I don't believe in the fire torment pit of hell.

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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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I call this spiritual discernment. Looking pass all the errors of man and his religious man made creeds dogmas and letting God’s Word not man’s systems lead and guide us into all truth. Deep down God’s Spirit has shown me who Jesus is. Not who religious man wants me to belief what they think he is.

Unfortunately whoever has been speaking to you has led you to a wrong theology.

The problem with these three words is people like you who are so intellectual and bias you think you have God all figured out. God’s Word is divine and there in absolutely no room for error.

And yet there you go.

aion or aionios

These two words are translated as well as mis-translated many ways: eternal age, ages of ages, course, world, , since the world began, from the beginning of the world, ever, forever, forever and ever, for evermore, while the world standeth, world without end, and, never.

1. Never is aionios translated as eternal "age".

2. Forver and ever are two instances of aionios. Typically each is rendered with their own case.

3. The meaning from within the semantic range is ALWAYS determined by the context.

Now I understand what the bias translators have interpreted the Bible using these two words as mentioned above but it just does not add up in the Bible. God’s Word is perfect; with out error; but it is full of errors if we believe these translator and or translations

Easy. Just learn Greek and Hebrew as I have done so that you can read them with no "translator bias". Secondly with all the lexicons, dictionaries, concordances, commentaries, etc, available these days it is inexcusable for anyone to fall trap to a translator's bias unless one is just plain lazy.

The word eternal, forever and everlasting occur when there is no way they can possibly mean without end. Jonah was in the belly of the fish
  Jonah2:6 "I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me for ever"
But Jonah was in the fish for three days and nights.
But he was in the fish only three days and three nights!

It amazes me that you can actually fall trap to this argument. Have you actually read Jonah 2? Did you miss the rest of the verse?

Here it is in its entirety:

6 “I descended to the roots of the mountains.
The earth with its bars was around me forever,
But You have brought up my life from the pit, O LORD my God.

This verse is akin to me saying "I was lost forever but by the blood of Christ I am now saved". The Hebrew לְעֹולָ֑ does mean forever here. Did you miss the word וְ־ (but)?

BTW- J. Preston Eby, who is still making the argument for you, miss this easy refutation.

When a Hebrew slave loved his master so much that he became a bond servant something where for the rest of his life he dedicated his life to his master out of the love for his master this would have to end at the end of his life.
Ex. 21:6 His master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him for ever"
But the bias religious translators with their bias mindset claimed this slave would serve forever. The translators disregarded the fact that the man would die long long before forever had a chance.

lol To make this claim Eby goes totally out of context and presents a strawman. The slave would serve "permanently" for the rest of his natural life. This is evidenced by the terms of the ordinance being set before the people. Verses 2 to 10 explain each term based on a particular situation. To use this verse as an example Eby is simply proof texting and ignoring the context. Another fumble.

When King Solomon finally built his temple built his temple he proclaimed: 1 Kings 8:13 "I have surely built You a house to dwell in, a settled place for You to abide in for ever"
The Lord answered Solomon,
1 Kings 9:3 "I have heard your prayer and supplication that you have made before Me: I have hallowed this house, which you have built, to put My name there for ever" (I Kgs. 9:3).
But we all know that Solomon’s temple only last a mere 400 years which is a long way from forever. God knew this and there is no way God said it would last forever. If you look at the Hebrew the Hebrew word “olan” or age was used which simply means age.

Yep. Solomon sure made God a house for Him to dwell forever. That was Solomon's intention but even Solomon faltered to the point where God cursed Solomon's offspring. God destroyed it because of Israel's unbelief and wickedness. IF Israel would have remained faithful God would have indeed dwelled in the temple forever. Again, context is imperative.

Now we can see the bias religious translators tell us one thing. But God’s Word tells us the truth if we have spiritual ears to hear not religious ears to defend.

No, all that we can see is fallacy, proof texting, and amateurish out of context eisegesis.
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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I don't believe in stone age camp fire tales, talking snakes, Santa Clause or the tooth fairy, it doesn't bother me to have a black cat cross my path, and I don't go out of my way not to walk under a ladder either.

Cool, Neither do I.

