Explaining the 1260, 1290 and 1335's meaning


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Oct 18, 2023
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I will put forth a short, concise understanding unto those who do not like long drawn out dissertations, I find that once a concise point has been read, sometimes those types do not mind reading something a bit longer if it sparks a bit of curiosity.

Short Explanation

God gave Daniel a vision that runs from Daniel chapters 10 through Daniel 12:1-2 then explained a bit unto him, but mostly kept him in the dark, telling him that all these things would be locked up until the very end times, I think we are in the end times now, so God revealing's should not be a surprise.

In short, as I studied and did an Exegesis on Dan. 11 and 12, I understood that in vs. 6 an Angel asks the Man in Linen (Jesus pre incarnate or MIL) "how long until all these wonders end?" And in vs. 7 the MIL replied that from the time the holy people (Israel) are scattered (some get conquered and some flee) until all these wonders end will be 1260 days (Time, times and half). Now, of course Daniel had no clue of Jesus' second coming, but we do, and that gives us the advantage. We now can understand what ends this mans life and rule on earth in Dan. 11:36-45, its the second coming. So, the 1260 is very clear and easily understood as an event (the Little Horn/Anti-Christ conquers Israel) that will end in 1260 days, upon Jesus return. We piece this together by using scriptures from elsewhere in the bible, where he rules 1260 days over Israel.

Then as I read vs. 8 it hit me, Daniel was confused, and then he asked the exact same question as the Angel did in vs. 6, in vs. 8, "When will all these things end?" So, I thought to myself, everything has to end with the second coming, that is the fulcrum point God is using here, and if the 1260 was an event, so were the 1290 and 1335 events also. All three are just numbers with limited explanations for each event, and when they come to pass in juxtaposition to the second coming as per the numbers actual meaning, just like the 1260, we have to figure out what the numbers actually mean via gathering info from other scriptures elsewhere in the bible. I have done that, I will give the details and the scriptures that reveal why I came to these conclusions below in a longer dissertation, but to those who want to know what the other numbered events mean, in brief, here is the answer below.

1.) The 1335 is the Two-witnesses showing up (Blessing) to turn Israel back unto God before God's Wrath falls on mankind, they show up 1335 days before the second coming of Jesus.

2.) The 1290 is the False Prophet (a Jewish high priest) who takes away "the real sacrifice Jesus" and places the AoD in the temple, this happens 1290 days before the second coming.

Longer Version explaining why these numbers equal the events I am putting forth

As I began doing my Exegesis on Dan. 11 & 12, I understood I should have included Dan. 10 also, but that's neither here nor there. I saw how Dan. 11 was the full history of the whole Greek kingdom, from Alexander the Great unto Antiochus, the archetype Little Horn or Anti-Christ, however one like to view his name is OK by me. Then in Dan. 11:36-45 we get the end time Beast/A.C. and all his actions, who he conquers in verses 40-43 and where he dies in vs. 45. So, then when Jesus/MIL answers the two questions, one by an Angel and one by Daniel, about the end times seen here ("When will all these Wonders End?" and When will all these Things End?") both questions are referring unto Daniel 11:45 where the A.C./Beast comes unto his end or dies.

So, seeing as Daniel's question was the same as the Angel's question, this got me to thinking, these are all numbered events that end via the second coming of Jesus, and just like we all understand the 1260 is the A.C./Beast event, and he comes to his end after 1260 days of rule, via the presence of the Lord Jesus showing up, likewise these other two numbers are events that also must end with the second coming of Jesus, I just had to go through the bible and try to solve what these two numbered events were via study and prayer, and so off I went on my journey, I hit a stumbling block straight away via the 1290 event.

If I was correct, and each number was that many days until the second coming, then the 1290 event could not be the A.C./Beast because he would only come to power 30 days later at the 1260 event, God does not allow him to go forth conquering until the middle of the week (MoW) or 1260 event, so the 1290, if it was 1290 days away from the second coming, could not be the Beast or A.C., and thus I was like "Houston we got a problem" !! You see, my mind had been trained like everyone else's had, the A.C. has to sit in the temple and place the AoD I thought, but when I do these things I go full speed ahead, I had to give the idea a full vetting, and search the scriptures to see if it was possible the 1290 is not the A.C./Beast but is someone else. I thought to myself, well if its anyone, it has to be the false prophet, his sidekick, but could that be I wondered, so off to the scriptures I went.

