MJ Only Matrix of Sevens


Y'shua HaMoshiach Messianic
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Sep 30, 2004
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This OP is not a debate. You may however, make observations and suggestions. There will be other related OPs that will allow for more robust discussion, as I intend to make an new thread to discuss matters related to the 1st Day of Creation, the 2nd, the 3rd, etc.

This is an overview of a Revelation granted to me. One that I will explain to the best of my ability. It is intended to be a collective study that would benefit from your participation. So here is my understanding of these matters:

Adonai made declarations related to His Creation that He divided into Days. For each day, He made a declarative statement. These were meant to be taken literally, figuratively and spiritually; both physically and metaphysically, within the overall context of His Word! So first comes the matrix of Sevens followed by some of my observations. Here is is a link to Brenton's Septuagint account of Genesis 1 for reference.

Creation1st Day2nd Day3rd Day4th Day5th Day6th Day7th Day
Creation ThemeSeparated Light from Darkness
(Good/Evil, Life/Death, Blessings/ Curses, etc.)
Separated Waters Above From Waters
Separated Waters from Earth to Bring Forth Seed Bearing PlantsSeparated Lights in Heavens for Signs Season
Days Years
Behemoth Leviathan
'The Winged' Fish/Souls
Brought forth Land Creatures then Created Man in His imageCeased Work (more on this later)
Covenant With:AdamNoahAbramJacobMosesDavidYeshua
Sign of Covenant:
(Note all covenants have to do with land)
Gates of Eden from eternal life to a life that ends in DeathRainbowCircumcisionPromised LandSabbathEternal KingshipResurrection to Life
Exodus Events: PassoverParted WatersOasis Marah
made sweet
Second PassoverManna to Teach Sabbath ObservanceBirth of SanhedrinCovenant Meeting at Mount Sinai
Appointed Times:Passover Unleavened BreadFirst Fruits
Unleavened Bread
Yom Teruah TrumpetsYom Kippur
Last Great Day
Tabernacle Furnishings:Altar of SacrificeBrazen LaverTable of ShowbreadLamp StandAltar of IncenseArk of the CovenantMercy Seat
7 Offering Types (in progress)???????

I wrote THIS in the Circumcision thread hosted by @HARK! Perhaps this may give you a clue as to how this matrix works.

Perhaps a small bit of context concerning the source of circumcision might be in order. After all, context is the only way to discern a 'prooftext' from a 'pretext', short of direct intervention by Adonai.

Think of the following as a key to understanding the interrelationships of elements in a matrix. The reason I bring it up is that 'circumcision' is one of those aforementioned elements as you will soon see.

Suppose we take the Days of Creation and use that sequence as primary elements needed to construct a matrix. In this case, only the first three sets are required. It would appear as follows;
  1. Creative declaration
  2. Covenants
  3. Terms
  4. Sign of Covenant
Day 1Day 2Day 3
Light/DarknessWater Above/Water BelowWater/Land->Seed Plants
LifeSaved from destructionBlessings on Descendants and the Nations
Gates of the GardenRainbowCircumcision

When Adonai separated Light from Darkness, these elements are clarified in Torah. Light & Darkness are repeatedly associated with life & death, good & evil, blessings & curses, etc., throughout scripture. Even His instruction is characterized as a 'lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path'.

His covenant with Adam is explained as follows;
Genesis 2:15 And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
We may understand the Sign of the Covenant as passing though the gates of the Garden of Life into a life ending in Death.

The second Covenant He made with Noah. Here He is bringing the Waters above and Waters below back together to flood the entire surface of the planet. At the end of Noah's ordeal, He makes a covenant promise that He will never again destroy the earth by Flood. In this covenant, Noah must obey His instruction in order to survive. But this covenant does not require Noah to do anything further to receive the blessings associated with this promise.

The Sign He gives is a Rainbow. Any scientist will tell you that a rainbow is formed by the refraction of the various frequencies of visible Light again, passing though, the Waters above. Starting to catch on?

