"This cannot be a coincidence"

Anna the Seeker

Junior Member
Oct 27, 2014
Marital Status
I just wanted to read about your religious experiences. It doesn't need to be a vivid vision or anything of the like, but something which is more everyday. Things that you think might have been influenced by God or Jesus.

I just had this yesterday.

I walking in the city and I had some spare time anyway, and I was planning to visit the church. But I asked myself that how could I be a good Christian today. Then I knew - the city square sometimes had a beggar. Maybe I could show my charity before entering the church. I told about this plan to no one.

As soon as I entered the square there was a man walking in the busy crowd who indeed was a beggar. He was carrying a note which said "I am hungry. In the name of Jesus, please help me". I saw that his cup had a few cents, definitely not enough to buy himself more than a small bar of chocolate. I took my wallet and picked up a bill instead of a coin, because the name of Jesus made something stir in me. I wanted to make sure that he would get a proper meal into his belly that day.

A moment afterwards I wondered what happened. Not that I regretted giving him that much, at all. I actually felt warm inside. I realized that the name of Jesus had invoked my love, and it swelled inside me. And it all had felt like too much to be a coincidence. God must have directed me in his way, and him to mine. We both were given what we needed.

And now I wonder what happens if I tell the beggar next time to come with me so I offer him to have a lunch with me. Maybe I could hear his story. Maybe it will be worth it.

When I went into the church which is very old and very big, there was cellist playing Bach, and the lovely music echoed from it's walls but the church was staggeringly empty. There was only a few people besides me.

But I prayed there to God, thanking me for letting me experience what I wanted to experience.