Daniel 9:27 says in the midst (not middle) of the week he (prince to come/A.C.) causes the sacrifice to cease and the AoD to be placed. Hmm, that gives a little leeway I thought. Then I looked at Rev. 13 and saw that the 2nd beast is the one that gets the peoples of Israel to make an image of the first beast, so in reality, the false prophet met all the criteria for one who actually stops the sacrifice and places the AoD. He will be a Jewish high priest like unto Jason (real name Yeshua) who was under Antiochus (AE4). I might get into that later. But who has the power over the temple? The High Priest of course, so that kind of made sense, but alas, when I test I test to the max, but those scriptures seemed very promising, the AoD events might very well be the false prophet, but the thing that settled this for me was a problem I always had with the sign God gave Israel, at the 1290, being too late a sign, since the "Beast" had already conquered them. But this new understanding solved that problem, God gives Israel, or the Jews who repent a sign 30 days before He allows the A.C./Beast to come to power, conquering Israel and the whole Mediterranean region. So, it fits the 1290 event very well indeed.

Now that I had somewhat settled that, I wondered what event came 1335 days before the second coming. As I pondered these things I was like, well how do the Jews know they need to flee Judea at the 1290 event? I searched the scriptures (always works) and I saw that Malachi 4:5 says that Elijah will be sent back "before" the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Hmm, I thought. Then as I read Zech. 13:8-9 I saw in the end times God calls 1/3 of Israel people unto repentance whilst 2/3 refuse to repent and perish or die. Then in the very next verse in Zech. 14:1 the day of the Lord "arrives" so Israel repents before the DOTL or 1260 event happens. So, Israel repents or atones just before God's wrath fall in the MoW. But alas, as much as a liked this thesis, as it was coming together, I knew the timeline had to match or else it could not be true, so off I went to see if I could find any scriptures that showed me the two-witnesses show up 75 days before the Beast shows up at the 1260 event. Is that even possible I wondered.

Then I saw the clincher on this numbered event, the two-witnesses die at the 2nd woe in Rev. 11, whilst the Beast dies at the 7th Vial in Rev. 16:19, thereby if both have 1260 day ordained offices on this earth, as foretold by God, then the ones who die first (the two-witnesses), must also show up first. It all fits because its of God. When God leads you somewhere, and you follow, even doubting its of God yourself and testing everything, and then everything fits and passes all of the tests, its always of God when you test the spirits and it passes.


Now, I will explain these things via what will happen in modern everyday verbiage

The 1335 (two-witnesses) happens first, Israel has to repent before the Dan. 9:24-27 prophecy can be fulfilled. Then Israel must flee Judea at the 1290 sign. Then the A.C./Beast conquers Israel at the 1260.

So how does a Jewish high priest betray his people? Well, just look at the two archetypes in history, Jason who was under AE4, he bribed AE4 in order to be named the high priest having his pious (real brother) brother Onias III killed. He then welcomed AE4 into the temple of God to offer a sacrifice unto Zeus, and he then mandated that all of the Jews must become Hellenized, which means they must all take on the Greek culture and accept the Greek gods, accept homosexuality et al. This then led to the Maccabean Revolt, and AE4 was killed on the Eastern front (war) by a disease like the coming A.C./Beast, he thus was killed "without hands". As I saw who Jason really was in history it hit me, of course if God gave us a type A.C./Beast He would also give us his type sidekick at the exact same time !! Eureka I thought. This is how I know the coming false prophet has to be a Jewish high priest gone rogue. This opened all this below up to my thought process of how the end time A.C./Beast could get a Jewish high priest to throw in with him. I put it all together like this, I have other things and worldly reports/treaties I use, but mostly I thought to myself, the Beast and false prophet are buddies/colleagues, but why? I show why below.

Because of much study, reading etc. I came to understand that the agreement/covenant Israel enters into with this A.C. is not an agreement with one man per se, Israel will join the E.U. and I am not just guessing, look up the European Neighborhood Policy, its on Wikipedia for all to see. Israel has been in 7 year cycled agreements with the E.U. since 2007. The goal of this policy is to bring forth the Mediterranean sea region nations under the umbrella of the E.U. and to maybe some day foster a relationship that leads to inclusion in the E.U. (go read it, its real). So after Gog & Magog (Russia, Iran and Turkey attacks Israel very soon) Israel will join the E.U. and she will give up her Nukes to the E.U. how else can the A.C. conquer Israel? Her nukes have to be freely given up, she must place all her trust in the E.U. This sets off God's 70th week anger, they just "gave His land away" to the E.U. This also is what triggers the pre 70th week rapture.

