Transgender efforts reach the US State Department

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I have become comfortably numb.
Aug 19, 2018
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I understand some professing Christians don't believe those things, but it's especially dangerous when you don't believe Adam & Eve were real people. Reason for this is that the Hebrews kept meticulous records, especially of genealogies, and in Luke 3:23-38 it's a strait lineage right back to Adam:
vs 23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,....
vs 38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

Also Jesus, who we know to be an historical person (whether or not you believe He is God in the flesh, which He is), referred back to Genesis 2:23-24

Matthew 19: 4-5 "And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?"

He quotes Genesis, and specifically what Adam said in Genesis 2,
"And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Jesus also makes mention of Noah and the flood, and Jonah and the whale, 2 of the "difficult to believe" passages.

As for the earth, it's possible it's 6,238.72 years old.
Here's a tip. You're wasting your time preaching to me and quoting chunks of the bible in any given post. You're not wasting mine because I don't read them.

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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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A rational agnostic: "I don't believe in life outside our solar system but I'm open to the that possibility."


An irrational agnostic: "I don't believe in life outside our solar system and I'm not open to the that possibility." (AKA: An atheist.)

Uh huh...since we have only 1 universe to observe so far and no real understanding of it's beginning processes (apart from the big bang) positing what a "rational" and "irrational" explanation for it isn't an exercise that I'm interested in.

It's quite enough to say "I don't know".
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Jun 17, 2008
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Other Religion
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Impeding peoples lives.
Oh No! The horror...the horror....

Sorry, but people's lives are impeded all the any number of people or groups. It doesn't often elicit 3,000 responses. Plus which, I've yet to hear any specific impediment attributed to trans people that's anything close to a significant impediment. "Please use my preferred pronoun" is the worst thing you seem able to come up with.

That doesn't makes sense for a few reasons. Firstly because this is a recent thing and these groups have been around for decades. Secondly, why would gay and lesbians disassociate from transgender people just because they have different issues? It would make more sense for them all to come together.
Again, I don't know. Care to report what the gay and lesbian groups actually said? Maybe they provided a reason, so we don't have to guess what it might be.

I get my info from different sources included from gay and lesbian youtubers. Look up Arielle Scarcella. She is a lesbian woman who's been called a transphobe and a terf. In her comments section you'll find lesbian women telling stories about being told they are transphobic for not wanting to be with "a woman with a penis". And vice versa with gay men. someone's upset they're being called a name. Is this the sole reason for disassociating with all trans people? Should this concern me for some reason?

I've actually been called names by certain religious people before....does that mean I can deny them access to the bathroom?

Yeah I did, and you told me you had no problem using their pronouns. So I'm guessing you would have no problem using this trans woman of color Ryan Webb's pronouns.
Again...why would I? Or, more to the point, why should I have a problem with it?

So men who are supposed to obey the law are capable of doing this and yet some think it's somehow a good idea to put men who don't obey the law inside the actual cells with the women. :doh:
I'm just saying...people get pregnant in prison without any trans persons involved whatsoever; so it doesn't seem like trans people are causing the problem all by themselves. Maybe blaming them for the entirety of the problem isn't the best way to find a solution.

It's not,
That's all you needed to say.

but this thread is about transgender people so they are the focus.
So you try to blame trans people for a problem they didn't create, just because it's the topic of the thread?

Kinda weak, I gotta say.

No we haven't, we're doing the exact opposite. You've given examples of what happens what men who are supposed to follow the law breaking the law, now we're putting men who don't follow the law inside the cells with woman. This is supposed to be progress? We've gone backwards not forwards.
So what's your solution? Blame trans people?

Who said anything about them being arrested? Women just don't want men who obviously look like men in their bathrooms because it makes them uncomfortable. They have the option of using the men's room. You okay with that option?
I don't have a problem with anyone using any bathroom they like (provided, of course, they do nothing wrong). I'm not the bathroom monitor.

Look, if a store wants to install a security guard to check everyone's birth certificate at the door before anyone gets to go to the bathroom, that's their business. I can't imagine that backfiring in any way...can you?

They are doing something wrong. They are making women feel uncomfortable.
That's a crime now?

Who said all men are perverts?
Why else would you think they'd make women uncomfortable simply by existing?

That's a bit extreme.
KInda my point.

Then what are you saying? Why are you so firmly against women being uncomfortable about someone doing nothing wrong, but don't care at all about trans women being uncomfortable by having to go to a men's room when they identify as women?

This has nothing to do with the career, I'm just using them as a setting. But I'm pretty sure you already knew that and are just trying to dodge answering the simple question.
I'm not dodging the question, I'm pointing out the absurdity of it.

People can swim. People can pursue an acting career. You seem to think there's a problem for these particular two people doing those things...and I have no idea why. If you want to point out the specific problems, feel free. But don't expect me to know what you're thinking if you don't voice it.

I'm just looking for your opinion not asking for your permission. Would you have an issue with Stefonknee Wolscht playing with little children in a swimming pool or Rachel Dolezal starring as a black historical figure in a movie?
Why should I? I have no objection to anyone swimming or pursuing acting.

Why would you care about those laws being passed?
Because I do.

So you admit to being inconsistent in your arguments.
Well, I've yet to meet anyone who is not without an inconsistency or two. But, to be honest, I don't see the inconsistency in this case. I still have no idea who Rachel Dolezal is, so I have no idea why her pursuing an acting career is a problem. Is she that bad of an actress? That hasn't stopped other people.

Nah, I've heard him speak. He's old. Definitely too old for the job he's in.
But if he were three and a half years younger, that'd be a-okay? Or does he need to have 91 criminal charges levied against him as well?

It's definitely lying, and could harm rather them help them.
Yeah, probably. Still not a crime. I think, if you check, you'll find politics is rife with people spreading false information about a whole lot of other people. Though, to be fair, that doesn't only happen in politics.

Just using them as an example to show how your response would sound even more ridiculous in an more extreme circumstance.
By completely changing the parameters, sure, anything can sound more extreme and more ridiculous.

Not asking you to get involved. Can you a least condemn it? Can you manage that?
Why? You start down that road, it never ends. You condemn one group for spreading false information, then you're criticized for not criticizing another group for doing the same thing...and another, and thing you know, there isn't even enough time to eat a roast beef sandwich.

That example would at worst be a minor inconvenience.
More inconvenient than using someone's preferred pronoun?

To compare that to losing your job or being called transphobic/terf and being socially ostracized is ridiculous.
If you lose your job because you refuse to do the thing you're being paid to do, that's on you. As to being upset that other people have freedom of speech and are using it to complain about you using your freedom of speech, well....blame the First Amendment.

My hypothetical does.
Good for your hypothetical. My point remains: if I refuse to do what I'm being paid to do, then my employer is within his rights to stop paying me.

Let me throw a hypothetical back at ya: say you own a company, and you hire someone to answer customer service calls. Everything starts off fine, but soon he starts being rude and abusive to callers. You talk to him and say the company policy is to be polite and courteous to callers when talking to them. But, rather than follow your policy, he continues to be rude and abusive. When you call him into your office for this behavior, he says he's only following his religious principles.

Do you continue to pay him for answering customer calls rudely and abusively?

Never heard of freedom of religion?
Yup. It's not an absolute. This why religious principles like human sacrifice and polygamy are illegal.

Can't find anything in the bible that would prevent someone from being courteous to children.
So you're now saying he has no religious basis to say he can't be courteous to children and use their preferred pronouns.

