God's solution for Pakistan Today and Islamic Violence Always


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Feb 14, 2008
Kansas City, MO
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Violence is sad to see in any country, it cannot achieve it's goal because it blinds the observers and those involved. God uses truth to fight His battles and that is the weapon of choice that will bring good results.

Radical Islamists fight for God to rule the country. The problem comes when the leaders or powers around government and religion fear the idea of God ruling. If they did not fear, but wanted God to rule, they could see clearly the way to solve the problem.

When the radical Islamist hear the word Democracy, they think of the USA or England and they see someone wanting to make their country a place where women walk around in tight or revealing clothing. They hear the reports of rapes and teen pregnancy and they see that the word of God to dress modestly is a protection that Democracy wants to strip from them.

When they see women working outside the home and they see the result of divorces and children with no guidance or restraint, they see that Democracy wants to rob their families of the abundant life God has for them with their women at home being a powerful part of the home and the unity of a community.

The solution for governments is to desire that the proven written word of God would be the deciding factor to be the wisdom for the nation, not the commentaries from scholars. The primary word in the Qur'an is that the Torah, Prophets and Gospels are for the guidance of mankind.... the total Bible, not just part of it like the Christians and the Jews think they follow. All you really have to do is to turn each religion to believe the word of God to their prophet and be willing to put aside their errors (repent). You have something to work with and God will honor that with peace.

Nations must realize that the goal of life and the solution to world problems is not employment, it is a retirement lifestyle of a garden paradise where useful pet and useful vegetation provide an abundance of fresh foods for healthy body. It keeps the family together and is a true social security and universal health plan with no sorrow added. All else is vanity and pride, useless efforts that make a person feel they are accomplishing something when it is just emptiness.

In the Gospels, Jesus(Isa)said, You must be born again and be baptised to enter the kingdom of God. You must die to the life that is centered on your accomplishments, and be born to a life that only wants to do those things which please God and helps others according to the word of God. It is a satisfied life of peace and joy. Jesus is the word of God in the flesh that God sent to earth to show is that His word is truth even in the most horrific prophesies, so that we would be careful to honor His word. Jesus said, I came that you would have life and have it more abundantly. It is the word of God that gives life more abundantly. We only need to feast on it and cherish it to receive the promises of peace and security.

Marie Devine

God has solutions to world problems we created by ignoring His wisdom.