Is the Bible our Creed?

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God Made Me A Skeptic
Apr 9, 2002
Saint Paul, MN
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Lotar said:
Today the big thing seems to be Christian inspiration. Nobody knows what they believe, but they sure feel good about it. No one wants to teach doctrine or theology, because they might bore the congregation or offend somebody. People go around talking about "all we need is the bible," as if people like Augustine, Luther, Calvin, ect had know idea what they were talking about, as if everyone has a degree in theology. We have 2000 years worth of theology and doctrine written down, it would do us good to learn some of it. That is what the creeds are, the very basics of the Christian faith, theology and doctrine, and that is why so few Christians know the basics any more, because "they don't need the creeds."

While I am sympathetic to the concern you raise, I don't think this is the only possible interpretation of a dislike for creeds. Friends have been doing without creeds for hundreds of years, not for fear of offending, but for fear of misleading. Words do not do God justice, and it would be a grave error to insist dogmatically that people accept one set of words or reject another, when we can judge them by their fruits directly.

This isn't to say there aren't entire books on faith and practice out there; however, these are a starting point, not a goal.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2004
I'm sure that the most popular pastoral induction sermon text is, "I make it my aim to proclaim the whole counsel of God"

It is 42 years this month since I was saved: can I just encourage all that, early on, I had 2 hours by rail & bus to work, & 2 more home, & I would be absolutely enthralled in the Bible all the way, both ways!

After tea & chat with my parents, I'd often do another 2 hours Bible study


Paul told Corinthians - (who hosted the prestigious Isthmean Games, & knew well the dedicated discipline of competitors) - that we have much more incentive than athletes, who often train 4/6 hours a day, just for a laurel wreath that soon fades!

We have "a glorious inheritance that will never perish or fade"
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