The third covenant He makes is with Abram. It has to do with Abram's seed. He changed Abram's name to Abraham to reflect His as yet to be fulfilled Promise to multiply his offspring exceedingly. Now do you see it? The Third Day, He separated the water from the land to produce Seed bearing plants

Pay carful attention here: The mark or sign of this covenant is the circumcision. Please notice (forgive me if this is a little graphic) that of Abraham's Seed passing though through the Sign of the circumcision in order for the Covenant promise to be fulfilled.

Thank you for giving me your attention in this matter, but being just a man I must sleep. ;) Tomorrow I will continue to expand on how this matrix works and further define the elements I have noted above.

Blessings & Peace!
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Y'shua HaMoshiach Messianic
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Sep 30, 2004
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Shalom Shalom, (that is Perfect Peace) unto you;

As I promised in the previous post, all of the covenants have to do with the land and with careful examination, we may even conclude that they all have to do with 'the Land of Promise'. Anyway, here is a short post covering the first three as it applies to 'the land'.

  1. Adam (taken from the word, 'adamah', [<- this links to a paleo-Hebrew dictionary/glossary]) show a primary relationship to the soil and/or the land or 'garden'. In this creation story, Adam violated the covenant agreement and was sub-sequentially driven from the Garden to a place where he would toil for subsistence and eventually die. None among us know its location, but we all have our thoughts on the matter. No matter what we believe, it is a place and therefore the conditions of the relationship with Adonai would constitute a covenant that was predicated on 'the Land of Promise', To Whit: The Garden in this case.
  2. Noah was asked to follow Adonai's instructions concerning the Ark, the land and certain people that He chose to escape the impending judgment of the Flood. At the end of the ordeal, He promised never to destroy the land again by flood and the sign He gave was the Rainbow. Since a rainbow requires light, it is presupposed not to occur in Darkness (food for thought). When the flood subsided, all the land was implicitly given to Noah and his descendants. This would include by default, the land of Promise, even if that knowledge was obscured or simply not known.
  3. Abram was commanded by Adonai: Genesis 12:1-3
    1And the Lord said to Abram, Go forth out of thy land and out of thy kindred, and out of the house of thy father, and come into the land which I will shew thee. 2And I will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. 3And I will bless those that bless thee, and curse those that curse thee, and in thee shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed.
To be continued...
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Y'shua HaMoshiach Messianic
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Sep 30, 2004
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Shalom one and all,

Concerning covenants and land I would say that Jacob is a no brainer. For that matter, so too is Moses even though he did not enter the land. But he was included in the covenant with the land and that is enough to make this claim.

The Northern Kingdom was evicted by Adonai for rejecting Torah. The Sothern Kingdom was 'vomited' out of the land for not observing the Sabbath rest for the land. And we all know why Moses was not allowed to enter the land. All three have broken covenant with Adonai by way of disobedience.

In the same manner as Jacob, we can check David and Yeshua off out list. They fall into the 'no brainer' category too.

I do hope this isn't too scattered. There is so much more to cover. No doubt this will need a re-write at some point. Perhaps some of you will be able to make some suggestions as to how to proceed after I finish here and open up the other threads I mentioned in the OP. Those will be tagged as MJ Debate threads.

Again, thank you all for your patience!
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Y'shua HaMoshiach Messianic
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Sep 30, 2004
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Shalom Gentle Readers and Family,

When I first tried to investigate this revelation and trace this into the interrelationship between the Days of Creation and other 'Sevens', I chose the Appointed Times as a starting point. So I first went to the 1st Passover, thinking to gain some understanding there. There was a pleasant surprise awaiting me and there is a great deal of detail that I could go into, but instead I will try and hit the high points. Since we all know the Passover story pretty well, I will simply compare themes and event and let you draw your own conclusions.

Passover: What I suspected as a 'First Day' event: Suffice to say that Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Blessings and Curses, Life and Death, were all on full display during the Passover event. But what I next supposed was an alignment with First Fruits turned into something else...