I did find a warning about delusions.
I'm not going to get into a discussion about whether or not he's deluded.

Neither will it change their sex.
Maybe not. But if what they can change is good enough for them, why should I have a problem with it?

She's trans.
So? Why should I have a problem with that?

I'm not the one who randomly brought up Caitlyn Jenner and claimed they might disagree with me that sex can't change. I'm just stating the facts.
And she very well might disagree with you. She's able to change enough of her body to live her life as she wishes to. Why is that a problem for you?

Daughter of Joel Grey, starred as Baby in Dirty Dancing and the sister in Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Got a nose job, and has barely worked since.

Do you have a problem with people getting cosmetic surgery?

You must have a short memory. You're the one who asked "What purpose would that serve?" When I suggested the option of putting their gender alongside their sex on their birth certificate when the child gets older.
And I still have no idea what purpose it would serve. But I never said I had an issue with someone adding it.

Because people like you have a detrimental affect on society.
Oh dear.

That's why. Because I know you're not the only one who thinks like this. A person who is willing to make many afraid, uncomfortable and/or angry just to appease a small group of people while refusing to acknowledge the bad in the group or the inconsistencies in their ideology.
Wow. You have completely and totally missed the point of everything I've ever said in this thread. Makes me wonder why I bother responding at all, if you're not even going to try and see my point of view.

Gonna have to think on that one.

Again, short memory. You didn't. All you said was "That's what HR is for. You'd have to check with HR. I don't work there."
Guess what a possible HR solution would be for this situation.
And I offered a guess. Remember?

Bad memory?
Nope. I can also read past posts.

You know, this may be getting counterproductive. You seem to be getting more and more belligerent, and it might be time to bring this to a close.

If you want to continue a respectful, thoughtful discussion, I'm more than willing. But if all you're going to do is hurl accusations, and go out of your way to miss any points I try to make, I may have to find other things to do.

Like my continued search for a good roast beef sandwich.

-- A2SG, and why do people keep suggesting Kelly's on Revere Beach? They're highly overrated....
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Does that not demonstrate the difference between knowing and believing?

Well if the difference wasn't clear I think my questions probably illuminated it.

Belief in the existence of things not seen requires faith in one's reason,

Not exactly.

specifically metaphysical reasoning.

I don't know what epistemic context that would happen in.

Rationally, I suppose you have judged the probability of life outside our solar system as likely. Rationally, the Deists judged the probability that their God exists as likely.

I based my probability on stuff like this...

Since the conditions for such life aren't unique...and the universe is very very large....

Ergo it's likely.

The first question and its answer demonstrate the difference between epistemology and ontology.

Uh huh.

Epistemologically, I may think that it will rain today. Ontologically it will either rain or not independently of what I may think.

Right...the second was true regardless of whether or not you believed the first.

The weird thing would be to say that you don't believe rain exists nor believe it doesn't exist....not the possibility of rain....but it's actual existence...which either is or isn't.

The weather agnostic.

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Well-Known Member
CF Ambassadors
May 22, 2015
Here's a tip. You're wasting your time preaching to me and quoting chunks of the bible in any given post. You're not wasting mine because I don't read them.

I guess we should say the same thing to you then when talking about transgenderism. You are fond of preaching to us and or using sources you think are good sources for a belief system. Yet you won't give someone else the same consideration. I guess we can just say to you and hat you are wasting your time on these boards because we won't read anything you have to post either.
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Part-Time Breatharian
Sep 13, 2011
Moe's Tavern
Oh No! The horror...the horror....

Sorry, but people's lives are impeded all the any number of people or groups. It doesn't often elicit 3,000 responses.

So your point is because people's lives are impeded all the time it's fine if they're impeded even more? Is that your point?

Plus which, I've yet to hear any specific impediment attributed to trans people that's anything close to a significant impediment. "Please use my preferred pronoun" is the worst thing you seem able to come up with.

Completely ignoring the story of the trans woman getting the two women pregnant and the story about the spreading false information about trans killings.

Again, I don't know. Care to report what the gay and lesbian groups actually said? Maybe they provided a reason, so we don't have to guess what it might be.

Look up the video "Here's Why The LGB Is Different From The TQ+" by Amir Odom on YouTube. He's a gay man and he explains the difference and the problems with the trans community better than I can. someone's upset they're being called a name. Is this the sole reason for disassociating with all trans people? Should this concern me for some reason?

No, not the sole reason but one of several.

I've actually been called names by certain religious people before....does that mean I can deny them access to the bathroom?

Not everyone can handle bullying and harassment. Not everyone is like you. This should be apparent to you seeing that you are defending trans people.

What does access the bathroom have to do with gays and lesbians distancing themselves from the trans movement?

Again...why would I? Or, more to the point, why should I have a problem with it?

Okay, you have no problem with calling Ryan Webb a transwoman of color. Got it.

I'm just saying...people get pregnant in prison without any trans persons involved whatsoever; so it doesn't seem like trans people are causing the problem all by themselves.

I know, you just showed me proof.

Maybe blaming them for the entirety of the problem isn't the best way to find a solution.

When did I blame trans people for the entirety of the problem?

That's all you needed to say.

So you try to blame trans people for a problem they didn't create, just because it's the topic of the thread?

Kinda weak, I gotta say.

When did I blame trans people for creating this problem? They didn't create it but there are some trans people and their allies that are contributing to making it worse by wanting to put trans women in women's prisons.

So what's your solution? Blame trans people?

It's obvious. Don't put trans women in women's prisons.

I don't have a problem with anyone using any bathroom they like (provided, of course, they do nothing wrong). I'm not the bathroom monitor.

But others do have a problem with it. That's the point.

Look, if a store wants to install a security guard to check everyone's birth certificate at the door before anyone gets to go to the bathroom, that's their business. I can't imagine that backfiring in any way...can you?

Not birth certificate but driver's license. Make it a policy.

That's a crime now?

You realize not all wrongdoings are a crimes, right?

Why else would you think they'd make women uncomfortable simply by existing?

I'm not a woman so you should ask them.

KInda my point.

Then what are you saying? Why are you so firmly against women being uncomfortable about someone doing nothing wrong,

I told you they are doing something wrong, they are making women feel uncomfortable. Also scared for their safety.

but don't care at all about trans women being uncomfortable by having to go to a men's room when they identify as women?

Oh, so trans women's comfort is more important than biological women's comfort to you? Why?

I'm not dodging the question, I'm pointing out the absurdity of it.

You are by making it about the situation, my question is about the people themselves. So you are dodging the question.

People can swim. People can pursue an acting career.

This isn't about swimming and acting careers, it's about the persons themselves.

You seem to think there's a problem for these particular two people doing those things...and I have no idea why. If you want to point out the specific problems, feel free. But don't expect me to know what you're thinking if you don't voice it.

Were did you get the idea with me having a problem with them doing these thing?

Why should I? I have no objection to anyone swimming or pursuing acting.

If Caitlyn Jenner was your friend and she wanted to join a women only group and she was rejected because there was a law passed that trans woman can't join, would you voice your objection?

Because I do.

But why though? Everyone has a motive for what they do.

Well, I've yet to meet anyone who is not without an inconsistency or two.

Yes but they are usually unintentional and people will admit to them and try to change them when they're shown to them. Some people try to hide them and pretend they're not there.

But, to be honest, I don't see the inconsistency in this case.

