Lead the life they have lived, reputable and wise for youth?


Prevent Slavery, support the persecuted.
Mar 12, 2007
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I recall scripture saying that we lead the life our teachers have lived such as Peter the apostle. And how can a repentant sinner lead children and youth to a wisdom that does not learn and become right by trial and error? Surely the youth need wise and reputable pastors and preachings, or they could end up in sin.

Shouldn't youth leaders have repute and wisdom?


May 18, 2015
Near Austin, TX
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This post a few months old I know, but what the heck, let's take a stab at it.

I recall scripture saying that we lead the life our teachers have lived such as Peter the apostle.
To my knowledge, that's not a scripture verse. There is a verse, 1Cor 11:1, Paul says "Imitate me, as I imitate Christ", but that's different than what you're getting at. There's Proverbs, "Lead up a child in the way they should go, and they'll continue to walk in it" but that's also a bit different. There are probably verse sin the prophets that say that leaders are leading people astray via their bad examples. But as for a verse exactly like what you mentioned, in relation to peter or an apostle in the NT, I don't think it's there.

But now we get to the real question:

And how can a repentant sinner lead children and youth to a wisdom that does not learn and become right by trial and error? Surely the youth need wise and reputable pastors and preachings, or they could end up in sin.

Shouldn't youth leaders have repute and wisdom?
I think you meant "unrepentant sinner".

We all have sinned and fallen short of His glory, and we are exhorted to continually ask for forgiveness and to profess our sins, which tells me that in our Christian walk we will sin. But there are passages in the Bible, say the passages about Jesus saying, you'll know a tree by it's fruit, the passages in 2Peter and Jude about false teachers, and the scary Hebrews 6 passage, which does seem to point to professing Christians who's lives really don't live up to the what they are professing (ie being a Christian). Also, Hebrews talks about drifting away, don't drift away or loose the faith, remain fired up like you where at first; and 1Jn talks a lot about those who practice sin don't really love God, the phrase "practice sin" meaning willfully habitual, a lifestyle. So yes, while we Christians do all sin, it seems that there is a way to live where, you profess to be a Christian but really aren't one. If we knew someone was on that side, then I'd say we're correct to not let them be teachers and leaders- besides the fact that they aren't truly Christians anyway, children especially are very prone to following examples.

How would we "judge" this? Well first we'd take the planks from our eyes. Then, we'd do the same that we'd do for almost anything- pray about the teachers; have a good grasp of what scriptures say is a Christian; discuss this topic with other mature, Godly Christian adults; when a specific teacher comes to the forefront, pray and study and discuss, and eventually the pastor would have to confront the teacher if it leads to this.

Overall, yes it'd be good to not have Christian who are merely professing but really are not the real deal, be teachers in any capacity. They should definitely have repute and wisdom, and I'd say they should have the gift of teaching. If God gives gifts, why are we running around begging for and taking any and every volunteer we can get our hands on? God'll provide.
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Prevent Slavery, support the persecuted.
Mar 12, 2007
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This post a few months old I know, but what the heck, let's take a stab at it.

To my knowledge, that's not a scripture verse. There is a verse, 1Cor 11:1, Paul says "Imitate me, as I imitate Christ", but that's different than what you're getting at. There's Proverbs, "Lead up a child in the way they should go, and they'll continue to walk in it" but that's also a bit different. There are probably verse sin the prophets that say that leaders are leading people astray via their bad examples. But as for a verse exactly like what you mentioned, in relation to peter or an apostle in the NT, I don't think it's there.

But now we get to the real question:

I think you meant "unrepentant sinner".

We all have sinned and fallen short of His glory, and we are exhorted to continually ask for forgiveness and to profess our sins, which tells me that in our Christian walk we will sin. But there are passages in the Bible, say the passages about Jesus saying, you'll know a tree by it's fruit, the passages in 2Peter and Jude about false teachers, and the scary Hebrews 6 passage, which does seem to point to professing Christians who's lives really don't live up to the what they are professing (ie being a Christian). Also, Hebrews talks about drifting away, don't drift away or loose the faith, remain fired up like you where at first; and 1Jn talks a lot about those who practice sin don't really love God, the phrase "practice sin" meaning willfully habitual, a lifestyle. So yes, while we Christians do all sin, it seems that there is a way to live where, you profess to be a Christian but really aren't one. If we knew someone was on that side, then I'd say we're correct to not let them be teachers and leaders- besides the fact that they aren't truly Christians anyway, children especially are very prone to following examples.

How would we "judge" this? Well first we'd take the planks from our eyes. Then, we'd do the same that we'd do for almost anything- pray about the teachers; have a good grasp of what scriptures say is a Christian; discuss this topic with other mature, Godly Christian adults; when a specific teacher comes to the forefront, pray and study and discuss, and eventually the pastor would have to confront the teacher if it leads to this.

Overall, yes it'd be good to not have Christian who are merely professing but really are not the real deal, be teachers in any capacity. They should definitely have repute and wisdom, and I'd say they should have the gift of teaching. If God gives gifts, why are we running around begging for and taking any and every volunteer we can get our hands on? God'll provide.
I am not a youth and don't have the talent of being entertaining and holding a young audience's attention but I am interested in preaching now and after I finish Bible college. Also I am interested in filling the need among new converts in Africa... to give Spirit filled kids an education containing things I missed growing up in a partly secular education system. Christian literature, science with faith in mind, music composition in a faith environment, the sense of marketing and meeting spiritual needs as well as the worldly, the history of the Spirit in the Old Testament, New Testament, and up to the present with a focus on such as the 20th century and of course maths...

I devised this thread because of a time when as a youth a pastor arranged for me to meet a potential youth pastor. He allowed accidental hints to come forward about his past and it actually angered me a little. For example, I said about myself, "My ancestry is French, my great grandma was a madame." His reply was that I should not say that since a madame was a woman who runs a brothel. When I asked him more, he said he did not want to go into that. And repeated the same error once or twice more. And he wanted to take me to some revival meetings I had not heard of.

My feeling is that I do not want to be like him. It looked foolish. I was not confident about anything he suggested. One can learn by trial and error and produce good work. Better to have the quality of learning without error to be able to teach that wisdom itself. And to admired rather than pitied. Some people are really neither but were in unfortunate circumstances in early life, and some today are currently in this misfortune, more so now thanks to the internet. There may be a shortage of these very wise teachers. What matters is trustworthiness and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Jesus' sacred blood. People gaining a revelation of God for themselves in a sweet way. Of course happiness, wholeness and salvation matter.

What do you think? What kind of preacher do you want and what kind of course list and content for school kids?
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Prevent Slavery, support the persecuted.
Mar 12, 2007
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Found the verse here:
Heb 13:7 Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
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