The 'Second Day' event: The next morning, the Children of Israel and the Mixed Multitude departed Egypt and three days later found themselves backed up against a body of water and the Chariots of Egypt bearing down on them. At Adonai's instruction, Moses separated the waters. The 2nd Day of Creation, Adonai separated the waters!

I thought to myself, "Wait what?" These events may not align with the Appointed Times. But they just might align with the themes I observed in the Days of Creation!

Their next stop was at the spring of water Adonai named Marah, because it was bitter. It was undrinkable. So Adonai showed Moses a bush or a tree (a seed bearing plant) and instructed him to cast it into the pool of water and it was made 'sweet'. The 3nd Day of Creation, Adonai separated the water from the earth so it could bring forth seed bearing plants. This was getting really interesting.

Next stop did not entail any miracles but it did involve some instruction and promises and some interesting symbolism. This is from Brenton's Septuagint, Exodus 15 and starting at verse 22:
22So Moses brought up the children of Israel from the Red Sea, and brought them into the wilderness of Sur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water to drink. 23and they came to Merrha, and could not drink of Merrha, for it was bitter; therefore he named the name of that place, Bitterness. 24And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? 25And Moses cried to the Lord, and the Lord shewed him a tree, and he cast it into the water, and the water was sweetened: there he established to him ordinances and judgments, and there he proved him, 26and said, If thou wilt indeed hear the voice of the Lord thy God, and do things pleasing before him, and wilt hearken to his commands, and keep all his ordinances, no disease which I have brought upon the Egyptians will I bring upon thee, for I am the Lord thy God that heals thee.

27And they came to Aelim, and there were there twelve fountains of water, and seventy stems of palm-trees; and they encamped there by the waters.
I realize that there have probably been a few discussions about the 12 fountains and 70 palm trees, so we'll make sure to make room for that topic in one of the upcoming OPs.

Ok, on we go to the next stop. Here we start read from Exodus 16, starting at verse 1.
1And they departed from Aelim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Aelim and Sina; and on the fifteenth day, in the second month after their departure from the land of Egypt,
This would be the second Passover for those that were guarding the bones of Joseph during the first Passover. So I presume they were observing the Passover for a week before this next segment described, but maybe not. Anyway, the account is here:
2all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron. 3And the children of Israel said to them, Would we had died smitten by the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh-pots, and ate bread to satiety! for ye have brought us out into this wilderness, to slay all this congregation with hunger.

4And the Lord said to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread upon you out of heaven: and the people shall go forth, and they shall gather their daily portion for the day, that I may try them whether they will walk in my law or not. 5And it shall come to pass on the sixth day that they shall prepare whatsoever they have brought in, and it shall be double of what they shall have gathered for the day, daily. 6And Moses and Aaron said to all the congregation of the children of Israel, At even ye shall know that the Lord has brought you out of the land of Egypt; 7and in the morning ye shall see the glory of the Lord, inasmuch as he hears your murmuring against God; and who are we, that ye continue to murmur against us?

8And Moses said, This shall be when the Lord gives you in the evening flesh to eat, and bread in the morning to satiety, because the Lord has heard your murmuring, which ye murmur against us: and what are we? for your murmuring is not against us, but against God.

9And Moses said to Aaron, Say to all the congregation of the children of Israel, Come near before God; for he has heard your murmuring. 10And when Aaron spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and they turned toward the wilderness, then the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud. 11And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 12I have heard the murmuring of the children of Israel: speak to them, saying, Towards evening ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be satisfied with bread; and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God.