Everything in the first half of the 70th week will be mostly peaceful, but it is of course a deception, the Beast has every intention of conquering Israel and killing off all the Jews if he can. God of course knows all this, so at the 1335, He sends the two-witnesses back to get Israel to repent or atone, these 1/3 or 5 million Jews thus are now Jesus worshippers, they are filled with the holy spirit, they need and want to worship Jesus in their temple, so off they go, and they praise Jesus and sing unto Jesus in the temple for at least 45 days, until the 1290, when this Jewish high priest Jesus hater gets angry, and although the A.C. (E.U. President IMHO) is not yet the Beast because he only conquers Israel 30 days later, he has political sway. Israel is in the E.U. So, this high priest, and maybe even the Prime Minister of Israel, puts forth and edict, there shall be no Jesus worship in the temple (he causes the sacrifice to be taken away......not a profane meat sacrifice, but instead Jesus worship is forbidden) and the AoD to be placed. He gets the false prophet Jewish high priest like unto Jason under AE4 to cheekily place an image of him (the E.U. President) up in the temple to mock Jesus, God and all of His followers. But, when those Jews who repented see this, they know to flee into the mountains of the Petra and Bozrah area, God will protect them there for 1260 days and thus Jesus will set up the Kingdom Age with these new converts. Then at the 1260 event, the A.C. becomes the Beast by conquering Israel and the whole Mediterranean sea region as Daniel 11:40-43 shows us.
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Now, I will explain these things via what will happen in everyday verbiage
verbiage: The excessive use of words.
Also, your belief of a rapture to heaven of the Church and of a Jewish redemption, puts your explanations into error and confusion.

There are several pivotal points in the end times events.
The first, soon to happen will be the Sixth Seal worldwide disaster, setting the scene for the establishment of a One World Government.
After a few years, the leader of the OWG will come to the new Christian nation of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, and make a 7 year peace treaty with them. This period will be the 70th 'week', as Daniel prophesies. It will be peaceful for the first half of 3 1/2 years.
At this point, that leader conquers Beulah, Zechariah 14:1-2, and he will have world control for the next 1260 days, but the punishments of the 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls take place, culminating in the Glorious Return of Jesus at the Seventh Bowl, Revelation 16:16-18

After the Return there will be 30 days, in which the Bema Judgment takes place, Matthew 25:31-33. The 1290th day.
Then 75 days past the Return - on the feast Day of Tabernacles; the Temple will be rededicated - on the celebration of Hanukkah. The 1335th day. Happy are those who live to see the completion of the 1335 days!
Proved by there being exactly 75 days between Tabernacles and Hanukkah.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Now, I will explain these things via what will happen in modern everyday verbiage
everyday verbiage is not "the 1290", " the 1335", "the 1260".

Everyday verbiage, and what is written in the text when those numbers appear, are "1290 days" "1335 days", "1260 days", Fisherking, aka Revelation Man.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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Christ in the bible is associated with being the King of Israel messiah. King of the Jews. Pilate had that written above Jesus head - "Jesus of Nazareth King of Jews".

The Jewish religious leaders mocked him at His crucifixion, "Christ King of Israel" Mark 15:32.

The woman at the well, John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

The wise men came to find "the King of the Jews" , Matthew 2:2.

To be the AntiChrist, the person has to be anointed the King of Israel, instead of and against Jesus, the rightful King of Israel messiah.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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So after Gog & Magog (Russia, Iran and Turkey attacks Israel very soon) Israel will join the E.U. and she will give up her Nukes to the E.U. how else can the A.C. conquer Israel?
The Antichrist will be welcomed with opened arms by the Jews following Gog/Magog thinking he is their long awaited King of Israel, King of the Jews, messiah.

What do you think Israel is going to do when the Antichrist reveals himself as the man of sin, by sitting in the temple (in Jerusalem), claiming to have achieved God-hood, and not the messiah after all ?

Do you think Israel is going to nuke Jerusalem ? There will be EU troops stationed all through Israel and the middle east following Gog/Magog on the premise of being peace keepers in the region. They don't have to invade and conquer - they will already be there.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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There are several pivotal points in the end times events.
The first, soon to happen will be the Sixth Seal worldwide disaster, setting the scene for the establishment of a One World Government.
After a few years, the leader of the OWG will come to the new Christian nation of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, and make a 7 year peace treaty with them.
The 7 years are in Ezekiel 39:9-10 following Gog/Magog. So it is not after the creation of a One World Government. But after the Gog/Magog event.

