I hate the media


Dec 1, 2007
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Alright, as long as are both on the same page. We both agree abuse is occurring, few people seem to care sometimes, and we agree that reform is needed.

Well we need to start caring becuase no one is making the Church look good here. and the ones who live in this fantasy world... they need to get real.
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Jul 16, 2011
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I was shocked reading the original post. It smacked of descrimination of the worst kind. in fact I was personally offended b it. My nephew is Gay, he is my blood, my DNA pool, I'd take a bullet for him.

Maybe some of the stone throwers around here should take a course in humility...
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back in black
Jan 28, 2005
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they are like everybody else and they are fun... I'm not even understanding the marriage thing- what do they want? Just to be recognized by the state?

In some cases, a gay couple might want the same civil rights that a straight couple receives when married - things like being able to visit an ill partner in the hospital, making decisions for their care, being able to recieve an inheritance if they die, tax breaks, etc. But most often, gay couples want to be recognised as morally equivalent to straight married couples, and they want people to view them as such. It goes beyond the practical and into the realm of the general social mindset. It often isn't enough to simply receive civil rights. They have a need to change how people think and feel, too.
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Oct 14, 2010
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My friends Scott and John do not seek equivalency with straight married couples. They really just want to be left alone to live out their lives. They have worked out the hospital visitation, inheritance and power of attorney issues with legal documentation. It can be difficult, but not impossible, to create a legal union that gives partners a legal relationship almost identical to a straight marriage.

My friends do not expect society to change to suit their relationship. What they want from society as a whole is to just be left alone.

I know that this is not typical of gay couples, but these dear friends are the best example of what a relationship like this can be.
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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In some cases, a gay couple might want the same civil rights that a straight couple receives when married - things like being able to visit an ill partner in the hospital, making decisions for their care, being able to recieve an inheritance if they die, tax breaks, etc. But most often, gay couples want to be recognised as morally equivalent to straight married couples, and they want people to view them as such. It goes beyond the practical and into the realm of the general social mindset. It often isn't enough to simply receive civil rights. They have a need to change how people think and feel, too.

No one--no one, not even married couples get things like make decisions, know medical information of the other without a court paper--a HIPPA (I think). Husband and I had to pay for one. In it one specifies who can know, decide or whatnot. We also had to pay for a will--that's for inheritance and in a will a person can decide who receives inheritance (and what). Die without a will, and there is no guarantee that the person wanted will receive what is wanted. It reverts to state law. But if it was truly about inheritance rights, the people would simply make out a will. That would cover it. And as far as the married getting tax breaks. You must be kidding! Tax *penalties* is more like it.

Why the activists think that they will get civil rights by re-defining marriage is beyond me. Or maybe they already know that it isn't about that *at all*--it's simply about pushing their agenda and making others kowtow to them.

Redefining homosexual coupling to mean marriage which is between one man and one woman creates *major* problems. One problem can be seen in the area of family issues. It was vividly illustrated by that little girl caught in the "It's all about me" homosexual mess. Her mother first "married" a homosexual in one of our more liberal states. The mother was artificially inseminated and the little girl came into being. Then the mother had a conversion (you know that you don't *have* to stay homosexual if you don't want)--became a Christian and "divorced" the homosexual woman and then moved with daughter to a state that didn't recognize homosexual marriage. However the state did recognize the shared custody of the "divorce." Problem was, the homosexual woman wanted to take her revenge out on the girl--she hated Christians you see. The girl was forced to bathe naked with the adult woman and complained bitterly, in tears, to her mother. Her mother tried to stop this abuse, but a judge ordered the girl back into it. Last heard the only way to protect the child the mother had to go into hiding with her. Not even her attorney knows where. There were unintended consequences.

God insists that the act of homosexuality is an abomination. To echo what He says is not being judgemental. It is not "throwing stones". It is being true to what God says. Hate the sin, but love the sinner. God does.
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Jul 16, 2011
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To echo what He says is not being judgemental. It is not "throwing stones".

Pull the other one... Some folk here and elsewhere have, what seems to be, a latent and implicit hatred for Gay people and take every opportunity to stone them, and do so with an unsettling glee...
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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I feel the same way about black people and Jews.

They're just everywhere.


Not sinful, even if you claim to think of them as "ick". The act of homosexuality, however, is a sin. And skincolor or the religion one was born into is not the same as a lifestyle choice (and living the life of homosexuality is--one doesn't *have* to be homosexual or participate in homosexual acts--there have been conversions. a person can be chaste instead and I believe that Catholic group COURAGE has had good results in helping those addicted to the homosexual lifestyle.)

And like all sins, the homosexual life is destructive. There is now screening for Aids in blood transfusions so new cases of Aids is from that or drugs (another sin). Then lives like that little girl's life fleeing from that vengeful homosexual woman who was supposed to share custody with the now converted Christian mother shows another destructive force.
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Oct 14, 2010
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Trying to avoid the truth does nothing to help anyone. God still hates the sin, but loves the sinner. We can do no less.