13And it was evening, and quails came up and covered the camp: 14in the morning it came to pass as the dew ceased round about the camp, that, behold, on the face of the wilderness was a small thing like white coriander seed, as frost upon the earth. 15And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, What is this? for they knew not what it was; and Moses said to them, 16This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat. This is that which the Lord has appointed: gather of it each man for his family, a homer for each person, according to the number of your souls, gather each of you with his fellow-lodgers. 17And the children of Israel did so, and gathered some much and some less. 18And having measured the homer full, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that had gathered less had no lack; each gathered according to the need of those who belonged to him. 19And Moses said to them, Let no man leave of it till the morning. 20But they did not hearken to Moses, but some left of it till the morning; and it bred worms and stank: and Moses was irritated with them. 21And they gathered it every morning, each man what he needed, and when the sun waxed hot it melted. 22And it came to pass on the sixth day, they gathered double what was needed, two homers for one man; and all the chiefs of the synagogue went in and reported it to Moses. 23And Moses said to them, Is not this the word which the Lord spoke? To-morrow is the sabbath, a holy rest to the Lord: bake that ye will bake, and seethe that ye will seethe, and all that is over leave to be laid by for the morrow. 24And they left of it till the morning, as Moses commanded them; and it stank not, neither was there a worm in it. 25And Moses said, Eat that to-day, for to-day is a sabbath to the Lord: it shall not be found in the plain. 26Six days ye shall gather it, and on the seventh day is a sabbath, for there shall be none on that day.

27And it came to pass on the seventh day that some of the people went forth to gather, and found none. 28And the Lord said to Moses, How long are ye unwilling to hearken to my commands and my law? 29See, for the Lord has given you this day as the sabbath, therefore he has given you on the sixth day the bread of two days: ye shall sit each of you in your houses; let no one go forth from his place on the seventh day. 30And the people kept sabbath on the seventh day.
The 4th Day of Creation Adonai set lights in the heavens for signs and seasons (the Moedim) and days and years (the calendar). These are what were used in this supernatural event to teach the congregation about keeping His Sabbaths. Do you see the connection?

The 5th day of Creation speaks of Behemoth and Leviathan. It also speaks of the 'winged' (in Hebrew) but translated to English as 'birds' or 'fowl' in the heavens and the Fish is what is translated (nefesh in the Hebrew) but most verses in scripture are translated as 'souls', in the waters below.

From Job (from 'The Scriptures 1998 edition) we read about Behemoth:
21He lies under the slender trees, under cover of reed and swamp. 22The slender trees cover him with their shade; the willows by the stream surround him. 23See, if a river rages, he is not alarmed; he feels safe, even if the Yardĕn gushes into his mouth,...
So it seems as though Behemoth is a semi-aquatic beast. very much at home in the water. Now let's consider Leviathan, this also from the book of Job.
1“Would you draw out Liwiathan with a hook, or snare his tongue with a line which you lower? 2Would you put a cord through his nose, or pierce his jaw with a hook? 3Would he keep on pleading with you? Would he speak softly to you? 4Would he make a covenant with you to be taken as a servant forever? 5Would you play with him as with a bird? Or leash him for your young girls? 6Would trading partners bargain over him? Would they divide him among the merchants? 7Fill his skin with harpoons? Or his head with fishing spears? 8Put your hand on him – think of the struggle! Do not do it again! 9See, any expectation of him is disappointed – he is laid low even at the sight of him! 10No one is so foolhardy to wake him up. Who then is able to stand against Me? 11Who has given to Me first, that I should repay him – under all the heavens that is Mine? 12I would not keep silent concerning his limbs, or his mighty power, or his fair frame. 13Who shall take off the surface of his skin? Who approaches him with a double bridle? 14Who shall open the doors of his face, with his frightening teeth all around? 15Rows of scales are his pride – closed up, a binding seal. 16One to the other they fit closely, not even a breath enters between them. 17They are joined one to another, they stick together and are not separated. 18His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. 19Out of his mouth go firebrands – sparks of fire shoot out. 20Out of his nostrils comes smoke, like a boiling pot or kettle. 21His breath sets coals on fire, and a flame goes out of his mouth. 22Strength dwells in his neck, and fear leaps before him. 23The folds of his flesh cleave together. They are firm on him, immovable. 24His heart is as hard as stone, even as hard as the lower millstone. 25When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid. Because of his crashings they are bewildered. 26No sword that reaches him does prevail, neither spear, dart, or lance. 27He reckons iron as straw, bronze as rotten wood. 28The arrow does not make him flee, sling-stones become like stubble to him. 29Clubs are reckoned as straw, he laughs at the rattle of a lance. 30His undersides are like sharp potsherds. He sprawls on the mud like a threshing-sledge. 31He makes the deep boil like a pot, he makes the sea like a pot of ointment. 32He leaves a shining path behind him. One would think the deep to be grey-haired. 33No one on earth is like him – one made without fear.34He sees all that is haughty. He is sovereign over all the sons of pride.”
If you had to guess, who would you say this creature sound like? At any rate, I think that we have established that the entirety of these verses seem to support an assumption that all of these creatures are related to the heavens above or the waters below, but these two were also very much at home on the land too. Likewise, I feel this description transcends the notion of simple earthly creatures. Obviously though, this needs to be developed further.

