The convicted cop-murderer featured in a Trump ad came to U.S. under Bush and used AR-15 Republicans


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2012
United States
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I’ve shown numerous Trump supporters that some nonsense they were spouting was easily shown to be false using snopes or another source, only to see them restate the nonsense later.

I don’t know which to give up on, the intelligence of Trump supporters, or their honesty...

Seriously. I'm amazed people are still following James O'Keefe and pushing his agenda for him and arguing that his video "evidence" is proof.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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Barbarian observes:
The Barbarian said:
So's Law is not about border security.

It's about an argument starting with "So" usually being a ridiculous straw man.

Probably a bad idea for you to try it, then.

When the Border Patrol catches someone crossing the border illegally, there is little the President can do to stop it.

I don't think Trump necessarily wants to stop it. He just wants to use it to scare his base into supporting him. Which is why the border patrol isn't as effective now as it was under Obama. And as you learned, Obama put an emphasis on it, catching a record number of people trying to enter the U.S. He was, as you seem to now realize, better at border security than any previous president.

What the number of arrests at the border does indicate is the number of people entering the country illegally, which in turn is influenced in part my how tough the President is perceived on immigration.

Since pro-immigration people referred to Obama as "the Deporter-in-Chief", you seem to be trying to undermine your previous assertion. If Obama was seen that way, it would also seem that an increase in the number of people turned back at the border correctly reflects his objective of better border security.

This is why the number of people arrested crossing the border nosedived after Trump elected.

You know, the New York police, angry at something the Mayor did, had a work slowdown, where they didn't enforce most laws. And the number of people arrested, nosedived. For the same reason.

As you know, a majority of Americans support DACA. It's opposed by white supremacists, by the KKK, and by Donald Trump. But Americans disagree with them.

Notably, two-thirds of all Americans (65%) support giving legal status to undocumented or illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, though partisan differences are still evident. Half of Republicans (51%) support this plan, along with two-thirds of Independents, and 81% of Democrats.

The popularity of DACA is not the point,

It is for Americans. Most people, like Obama, think border security should be a priority, but that children brought illegally to the United States, after living to adulthood here, should have a path to citizenship if they behave themselves. It's just the way Americans are.

White supremacists don't accept DACA. That's the way they are.

Trump tries to cover his weakness on border security by hysterical accusations, by separating parents, and by calling out troops who don't have anything to do , and will leave before the caravan will even get near the border. It's all theater. Obama acted. Trump acts up.

Just that simple.

I'm specifically talking about the last two years, 2014-2016, when there was a marked increase.

I'm talking about Obama's effect over his entire administration. It goes up and down from year to year, but he had just under 18% decrease in violent crime. Trump hasn't come close to that yet, but we'll see in a couple of years how he does.

The "Ferguson Effect" has more to do with traffic violations and policing as a revenue source. It refers to cops afraid of being videoed or otherwise called out for excessive force or false arrests. It has nothing to do with violent crime.

Indeed, when stop-and-frisk was severely curtailed in New York, the crime rate did not go up. So the idea that police have to be abusive or ignore the law to be effective, is just wrong.[/QUOTE]
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