If you want to have a conversation fine, but don't yank my chain.

I am not yanking your chain. I meant every word I wrote.

BTW- Do you have a single example from the science community where ANY "evolutionary" change has come by gaining genetical "information"?
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Christian Gnostic
Feb 24, 2011
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Cool, Neither do I.

I am not yanking your chain. I meant every word I wrote.

BTW- Do you have a single example from the science community where ANY "evolutionary" change has come by gaining genetical "information"?
LOL, HA! No one can mistake a bronze age poem full of naughty puns for "historical record". LOL, really, don't yank my chain.

To your question,, here are but a few examples.


The Horse and the Hippopotamus. DNA has proven a common ancestor.

Humans and Chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than to Gorilla's, through a common ancestor.

Birds have reptile DNA, and there now now only a few missing fossils to show the progression from Dinosaur to Sunday dinner.

The Horse also has an unbroken fossil record from the time it was a pawed animal the size of a fox until the present. A lemur like animal is probably the common ancestor between the Horse and the Hippo.

Kangaroos and Marsupial mice. DNA has conclusively linked the Australian kangaroo with Chinese Marsupial mice.
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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LOL, HA! No one can mistake a bronze age poem full of naughty puns for "historical record". LOL, really, don't yank my chain.

To your question,, here are but a few examples.


The Horse and the Hippopotamus. DNA has proven a common ancestor.

Humans and Chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than to Gorilla's, through a common ancestor.

Birds have reptile DNA, and there now now only a few missing fossils to show the progression from Dinosaur to Sunday dinner.

The Horse also has an unbroken fossil record from the time it was a pawed animal the size of a fox until the present. A lemur like animal is probably the common ancestor between the Horse and the Hippo.

Kangaroos and Marsupial mice. DNA has conclusively linked the Australian kangaroo with Chinese Marsupial mice.

Again, there isn't a single example of DNA gaining "information" either by observation or laboratory experiments. Replication of the "same" information in DNA is NOT adding new information. Can you provide one example of "gaining" information?

Secondly, there are approximately 100,000 extant fossils of which over 90,000 are amphibian and the rest vertebrae. None of them provide an "unbroken" record of any kind. Sure have attempted to "force" the succession.

Third, the similarities of DNA are much better explained by a creator instead of a random event. Even the comparison of the DNA of chimps fails when one considers the amount of information missing in the 2% that they do not have when compared to a human. Again, the similarities are much better explain by a creator than by randomness.

Forth, natural selection itself debunks evolution since a "transitional" creature would be at a complete environmental disadvantage. A "reptile" that is not longer a "reptile" but a "bird" that is not yet a "bird" can not be efficient at either.
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Ed Bana

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2010
Owosso Michigan
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Easy. Just learn Greek and Hebrew as I have done so that you can read them with no "translator bias".

How selfrightous of you... You learning Greek is irrelevant because these false belief are scriptural facts preached by millions of false teachers and preachers to billions of God’s people as truth all over the world today as well in the pass two thousand years of man's religious damning history God's people are deceived by these man made LIES.

And you even admit you are a big part of it.

Secondly with all the lexicons, dictionaries, concordances, commentaries, etc, available these days it is inexcusable for anyone to fall trap to a translator's bias unless one is just plain lazy.

Again irrelevant as you know these words are preached as the inerrant Word of God to million of churches all over the world for many many generations. You even admit theses are out right errors but you still preach heresys of damnations.

2 Peter 2:1
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

Strong’s NT:684 apoleia (ap-o'-li-a); from a presumed derivative of NT:622; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal):
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Christian Gnostic
Feb 24, 2011
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Again, there isn't a single example of DNA gaining "information" either by observation or laboratory experiments. Replication of the "same" information in DNA is NOT adding new information. Can you provide one example of "gaining" information?

Secondly, there are approximately 100,000 extant fossils of which over 90,000 are amphibian and the rest vertebrae. None of them provide an "unbroken" record of any kind. Sure have attempted to "force" the succession.

Third, the similarities of DNA are much better explained by a creator instead of a random event. Even the comparison of the DNA of chimps fails when one considers the amount of information missing in the 2% that they do not have when compared to a human. Again, the similarities are much better explain by a creator than by randomness.