NOTE: Somewhere, years ago, in this forum, someone tied the word nefesh to souls through the ancient sages, showing where the teaching gave rise to the notion of a 'well of souls'. Should anyone have any information or know where I might track that down, please chime in, ok?

I'm going to stop here for now and pick this up later.

Y'all be blessed now, ya hear?
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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This OP is not a debate. You may however, make observations and suggestions. There will be other related OPs that will allow for more robust discussion, as I intend to make an new thread to discuss matters related to the 1st Day of Creation, the 2nd, the 3rd, etc.

This is an overview of a Revelation granted to me. One that I will explain to the best of my ability. It is intended to be a collective study that would benefit from your participation. So here is my understanding of these matters:

Adonai made declarations related to His Creation that He divided into Days. For each day, He made a declarative statement. These were meant to be taken literally, figuratively and spiritually; both physically and metaphysically, within the overall context of His Word! So first comes the matrix of Sevens followed by some of my observations. Here is is a link to Brenton's Septuagint account of Genesis 1 for reference.

Creation1st Day2nd Day3rd Day4th Day5th Day6th Day7th Day
Creation ThemeSeparated Light from Darkness
(Good/Evil, Life/Death, Blessings/ Curses, etc.)
Separated Waters Above From Waters
Separated Waters from Earth to Bring Forth Seed Bearing PlantsSeparated Lights in Heavens for Signs Season
Days Years
Behemoth Leviathan
'The Winged' Fish/Souls
Brought forth Land Creatures then Created Man in His imageCeased Work (more on this later)
Covenant With:AdamNoahAbramJacobMosesDavidYeshua
Sign of Covenant:
(Note all covenants have to do with land)
Gates of Eden from eternal life to a life that ends in DeathRainbowCircumcisionPromised LandSabbathEternal KingshipResurrection to Life
Exodus Events: PassoverParted WatersOasis Marah
made sweet
Second PassoverManna to Teach Sabbath ObservanceBirth of SanhedrinCovenant Meeting at Mount Sinai
Appointed Times:Passover Unleavened BreadFirst Fruits
Unleavened Bread
Yom Teruah TrumpetsYom Kippur
Last Great Day
Tabernacle Furnishings:Altar of SacrificeBrazen LaverTable of ShowbreadLamp StandAltar of IncenseArk of the CovenantMercy Seat
7 Offering Types (in progress)???????

I wrote THIS in the Circumcision thread hosted by @HARK! Perhaps this may give you a clue as to how this matrix works.

Thank you for giving me your attention in this matter, but being just a man I must sleep. ;) Tomorrow I will continue to expand on how this matrix works and further define the elements I have noted above.

Blessings & Peace!

