God does not make people sick


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Jun 9, 2005
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God heard the prayers of the Hebrews to be released from their bondage of slavery to the Egyptians and answered them. However, the Egyptians stood in defiance of God when He commanded them (through Moses) to release His people from the bonds of slavery. He brought Egypt's plagues on them to prove that He IS the only true God and He expected them to keep His commands, or suffer the consequences.

You have to remember that God was in covenant with the Hebrew people through Abraham and was obligated to help them because of that covenant. He wasn't in covenant with the Egyptians and had no obligations toward them.

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Aug 24, 2006
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The Hebrew texts of the OT do not make the same kind of distinctions we make today between primary and secondary causes. There are things that God does (primary causality) and there are things that God merely allows to happen (secondary causality).

To His people, God reveals Himself as Yahweh Rapha, The LORD Who Heals You (Exodus 15:26). Healing is part of the blessing (see Deuteronomy 28:1-14); sickness is part of the curse (see Deuteronomy 28:15-65). Jesus came to redeem us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13), which would include sickness. He does not send sickness to us to test us. Sickness may come, but it does not come from Him. The healing comes from Him.
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Dec 29, 2006
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Long long ago, god would cause some sicknesses, but after jesus died that changed, and now god tests everyone.

I would qualify this statement with he notion that our God is not a hateful, vengeful God. He does not bring about evil or illness. But one must remember that God acts in a number of mysterious ways. Consider the number of times Christ heals the sick and the downtrodden. Think about how in the book of Acts how paul is bitten by a serpent and is not affected by its venom.

The Lord brings us to safety. He is our shepherd (Psalm 23). It is through His grace that we are saved. The Lord is our friend and our savior. We should fear Him, but we should allow Him to transform us into what he wants us. The Lord does in fact test us, as Alhamdulilah tells us, but is it so much more than that! It is SO much more than that!

- J.
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Apr 19, 2009
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Our God isn't necessarily the fluffy God most people assume He is. It is a true statement when you say He is love. However, he is JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS as well. He cannot act contrary to his nature. In Acts, recall the story of the husband and wife who lied about their property. God struck them down right on the spot. Right there, black and white, New Testament. "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Read into this, it says nothing about doing it for those who do NOT love him.

To expound further, what some people don't understand is that Jesus didn't die to save us from sin. We're guilty of sin, which means we're deserving of God's righteous judgment. Jesus saved us from God. If you do not have Christ as your Savior. You are NOT saved by Grace and you are a sinner in his eyes. Not exactly the fluffy message you are hearing from some pulpits these days.

Think of yourself as a parent, it'd be like your kids misbehaving and deserving grounding or other punishment. Then a Savior stepped in and took the spanking for them out of love. The Savior saved your child from you even though the child deserved it. Of course, multiply that by the depths of infinity and that's what Jesus did for us. Once we realize this, our love for Jesus will increase. He took our punishment, our fine, our spanking that we could never endure. We can never satisfy God's righteous Judgment.

The same God that existed in the Old Testament is the same God that exists now. He does not change. In Revelations, he will pour out His Wrath. Justice is love. Love is justice. You cannot have one without the other. When you wrap your head around that, you'll have the answer to your question.

To take your question a step further, why did God demand the blood that Joshua spilled? Why did Saul and David have war after war? Why did the "Angel of the Lord" kill hundreds of thousands of people? Literally, the OT demanded Israel put to the sword every man, woman, child, and livestock in a particular city.

My personal opinion is we cannot see the details as God sees them. We cannot see into everything, everyone, and everywhere. I'm sure you've heard of the "Butterfly effect." God knows it all. He knows exactly what he is doing and does it with purpose and intent. Even the things that we do outside of His will, He bends to fulfill His purpose and glory as is written in Romans 8:28 again. We have to trust God and have faith that He knows what He is doing. It is written in the Psalms that "His understanding is beyond comprehension." Also Isaiah 55:9, "For just as the heavens are higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."

The conversation on why most Christians still have problems in their life is whole another topic. Just wanna say in short, that all because we're "saved by grace" doesn't mean our life will be perfect. Read about the life of Paul, etc. He wrote 2/3 of the New Testament and to say the least, he had a rough life by our definition.
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