Just proved my point.

I still have no idea who Rachel Dolezal is,

You don't need to. This thread is about trans people. Rachel Dolezal is trans. That's all you need to know. You've been defending millions you've never met in this thread. So you apparently have a double standard for Rachel Dolezal for some reason.

so I have no idea why her pursuing an acting career is a problem. Is she that bad of an actress? That hasn't stopped other people.

So I'm guessing you'd be okay with her playing Harriet Tubman then?

But if he were three and a half years younger, that'd be a-okay? Or does he need to have 91 criminal charges levied against him as well?

He was too old back then as well. Not to mention his and his wife's racist comments which make him even more unfit to be president.

Yeah, probably. Still not a crime.

No one said it's a crime.

I think, if you check, you'll find politics is rife with people spreading false information about a whole lot of other people. Though, to be fair, that doesn't only happen in politics.

Everyone knows politicians lie. This isn't a new revelation. Just because they lie doesn't mean people are okay with it.

By completely changing the parameters, sure, anything can sound more extreme and more ridiculous.

Your statement was extreme and ridiculous to begin with.

Why? You start down that road, it never ends. You condemn one group for spreading false information, then you're criticized for not criticizing another group for doing the same thing...and another, and thing you know, there isn't even enough time to eat a roast beef sandwich.

Or you can simplify it and say "I condemn these people and everyone else who spreads false information." Easy.

By the way, would you accept this exact excuse you just used for not condemning these people if Donald Trump used it on let's say white supremacists?

More inconvenient than using someone's preferred pronoun?

You wouldn't be in danger of losing your job and source of income if you didn't give that person direction. So not comparable at all.

If you lose your job because you refuse to do the thing you're being paid to do, that's on you.

The teacher was paid to teach, not to use pronouns.

As to being upset that other people have freedom of speech and are using it to complain about you using your freedom of speech, well....blame the First Amendment.

Not complaining about that.

Good for your hypothetical. My point remains: if I refuse to do what I'm being paid to do, then my employer is within his rights to stop paying me.

You weren't being paid to use someone's pronouns, that was just a policy.

Let me throw a hypothetical back at ya: say you own a company, and you hire someone to answer customer service calls. Everything starts off fine, but soon he starts being rude and abusive to callers. You talk to him and say the company policy is to be polite and courteous to callers when talking to them. But, rather than follow your policy, he continues to be rude and abusive. When you call him into your office for this behavior, he says he's only following his religious principles.

What would constitute rude and abusive behavior in this hypothetical?

Do you continue to pay him for answering customer calls rudely and abusively?

Depends if he actually did something wrong. The callers may have been abusive to him first.

Yup. It's not an absolute.

Neither are policies regarding pronouns.

This why religious principles like human sacrifice

Which religion practices human sacrifice?

and polygamy are illegal.

Only legally.

So you're now saying he has no religious basis to say he can't be courteous to children and use their preferred pronouns.

That would be accepting his delusion, and that wouldn't be courteous at all.

I'm not going to get into a discussion about whether or not he's deluded.

But that should be discussed.

Maybe not. But if what they can change is good enough for them, why should I have a problem with it?

So? Why should I have a problem with that?

If their trans identity is good enough for them then it must be good enough for you.

And she very well might disagree with you.

Or they very well might not.

She's able to change enough of her body to live her life as she wishes to. Why is that a problem for you?

No problem. They can mutilate their body however they wish. I'm just saying, if they think that mutilating their body makes them a biological female (I doubt it) then they'd be wrong.

Daughter of Joel Grey, starred as Baby in Dirty Dancing and the sister in Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Got a nose job, and has barely worked since.

Do you have a problem with people getting cosmetic surgery?

Why, did they claim to be a different sex after their surgery?

And I still have no idea what purpose it would serve. But I never said I had an issue with someone adding it.

And I replied "To have there gender officially recognized on their birth certificate."

Oh dear.

Wow. You have completely and totally missed the point of everything I've ever said in this thread. Makes me wonder why I bother responding at all, if you're not even going to try and see my point of view.

Gonna have to think on that one.

What is your point of view? So far most of your responses have been some variation of "Why should I care?" and "Don't ask me I'm not a ________". Plus too many logical fallacies to count.

And I offered a guess. Remember?

I read past posts. All you did was revert the problem to HR. Never gave a solution of your own.

But in case I missed a post remind what that guess was.

Nope. I can also read past posts.

You know, this may be getting counterproductive. You seem to be getting more and more belligerent, and it might be time to bring this to a close.

If you want to continue a respectful, thoughtful discussion, I'm more than willing. But if all you're going to do is hurl accusations, and go out of your way to miss any points I try to make, I may have to find other things to do.

Like my continued search for a good roast beef sandwich.

-- A2SG, and why do people keep suggesting Kelly's on Revere Beach? They're highly overrated....

Belligerent? I thought I was just countering snarky remarks with snarky remarks. And you do seem to a a memory problem, because you've claim that I've said things I've never said.
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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
United States
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In Relationship
I guess we should say the same thing to you then when talking about transgenderism. You are fond of preaching to us and or using sources you think are good sources for a belief system. Yet you won't give someone else the same consideration. I guess we can just say to you and hat you are wasting your time on these boards because we won't read anything you have to post either.
How many pro-transgender threads has our mutual friend started?
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Jun 17, 2008
United States
Other Religion
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So your point is because people's lives are impeded all the time it's fine if they're impeded even more? Is that your point?
No, I'm saying that people can, and often do, impede other people's lives all the time...and there is nothing illegal about it.

Completely ignoring the story of the trans woman getting the two women pregnant and the story about the spreading false information about trans killings.
Nope, they're just different situations entirely, and neither case is specific to trans individuals. In the first case, getting someone pregnant may not be a crime, though rape is. Trans or not. In the second case, spreading false information about anything isn't illegal either. Trans or not.

Why are you bringing these cases up in this particular thread, when they have nothing to do with trans people specifically?

Look up the video "Here's Why The LGB Is Different From The TQ+" by Amir Odom on YouTube. He's a gay man and he explains the difference and the problems with the trans community better than I can.
I will when I have time...but, I'm curious, what's your point? I know gay people and trans people have different issues....does that fact invalidate either one, somehow?

No, not the sole reason but one of several.
And...? What's your point in bringing this up, exactly? How do these differences concern anyone who isn't gay or trans? Is there some legal issue that needs to be addressed?

Not everyone can handle bullying and harassment. Not everyone is like you. This should be apparent to you seeing that you are defending trans people.
There are laws and legal steps anyone can take to deal with bullying and harassment. These steps are not exclusive to trans people, by the way, anyone can avail themselves of them. Granted, just being called a name on the internet may not be a crime, or constitute slander or libel, but there are other things that can be done.

And, again, this isn't exclusive to trans people. You're going all over the place, and getting way off the subject of trans people and the apparent threat you see them as.

What does access the bathroom have to do with gays and lesbians distancing themselves from the trans movement?
That seems to be the biggest issue some have with trans people. Well that, and the apparently onerous task of using their preferred pronouns.

Okay, you have no problem with calling Ryan Webb a transwoman of color. Got it.
Dude, I don't know this person, or a single thing about her that you haven't shared with me here. If you're trying for some kind of gotcha, it's going to be lost on me.

I know, you just showed me proof.
So why bring up the issue in a thread about a State Dept. memo suggesting State Dept. employees use non-gender specific language when possible?