I noticed how the word ‘Separated’ made it into the first four days of your assessment, but not the last three, as a suggestion, to continue the concept with a term that is consistent throughout all Seven days, I recommend the term קדש ‘Set Apart’ as in Distiguished all of these things, with an underlying tone, that these things were made Contrast to one another.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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…,and he called Alohym לאור יום the properties of the Light Day…

Though we (cyclicly) enumerate one Day from another the Light of Day is One, in that it is not a Separate or different Light, but rather a Single Light that is being Separated for the sake of Differentiation.

Suggesting that the Seven days correlate with the seven refractions of the White Light which we perceive to be the Colors of the Rainbow, and if they correspond with the Rainbow then they also correspond to the Seven colors of a Covenant.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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The pluralization of the word שמים Heaven(s) most likely reflects the Seven layers of the Earth’s שמים Atmosphere, and the Seven Climates, and their Seven Geographical conditions (שמים being a pluralization of שם lit., Location, hence שמים also pertains to Locations);

Likewise from a Single Land mass we now have Seven Continents, and from a Single surging mass of collected waters, we now have Seven Seas.

In light of these things it would only be natural to perceive Seven kingdoms of plants, birds, fish, animals, and people, however I also cannot help but notice a Primary of Three amongst each Seven, which facilitates an additional Three, and the Seventh One being the Source, being Present, and walking (within and) amongst them, yet because he is (as if it were) a recombination of many which Precede him, he is both the Least and the Greatest in the Kingdom.
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Y'shua HaMoshiach Messianic
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I noticed how the word ‘Separated’ made it into the first four days of your assessment, but not the last three, as a suggestion, to continue the concept with a term that is consistent throughout all Seven days, I recommend the term קדש ‘Set Apart’ as in Distiguished all of these things, with an underlying tone, that these things were made Contrast to one another.

…,and he called Alohym לאור יום the properties of the Light Day…

Though we (cyclicly) enumerate one Day from another the Light of Day is One, in that it is not a Separate or different Light, but rather a Single Light that is being Separated for the sake of Differentiation.

Suggesting that the Seven days correlate with the seven refractions of the White Light which we perceive to be the Colors of the Rainbow, and if they correspond with the Rainbow then they also correspond to the Seven colors of a Covenant.

The pluralization of the word שמים Heaven(s) most likely reflects the Seven layers of the Earth’s שמים Atmosphere, and the Seven Climates, and their Seven Geographical conditions (שמים being a pluralization of שם lit., Location, hence שמים also pertains to Locations);

Likewise from a Single Land mass we now have Seven Continents, and from a Single surging mass of collected waters, we now have Seven Seas.

In light of these things it would only be natural to perceive Seven kingdoms of plants, birds, fish, animals, and people, however I also cannot help but notice a Primary of Three amongst each Seven, which facilitates an additional Three, and the Seventh One being the Source, being Present, and walking (within and) amongst them, yet because he is (as if it were) a recombination of many which Precede him, he is both the Least and the Greatest in the Kingdom.
Shalom @Laureate and Blessings multiplied to you,

Thank you for these keen observations. These are great suggestions to include in the final product! Hopefully, with the contributions of more and more MJs, we may come up with a powerful message from a powerful collaboration to share among the Brethren.

Posting this, I was lacking in sleep and it appears to have affected the quality of my writing. However, I was intentionally not using the Hebrew or Greek scripts, instead using transliterations in order for this concept to be more easily conveyed to the native English readers.

Ultimately, I would like to use this as an 'editing room' with an eye towards compiling the work we do here into a more polished and easy to read product. Perhaps to even qualify as a 'pinned post' that represents the collective views of our small MJ community. So I cannot overstate how grateful I am for your contributions.

After a few more suggestions, it is my aim to update, edit and rewrite each iteration until we achieve a final product. So my next step is to edit and compile the OP and supporting posts and post that product. This will continue until we have a product worth keeping.

Would you consider writing a succinct version of the examination of Light as another layer to this matrix of Sevens? Perhaps we should start a group PM to hash out the details among ourselves. We need someone that has editing skills and an eye for saying the most in the fewest words necessary.

