Job application questions. I need prayer.


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Dec 23, 2016
League City, TX
United States
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From my other prayer requests if you have seen them, you know I am job searching.

I am having some, ethical issues with some things that have come up in the search.

#1. I have due to the businesses involved had to politely, not exactly decline, but make it clear that the company and I would not be a good fit. Most notably a uh, adult film company apparently saw I have videography experience, I had to explain I am a videographer at my church and their business and my values didn't line up...
#2. I am getting all of those self identification questionaires. They never bothered me in the past, but these days with the political climate within many companies I fear answering the questions. I mean outright am afriad I am going to be discriminated against if I answer honestly.

Gender. Well that's been messed up in so many companies now I guess I could list potato for all I know.

Ethnicity. I know my family history. And since I do not have a Spanish family name, I have to put down non Hispanic, but my wifes family is from Mexico. Every time I check that box, I feel like I am slapping her in the face. And I want to vomit. She is every bit as much a part of me as I am (Do we need to go over Genesis?).

Race. Really? In 2022 we are still going to go down that road. Race? Human, child of the Most High God. Any other questions? I know this is a touchy subject for folks. Let me tall you though. The way I was raised was that there are 2 categories of people. The saved and the lost. I HATE this whole race thing. It only serves to divide people that should be united in Christ.

Disability. I work in Tech, not a physical job exactly, but I unfortunately am obese, I know it sorry if the word offends you but it is medically correct. I also have osteoarthritis of my back. The arthritis came first if you are going for cause and effect. This in turn causes me some mobility issues. I can walk, bend, stoop, lift etc... but with some slowness and some pain. I am not now considered by my doctor to be disabled, however I have had to have a disabled placard just prior to COVID due to a knee injury. I literally needed it so I could guarantee I would get a parking space wide enough I could fully open my car door so I could get my bandaged leg in and out of the car. I do not want potential employers to get myopic on that matter.

I do not want to be dishonest on these questionaires, so I have started to just click the decline to answer button. I suspect that isn't doing me any favors.

Please pray that God gives me some peace over this, and the anxiety I am feeling over our whole social situation that is, well honestly making me a bit paranoid about just honestly answering the questiosn, or better yet, needing to have those questions in the first place.


Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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I was on the hiring team for a college for a number of years.
We made it clear that the ethical questions did not have to be answered. I would shy away from any company that requires an answer. As for me, those questions are big "none of your business" questions that have nothing to do with my ability to do the job.
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