When did I blame trans people for the entirety of the problem?
If they didn't cause the problem, nor are specifically responsible for the problem (beyond simply being one of many parts of it), why are you bringing it up?

When did I blame trans people for creating this problem? They didn't create it but there are some trans people and their allies that are contributing to making it worse by wanting to put trans women in women's prisons.
How does it make the situation worse, exactly? Have prison pregnancies risen significantly, all specifically due to trans people getting other inmates pregnant? Is this more than an isolated incident?

Or are you just afraid of what might happen, rather than what actually has happened?

It's obvious. Don't put trans women in women's prisons.
Okay. So write your representative in congress, then. Or work with your state legislature to help create legislation. There are a lot of things you can do to actually affect this situation in some way.

Nattering on with me on the internet isn't going to accomplish any of that. I can't do a thing about the issue.

But others do have a problem with it. That's the point.
So they have a problem with it. Let them find a way to deal with it.

Again, I'm not the bathroom monitor here, so I can't help them. Maybe they should write their representatives in congress, and pass a bill requiring stores and restaurants to have security guards outside bathrooms to check birth certificates before anyone is allowed to go to the bathroom.

I'm sure that will be a very popular law.

Not birth certificate but driver's license. Make it a policy.
I'm not your representative in congress, nor a member of your state's legislature. I can't fix this problem for you.

You realize not all wrongdoings are a crimes, right?
True enough. So why should trans people care if you're uncomfortable? Do you care if they are? What are you doing to ensure trans people aren't uncomfortable in some way?

If you're not doing anything to ensure their comfort, why should they have to ensure yours?

Two way street, dude.

I'm not a woman so you should ask them.
I've never, ever, heard any actual woman complain about trans women in the ladies room. And I do know of cases where exactly that has no difficulty or impediment whatsoever.

It seems to be one of those problems that only happen to religious people who like to complain about it on the internet.

I told you they are doing something wrong, they are making women feel uncomfortable. Also scared for their safety.
And yet, they're doing nothing wrong.

Let me ask you a question: say you're walking down the street. Someone else, also walking down the street, makes you feel uncomfortable for some reason, or scared for your safety for some reason...but that person has done nothing wrong whatsoever. Not a single thing.

What should happen next?

Oh, so trans women's comfort is more important than biological women's comfort to you? Why?
I never placed any degree of importance on one over the other. You have, though.

I'm just pointing out that fact.

You are by making it about the situation, my question is about the people themselves. So you are dodging the question.
If I don't know the people themselves, I can't speak about them. I have no choice but to address the situation.

This isn't about swimming and acting careers, it's about the persons themselves.
And I don't know them. So if you have a problem with either of them, I don't know about it.

Were did you get the idea with me having a problem with them doing these thing?
Why else would you keep bringing them up, and continually asking me if they should be allowed to do some perfectly legal things? I can't think of a single reason to disallow either one of them from swimming or acting.

If Caitlyn Jenner was your friend and she wanted to join a women only group and she was rejected because there was a law passed that trans woman can't join, would you voice your objection?
To the law, I might. Depends on the law, of course.

But why though? Everyone has a motive for what they do.
Because I have opinions, and I sometimes voice them. And I also occasionally do something about it if the situation warrants it.

Yes but they are usually unintentional and people will admit to them and try to change them when they're shown to them. Some people try to hide them and pretend they're not there.
Yup. And some people assume there are inconsistencies with other people that aren't there. These things happen.

Just proved my point.
And you mine.

Nice how that works out.

You don't need to. This thread is about trans people. Rachel Dolezal is trans. That's all you need to know.
Well, I'd need a little more information if you want me to render an opinion about her acting ability.

You've been defending millions you've never met in this thread. So you apparently have a double standard for Rachel Dolezal for some reason.
No, I'd need to know the same for anyone about whose acting ability you're asking me to render an opinion on.

So I'm guessing you'd be okay with her playing Harriet Tubman then?
Is there some reason I shouldn't be okay with it? Keeping in mind, of course, that I'm not casting anyone for that role at this time.

He was too old back then as well.
So age isn't a factor, then.

Not to mention his and his wife's racist comments which make him even more unfit to be president.
Ah. So you're just fishing for reasons to object, then.

Okay, fine. Carry on.

No one said it's a crime.
So why is it a problem, exactly?

Everyone knows politicians lie. This isn't a new revelation. Just because they lie doesn't mean people are okay with it.
So vote for someone who doesn't lie. Seems an odd thing to suggest to someone who purports to support Donald Trump, but there you have it.

Your statement was extreme and ridiculous to begin with.
I have no doubt you interpreted it that way.

Or you can simplify it and say "I condemn these people and everyone else who spreads false information." Easy.
Sure, and you could condemn anyone who commits fraud.

But, on the other hand, I may not agree with what someone says, but I can still defend their right to say it. There is the First Amendment, after all.

By the way, would you accept this exact excuse you just used for not condemning these people if Donald Trump used it on let's say white supremacists?
Sure. Trump's entitled to any odious opinion he likes. He's not shy about spouting them, either.

Just because I disagree with someone, that doesn't mean I'd condemn them.

You wouldn't be in danger of losing your job and source of income if you didn't give that person direction. So not comparable at all.
Well, I might be if my employer were paying me to give people directions, and I refused to do that.

The teacher was paid to teach, not to use pronouns.
Part of the job is following school policy in how he treats students. If he taught them, but also hit them, I bet he'd have a problem, too.

Not complaining about that.
Yeah, you were. You complained about people "being called transphobic/terf and being socially ostracized", calling that "ridiculous."

You weren't being paid to use someone's pronouns, that was just a policy.
A policy that is part of the job the teacher was being paid to do.

What would constitute rude and abusive behavior in this hypothetical?
Use your imagination. Whatever you'd consider rude and abusive behavior if it were being done to you.

Depends if he actually did something wrong. The callers may have been abusive to him first.
Have you ever worked in customer service?

Neither are policies regarding pronouns.
Okay. So if that teacher has a valid defense, I'm sure the court will consider it when they rule on his case.

Which religion practices human sacrifice?
Many have. The Aztecs and Inca, for example. Also, ancient Egyptians used to bury slaves with their masters, even when the slaves were still living. Even Christianity, to this day, practices ritual human sacrifice (if not actual human sacrifice). Still, there are examples of Yahweh commanding it in the old testament, Abraham being commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac, for example.

Only legally.
Bigamy is illegal. Polygamy is just bigamy plus a few.

That would be accepting his delusion, and that wouldn't be courteous at all.
Sez you. Others may see it differently. When a friend's mother had alzheimers, he used to humor her all the time. When she asked where her husband was, who had died several years earlier, he'd just say he was out, and would be back soon. Sometimes, he told me, it's easier to do that than argue with her, or have her learn of his death several times a day, as if for the first time.

Of course, there's also the view that gender identity isn't a delusion at all, but surely you know that.

But that should be discussed.
I'd have to know him better to judge whether or not he's deluded about anything.

If their trans identity is good enough for them then it must be good enough for you.
Why wouldn't it be?

Or they very well might not.
I guess you'd have to ask her, if you really needed to know.

I only guessed about her reaction, anyway, and admitted as such at the time.

No problem. They can mutilate their body however they wish. I'm just saying, if they think that mutilating their body makes them a biological female (I doubt it) then they'd be wrong.
Again, I'm not a medical professional, so I can't discuss the intricacies of medical treatment.