Gog/Magog - then the 7 years - then Armageddon, verses 17-20 - then Jesus Himself speaking in the text having returned to this earth, verses 21-29.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Everything in the first half of the 70th week will be mostly peaceful, but it is of course a deception, the Beast has every intention of conquering Israel and killing off all the Jews if he can. God of course knows all this, so at the 1335, He sends the two-witnesses back to get Israel to repent or atone, these 1/3 or 5 million Jews thus are now Jesus worshippers, they are filled with the holy spirit, they need and want to worship Jesus in their temple, so off they go, and they praise Jesus and sing unto Jesus in the temple for at least 45 days, until the 1290, when this Jewish high priest Jesus hater gets angry, and although the A.C. (E.U. President IMHO) is not yet the Beast because he only conquers Israel 30 days later, he has political sway
There are 2520 days in 7 years. day 1 the beginning. day 2520 the end.

On what day, does the 1335 days begin ?

On what day, does the 45 days that the Jewish worshipers of Jesus begin "

On what day, does the 1290 days begin ?

day1...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................day 2520
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Then I looked at Rev. 13 and saw that the 2nd beast is the one that gets the peoples of Israel to make an image of the first beast, so in reality, the false prophet met all the criteria for one who actually stops the sacrifice and places the AoD. He will be a Jewish high priest like unto Jason (real name Yeshua) who was under Antiochus (AE4). I might get into that later. But who has the power over the temple?
Did Jason call fire down from heaven ?

Did Elijah the prophet call from down from heaven ?

Revelation 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

Are the Jews (Judaism) expecting Elijah the prophet to come and be a part of beginning the messianic age ?
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Oct 18, 2023
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everyday verbiage is not "the 1290", " the 1335", "the 1260".

Everyday verbiage, and what is written in the text when those numbers appear, are "1290 days" "1335 days", "1260 days", Fisherking, aka Revelation Man.
Well, we disagree, I think they are events and the events are noted by a number that denotes how many days it is from said events (1335, 1290 and 1260) until the second coming of Jesus. The name is chose or do not chose on different sites is not a relevant point tbh.

Christ in the bible is associated with being the King of Israel messiah. King of the Jews. Pilate had that written above Jesus head - "Jesus of Nazareth King of Jews".

The Jewish religious leader mocked him at His crucifixion, "Christ King of Israel" Mark 15L32.

The woman at the well, John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

The wise came to find "the King of the Jews" , Matthew 2:2.

To be the AntiChrist, the person has to be anointed the King of Israel, instead of and against Jesus, the rightful King of Israel messiah.
I was going to say, what does all this have to do with the OP but then in your last sentence I see where you were heading, but being honest, this has very little to do with the OP really. But alas, we disagree, the Israeli people never accept this Little Horn as their Messiah, its just you misreading scriptures somewhat imho, John 5:43 was a prophecy specifically unto the Pharisees who lived in Jesus' time.

The Antichrist will be welcomed with opened arms by the Jews following Gog/Magog thinking he is their long awaited King of Israel, King of the Jews, messiah.
You miss the overall actions, the agreement (covenant) is between Israel and the E.U. which the A.C. is over, he is appointed the President by the European Parliament. Nations make treaties, not men with nations per se, you take the obvious and discount it and think Israel, a mostly Anti-God nation is going to accept a Messiah, whom most do not eve believe in. You know who does come to believe in the Messiah Jesus? The ones who flee Judea. So, since they never accept a false christ, just who is it that does? the other 2/3 don't even believe in God when the two-witnesses show up, so there is not way they are even looking toward a Messiah. You just have your logic all twisted up my friend.

What do you think Israel is going to do when the Antichrist reveals himself as the man of sin, by sitting in the temple (in Jerusalem), claiming to have achieved God-hood, and not the messiah after all ?
Whether he "sits in the temple" or Paul though that which stood where it ought not stand was a man, and not an image (AoD) I don't know, but everyone else seems to think the AoD is an image, John, Daniel and Jesus. Who did Jesus give these two great prophetic books unto? John and Daniel. Yes, he moves to Jerusalem and builds a palace between the Dead sea and Great sea, where he will die. But I think the AoD is an image that the false prophet places, so says Rev. 13 anyway.