Forth, natural selection itself debunks evolution since a "transitional" creature would be at a complete environmental disadvantage. A "reptile" that is not longer a "reptile" but a "bird" that is not yet a "bird" can not be efficient at either.
You are so full of it, I scarcely know when you are pulling my leg. I don't know where you are getting your information from, but do the world a favor and punch the guy square in the nose. He is either to stupid to be publicly speaking or a self serving liar; the question of evolution is closed except for a few morons, and financial opportunist.

I gave you the example of the horse. What part of "fox sized pawed animal to the present" did you not understand? That is an incredibly complete fossil record, with link after link after link. Scientist have even been "back-splicing" chickens to reverse evolution....now some "fossils" are pecking around the scientific barnyards.

It is apparent you do not understand how evolution works. The example of the kangaroo even has living links, going from a small seed eating Marsupial mouse through the wallaby all the way up to a full size kangaroo. It's not randomness but environmental adaptations. No creator required, past the first single cell organisms.

As for chimpanzee, and human, the species are 96% similar sharing not only a remarkably similar DNA, but the number of genetic differences between humans and chimps is ten times smaller than that between mice and rats. Humans are apes, no surprise there, but chimps are just a hop skip and a jump from going technical.

Really, I'm serious....your source of information is either trying to sell you something or mentally handicapped. Natural selection IS evolution. It can't debunk, because there is nothing to debunk, it's as solid as the periodic table.
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Dec 19, 2010
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Again, there isn't a single example of DNA gaining "information" either by observation or laboratory experiments. Replication of the "same" information in DNA is NOT adding new information. Can you provide one example of "gaining" information?

Secondly, there are approximately 100,000 extant fossils of which over 90,000 are amphibian and the rest vertebrae. None of them provide an "unbroken" record of any kind. Sure have attempted to "force" the succession.

Third, the similarities of DNA are much better explained by a creator instead of a random event. Even the comparison of the DNA of chimps fails when one considers the amount of information missing in the 2% that they do not have when compared to a human. Again, the similarities are much better explain by a creator than by randomness.

Forth, natural selection itself debunks evolution since a "transitional" creature would be at a complete environmental disadvantage. A "reptile" that is not longer a "reptile" but a "bird" that is not yet a "bird" can not be efficient at either.

I agree with you on this. We are entering the realm of chance and not creation. I think science and God complement each other and of course there are similarities, GOD will use what works. I think the evolution we see is minuscule, and if evolution does play any small role its GOD's intent. Just think of the complexity to produce a being, any animal or human, with 2 eyes that have depth perception, the complexity of this very issue is not chance from a single cell organism. That is impossible to achieve by chance.
I love how science shows us GOD's exceptional expertise of life.
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Christian Gnostic
Feb 24, 2011
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I agree with you on this. We are entering the realm of chance and not creation. I think science and God complement each other and of course there are similarities, GOD will use what works. I think the evolution we see is minuscule, and if evolution does play any small role its GOD's intent. Just think of the complexity to produce a being, any animal or human, with 2 eyes that have depth perception, the complexity of this very issue is not chance from a single cell organism. That is impossible to achieve by chance.
I love how science shows us GOD's exceptional expertise of life.
I agree that there is an intelligence behind it; However, evolution is a fact and not fiction. Genesis is fiction, or more precisely, mythology, and not a fact. It's best not to confuse the two. We want to evolve our intelligence forward, and not backward ;)

Some examples of evolution are astoundingly fast. Bears are already adapting to warmer climates near the arctic for instance. Multiply that by a few million years, and you can end up with an animal that looks nothing like a bear at all. Fish introduced into africa last century no longer resemble their South American ancestors in size, color, or eating and mating habits.

Experiments with birds have shown that feathers and scales are made of the same material....and there are living examples of birds that incorporate both, showing their Dino-raptor heritage. A Scientist has been reverse engineering chickens:
Jack Horner: Building a dinosaur from a chicken | Video on TED.com
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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You are so full of it, I scarcely know when you are pulling my leg. I don't know where you are getting your information from, but do the world a favor and punch the guy square in the nose. He is either to stupid to be publicly speaking or a self serving liar; the question of evolution is closed except for a few morons, and financial opportunist.

