Mar 14, 2008
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The ice packs and the subsequent melting thereof are Noah flood phenomena not man made. Ancient maps and modern satellite pictures of under the ice reveal that the Phoenicians, including Atlas, were mapping the earth accurately when the ice packs first began to form. Islands that were present as the oceans lowered while the ice packs grew are depicted on the component maps that make up the maps that 17th Century sailors used to navigate the oceans. Palm trees found under the ice at both Poles reveal that before the ice packs began to form the entire earth had a tropical climate. The fossil record, which is a record of the plant, animal and human life before the flood, shows us that many plants and animals were gigantic and that it was the 28psi atmospheric pressure of those days, which is twice the 14psi it is today, that caused this phenomena. The lying Darwinian Atheist cult based scientists that falsely claim that global warming is man made don't have a clue what climatic mechanism caused the earth to be tropical; that when it dissipated, caused the ice packs to begin to build up. They start their ice pack lie with the lie that a meteor crashed into the earth, and caused the ice packs to begin to form. This lie doesn't tell us what caused the entire earth to have a tropical climate and an atmospheric pressure of 28psi. The Bible records tell us that our atmosphere was created with a layer of water that surrounded it and that this layer dissipated when it rained 40 days and nights during Noah’s flood. When the layer of water dissipated this caused the temperatures at both tropical Poles to drop to 32 degrees and our atmospheric pressure to drop to the present 14psi. The temperature drop at the Poles coupled with the tropically warm oceans produced a high evaporation rate, which caused the ice packs to begin to form at both Poles and a constant cloud cover that enabled the ice packs to build up as far south as northern USA. It was when the tropical oceans cooled, slowing the evaporation rate, that the cloud cover lifted and the ice packs began to melt. As the ice lines receded northward towards the colder temperatures the rate of melting slowed to the rate we see today. The fact that the layer of water described in Genesis 1:7 is no longer present means that the ice packs will never melt entirely and the earth will never return to a tropical climate throughout.

Gen 1:7 And God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so.

Instead we will see the thermodynamics of hot and cold air meeting cause the Jet Streams to change like an amoeba moves.
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Trusting in Him

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Oct 25, 2021
United Kingdom
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I have read that in earier times, that the shahra desert used to be a lust and well populated place.

Sahara Desert Was Once Lush and Populated

So much for global warming! However we can't go on cutting down all the rain forests forever and expect it not to create environmental problems. I think that we've got to wake up and see what we are doing to the environment!
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Torah Keeper

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2013
United States
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From my studies I think the Earth has warm and cold ages. Each lasting about 500 years. We are currently moving towards a warm age. I think the sun has solar maximums and minimums about every 500 years. This may be caused by meteor or comet showers hitting the sun and being absorbed, thereby raising or lowering the temperature slightly.

During the Middle Ages, grapes were grown in England and Canada. This is known as the Medieval Warm Period. But by the Industrial Age, long cold winters were the norm. Now things are warming up again, but not by much.
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Trusting in Him

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2021
United Kingdom
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From my studies I think the Earth has warm and cold ages. Each lasting about 500 years. We are currently moving towards a warm age. I think the sun has solar maximums and minimums about every 500 years. This may be caused by meteor or comet showers hitting the sun and being absorbed, thereby raising or lowering the temperature slightly.

During the Middle Ages, grapes were grown in England and Canada. This is known as the Medieval Warm Period. But by the Industrial Age, long cold winters were the norm. Now things are warming up again, but not by much.

Yes, it is well understood that really large volcanic explosions on earth can cause severely cold spell which can even last for centuries as the volcanic dust slowly settles back out of the atmosphere. Our present so called Global warming may be partly due to temperatures recovering from previous volcanic activity. I can personally remember much colder winters during the 1950's and 1960's.

Water vapour from high flying jet aircraft can persist in the upper atmosphere for very long periods of time. the long time effects of this are not particularly well understood and a lot is based on theoretical knowledge. Unfortunately, we don't always have any idea of what may happen when we trip thresholds which create new situations.
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Torah Keeper

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2013
United States
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Right. The "old timers" here in the states remember colder winters when they were young. So we are not going into a global warming crisis. We are going back to normal temperatures.

From the Medieval Warm Period, to the Industrial Cold Period, and now moving towards another warm period.
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