Using Catastrophe to further the cause???

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Jun 3, 2007
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Check out this link:

http://www.godhates[wash my mouth][wash my mouth][wash my mouth][wash my mouth].com/fliers/aug2007/20070806_sherry-lou-engebretsen-funeral.pdf
Check out also the host site.

http://www.godhates[wash my mouth][wash my mouth][wash my mouth][wash my mouth].com

I do believe God is not happy with the choices His people are making. I do believe God is not happy with the choices Our state has made. I do believe in the Judgment to come the Twin Cities will not fare well along with most of the state and the country.

That being said. This site grieves my soul. Of all the ways to bring home a point...this is not the way.

Would like feedback....and prayer please. :cry:


Jun 3, 2007
Marital Status
Sorry, I tend to react with my heart...have calmed down. My calling is to Minnesota. I was caught off guard by what they were doing. The damage they can cause....hurt me. You just saw the reactive side of Elisha...does not happen often least not like this.

I had thought about this off and on through out the day. Prayed about it to get God's reaction to it.

I remembered that God hates sin, but never the sinner. When Jesus reacted in the temple it was not to the sinners but to His people, those who were calling themselves holy, religious. I remembered how he reacted with Mary Magdalene (sp.?); The woman accused of adultery.

The Twin Cities will not fare well in what is to come...I do believe the Lord can use what happened as a wake up call to those who will listen...but how many will harden their hearts to Him because of this group of people...that is what caused me to react.

They will have a lot to answer for on Judgment Day. May God have mercy on their souls.

Thanks for letting me spaz out, I apologize.

Thanks for your reply thereselittleflower...sometimes it takes me a bit to see as you did. Thank you. tthereslittleflowerhereselittleflower
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