I gave you the example of the horse. What part of "fox sized pawed animal to the present" did you not understand? That is an incredibly complete fossil record, with link after link after link. Scientist have even been "back-splicing" chickens to reverse evolution....now some "fossils" are pecking around the scientific barnyards.

It is apparent you do not understand how evolution works. The example of the kangaroo even has living links, going from a small seed eating Marsupial mouse through the wallaby all the way up to a full size kangaroo. It's not randomness but environmental adaptations. No creator required, past the first single cell organisms.

As for chimpanzee, and human, the species are 96% similar sharing not only a remarkably similar DNA, but the number of genetic differences between humans and chimps is ten times smaller than that between mice and rats. Humans are apes, no surprise there, but chimps are just a hop skip and a jump from going technical.

Really, I'm serious....your source of information is either trying to sell you something or mentally handicapped. Natural selection IS evolution. It can't debunk, because there is nothing to debunk, it's as solid as the periodic table.

And yet, you can not provide a single example of information gaining. In the particles to man hypothesis gaining information is critical. I see where you "faith" rests on. :doh:
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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How selfrightous of you... You learning Greek is irrelevant because these false belief are scriptural facts preached by millions of false teachers and preachers to billions of God’s people as truth all over the world today as well in the pass two thousand years of man's religious damning history God's people are deceived by these man made LIES.

And you even admit you are a big part of it.

Again irrelevant as you know these words are preached as the inerrant Word of God to million of churches all over the world for many many generations. You even admit theses are out right errors but you still preach heresys of damnations.

2 Peter 2:1
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

Strong’s NT:684 apoleia (ap-o'-li-a); from a presumed derivative of NT:622; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal):

lol Is that all that you can "address' from my post?
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Christian Gnostic
Feb 24, 2011
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And yet, you can not provide a single example of information gaining. In the particles to man hypothesis gaining information is critical. I see where you "faith" rests on. :doh:
"Gaining" is a non sequitar. Wake up and smell the coffee.
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Ed Bana

Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2010
Owosso Michigan
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Yes it is for now. For if you are going to promote these lies how many more lies do are you covering up. One lie in a divine inerrant Book is too FAR TOO many. You are trying to dismiss these lies as no BIG DEAL. These lies condemn billions and billions of God's people.

This is a serious problem and you do need discernment on this serious issues. I understand how you stand firm on what you have been taught in bias Seminar plus the bias multiple Greek and Hebrew references that are available today.

BUT supernatural working of deception, means supernatural and you see these deceptions and keep preaching them. That makes you a fase teacher. For religious men to believe the lie is a deep seated issue which you admit you see the error dismiss as if you being a Greek scholar allows you to condone these supernatural working of deception .

Here is another question. Do they point out these errors in your seminary or these multiple Bible references, or do they tell you there is no errors in the Bible and the Bible is inerrant?????

Acts 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (KJV)

How much of what you have been taught is bias just like these errors we have discovered .

How many verses and post have you so far refuse to look at to defend these lies. You need to do some digging outside of your preconceived bias religious system God’s Word calls Babylon and search for the truth in this matter. You have already admitted the error and these errors all add up to this human made stew which ingredients are full of lies. But can you not see it? Let alone admit it.

one lie is too many when it comes to God's Word.
2Th 2:11
(ALT) And for this reason God will send to them a supernatural working of deception, for them to believe the lie,
lol Is that all that you can "address' from my post?
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Apr 21, 2011
The Obamanation
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LOL, HA! No one can mistake a bronze age poem full of naughty puns for "historical record". LOL, really, don't yank my chain.


The Horse and the Hippopotamus. DNA has proven a common ancestor.

Humans and Chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than to Gorilla's, through a common ancestor.

Birds have reptile DNA, and there now now only a few missing fossils to show the progression from Dinosaur to Sunday dinner.

The Horse also has an unbroken fossil record from the time it was a pawed animal the size of a fox until the present. A lemur like animal is probably the common ancestor between the Horse and the Hippo.