Why, did they claim to be a different sex after their surgery?
Jennifer Grey didn't, no. Why, would that be a problem?

And I replied "To have there gender officially recognized on their birth certificate."
Okay. I still don't see a purpose to that, but who cares. It's not my birth certificate.

What is your point of view? So far most of your responses have been some variation of "Why should I care?" and "Don't ask me I'm not a ________".
My point of view is people should be free to live their lives as they see fit, and make whatever compromises to that they feel they are willing to make.

Plus too many logical fallacies to count.
What logical fallacies are those, exactly? I believe I addressed the ones you did mention.

I read past posts. All you did was revert the problem to HR. Never gave a solution of your own.
I offered one, but I'm sure there are more options available. A qualified HR rep would know those better than I would.

But in case I missed a post remind what that guess was.
You didn't miss it. You responded to it.

Belligerent? I thought I was just countering snarky remarks with snarky remarks.
Okay, maybe I misjudged you. I'll keep that in mind.

And you do seem to a a memory problem, because you've claim that I've said things I've never said.
No memory problems here. I read your posts and check back to previous ones to make sure I have the context correct.

If I've misinterpreted your motives or your intentions, then I apologize.

-- A2SG, maybe I was just hungry, still haven't found a roast beef sandwich as good as Buzzy's used to be....
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2021
United States
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The weird thing would be to say that you don't believe rain exists nor believe it doesn't exist....not the possibility of rain....but it's actual existence...which either is or isn't.

The weather agnostic.
Those are two very different questions.: exist versus act. A thing may still exist but not be present at any given time or place.

For instance, I do believe you exist (believer) but I don't know (agnostic) if you will post to this thread today.
Last edited:
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2021
United States
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I based my probability on stuff like this...

Since the conditions for such life aren't unique...and the universe is very very large....

Ergo it's likely.
The operative word in the article is "could". Unseen, but likely exists? Sounds like faith.
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Part-Time Breatharian
Sep 13, 2011
Moe's Tavern
No, I'm saying that people can, and often do, impede other people's lives all the time...

You stated this fact several times now. What point were you trying to make by bringing it up?

and there is nothing illegal about it.

Who said it was illegal? Not me.

Nope, they're just different situations entirely, and neither case is specific to trans individuals.

Nope, caught you moving the goal posts again. You said:
"Plus which, I've yet to hear any specific impediment attributed to trans people that's anything close to a significant impediment."

You said trans people not trans individuals.

In the first case, getting someone pregnant may not be a crime, though rape is. Trans or not.

Sure but putting trans women in prisons along side biological women is a specific trans issue. No one is talking about putting non trans men in women's prison.

In the second case, spreading false information about anything isn't illegal either. Trans or not.

But it is also specific to a trans issue, which is the killing of trans people.

Why are you bringing these cases up in this particular thread, when they have nothing to do with trans people specifically?

Because they involve trans people.

I will when I have time...but, I'm curious, what's your point?

You must have a bad memory. You said "Care to report what the gay and lesbian groups actually said?" I'm providing the info on what you asked for. That was my point.

I know gay people and trans people have different issues....does that fact invalidate either one, somehow?

Invalidate them in what way?

And...? What's your point in bringing this up, exactly?

You brought it up. You said: "Is this the sole reason for disassociating with all trans people?" I just answered your question.

This habit of asking a question and then when I reply, asking why I brought it up, is getting old... Like your memory.

How do these differences concern anyone who isn't gay or trans?

They affect non-trans people too.

Is there some legal issue that needs to be addressed?

Maybe, in some situations.

And, again, this isn't exclusive to trans people. You're going all over the place, and getting way off the subject of trans people and the apparent threat you see them as.

No issue is exclusive to trans people.

That seems to be the biggest issue some have with trans people. Well that, and the apparently onerous task of using their preferred pronouns.

It's not, but it's just one of them.

Dude, I don't know this person, or a single thing about her that you haven't shared with me here. If you're trying for some kind of gotcha, it's going to be lost on me.

It's not. She's a nice person. Very sweet and soft spoken. Likes long walks on the beach.

So why bring up the issue in a thread about a State Dept. memo suggesting State Dept. employees use non-gender specific language when possible?

You must have the same mental decline as Joe Biden because you're confusing me with the author of this thread. I never brought that up even once.

If they didn't cause the problem, nor are specifically responsible for the problem (beyond simply being one of many parts of it), why are you bringing it up?

Because the topic of this thread is specifically about trans people and their allies. That's how threads work.

How does it make the situation worse, exactly?

By contributing to the problem. Pretty obvious.

Have prison pregnancies risen significantly, all specifically due to trans people getting other inmates pregnant? Is this more than an isolated incident?

Why does it need to be significant? One woman getting pregnant in jail is one too many.

Are the examples you gave me isolated incidents?

Or are you just afraid of what might happen, rather than what actually has happened?

What might actually happen actually has happened. Why do you think men and women are kept in different prisons?

Okay. So write your representative in congress, then. Or work with your state legislature to help create legislation. There are a lot of things you can do to actually affect this situation in some way.

People with more pull than me are already doing that.

Nattering on with me on the internet isn't going to accomplish any of that. I can't do a thing about the issue.

What makes you think I thought you could do something about the issue?

So they have a problem with it. Let them find a way to deal with it.

Again, I'm not the bathroom monitor here, so I can't help them. Maybe they should write their representatives in congress, and pass a bill requiring stores and restaurants to have security guards outside bathrooms to check birth certificates before anyone is allowed to go to the bathroom.

I'm sure that will be a very popular law.

You are very apathetic towards women's issues.

I'm not your representative in congress, nor a member of your state's legislature. I can't fix this problem for you.

I've noticed you constantly insert yourself into the topic. Hmmm. Narcissistic tendencies maybe?

True enough. So why should trans people care if you're uncomfortable? Do you care if they are? What are you doing to ensure trans people aren't uncomfortable in some way?

If you're not doing anything to ensure their comfort, why should they have to ensure yours?

Two way street, dude.

Do you care about their comfort?

I've never, ever, heard any actual woman complain about trans women in the ladies room. And I do know of cases where exactly that has no difficulty or impediment whatsoever.

It seems to be one of those problems that only happen to religious people who like to complain about it on the internet.

You haven't seen the latest news of the woman complaining about the transwoman in the ladies room in the News & Current Events section?

And yet, they're doing nothing wrong.

Me: "Not all wrongdoings are a crimes."
You: "True enough."

Are you walking that statement back?

Let me ask you a question: say you're walking down the street. Someone else, also walking down the street, makes you feel uncomfortable for some reason, or scared for your safety for some reason...but that person has done nothing wrong whatsoever. Not a single thing.

What should happen next?

I would cross the street to avoid them or take a different path.

I never placed any degree of importance on one over the other.

It's clear you do just by your comments.

In reference to women not wanting trans women in bathrooms: "So they have a problem with it. Let them find a way to deal with it."

In reference to someone passing a law that preventing all trans people from swimming, or acting: "But, if someone wants to pass a law preventing all trans people from swimming, or acting, then I very well might voice an objection."

In reference to Caitlyn Jenner: "To the law, I might. Depends on the law, of course."

With women you have no interest in helping, with trans women you say you will voice your objection.

You have, though.

Yes, the feeling of the most vulnerable should come first.

I'm just pointing out that fact.

I am too.

