Having faith when funds are running low.


Jan 25, 2004
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There's really no "how to". It's a choice. You either do it or don't do it.

Remind yourself of His promises. Prov 3.5-6 are the first to come to mind. Pray for direction, wisdom and discernment. Pray for His provision.

I have been in some really scary situations, and He has been faithful every single time. Trust Him. He is worthy.
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Holden Caulfield

May 17, 2012
Onboard the Odyssey
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Any advice on how to trust in God and keep the faith, especially when your bank account is on the verge of being empty? How to not panic, perhaps? Thanks.

Turkle said it best, there are no bullet points to follow along that will give you perfect trust.

The best advice myself or any of us could give you is make (or continue to make, as the case may be) wise financial decisions. I know when I was 21 I had a hard time with that and I ended up getting into substantial debt for my age and income. Eventually I paid it all off when I changed my priorities.

I have a lot of friends in varying degrees of financial strain and some of them are making wiser decisions than others, and you can definitely see the benefits of that. The trust comes into play when you rely on God to be the source of that wisdom and take each expense into consideration.

I'm not saying that have made or are making poor financial choices because I don't know all of your circumstances, but nevertheless wisdom with finances is always something to consider as we're exhorted to be wise stewards of our resources.
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He rescued me because He delighted in me (Ps18:19)
Jun 23, 2006
Blue Springs, Missouri
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Any advice on how to trust in God and keep the faith, especially when your bank account is on the verge of being empty? How to not panic, perhaps? Thanks.
Actually, there are "bullet points" to go through when the issue is faith vs. a low bank account. The following check-list highlights some problems people with not enough money struggle with, and how they can counter these issues so as to build financial security and get out of debt.

  • Many people need lots of basic training. Since our educational system seldom gives people any formal training in personal finance, there's no telling what an intelligent person might be unaware of.
  • Lots of people have too much debt from houses, automobiles, and credit cards. Many seemingly prosperous families are in fact in terrible financial shape, with negative net worth — they couldn't pay their debts off even by selling their house and cars.
  • Some people are doing the wrong amount of work, either too much or too little. Sometimes the best option for a person in financial straits is to take on more work, especially if they're not working full-time in the first place.
  • The concept of retirement gets some well-deserved criticism, at least if it means working too hard at a job you hate in order to quit at 65 and stop being useful to anyone. Idleness is not a worthy ambition.
  • Nonetheless, most people need to save more for retirement because Social Security is not a reliable means of support, and the days of paternalistic employers are over.
  • The concept of bankruptcy also comes in for criticism. For a Christian, declaring bankruptcy is not like cashing in a ticket. It does not necessarily erase the moral duty to pay the debts. (Someone has to pay them, even if the debtor doesn't.)
  • The wise person is not caught up in fads, fashions, and status symbols. Many advertisements try to get you to buy things on the ground that you "deserve" them or it's traditional for people at your level of status to have them, without regard to whether you yourself actually want them or can afford them.
  • Sometimes, silly ideas spread like wildfire through a church or community and have to be countered. These include get-rich-quick schemes, pyramid schemes, and the "prosperity gospel" (the notion that "God wants you to be rich"). Sometimes we even have to warn Christians against outright charlatanry, such as fundraisers saying, "If you donate to my ministry, God will make you rich," or "It's a sin not to donate to my ministry — you're robbing God and He will punish you."
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that your faith might rest in the power of God
Site Supporter
Mar 22, 2011
United States
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Any advice on how to trust in God and keep the faith, especially when your bank account is on the verge of being empty? How to not panic, perhaps? Thanks.

I would say do a careful inventory and see that you have left no stone unturned regarding your responsibility in this matter.

Once that is resolved, you have every right as a born again believer to stand fast in the faithfulness of God. Put on the full armor (eph 6) and claim all the promises (2Cor 9.8; 2Cor 10; Rom 8; Mk 11; Gal 5.1; etc). Abide in His love, for perfect love casts out fear. Keep exercising overcoming faith, and back it up with what actions you can see to do.
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Reports Manager
Nov 1, 2004
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I'd pray that the Lord provides you the discernment on whether he's waiting you to stand in faith that He will provide or if he's calling you into some kind of action that will lead to providing for your needs. Sometimes he answers our pray by a check we didn't expect just showing up in the mail, or from a friend just dropping by with dinner, but other times he calls us to action when he wants us to not just sit there and wait for the check or dinner, but to go out and do something. Seek His wisdom on what he's wanting from you in this situation.
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Seed Planter
Jul 19, 2011
My room
Calvary Chapel
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Any advice on how to trust in God and keep the faith, especially when your bank account is on the verge of being empty? How to not panic, perhaps? Thanks.

*Currently I have less than four dollars in my account, I'm not worried about it, it's been sitting around the four dollar mark for several months now.

I trust God just the same as I did when I had thousands of dollars in my account.

I have no idea when I'll be able to put some cash into my account but whenever I do, all will still be fine.

We make adjustments (some are pretty strict) but we keep the bills paid
and have food to eat, a home to live in and a car to drive-- thank the Lord for all that!!!
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