Do you think Israel is going to nuke Jerusalem ? There will be EU troops stationed all through Israel and the middle east following Gog/Magog on the premise of being peace keepers in the region. They don't have to invade and conquer - they will already be there.

We do not quite know how God defeats the Russians/Turks and Iranians tbh, He might do it Himself or use another nation as a tool. Either way, imho, Israel will join the E.U. and that is the agreement we see in Daniel 9:27. Then at the mid point, of course he and the E.U. conquers Israel, we can see the play by play in Dan. 11:40-43. He rolls through countries to get at Israel, then he conquers Egypt and all of North Africa, but he never conquers Edom, Ammon and Moab, which just so happens to be in the central and southern mountainous are of Jordan, or the Petra/Bozrah region that it is so well known by. So, the play by play disagrees with you brother, he conquers Israel and the whole Mediterranean region.

The 7 years are in Ezekiel 39:9-10 following Gog/Magog. So it is not after the creation of a One World Government. But after the Gog/Magog event.

Gog/Magog - then the 7 years - then Armageddon, verses 17-20 - then Jesus Himself speaking in the text having returned to this earth, verses 21-29.
We do not have time for 7 years, Apophis will hit on April 13, 2029. Remember all this when Russia, Turkey and Iran attack Israel very soon. That sets everything in motion. Then when Israel joins the E.U. up we go to meet the Lord in the air, we will not be here any longer, and the 70th week starts.

here are 2520 days in 7 years. day 1 the beginning. day 2520 the end.

On what day, does the 1335 days begin ?
Well, 1335 days before the second coming is 1335 days minus 2520 which equals 1185. You ought to understand that 75 days before the MoW 1260 event is day 1185.

On what day, does the 45 days that the Jewish worshipers of Jesus begin "

On what day, does the 1290 days begin ?
The 1290 thus happens on day 1230, if you must count forward, but God used the second coming as His fulcrum point. Thus on day 1185, the two-witnesses start preaching repentance and the 1/3 who get saved by accepting their Messiah start praising Jesus of course, then for 45 days they do so without being bothered it seems. Then on day 1230 the false prophet steps in with a little push from afar via the E.U. President and the E.U. Parliament, and he forbids Jesus worship in the temple (takes away the Sacrifice) and then makes an image of the E.U. President and places it up in the temple of God. Then Israel have 30 days to flee Judea before the Anti-Christ conquers them to become the Beast over the holy land and the Mediterranean region in general.

Did Jason call fire down from heaven ?

Did Elijah the prophet call from down from heaven ?

Revelation 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

Are the Jews (Judaism) expecting Elijah the prophet to come and be a part of beginning the messianic age ?
Types are types, if you can't see how Jason and Antiochus were types of the A.C. and F.P. that is on you brother. Its more about three things. 1.) A Greek king and a Jewish high priest had a bond and working relationship where both wanted to do away with all Jewish customs. 2.) Jason and AE4 defiled the temple, just like the soon to come A.C. and F.P. will. 3.) Jesus will kill them "Without hand" as Dan. 2 says and that matches how AE4 died via a disease.

In the very end Satan and all his demons have been cast down to earth, so very powerful deceptions will be going on, as we are told. We must not worry too much about those times, we will not be here, but there are many who will be here, and if I call this play by play and people see this, then they will have a heads-up on what is about to happen if they come upon these message boards.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Well, we disagree, I think they are events and the events are noted by a number that denotes how many days it is from said events (1335, 1290 and 1260) until the second coming of Jesus. The name is chose or do not chose on different sites is not a relevant point tbh.
The events are the actions stated in the bible. The duration associated with those actions are the timeframes. The timeframes themselves are not event.

The action of setting up the abomination of desolation in Daniel 12:11-12 is associated with timeframes of 1290 days and 1335 days.

First declare the event(s) according to the text of bible. Then determine when that event begins and ends on a timeline of the 7 year 70th week.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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The 1290 thus happens on day 1230, if you must count forward, but Gid used the second coming as His fulcrum point.
Your misuse of the English language leads to bewilderment by others about what you believe. You have created your own set of rules that no-one else goes by. Can't you do a timeline chart?

day1..................................................day 1230 (daily sacrifice stopped)........................1290 days ......................................................................day 2520.