If I don't know the people themselves, I can't speak about them. I have no choice but to address the situation.

And I don't know them. So if you have a problem with either of them, I don't know about it.

Why else would you keep bringing them up, and continually asking me if they should be allowed to do some perfectly legal things? I can't think of a single reason to disallow either one of them from swimming or acting.

What would you like to know?

To the law, I might. Depends on the law, of course.

Because I have opinions, and I sometimes voice them. And I also occasionally do something about it if the situation warrants it.

So you do place a degree of importance on one over the other when it comes to trans and non trans people.

Yup. And some people assume there are inconsistencies with other people that aren't there. These things happen.

And you mine.

Nice how that works out.

I've pointed out some of your inconsistencies in this reply.

Well, I'd need a little more information if you want me to render an opinion about her acting ability.

No, I'd need to know the same for anyone about whose acting ability you're asking me to render an opinion on.

Is there some reason I shouldn't be okay with it? Keeping in mind, of course, that I'm not casting anyone for that role at this time.

She was able to make people believe she was born black for many years even though she has two white parents. That's Oscar winning talent right there. Does she get the part?

So age isn't a factor, then.

You must have dyslexia too, because there no way you could conclude that from what I just said. Either that or you're just being dishonest.

Ah. So you're just fishing for reasons to object, then.

Okay, fine. Carry on.

Not fishing for anything. These things Biden has done are out in the opening for all to see.

So why is it a problem, exactly?

I already pointed out the problem. I suspect you are not arguing in good faith if you're just going to talk in circles.

Me: "They are doing something wrong. They are making women feel uncomfortable."
You: "That's a crime now?"

So vote for someone who doesn't lie. Seems an odd thing to suggest to someone who purports to support Donald Trump, but there you have it.

Finding a politician that doesn't lie is like looking for a non existent needle in a haystack.

Sure, and you could condemn anyone who commits fraud.

But, on the other hand, I may not agree with what someone says,

Do you agree with what these people did?

but I can still defend their right to say it. There is the First Amendment, after all.

I'm sure you're aware there are limits to free speech.

Sure. Trump's entitled to any odious opinion he likes. He's not shy about spouting them, either.

Just because I disagree with someone, that doesn't mean I'd condemn them.

Disagreeing and condemning are synonymous with each other.

Part of the job is following school policy in how he treats students. If he taught them, but also hit them, I bet he'd have a problem, too.

Yeah it's part of the job but not the actual job. They may never even have to apply the policy in class.

Yeah, you were. You complained about people "being called transphobic/terf and being socially ostracized", calling that "ridiculous."

Your comparison was ridiculous yes, but it wasn't a complaint, just stating a fact.

A policy that is part of the job the teacher was being paid to do.

Yes, a part of the job but the job.

Use your imagination. Whatever you'd consider rude and abusive behavior if it were being done to you.

Why can't you give me some examples? It's your hypothetical.

Have you ever worked in customer service?

No but I've heard first hand stories, and customers can be very rude.

Okay. So if that teacher has a valid defense, I'm sure the court will consider it when they rule on his case.

Will you accept the ruling if it's in the teachers favor?

Many have. The Aztecs and Inca, for example.

How many Aztecs are around today protesting their right to human sacrifices?

Also, ancient Egyptians used to bury slaves with their masters, even when the slaves were still living.

How many ancient Egyptians are around today protesting their right to bury their slave masters alive?

Even Christianity, to this day, practices ritual human sacrifice (if not actual human sacrifice).

I'm guessing you're talking about Catholics and their wafer. Thankfully it's just a wafer.

Still, there are examples of Yahweh commanding it in the old testament, Abraham being commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac, for example.

You do know the ending of that story, right? It was a test and Abraham never sacrifices his son.

Bigamy is illegal. Polygamy is just bigamy plus a few.

Only if you're legally married. Ask the Mormons.

Sez you. Others may see it differently.

They may also see it wrongly.

When a friend's mother had alzheimers, he used to humor her all the time. When she asked where her husband was, who had died several years earlier, he'd just say he was out, and would be back soon. Sometimes, he told me, it's easier to do that than argue with her, or have her learn of his death several times a day, as if for the first time.

Of course, there's also the view that gender identity isn't a delusion at all, but surely you know that.

You're seriously comparing trans people with a person with Alzheimer's. Last time I checked transgenderism wasn't considered a disease.

I'd have to know him better to judge whether or not he's deluded about anything.

What would you need to know?

Why wouldn't it be?

I simple yes would have sufficed.

Jennifer Grey didn't, no. Why, would that be a problem?

No I have no problem. She can mutilating her body if she wishes.

Okay. I still don't see a purpose to that, but who cares. It's not my birth certificate.

Too affirm their gender identity. That would be the only possible purpose to do that.

My point of view is people should be free to live their lives as they see fit, and make whatever compromises to that they feel they are willing to make.

In these cases people are not willing to compromise.

What logical fallacies are those, exactly? I believe I addressed the ones you did mention.

Straw man fallacy.

You said "I fail to see why they should be arrested" in regards to trans women using women's bathroom. Never said anything about them being arrested. You brought that up.

I offered one, but I'm sure there are more options available. A qualified HR rep would know those better than I would.

You didn't miss it. You responded to it.

Which post was it?

No memory problems here.

From what I've just read, I doubt it.

I read your posts and check back to previous ones to make sure I have the context correct.

If I've misinterpreted your motives or your intentions, then I apologize.

-- A2SG, maybe I was just hungry, still haven't found a roast beef sandwich as good as Buzzy's used to be....

Maybe double check it's the right person's post you're reading.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
Marital Status
The operative word in the article is "could". Unseen, but likely exists? Sounds like faith.

It's a reasonable, justified belief based on evidence we already have of extraterrestrial life.

It's not faith.

But're drifting away from whatever point you thought you were making.

Everything either exists....or it doesn't...right?
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2021
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It's a reasonable, justified belief based on evidence we already have of extraterrestrial life.

It's not faith.
The question was does life exist outside our solar system. As there is no empirical evidence in support, just what justifies your belief that life out there exists?

But're drifting away from whatever point you thought you were making.
No need to get snippy. You were doing so well. If you don't have the depth to continue the exchange just say so.

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I have become comfortably numb.
Aug 19, 2018
Marital Status
You stated this fact several times now....
I don't want to interupt your conversation with A2, but can I just note that your reply quoted him over 60 times in The one post? Maybe you guys actually have some important points you are making. And I don't know about anyone else, but me wading through 60+ one or two line responses in one post and trying to determine the context to find out what those points might be is not an option.

Just saying is all...
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
Marital Status
The question was does life exist outside our solar system. As there is no empirical evidence in support, just what justifies your belief that life out there exists?

Well there's empirical evidence of extraterrestrial life and the conditions for it on other planets outside our solar system.

We have two premises...

1. Certain range of conditions must be met for life as we know it.

2. Other planets outside our solar system appear to meet those conditions.

Followed by a conclusion.

3. Ergo, life outside the solar system is likely.

No need to get snippy.

I asked you quite simply....things either exist, or they don't....right?

A dialogue has two participants. I answered your goofy question and now you can answer mine. Right there...above this statement. Be brave.
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Jun 17, 2008
United States
Other Religion
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You stated this fact several times now. What point were you trying to make by bringing it up?
You continue to bring up the impediments trans people make on other people's lives, as if that, by itself, is a crime or something they should be held responsible for. Why? Are any other groups charged or held responsible for impeding the lives of other people?

