Lucifer's Message For Me


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Jun 29, 2017
New york
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I had this dream. I was in a really beautiful room with some people who I felt were my friends even though I have no familiarity with these people in real life. I don't even know their name or have ever seen them.
One of them was a nun sitting in a chair just like me. And two other were men who I felt were equally holy.

There was a man sitting in a chair in front of me. He fascinated me with his aura of intelligence. I found him to be a respectful man.
His face is something that I do not remember. At all. Like anything at all.
He was the Devil. That much i know.

Then the scene changes and i saw these people..just random strangers standing in a line waiting for their turn.. it horrified me to see that they were waiting to be killed. One by one..
And they seemed so dazed and stunned..out of touch with reality..

Then after that i find myself in the chair with Lucifer again.
He asks me, 'Do you want to remember it? Or do you want to forget it?'
I answer him that I want to forget it..

Then I wake up.. this all it makes no sense.

I know people might ridicule me for this but I have always had this desire to save Lucifer.. i always sympathized with him.. i still sometimes hope that he can be saved..That there is still hope for him.
He scares me as much as he fascinates me..

I am so lost. I have no idea what to make of this dream.. this was my once and only meeting with him..(well in a dream)..

What is wrong with my Soul? I love Jesus so much yet I think this way..
Please, people pray for me. I feel so weak and at war with myself..

Solomons Porch

Solomon's Porch
Jan 8, 2017
United States
Marital Status
I had this dream. I was in a really beautiful room with some people who I felt were my friends even though I have no familiarity with these people in real life. I don't even know their name or have ever seen them.
One of them was a nun sitting in a chair just like me. And two other were men who I felt were equally holy.

There was a man sitting in a chair in front of me. He fascinated me with his aura of intelligence. I found him to be a respectful man.
His face is something that I do not remember. At all. Like anything at all.
He was the Devil. That much i know.

Then the scene changes and i saw these people..just random strangers standing in a line waiting for their turn.. it horrified me to see that they were waiting to be killed. One by one..
And they seemed so dazed and stunned..out of touch with reality..

Then after that i find myself in the chair with Lucifer again.
He asks me, 'Do you want to remember it? Or do you want to forget it?'
I answer him that I want to forget it..

Then I wake up.. this all it makes no sense.

I know people might ridicule me for this but I have always had this desire to save Lucifer.. i always sympathized with him.. i still sometimes hope that he can be saved..That there is still hope for him.
He scares me as much as he fascinates me..

I am so lost. I have no idea what to make of this dream.. this was my once and only meeting with him..(well in a dream)..

What is wrong with my Soul? I love Jesus so much yet I think this way..
Please, people pray for me. I feel so weak and at war with myself..
I will be praying for you and satan has NO NEED for any compassion for his goal is to destroy all of Gods children, you must remember this. He would watch you suffer in torment while laughing, there is NO COMPASSION OR LOVE within him whatsoever. Do not toy with the enemy, that is exactly what he is, the enemy, of OUR GOD and YOU. Seek ONLY the LORD and nothing else, do not be intrigued or fascinated with darkness, you will not find any satisfaction there, only pain and torment. Get into the word of GOD and leave behind any and ALL interests in him, pray and seek the Lord, do not let the enemy fool you and use the written word of GOD that is your sword and FAITH is your shield to kill anything the devil throws your way. Put on the whole armor of GOD daily and walk in nothing but Christs love and compassion. Think on things that are good and lovely, keep faith in only the promises of GOD. Trust in HIM and nothing else. PRAYING :prayer:
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I had this dream. I was in a really beautiful room with some people who I felt were my friends even though I have no familiarity with these people in real life. I don't even know their name or have ever seen them.
One of them was a nun sitting in a chair just like me. And two other were men who I felt were equally holy.

There was a man sitting in a chair in front of me. He fascinated me with his aura of intelligence. I found him to be a respectful man.
His face is something that I do not remember. At all. Like anything at all.
He was the Devil. That much i know.

