Survey says?

Hey, I could use some help filling out a few surveys for a Family Feud youth activity I'm having. If you all could help, that would be fantastic.

Just give the first answer that comes to mind, and try not to overthink the questions. Answer in as few words as possible, and as always, thank you.

1. Besides Satan, name a Biblical villain.

2. Name a female mentioned in the Bible.

3. Besides Jesus, what person would you want to invite to dinner?

4. Name one of the twelve Disciples.

5. What color do you associate with Jesus?

6. Name a famous Sunday School story.

7. If you could be anyone in the Bible, who would you be?

8. Name a Biblical battle.

9. What miracle would you like to witness in person?

10. Name one of the ten commandments.

11. How long does the average Christian read the Bible each day?

12. What is your favorite book of the Bible?

13. What aspect of heaven excites you the most?

14. What fruit of the spirit do you struggle with most?