But, my friend I am not God. I am just a lowly sinner. I love my friends, and whatever sin they may or may not be guilty of is between them and a merciful God.

Your Mileage May Vary......
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Pro Deo et Patria
Apr 12, 2002
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If what has been posted is in your opinion hatred, then thank God that you have been spared an encounter with the worst of human nature. Hatred, Venom, Bile, Vile, Fear & Hate, Vitriol... All buzzwords whose use in cases this do nothing but cheapen their meaning. There are times these words fit, but this is not one of them. What is going on in Liberia is hatred; this, not-so-much.
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Andy Hardy

Nov 24, 2010
No one--no one, not even married couples get things like make decisions, know medical information of the other without a court paper--a HIPPA (I think). Husband and I had to pay for one. In it one specifies who can know, decide or whatnot. We also had to pay for a will--that's for inheritance and in a will a person can decide who receives inheritance (and what). Die without a will, and there is no guarantee that the person wanted will receive what is wanted. It reverts to state law. But if it was truly about inheritance rights, the people would simply make out a will. That would cover it. And as far as the married getting tax breaks. You must be kidding! Tax *penalties* is more like it.

Why the activists think that they will get civil rights by re-defining marriage is beyond me. Or maybe they already know that it isn't about that *at all*--it's simply about pushing their agenda and making others kowtow to them.

Redefining homosexual coupling to mean marriage which is between one man and one woman creates *major* problems. One problem can be seen in the area of family issues. It was vividly illustrated by that little girl caught in the "It's all about me" homosexual mess. Her mother first "married" a homosexual in one of our more liberal states. The mother was artificially inseminated and the little girl came into being. Then the mother had a conversion (you know that you don't *have* to stay homosexual if you don't want)--became a Christian and "divorced" the homosexual woman and then moved with daughter to a state that didn't recognize homosexual marriage. However the state did recognize the shared custody of the "divorce." Problem was, the homosexual woman wanted to take her revenge out on the girl--she hated Christians you see. The girl was forced to bathe naked with the adult woman and complained bitterly, in tears, to her mother. Her mother tried to stop this abuse, but a judge ordered the girl back into it. Last heard the only way to protect the child the mother had to go into hiding with her. Not even her attorney knows where. There were unintended consequences.

God insists that the act of homosexuality is an abomination. To echo what He says is not being judgmental. It is not "throwing stones". It is being true to what God says. Hate the sin, but love the sinner. God does.

....and how is this above situation fundamentally different for a heterosexual divorce when one or both parents is vindictive enough to use children as a weapon ?

...and, for my edification, would you be kind enough to point to where God says homosexuality is an abomination ?
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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...and, for my edification, would you be kind enough to point to where God says homosexuality is an abomination ?

Homosexuality is *not* being fond of fine wines and dining, or dancing, or listening to the Masters (or even of that singer that the movie "In or Out" used for a definition.) It is not being friends with someone of the same sex and it is not having effeminate mannerisms. It's wanting to have sexual relations with a person of the same sex. With that in mind, read Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." I said the *act* was abomination. And furthermore, if one wasn't performing the "act" as is meant when one speaks of the "gay lifestyle" and what is intended when homosexuals decide to redefine marriage, then no one would ever know that the person was homosexual to begin with since it's solely about a sexual preference and we don't normally go around with signs around our necks proclaiming our sexual preferences.
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There's a distinct lack of love. Thats my point. Folk go out of their way to vent their hatred as seen, in my view, in the original post...

Its hatred when we get tired of people telling us we're wrong and evil for not accepting homosexuality, for telling us we have to change our minds and re-educate our children? No.
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Christian Democrat
Feb 27, 2011
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:confused: A pure sin?

Does that make it better than whatever type of sin you'd call homosexuality?

I was wondering what that meant either.

Pure sin = super bad naughty naughty sin?

The only thing I can think of is when St. Paul calls sins of the flesh a worse type of sin because you commit it with both soul and your body, in which he likens the body to the temple of the spirit, of which fornication defiles this temple.

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. - 1 Corinthians 6- 18

Pull the other one... Some folk here and elsewhere have, what seems to be, a latent and implicit hatred for Gay people and take every opportunity to stone them, and do so with an unsettling glee...
where in the west have gays been stoned? Has anyone here seen a gay person being stoned in their neighborhood?

If you wanna see persecution, look at the Christians in Asia and Arabia. The gay community in the west hasn't been through 1/1000000th of what they are going through now. It seems you may be straining the knat while ignoring the real trials of your christian brethren who actually are being stoned, shot, and beheaded.

...and, for my edification, would you be kind enough to point to where God says homosexuality is an abomination ?
Is this supposed to be a trick question?
[FONT=arial, helvetica]
[/FONT]"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

"and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error"

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals"
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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I was wondering what that meant either. Pure sin = super bad sin?

The way I have always heard the expression used is that the object (in this case it would be homosexuality) is a sin with nothing redeeming in it. It is just wrong. It is against God's will. Sort of like "unrefined" sin.
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