Then the scene changes and i saw these people..just random strangers standing in a line waiting for their turn.. it horrified me to see that they were waiting to be killed. One by one..
And they seemed so dazed and stunned..out of touch with reality..

Then after that i find myself in the chair with Lucifer again.
He asks me, 'Do you want to remember it? Or do you want to forget it?'
I answer him that I want to forget it..

Then I wake up.. this all it makes no sense.

I know people might ridicule me for this but I have always had this desire to save Lucifer.. i always sympathized with him.. i still sometimes hope that he can be saved..That there is still hope for him.
He scares me as much as he fascinates me..

I am so lost. I have no idea what to make of this dream.. this was my once and only meeting with him..(well in a dream)..

What is wrong with my Soul? I love Jesus so much yet I think this way..
Please, people pray for me. I feel so weak and at war with myself..
How do you know it was the Devil...? That does not sound like the Devil I know of... It could have been an angel, how do you claim to know...?

If it was him, he is only playing nice with you to try and get your loyalty to him, over Christ, and if he cannot get that, then he will get ticked off and turn into the kind of Devil I know, I think....


God Bless!
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2017
Lafayette, LA
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What is wrong with my Soul? I love Jesus so much yet I think this way..
Please, people pray for me. I feel so weak and at war with myself..


It sounds as if Satan is deluding you in dreams with his "power," his aura of intelligence and his respectfulness. Thought I should share a little something with you that will help you to see him a little more clearly.

This is from a Heavenly Vision entitled The Heavens Opened, by Anna Rountree. In it Jesus manifests Himself to her in the form of an Eagle, and takes her on His back on a journey into Second Heaven (the seat of Satan's power in the earth today). The reason for doing so was to show her the cruelty of the Devil, and how truly evil he is:

"The Gigantic Cavern

Joyously the white eagle burst through the far mouth of the tunnel. Now we seemed to be flying inside a gigantic cavern within that mountain, but I could not be sure, for I was unable to see the top. Within this cavern, if it was a cavern, the atmosphere was gray and deathly still, but electric, as it might be in the eye of a hurricane.

Satan’s Palace

Just ahead of us was another mountain rising from within the center of this cavern. It looked as though it was made of shiny, jagged coal. On its top was an exquisite palace, as perfect and lustrous as a jet gemstone. A thick, yellow liquid oozed from beneath the structure and slid down the mountain. The air reeked of sulfur.

At the base of this mountain, large red dragons luxuriated in a cesspool moat, as wild beasts might cool themselves in muddy water on the Serengeti.” Their heads rested against the base of the mountain. Slight fire would come from their nostrils; when this fire touched the yellow liquid sliding down the mountain, a flame would ignite but quickly go out. They rolled their eyes up at us, but we must have been outside of their designated patrol area, for we did not raise their ire enough to protect the castle.

The palace itself was ingenious in design—imaginative and tasteful, but dark, cold, uninviting, and foreboding.

“Satan’s mountain and his palace,” the white Eagle said.’ He continued to fly toward it.

Attack of the Harpies

Suddenly, dark angels by the thousands poured out from the tunnels and began encircling us, like bats leaving caves at sunset. They had the heads and torsos of women and the wings, tails, legs, and clawed feet of rapacious vultures.’

“They cannot touch us,” the white Eagle said. “Remain calm.”

These harpies would pass by us closely, crying and taunting, but they never obstructed our view of the palace nor hindered the white Eagle’s relentless flight toward it.

The Prince of Darkness

High in the black palace at a lightless window, a solitary figure appeared, looking at us.’ From a distance, one could sense his power, authority, and extreme loneliness. ‘Yes— loneliness—separation, isolation, and a cold, cold heart.

He looked like a Spanish prince. He wore an elegant black velvet robe encrusted with jewels; he was tastefully and perfectly groomed. He was handsome, almost perfectly handsome, with shiny black hair and dark intelligent eyes.

He waved his hand, and the harpies flew away as quickly as they had come, retreating into the honeycomb of tunnels. The sound of thousands of leathery wings dwindled away, leaving the cavern quiet in comparison.