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Jan 26, 2012
Devarim 11:21
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…,and he called Alohym לאור יום the properties of the Light Day…

Though we (cyclicly) enumerate one Day from another the Light of Day is One, in that it is not a Separate or different Light, but rather a Single Light that is being Separated for the sake of Differentiation.

Suggesting that the Seven days correlate with the seven refractions of the White Light which we perceive to be the Colors of the Rainbow, and if they correspond with the Rainbow then they also correspond to the Seven colors of a Covenant.

However there is a separation implied at midday by the terminology used for that time of day, the tzohorim, which essentially means the two lights or double light. I do not believe this means more light and more heat just because the sun passes directly overhead it that time, but rather, I see it as morning light and evening light, with the tzohorim hour being the transition from one to the other.

Until midday the shadows point westward because the sun is rising in the east, at midday the shadows are the shortest or in some locations may even temporarily disappear, and after midday the shadows point toward the east because the sun has begun its downward trek into the west.
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Y'shua HaMoshiach Messianic
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I noticed how the word ‘Separated’ made it into the first four days of your assessment, but not the last three, as a suggestion, to continue the concept with a term that is consistent throughout all Seven days, I recommend the term קדש ‘Set Apart’ as in Distiguished all of these things, with an underlying tone, that these things were made Contrast to one another.
As in Kodesh? I think that is a related, but not the proper equivalent to Badal (בָּדַל) in this case.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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Shalom @Laureate and Blessings multiplied to you,

Thank you for these keen observations. These are great suggestions to include in the final product! Hopefully, with the contributions of more and more MJs, we may come up with a powerful message from a powerful collaboration to share among the Brethren.

Posting this, I was lacking in sleep and it appears to have affected the quality of my writing. However, I was intentionally not using the Hebrew or Greek scripts, instead using transliterations in order for this concept to be more easily conveyed to the native English readers.

Ultimately, I would like to use this as an 'editing room' with an eye towards compiling the work we do here into a more polished and easy to read product. Perhaps to even qualify as a 'pinned post' that represents the collective views of our small MJ community. So I cannot overstate how grateful I am for your contributions.

After a few more suggestions, it is my aim to update, edit and rewrite each iteration until we achieve a final product. So my next step is to edit and compile the OP and supporting posts and post that product. This will continue until we have a product worth keeping.

Would you consider writing a succinct version of the examination of Light as another layer to this matrix of Sevens? Perhaps we should start a group PM to hash out the details among ourselves. We need someone that has editing skills and an eye for saying the most in the fewest words necessary.

I was able to scribble out a rough draft this morning (my time now is 11:17), It would have been nice, if I would have kept the Watch last night, I could have prepared it then and would be posting now, as is, I need to stop and tend to the animals here on the refuge, but as soon as I am done, I’ll be back and show you what I have.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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As in Kodesh? I think that is a related, but not the proper equivalent to Badal (בָּדַל) in this case.
The one בדל is definitive of the other קדש Set Apart conveys Separate, as בדל conveys Distinguished.

I praise Yah for the Lexicographical skills that he has instilled in me.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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Btw, I am all in favor of supporting posts that covers textual criticism. :oldthumbsup:
When I present a word in Hebrew it is never to show off, or suggest a preferred rendering or enunciation, it is strictly to point out a viable application of the word and it’s meaning.

As such it does require a strict critiquing on my behalf to arrive at my conclusions, but that is where my criticism also ceases, I am not a big fan of Criticism, we should be able to present sufficient evidence to one another, triangulating two or three pertinent and reliable witnesses/Evidence to establish our stance on a matter, to illustrate that we are not relying on a haphazard opinion.
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Y'shua HaMoshiach Messianic
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Sep 30, 2004
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When I present a word in Hebrew it is never to show off, or suggest a preferred rendering or enunciation, it is strictly to point out a viable application of the word and it’s meaning.