Kangaroos and Marsupial mice. DNA has conclusively linked the Australian kangaroo with Chinese Marsupial mice.
Your beliefs are so similar and your arguments align with unbelievers may as well jsut say it like it is you're riding an atheistic pony. A few things to think about before I head to the lake for the week. I won't be able to respond due to all the fish waiting on me.

Chimpos have 24 chromozones and their genome has 10% more DNA, Thats 10% instant difference and twice as much telomeres which should suggest Chiumps are more complex. Human have 23 chromozones

The DNA Nucleotides were found nearly 68,000 subsittutions or deletions which is an enormous difference.

Maybe you believe a God was behind the evolution. I suppose some of that is possible but it takes a way from his creativeness and implies that he had little involvement in his creation. MACRO evolution has NOT been observed. They claim it takes place over millions of years. Who lived long enough to prove Macro EVO or to observe that? They are reaching.

Amazing facts and others things to ponder:

Evilution suggests all things happened by accident.
To believe in Evolution one would have to believe in Gazillions of Accidents throughout the creation.

The number of stars in our galaxy are around 200 billion; all by accident? That does not include all the planets out there.

If Jupiter were not traveling in the same path ahead of earth then the Earth would be smashed by space debris almost constantly and nobody would survive.
Lucky Jupiter accidently jumped out there -- all by accident?

If the Earth wondered away from its normal cycle of the sun by a thousand miles or so we would all freeze to death or much closer at all we would all fry almost instantly. A perfect distance from the sun for us humans to survive and a amazing little accident.

Another incredible accident is that the moon starts in the same exact location with the earth every year at the same exact time. Perfectly timed. Its an enormous leap of faith to believe that the moon accidently jumped at the perfect distance from earth with the proper circular path which would make it start in the same place every year. An amazing little accident.

The Moon 400 times smaller then the sun and the Sun is 400 times farther away from the Moon. Which makes the sun and moon appear to be the exact same size on earth.
What an fortunate Accident. Wowwwee major accidents everywhere...

For example, an adult human brain contains over 1014 (a hundred thousand billion) electrical connections, more than all the electrical connections in all the electrical appliances in the world. The human heart, a ten-ounce pump that will operate without maintenance or lubrication for about 75 years, is an engineering marvel. That just happened by luck?

Many people, including Carl Sagan, predicted the Viking landers would find life on Mars. They reasoned that because life evolved on Earth, some form of life must have evolved on Mars. That prediction proved to be false.

DNA is proof of creation or an intelligent designer.
It's neither Matter or Energy but rather written "Intelligence". DNA code would be impossible to be anything other than a prefect creation of a intelligent designer.

a Written language can only be designed or programmed by a designer. To believe otherwise would be like believing Bill Gates stumbled onto Microsoft Windows 3.0 code by accident.

The genetic information in the DNA of each human cell is roughly equivalent to a library of 4,000 books.

Metamorphosis. Many animals experience an amazing transformation that refutes evolution. One example is the monarch butterfly. As a 2-week-old caterpillar, it builds a chrysalis(Cocoon) around itself. Then its complex organs disintegrate into liquid. From an evolution perspective, this should cause its extinction a thousand times over. Two weeks later, a beautiful butterfly emerges with different and even more remarkable capabilities, wings, better eyes, 6 legs and a pea sized brain which they can navigate over 3000 miles with. Some people might believe that a complex machine, such as an automobile, evolved by natural processes, but if they saw that machine disintegrate and quickly reemerge as an airplane, only the most naive and unscientific would still believe that natural processes could produce such marvelous designs.

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Christian Gnostic
Feb 24, 2011
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Your beliefs are so similar and your arguments align with unbelievers may as well jsut say it like it is you're riding an atheistic pony. A few things to think about before I head to the lake for the week. I won't be able to respond due to all the fish waiting on me.

God is Truth, where ever you find it. If Truth is rejected, God is rejected. The Antichrist oppressed Galileo, Copernicus, Socrates, Plato and Darwin, and he used Faith in God to do it. That's what evil does.