After that he continued to stand unmoving at the window, his eyes fixed upon us: lonely, like a king who is also a rejected lover.

I thought to myself, There he is: he who was so full of light that he was named ‘the shining one ‘—now ‘the prince of darkness,’ he whose executive ability still is such that he manages a vast, global empire of deceit, seducing the whole world.

Seeing his impeccable, ageless beauty, I could not help wondering what he must have been like before his fall, for he was created sublime in order to hold the most exalted position in the heavenly court. He was “the anointed cherub who covers.” I wondered if once there were three cherubs guarding the throne of God, one on either side and one above? Was that why he was created so beautiful, wise, and powerful? To guard the throne from that elevated position?

He walked amid the coals of fire, sharing the very heart of God, intimate with the Godhead. Did he betray the One who loved him by striking at Him from above? Is that the reason he boasted that he would exalt his throne above the stars of God?’

There he is, I thought to myself, still superior, but superior now only in evil, and because of his vaulting pride, isolated— beyond mercy’s reach and beyond asking for it.

The white Eagle turned from the palace and began to fly back toward the tunnel.

Taunts of the Black Raven

A huge black raven suddenly appeared beside us.’ Its feathers were a brilliant ebony, and its eyes flashed a fiery red. “Why have You come?” hissed Satan. “Does it please You to shame me before my subjects? Does it please You to bring love and warmth here to torment us? You are cruel !“

The Lord said nothing.

“Don’t You miss me?” Satan continued. “Did You come here because of Your loneliness for me? Would You like to come here more often to be with me, just to see me?” The raven cracked a hard, cruel laugh. “You miss me and love me still’ he exulted. Then in tones venomous with bitter scorn, he mocked:

“You are a fool to love me even now, Jesus of Nazareth.” The Lord’s silence infuriated the raven.

“Don’t come back to shame me before my subjects! I am king here. Stay away! I don’t love You, and I wish all manner of exquisite torments upon You to express my contempt. Stay away!” Satan spewed vehemently.

Having said that, the raven made a sharp turn and flew back to the palace.

The white Eagle continued through the tunnel from which we had come. A void, deathly silence was in that darkness now.

Return to the Sheepfold

He flew to the sheepfold and stopped before the gate. I climbed down from His back. He became the Lord again with His shepherd’s staff in His hand. He opened the gate and led me inside.

We both removed our shoes and stood barefoot within the sheepfold. I was shivering, and He put His arm around me.

“It is all right, Anna,” He said. “You needed to see that Satan is cruel. Rest now.”

Warmth began to flow into me, and I tried to breathe deeply, settling myself.

“Why did You show me these things?” I asked.

“To you it has been granted to know,” He said. “Mark well what you have seen and heard.”

(Rountree, The Heavens Opened, P.70-73)
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that your faith might rest in the power of God
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Mar 22, 2011
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@Hidden In Him 's excerpt says it better than I can, but still:

Satan was the covering angel who continually beheld the face of God. The face of pure light, goodness and love. If there ever was a sin that was committed with full knowledge and forethought and willfulness, it was his rebellion. To do that, he had to harden his heart. And because his heart is so hard, he will not, according to how I understand it, ask for forgiveness.

That's the danger of sin - not that it can't be forgiven, but that it may harden our hearts so much that we do not seek to be forgiven. This apparently is what happened to Esau after he lost the birthright.

The irony in all this is that God probably would forgive even the original sin. But that it will never be requested.

I don't see Jesus showing any remorse for satan. To be sure, I don't see Him hating him either, but He does exult over a vision of satan's kingdom being torn down. I think the attitude is very pragmatic: there is nothing that can be done about satan's destiny, so what remains is to get on with building the kingdom of God. And that includes resisting the devil and bringing down his illicit kingdom. As with Jesus, the devil should "have nothing in us" (John 14:30).

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. -1Pe 5:8​
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Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
New york
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How do you know it was the Devil...? That does not sound like the Devil I know of... It could have been an angel, how do you claim to know...?