Who said it was illegal? Not me.
Exactly. So why hold trans people responsible for doing it, but no one else?

Nope, caught you moving the goal posts again. You said:
"Plus which, I've yet to hear any specific impediment attributed to trans people that's anything close to a significant impediment."

You said trans people not trans individuals.
The difference being...? Goal posts don't seem to have moved.

Sure but putting trans women in prisons along side biological women is a specific trans issue. No one is talking about putting non trans men in women's prison.
And..? If the problem you have is the possibility that someone might get pregnant, well, that happens anyway, even when trans people aren't involved. So why is this specifically a trans issue, again? Seems to me its a preventing pregnancies problem instead. Got a solution for that problem?

But it is also specific to a trans issue, which is the killing of trans people.
Wait, now you're adding killing people to the problem? I thought it was only about spreading false information. Spreading false information, by itself, doesn't make someone directly responsible even if a murder is committed because of that false information. Unless, of course, the spreader is the one who pulled the trigger.

As a specific example, many people spread false information about the 2020 election being stolen...but only those who actually attacked the capitol on January 6 were arrested.

Because they involve trans people.
So? They didn't cause the problem, and they don't seem to be a major factor in it continuing, so why single them out? Why are you making this a trans issue, when there are far more people getting people pregnant who aren't trans than are?

You must have a bad memory. You said "Care to report what the gay and lesbian groups actually said?" I'm providing the info on what you asked for. That was my point.
My memory is fine. I'm just unclear on your point in bringing this up. What difference does it make that gay people and trans people deal with different issues? How is that the responsibility of trans people alone?

And I'll check out that video when I get around to it.

Invalidate them in what way?
I have no idea. I'm still trying to figure out why you brought up this whole tangent.

You brought it up. You said: "Is this the sole reason for disassociating with all trans people?" I just answered your question.
Dude, YOU brought up the issue of gay people are disassociating with trans people....and I'm still trying to figure out why, or what relevance that has to anything in this issue whatsoever. You've never been clear on why you brought this into the discussion, and now you're trying to throw it back to me.

I'll leave it with this: Gay people and trans people deal with different issues, even though they may have some issues in common.


And that's all I need to say on the subject.

This habit of asking a question and then when I reply, asking why I brought it up, is getting old... Like your memory.
But you didn't answer the question!

I asked why you brought up gay people here, and you didn't explain why. This isn't a failure of my memory, it's a failure of you explaining what your point is.

Though, I have to admit, I'm beginning to form an opinion on what that point may actually be.

They affect non-trans people too.
How? And please, be specific.

Maybe, in some situations.
What legal issues? And please, be specific.

No issue is exclusive to trans people.
So why bring it up here? In a thread about trans people.

Well, actually, it used to be a thread about the State Dept., but that bit died out ages ago.

It's not, but it's just one of them.
If there's a bigger issue, that issue has yet to be mentioned.

It's not. She's a nice person. Very sweet and soft spoken. Likes long walks on the beach.
Cool. Let her walk on the beach then. I got no problem with people walking, on or off beaches.

You must have the same mental decline as Joe Biden because you're confusing me with the author of this thread. I never brought that up even once.
Your mental decline is showing here. I never said you did.

Because the topic of this thread is specifically about trans people and their allies. That's how threads work.
So you want to blame trans people for a problem they didn't cause, aren't solely responsible for, and don't contribute to more than any other group?

Hmm...seems to me there's a word for that kind of thing....wait, it'll come to me....

By contributing to the problem. Pretty obvious.
Black people contribute to people getting pregnant too, why not make this about them? Portuguese people contribute to people getting pregnant too, why not make this about them? People with tattoos contribute to people getting pregnant too, why not make this about them? People who like Battlestar Galactica contribute to people getting pregnant too, why not make this about them? People who enjoy roast beef sandwiches contribute to people getting pregnant too, why not make this about them?

See where I'm going with this?

Why does it need to be significant? One woman getting pregnant in jail is one too many.
So why blame trans people specifically, when they're not the only ones doing it? Why not blame black people, Portuguese people, people with tattoos, people who like Battlestar Galactica or people who enjoy roast beef sandwiches?

Are the examples you gave me isolated incidents?
Each of them individually is, yeah. Whether or not they form a pattern is a different issue. So far, you offered one example of a trans person getting someone pregnant, I offered four examples that don't involve a trans person (and, I think, multiple pregnancies may have been involved in more than one case). But, I grant you, the sample size here may be too small to draw any real inferences from.

What might actually happen actually has happened. Why do you think men and women are kept in different prisons?
And yet, doing that doesn't prevent pregnancies from happening. Even without any trans person involved at all.

Seems this may not be as much a trans issue as you want to make it out to be.

Still trying to figure out that word....

People with more pull than me are already doing that.
So what are you worried about, then?

What makes you think I thought you could do something about the issue?
"Don't put trans women in women's prisons."

I didn't.

You are very apathetic towards women's issues.
Not really, no. I just don't see this as being quite as world-shaking an all-encompassing, widespread problem as you do.

If someone, anyone, does something wrong in a woman's bathroom, or anywhere else, I have no problem with that person being ejected from the store, or arrested if a crime is involved. I just don't see a problem if no one is doing anything wrong.

Still not sure why you do. Maybe it has something to do with that word that keeps escaping me....

I've noticed you constantly insert yourself into the topic. Hmmm. Narcissistic tendencies maybe?
Hardly. I "insert" myself in this subject because you're talking to me. I don't speak for trans people, so I can't offer their opinion on anything, I can only offer my own.

If you have a problem with that, find someone who is trans, or who does speak for them, and natter on with them instead.

Do you care about their comfort?
Why are you trying to insert me into the topic?

You haven't seen the latest news of the woman complaining about the transwoman in the ladies room in the News & Current Events section?

Me: "Not all wrongdoings are a crimes."
You: "True enough."

Are you walking that statement back?
Why would I? Since when is doing nothing wrong a "wrongdoing"?

I would cross the street to avoid them or take a different path.
Right. You take responsibility for your own discomfort. You don't expect the other person to be responsible for it.

So, why do you seem to hold trans people responsible for other people's discomfort if they're doing nothing wrong?

It's clear you do just by your comments.
Nope. You're the one assuming it, I'm not saying it.

In reference to women not wanting trans women in bathrooms: "So they have a problem with it. Let them find a way to deal with it."
You seem to agree with this, since you did indicate that if you had a problem with someone, you'd find a way to deal with it: you said you'd cross the street to avoid someone you're uncomfortable with, rather than expect them to leave instead.

In reference to someone passing a law that preventing all trans people from swimming, or acting: "But, if someone wants to pass a law preventing all trans people from swimming, or acting, then I very well might voice an objection."

In reference to Caitlyn Jenner: "To the law, I might. Depends on the law, of course."
And what part of that actually says I weigh one person's discomfort more than another? Or did you just assume that?

With women you have no interest in helping, with trans women you say you will voice your objection.
That isn't something I said, that's something you assumed.

But, for the record, if someone wants to pass a law preventing all women from swimming, or acting, then I very well might voice an objection to that too. Sorry if I didn't mention that before.

Shall I make the same declaration for black people, Portuguese people, people with tattoos, people who like Battlestar Galactica or people who enjoy roast beef sandwiches? Do I need to include anyone else before you assume I don't care about their comfort either? State Dept. employees, perhaps? (See, at least I'm trying to stay on fruitless an endeavor as that may be by this point.)