As such it does require a strict critiquing on my behalf to arrive at my conclusions, but that is where my criticism also ceases, I am not a big fan of Criticism, we should be able to present sufficient evidence to one another, triangulating two or three pertinent and reliable witnesses/Evidence to establish our stance on a matter, to illustrate that we are not relying on a haphazard opinion.
Thanks for all your efforts. You sound like a few other good people I am blessed to know whose skills and self reliance are their hallmark.

Sorry I haven't been around today. The dreaded honey-do has raised it's banner! Anyway, I'll be out of town tomorrow for my B-day, so I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back.

Blessings Multiplied! :D
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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This is in no way an attempt to depict precise frequencies of Color, Sound, or depiction of a Hebrew character, however may very well prove to be instrumental in our attempts to ascertain and declare what those frequencies are.

This diagram illustrates how the 12hrs of Daylight correspond with a 12 and 7 Candlestick Menorah and the 7 Colors of a Rainbow and the 12 Colors of a CYMK (& RGB) Color Wheel.

Light and Sound are born at once, with only a Wavelength and (speed of) Frequency to distinguish them apart; this is the Flash and Bang of an exploding Cannon, first the Thunder Roars followed by a Bolting Light and an Exploding Sound, otherwise they are Twins residing with a relative coexistence 40 Octaves apart from one another.

When we See and Hear Thunder and Lightning we are Witnessing the effects of Light and Sound being birthed at once from a single source, yet there are currently two perspectives of this single event, which when combined form a third perspective 1) Let there be Light 2) Big Bang & 3) the Voice of Alohym whose Voice Thunders and emits an explosion of Light when he Speaks.

The 22 note Chromatic Scale provides a basis to also align the 22 Symbols of the Hebrew Aleph Û Tau, i.e., the First and Last אות ‘Symbols’ of the Hebrew Aleph bet, which directs us to Revelations.

I am Aleph Û Tau [Alpha and Omega], the Beginning and the Ending, says Yahuah, which is, and which was, and which is to come, El Shadai.

I was in the Spirit on the day of Yahuah, and heard behind me a Great Voice, as of a Trumpet, Saying,

I am Aleph Û Tau [Alpha and Omega], the First and the Last: and, What you are seeing, write it in a book, and send it unto the Seven Congregations which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

And ….his Voice was like the Sound of Many Waters.

wherefore I turned to See the Voice that spoke with me.

And being turned, I saw Seven Golden Candlesticks;

….The Seven Candlesticks which you beheld are the Seven Congregations.

And he said unto me, The Waters….are the People of the Nations, and the Multitude of their Tongues.

[ref., Revelation 1:8-12, 15, 20 & 17:15]

This is where a Pure Language enters the Picture, along with the Repairing of the Breeches, primarily between Mankind and Alohym, and between our fellow man, (both of which are tied to the Breeches found in scripture, and) it is the Repairing of these Breeches that will result in everyone Calling on the Name of Yahuah with One Consent.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
Marital Status
Thanks for all your efforts. You sound like a few other good people I am blessed to know whose skills and self reliance are their hallmark.

Sorry I haven't been around today. The dreaded honey-do has raised it's banner! Anyway, I'll be out of town tomorrow for my B-day, so I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back.

Blessings Multiplied! :D

Better than Self Reliance is our Reliance on the Grace of Yah Guiding us in our studies of the Word of Alohym and our incorporation of what we receive there from.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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However there is a separation implied at midday by the terminology used for that time of day, the tzohorim, which essentially means the two lights or double light. I do not believe this means more light and more heat just because the sun passes directly overhead it that time, but rather, I see it as morning light and evening light, with the tzohorim hour being the transition from one to the other.

Until midday the shadows point westward because the sun is rising in the east, at midday the shadows are the shortest or in some locations may even temporarily disappear, and after midday the shadows point toward the east because the sun has begun its downward trek into the west.
Yes, Dawn, Noon, Afternoon, Dusk, the Rising of the Sun, unto the Setting thereof, moving the Shadow on a Sundial.
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