If it was him, he is only playing nice with you to try and get your loyalty to him, over Christ, and if he cannot get that, then he will get ticked off and turn into the kind of Devil I know, I think....


God Bless!

i just knew it was the Devil. it was a feeling i had.
perhaps it was a figment of my imagination. but it felt quite real.
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that your faith might rest in the power of God
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Mar 22, 2011
United States
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i just knew it was the Devil. it was a feeling i had.
perhaps it was a figment of my imagination. but it felt quite real.
There's a lot of things in dreams that can be open to interpretation. But in my experience, when the dreamer simply "knows" something in a dream, it can be taken to the bank, and confidently used in trying to understand what the dream might be saying. A similar thing is true of distinct feelings in the dreams.
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Life's linchpin
Jul 2, 2017
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I had this dream. I was in a really beautiful room with some people who I felt were my friends even though I have no familiarity with these people in real life. I don't even know their name or have ever seen them.
One of them was a nun sitting in a chair just like me. And two other were men who I felt were equally holy.

There was a man sitting in a chair in front of me. He fascinated me with his aura of intelligence. I found him to be a respectful man.
His face is something that I do not remember. At all. Like anything at all.
He was the Devil. That much i know.

Then the scene changes and i saw these people..just random strangers standing in a line waiting for their turn.. it horrified me to see that they were waiting to be killed. One by one..
And they seemed so dazed and stunned..out of touch with reality..

Then after that i find myself in the chair with Lucifer again.
He asks me, 'Do you want to remember it? Or do you want to forget it?'
I answer him that I want to forget it..

Then I wake up.. this all it makes no sense.

I know people might ridicule me for this but I have always had this desire to save Lucifer.. i always sympathized with him.. i still sometimes hope that he can be saved..That there is still hope for him.
He scares me as much as he fascinates me..

I am so lost. I have no idea what to make of this dream.. this was my once and only meeting with him..(well in a dream)..

What is wrong with my Soul? I love Jesus so much yet I think this way..
Please, people pray for me. I feel so weak and at war with myself..
There's nothing wrong with you, I also woke early today after a nightmare.

I was also in a room asleep in a room with two single beds, my lover was fast asleep in the other bed as I woke in the dream to two evil spirits breaking in.

I was paralyzed to confront them, I couldn't even scream. Then I woke up craving for a cigarette (I just gave up smoking) You see that all this relates to real things that my subconscious is trying to figure out.

Try a dream interpretation book.
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Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
New york
United States
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There's nothing wrong with you, I also woke early today after a nightmare.

I was also in a room asleep in a room with two single beds, my lover was fast asleep in the other bed as I woke in the dream to two evil spirits breaking in.

I was paralyzed to confront them, I couldn't even scream. Then I woke up craving for a cigarette (I just gave up smoking) You see that all this relates to real things that my subconscious is trying to figure out.

Try a dream interpretation book.

Thank you :)
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Jul 12, 2017
Provo, UT
United States
Marital Status
I had this dream. I was in a really beautiful room with some people who I felt were my friends even though I have no familiarity with these people in real life. I don't even know their name or have ever seen them.
One of them was a nun sitting in a chair just like me. And two other were men who I felt were equally holy.

There was a man sitting in a chair in front of me. He fascinated me with his aura of intelligence. I found him to be a respectful man.
His face is something that I do not remember. At all. Like anything at all.
He was the Devil. That much i know.

Then the scene changes and i saw these people..just random strangers standing in a line waiting for their turn.. it horrified me to see that they were waiting to be killed. One by one..
And they seemed so dazed and stunned..out of touch with reality..

Then after that i find myself in the chair with Lucifer again.
He asks me, 'Do you want to remember it? Or do you want to forget it?'
I answer him that I want to forget it..

Then I wake up.. this all it makes no sense.

I know people might ridicule me for this but I have always had this desire to save Lucifer.. i always sympathized with him.. i still sometimes hope that he can be saved..That there is still hope for him.
He scares me as much as he fascinates me..

