that is coming. The year 2015 is an algebraic image for God's Authoritative Order is restored, the wicked perish and the righteous live on in the Promised Land (America, spiritual Canaan).

The Spiritual man judges all things but he is not rightly judged by the world. Paul is defining this. Paul never casts down the Law of God.
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Jun 13, 2012
Lubbock, TX
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I think most of you are forgetting the line that in Col 2 that says

"The reality is found in Christ"

do any of you, friends, know what that means?

If you did this convo wouldnt be taking place right now.....

And please dont do dates on when "God's natural order of things" will return.......

Everyone has been wrong, and you wont be the first to be right.......

The righteous wont live in America..........After the wicked perish and all that (judgement and whatnot) happens then the

New Heaven/Earth will be here................And the righteous will dwell in the Earth not your bible my friend.
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May 16, 2015
"Colossians 2:16-17 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day." ---end quote---

Please reconsider, your explanation is very popular but untrue, to put it politely. Paul is explaining the difference between natural and spiritual, the spiritual man is not rightly judged by natural minds concerning ANY thing. If we throw away the Sabbath, or these festivals that he mentions, then we must also do away with the FOOD and DRINK!

Are you still eating natural food and drink or have you been slain in the Spirit and evolved into the Higher Nature (Spiritual)? Think about this, Jesus didn't hunger (naturally) until the 40 days in the wilderness were finished. He proved to us then that God Alone can sustain His people even through the fiery furnace and plagues and famines while all of the natural minded people will suffer and die from these which are about to come. The natural man relies on natural food, God's people are spiritual and they will have what it requires to be saved from the Nuke that is coming. The year 2015 is an algebraic image for God's Authoritative Order is restored, the wicked perish and the righteous live on in the Promised Land (America, spiritual Canaan).

The Spiritual man judges all things but he is not rightly judged by the world. Paul is defining this. Paul never casts down the Law of God.
Now that is aboslutely the most outrageous explanation fo Col 2:16-17 I have ever encountered, bar none.

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