Arguing against education is willful ignorance, and willful ignorance is a sin(CF Gospel of John). A Good tree, cannot bear evil fruit(CF Luke), which places the rejection of education and science into the realm of the Evil one.

Some form of intelligence had a hand in creation---I won't argue if it was the Supreme God, or the creator god, or the collective natural intelligence. That merely comes down to semantics, and we have better things to do with our time.

Life has been found in space rocks. Or rather the seeds of life. http://www.montrealgazette.com/technology/Space+rock+offer+clues+about+building+blo
The conditions are perfect for human life as we know it on earth. However, Life is amazing, because God is Life, and it is possible for life to exist even in the middle of our Sun, though not biologically based.
Life even on earth, exists on the lips of volcanoes under thousands of atmospheres of pressure. Biological life can exist anywhere that matter and electricity can co-exist.

The question that the primitive mythologies, and modern science have both been trying to answer, is "what makes us human"?
Our mythology says we are Human, because the Supreme God interfered with the plans of the creator god.
Do I take it literally? No, but the duality inherent in the story goes a long way to resolve the dichotomy.
I am a spirit having a human experience. I may live in a monkey suit, but my spirit is born of God, and became born of God, the very instant that I accepted Truth.

Good luck! Catch a big one!
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Apr 21, 2011
The Obamanation
Marital Status
God is Truth, where ever you find it. If Truth is rejected, God is rejected. The Antichrist oppressed Galileo, Copernicus, Socrates, Plato and Darwin, and he used Faith in God to do it. That's what evil does.

Arguing against education is willful ignorance, and willful ignorance is a sin(CF Gospel of John). A Good tree, cannot bear evil fruit(CF Luke), which places the rejection of education and science into the realm of the Evil one.

Some form of intelligence had a hand in creation---I won't argue if it was the Supreme God, or the creator god, or the collective natural intelligence. That merely comes down to semantics, and we have better things to do with our time.

Life has been found in Mars rocks. Or rather the seeds of life.
The conditions are perfect for human life as we know it on earth. However, Life is amazing, because God is Life, and it is possible for life to exist even in the middle of our Sun, though not biologically based.
Life even on earth, exists on the lips of volcanoes under thousands of atmospheres of pressure. Biological life can exist anywhere that matter and electricity can co-exist.

The question that the primitive mythologies, and modern science have both been trying to answer, is "what makes us human"?
Our mythology says we are Human, because the Supreme God interfered with the plans of the creator god.
Do I take it literally? No, but the duality inherent in the story goes a long way to resolve the dichotomy.
I am a spirit having a human experience. I may live in a monkey suit, but my spirit is born of God, and became born of God, the very instant that I accepted Truth.

Good luck! Catch a big one!
Didn't expect a quick reply and since I haven't left yet I can respond. I've never read such as that mythology. Supreme God vs Creation God? :o

Galileo went against the work of Aristotle which was the beliefs held by Rome and the Pope so yes they oppressed Galileo but he himself was not antichrist. He reasoned against Aristotle but he went against reason at times. So Charles Darwin was doin the work of God? Seriously?

CF of gospel of John? CF Luke. What? :o
Got an actual Scripture? If God was so pro -worldly education of man then Christ would have chosen highly educated to be apostles. Those mere fishermen just couldn't cut it. Rejection of education is evil ?
Even if the education is twisted by evil men?

we will just have to agree to disagree...
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
Marital Status
Yes it is for now.
For if you are going to promote these lies how many more lies do are you covering up. One lie in a divine inerrant Book is too FAR TOO many. You are trying to dismiss these lies as no BIG DEAL. These lies condemn billions and billions of God's people.

I other words you have no refutation and yet you call them lies without even as much as addressing what I am saying. Basically you believe what you believe with no knowledge of why you believe it other than mere appeal to emotion.

This is a serious problem and you do need discernment on this serious issues. I understand how you stand firm on what you have been taught in bias Seminar plus the bias multiple Greek and Hebrew references that are available today.

No. I stand on the truth of scripture. I have refuted every verse that you have attempted to use to back up your error and all you do is continue to ignore the refutations just as Eby does. There is no meat in your argument.