I am so lost. I have no idea what to make of this dream.. this was my once and only meeting with him..(well in a dream)..

What is wrong with my Soul? I love Jesus so much yet I think this way..
Please, people pray for me. I feel so weak and at war with myself..

I would encourage you to fast and pray for inspiration. If you have faith in Christ, you can do all things which are expedient in him.

I would also encourage you to relinquish the thought that Lucifer can perhaps be saved. Although it is certainly sad that he has fallen, he is lost and cannot be brought back into the fold of God. He has rebelled against God and taken himself beyond the power of redemption.
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Jun 29, 2017
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I would encourage you to fast and pray for inspiration. If you have faith in Christ, you can do all things which are expedient in him.

I would also encourage you to relinquish the thought that Lucifer can perhaps be saved. Although it is certainly sad that he has fallen, he is lost and cannot be brought back into the fold of God. He has rebelled against God and taken himself beyond the power of redemption.

Thank You :)
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† Handmaid of God †
Dec 1, 2013
Florida panhandle, USA
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Welcome to CF!

Whether the dream was a random psychological figment or a real spiritual dream the best course of action is the same.

Ignore it. Concerning oneself with Satan is not safe when one lacks a very strong and mature foundation in Christ - and probably not even then. Thinking you are up to the task is a pretty sure sign you aren't.

Let it go. Seek Christ. Pray. Read the Scriptures. Go to Church. Focus on what Christ has provided for our growth, and when Satan comes to mind, push him out and focus on Christ instead.

Sometimes short "arrow prayers" are helpful to focus on Christ instead. These are often bits of Psalms - "Lord make haste to help me" or the Jesus Prayer - "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me a sinner" which can be shortened. These prayers can be repeated with attention to the words to put the mind back on Christ.

I hope something here helps. Prayers for you.
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Solomons Porch

Solomon's Porch
Jan 8, 2017
United States
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I totally agree here, prayers for you ForsakenGirl :prayer:

Concerning oneself with Satan is not safe when one lacks a very strong and mature foundation in Christ

Seek Christ. Pray. Read the Scriptures. Go to Church. Focus on what Christ has provided for our growth, and when Satan comes to mind, push him out and focus on Christ instead
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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
New york
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Welcome to CF!

Whether the dream was a random psychological figment or a real spiritual dream the best course of action is the same.

Ignore it. Concerning oneself with Satan is not safe when one lacks a very strong and mature foundation in Christ - and probably not even then. Thinking you are up to the task is a pretty sure sign you aren't.

Let it go. Seek Christ. Pray. Read the Scriptures. Go to Church. Focus on what Christ has provided for our growth, and when Satan comes to mind, push him out and focus on Christ instead.

Sometimes short "arrow prayers" are helpful to focus on Christ instead. These are often bits of Psalms - "Lord make haste to help me" or the Jesus Prayer - "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me a sinner" which can be shortened. These prayers can be repeated with attention to the words to put the mind back on Christ.

I hope something here helps. Prayers for you.

Thank You For Your Advice :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
United States
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I know people might ridicule me for this but I have always had this desire to save Lucifer.. i always sympathized with him.. i still sometimes hope that he can be saved..That there is still hope for him.
He scares me as much as he fascinates me..
Put away this desire immediately. If a spirit asks you a question never answer. If they say look down, close your eyes. Call upon God. The sympathy card is something they use a lot to draw people in. It's a trap, their fate is in Gods hands alone. Don't even pray for them, close your mind entirely to them.

I'm going to give you a link to two podcast episodes. One of the recurring guests are a group of Deliverance ministers called Fern and Audrey. In these particular episodes they bring in a woman named Beth who had their whole church infiltrated from this same sort of thing. Here is a portion of the transcript.