Yes, the feeling of the most vulnerable should come first.
Who is most vulnerable to someone doing nothing wrong?

I am too.
Nah, you're too busy making random assumptions instead.

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Jun 17, 2008
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What would you like to know?
Why you keep bringing them up, and why you continuously ask me if they should be allowed to do some perfectly legal things?

So you do place a degree of importance on one over the other when it comes to trans and non trans people.
Again with the assumptions.

When I actually say that, you can say I do. Until then, stop with the assumptions, already.

Oy, with the poodles already.

I've pointed out some of your inconsistencies in this reply.
You've assumed there are inconsistencies when there actually aren't any.

She was able to make people believe she was born black for many years even though she has two white parents. That's Oscar winning talent right there. Does she get the part?
Still not casting for the role. Though, I think casting agents need more information than the skin color of one's parents before hiring an actor for any role. You might need to consult Allison Jones instead of me, if you're really interested.

You must have dyslexia too, because there no way you could conclude that from what I just said. Either that or you're just being dishonest.
What's dyslexia got to do with anything? You complained about President Biden's age, so I pointed out that Trump is only three and a half years younger, to which you replied: "He was too old back then as well."

So, I concluded that the difference in age between President Biden and Trump wasn't a factor in your decision to choose one over the other.

If I erred, feel free to point out the error.

Not fishing for anything. These things Biden has done are out in the opening for all to see.
Yup. Four indictments and 91 criminal charges, all out for everyone to see...

Oh wait, that isn't President Biden....

I already pointed out the problem. I suspect you are not arguing in good faith if you're just going to talk in circles.

Me: "They are doing something wrong. They are making women feel uncomfortable."
You: "That's a crime now?"
Maybe they should cross the street or take a different path, like you'd do.

Or are you now changing your mind that someone else should be held responsible for you feeling discomfort when they're doing nothing wrong.

Finding a politician that doesn't lie is like looking for a non existent needle in a haystack.
Maybe so...but some are far more obvious and blatant about it than others.

Even those who haven't actually been found guilty of fraud.

Do you agree with what these people did?

I'm sure you're aware there are limits to free speech.
Yup. So far, I've yet to see any of those limits reached in any examples you've given.

Disagreeing and condemning are synonymous with each other.
No, they're not. I can easily disagree with someone without condemning them.

Yeah it's part of the job but not the actual job. They may never even have to apply the policy in class.
But, in this case, he did have to follow the policy. He refused to do so.

And there were consequences to that.

Your comparison was ridiculous yes, but it wasn't a complaint, just stating a fact.
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were only stating the fact that it happens. Yup, people use their freedom of speech, that does happen.

People also buy chewing gum. That happens too.

Next subject...

Yes, a part of the job but the job.
You all right there, buddy?

Why can't you give me some examples? It's your hypothetical.
"Yeah, this is MrMoe Incorporated, whaddaya want?"

"Hey, I bought a roast beef sandwich from you guys, and it had a mouse in it!"

"What do you want me to do about it, jerkwad?"

"I want my money back!"

"I should charge you extra for the mouse, buttmunch."

This is who you want representing your business to your customers?
No but I've heard first hand stories, and customers can be very rude.
I have, and they can be. Standard policy is to not engage, and never, ever, under any circumstances, be rude back.

Will you accept the ruling if it's in the teachers favor?
Why wouldn't I?

How many Aztecs are around today protesting their right to human sacrifices?

How many ancient Egyptians are around today protesting their right to bury their slave masters alive?

I'm guessing you're talking about Catholics and their wafer. Thankfully it's just a wafer.

You do know the ending of that story, right? It was a test and Abraham never sacrifices his son.
I'm not gonna derail this any more than it's already been derailed. Suffice to say, there are people claiming their freedom of religion allows them to do all sorts of things, including impeding other people's lives. My only point is that the right to freedom of religion isn't absolute, no more than freedom of speech.

Only if you're legally married. Ask the Mormons.
If you're not already married, getting married isn't bigamy.

They may also see it wrongly.
So could you.

You're seriously comparing trans people with a person with Alzheimer's. Last time I checked transgenderism wasn't considered a disease.
And I never said it was. You said: "That would be accepting his delusion, and that wouldn't be courteous at all." And I pointed out a case where it would be courteous to accept someone's view of reality being mistaken for some reason. Memory loss in this case, as opposed to delusion in yours. The point being, of course, that different people can view the same, or similar, situation differently.

Clear now? You might want to keep track of old posts, so you're better able to follow the various rabbit holes we're going down. Or, you could not go down them...your call, of course. I'm just following your lead.

What would you need to know?
What he thinks he's deluded about, for starters, I guess.

I simple yes would have sufficed.
If I'd meant to say that, I would have. Is there some reason that shouldn't be good enough for me?

No I have no problem. She can mutilating her body if she wishes.
I'm sure she'll be glad to hear that.

So, if you have no problem with her having cosmetic surgery, why do you seem to have one with trans people doing it? Why make an issue out of it by claiming they're not really changing their sex, if they're okay with the results? Why aren't you saying that Jennifer Grey didn't really change her nose?

Too affirm their gender identity. That would be the only possible purpose to do that.
There are other ways to do that, they don't need a notation on their birth certificate. So, again, what's the purpose in making that declaration on their birth certificate, specifically? Further, if we assume the reason is simply to affirm it...why would anyone object to that affirmation?

In these cases people are not willing to compromise.
For some, maybe. Others, maybe not so much. But, it does seem to me that's the teacher's problem too. So again, this isn't a problem only coming from trans people.

Straw man fallacy.

You said "I fail to see why they should be arrested" in regards to trans women using women's bathroom. Never said anything about them being arrested. You brought that up.
Not strictly speaking a strawman. Hyperbole, maybe. If we substitute "removed" for arrested, same observation applies. Why remove someone from a bathroom if they're doing nothing wrong?

Which post was it?
3306, at the bottom. But, does it really matter at this point?

From what I've just read, I doubt it.
Your doubts are your problem, not mine.

Maybe double check it's the right person's post you're reading.
And here I was, trying to be nice.

Oh well.

Look, I'm trying to be respectful and polite and all, even if I get a little snarky or sarcastic, or wander off in tangents about roast beef sandwiches from time to time, but I've been getting a lot of accusations from you about memory issues, dyslexia, dishonesty and bad faith, and I don't appreciate it. I've tried not to make personal attacks or accusations, and I would appreciate you doing the same.

If you can't do that, I may have to move on.

-- A2SG, assuming the thread isn't shut down beforehand, which wouldn't surprise me by this point.....
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Jun 17, 2008
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I don't want to interupt your conversation with A2, but can I just note that your reply quoted him over 60 times in The one post? Maybe you guys actually have some important points you are making. And I don't know about anyone else, but me wading through 60+ one or two line responses in one post and trying to determine the context to find out what those points might be is not an option.

Just saying is all...
Don't blame you, dude. I have to keep a couple of tabs open with past posts, just to keep track of the rabbit holes we're falling into.

Though, to be honest, my patience is running a bit thin, and I'm not sure any of it is worth the effort. Guess we'll see how long it lasts. I'm about ready to cut to the chase, or just cut out, any time now.

-- A2SG, any time I have to cut a post in half due to length, it's time to reconsider keeping it going....
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