BUT supernatural working of deception, means supernatural and you see these deceptions and keep preaching them. That makes you a fase teacher. For religious men to believe the lie is a deep seated issue which you admit you see the error dismiss as if you being a Greek scholar allows you to condone these supernatural working of deception .


Here is another question. Do they point out these errors in your seminary or these multiple Bible references, or do they tell you there is no errors in the Bible and the Bible is inerrant?????

Acts 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (KJV)

How much of what you have been taught is bias just like these errors we have discovered .

How many verses and post have you so far refuse to look at to defend these lies. You need to do some digging outside of your preconceived bias religious system God’s Word calls Babylon and search for the truth in this matter. You have already admitted the error and these errors all add up to this human made stew which ingredients are full of lies. But can you not see it? Let alone admit it.

one lie is too many when it comes to God's Word.
2Th 2:11
(ALT) And for this reason God will send to them a supernatural working of deception, for them to believe the lie,

I am waiting for you to support your extrabiblical teaching. Until then please apply the above to yourself.
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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Didn't expect a quick reply and since I haven't left yet I can respond. I've never read such as that mythology. Supreme God vs Creation God? :o

Galileo went against the work of Aristotle which was the beliefs held by Rome and the Pope so yes they oppressed Galileo but he himself was not antichrist. He reasoned against Aristotle but he went against reason at times. So Charles Darwin was doin the work of God? Seriously?

CF of gospel of John? CF Luke. What? :o
Got an actual Scripture? If God was so pro -worldly education of man then Christ would have chosen highly educated to be apostles. Those mere fishermen just couldn't cut it. Rejection of education is evil ?
Even if the education is twisted by evil men?

we will just have to agree to disagree...

Gnostics have that "special" knowledge. ;)^_^^_^
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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God is Truth, where ever you find it. If Truth is rejected, God is rejected. The Antichrist oppressed Galileo, Copernicus, Socrates, Plato and Darwin, and he used Faith in God to do it. That's what evil does.

Arguing against education is willful ignorance, and willful ignorance is a sin(CF Gospel of John). A Good tree, cannot bear evil fruit(CF Luke), which places the rejection of education and science into the realm of the Evil one.

Some form of intelligence had a hand in creation---I won't argue if it was the Supreme God, or the creator god, or the collective natural intelligence. That merely comes down to semantics, and we have better things to do with our time.

Life has been found in space rocks. Or rather the seeds of life. http://www.montrealgazette.com/technology/Space+rock+offer+clues+about+building+blo
The conditions are perfect for human life as we know it on earth. However, Life is amazing, because God is Life, and it is possible for life to exist even in the middle of our Sun, though not biologically based.
Life even on earth, exists on the lips of volcanoes under thousands of atmospheres of pressure. Biological life can exist anywhere that matter and electricity can co-exist.

The question that the primitive mythologies, and modern science have both been trying to answer, is "what makes us human"?
Our mythology says we are Human, because the Supreme God interfered with the plans of the creator god.
Do I take it literally? No, but the duality inherent in the story goes a long way to resolve the dichotomy.
I am a spirit having a human experience. I may live in a monkey suit, but my spirit is born of God, and became born of God, the very instant that I accepted Truth.

Good luck! Catch a big one!

lol You are real flesh just like the rest of us (the error of gnostism was refuted centuries ago) and there is no sin to believe the truth of the divine creation. What is absurd is to remove God from His creation. The mainly atheistic theory of evolution brazenly and erroneously makes naturalism the priori by which ALL scientific knowledge is interpreted which effectively removes God. It seems that you prefer to be "of this world".
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Aug 24, 2006
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theWaris1 said:
Evilution suggests all things happened by accident.
To believe in Evolution one would have to believe in Gazillions of Accidents throughout the creation.

Not so!

I believe in 'evolution', but I do not believe that any thing including man's evolution happened by accident. I believe that God is, and has always been, in control of everything. He allowed all things including mankind to develope and evolve as he saw fit. I also believe it was all for some reason. Perhaps his reason for allowing this is known only to him, as he could have simply said, "It is", and it would have been as he said.

Psa. 139:14. "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."
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