Podcast 120
B: Well, the situation with my family in working with a small group of these people ended up being things like – I mean, we witnessed with our eyes superhuman strength, people getting thrown off of chairs, Christians who would have physical presentations of being able to supposedly discern evil and the difference between evil and good by holding an object or by speaking words that were coming from, presumably, angels or God himself or whatever that looked like in the situation. It was a very confusing time because we were seeing signs
and wonders with our eyes and lots and lots of prophecy, visions, dreams from a small group of people, including ourselves sometimes. And yet an end goal...well, for one (I'll just give one example) was to end up being my parents' divorce. Things got very muddled as far as what we were being called to do, asked to do. The work that daddy was doing very specifically through a very small group of individuals that were coming for help... voices through those people would present as fallen angels who had a desire for redemption, basically. And the physical manifestations and the signs and wonders were really sweeping us up and having a real conflict on our hands because Scripture – what it looks like in whole versus in part and what we were being shown and what we were being told, and on and on and on, and how that evolved and got bigger and bigger. And then there was to be this purpose of the divorce of my parents, and how that was supposed to weave into this whole situation.

Follow Up Podcast 149.

B:Typically what that would look like is because the person was the one communicating with the fallen ones and would hear from the fallen ones. She would let him know that there were some fallen ones that were waiting. And then there would be a time where they and maybe another person or two on their "deliverance team" would meet together. My dad would speak to that group of fallen ones and he would say that they've met there together so that they could be available. There would typically be a representation. There might be a manifestation through the person. That might look like contortions or voice-changing or that kind of thing. There would be a voice that would speak through her, and then there would be some communication between that voice and my dad. My dad would ask something along the lines of what its name was, how many came with it, for what purpose was it there. It's interesting because even when that would happen, I remember for the times that I was present where even the voice would reference his name and say [to my dad], "You're that person." It was as if there was a representation, a familiarization of who he was and what he was there to do. And then he would tell that group of fallen ones basically a redemption story and what was available for them, and there would be a spokesperson. He would instruct them to state that Jesus is Lord. That often looked like a real struggle to get the three words out together.
Then it would look like the fallen ones were leaving the person. Then the person (because she had a seeing gift) would talk about the restoration of the form of what had been the fallen one to its original state. Following that would be a period of suffering for that person

I've already heard (just in one line of what Beth was relating to me) sufficient proof that this is a deception. Here it is: If they want this so badly, why is it hard to say, "Jesus is Lord?" Why is that a struggle? You would think they'd be like, "We're finally here! We're shouting it from the housetops here." That alone... If I were in the room watching this happen, it would be like, "I've got you pegged. This should not be a struggle. If this is what you want, it's right there in front of you."

So as you can see they use this sympathy card to hook you in. In Beths case it destroyed their church and her parents marriage. They cannot be redeemed. They cannot say that Jesus is Lord and so redemption is impossible.
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Feb 4, 2013
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You're dream kind of sounds like to me that you are familiar with what is holy, i.e. Jesus and God, represented by the nun and the two other figures. Then you see Satan tempting you from across the room, and then you see the line of strangers awaiting their death, presumably because of their connection to Satan, who goes on to confuse you by asking you if you want to remember or not. Remember that God is not the author of confusion.

To be honest a while back, I can't remember how long ago, I thought i had dreams about satan too. I had three dreams three nights in a row. I wrote down the dreams somewhere, but I've forgotten a lot of the content. I remember that the first dream was about trying to fight satan with a sword while missing most of my armor, and losing most of the battle but fighting as hard as I could. all i saw of satan in that dream was this white toothy smile as I fell from a ledge and then woke up. The next night as I was falling asleep and still between awake and asleep I felt this hot breathing down my neck, and the breathing felt so real. I then woke up to find that no one was there. As I fell asleep again I felt it again but didn't wake up. I can't remember what happened in the second and third dream. I just remember that the dreams were encouraging me to have sex outside of marriage and/or to commit suicide, along with one other thing that I forget. I've been struggling with suicidal thoughts for a long time now, and the dreams didn't help.

I think that for you to feel sorry for satan you have to forget that he wasn't some feeble human, he was a much more powerful and intelligent angel, and knew exactly what he was doing. It wasn't a mistake or lack of foresight. It was a rebellion against God and everything good and holy.
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