It seems that you say on day 1230 the daily sacrifice is stopped.


day 1..............................day 1185 (two witnesses begin their 1260 days)....................1335 days........................day 2445 (killed)............day 2520.

day 1..............................day 1185 (two witnesses begin their 1260 day)...........45 days of praise (ends day 1230)..................................day 2520

Then on day 1230 the false prophet steps in with a little push from afar via the E.U. President and the E.U. Parliament, and he forbids Jesus worship in the temple (takes away the Sacrifice) and then makes an image of the E.U. President and places it up in the temple of God.

day 1.........................................................day 1230 (daily sacrifice stopped).....................................1290 days.....................................................day 2520

day 1...............................................................................................AoD setup - day ?......................................................................................................day 2520

On what day on the timeline is the AoD setup ?
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Types are types, if you can't see how Jason and Antiochus were types of the A.C. and F.P. that is on you brother. Its more about three things. 1.) A Greek king and a Jewish high priest had a bond and working relationship where both wanted to do away with all Jewish customs. 2.) Jason and AE4 defiled the temple, just like the soon to come A.C. and F.P. will. 3.) Jesus will kill them "Without hand" as Dan. 2 says and that matches how AE4 died via a disease.
No, it is on you for not acknowledging that the false prophet calls fire down from heaven like Elijah the prophet. And not acknowledging that the Jews (Judaism) as expecting Elijah the prophet to be a part of the beginning of the messianic age. And your not knowing that Jews (Judaism) believe that the messiah will be anointed the King of Israel by a known prophet.

The false prophet, who the Jews for a while will think is the embodiment of Elijah the prophet, will anoint the prince who shall come the King of Israel, making that person the Antichrist.

Which will all be exposed as a big mistake when the Antichrist goes into the temple, claiming to have achieved God-hood, revealing himself to be the man of sin.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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I consolidated most of your conclusions....

day1.................................................day 1185 two witnesses begin.....................1335 days..................................................................day 2520

day 1.................................................................................................day 1230 sacrifices stopped.............1290 days...............................day 2520.

But you are still missing - On what day on the timeline is the AoD setup ?
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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In the very end Satan and all his demons have bee cast down to earth, so very powerful deceptions will be going on, as we are told. We must not worry too much about those times, we will not be here, but there are many who will be here, and if I call this play by play and people see this, then they will have a head-up on what is about to happen if they come upon these message boards.

You don't have a chart that shows all of the time line events. "in the very end" is ambiguous. Satan will be cast down to earth having a time, times, half time left. Here is the timeline chart I made which shows Satan cast down to earth, and events as related to their biblical given timeframes.

In your scenario of events, you have no reason, no time given for the Kings of the earth to assemble their armies at Armageddon to make war on Jesus.

horiziontal chart June 25, 2022 .jpg
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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You know who does come to believe in the Messiah Jesus? The ones who flee Judea. So, since they never accept a false christ, just who is it that does? the other 2/3 don't even believe in God when the two-witnesses show up, so there is not way they are even looking toward a Messiah. You just have your logic all twisted up my friend.
The twisted logic is yours.

The Jews become believers in Jesus after their thought-to-be messiah the Antichrist betrays them. And then after said person is killed and comes back to life to become the beast-king, the abomination of desolation statue image is made of him and placed on the temple mount - set up as it says in Daniel 12:11-12.

The Jews in Judea see it and flee to the mountains, the wise ones without delay. The ones who delay, the beast-king will block their escape and they are the ones in Revelation 12:17.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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God of course knows all this, so at the 1335, He sends the two-witnesses back to get Israel to repent or atone, these 1/3 or 5 million Jews thus are now Jesus worshippers, they are filled with the holy spirit, they need and want to worship Jesus in their temple, so off they go, and they praise Jesus and sing unto Jesus in the temple for at least 45 days,
Here is what Daniel 12:12 says...

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

The 1335th day is the day that Jesus returns. Those who go through the great tribulation, and survive, ever faithful to Jesus, will reign and rule with Jesus - that is the blessing.

The start of the great tribulation is 1335 days before Jesus returns. The setting up of the abomination of desolation is what starts the 1335 day long great tribulation.
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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I will put forth a short, concise understanding unto those who do not like long drawn out dissertations, I find that once a concise point has been read, sometimes those types do not mind reading something a bit longer if it sparks a bit of curiosity.

Short Explanation

God gave Daniel a vision that runs from Daniel chapters 10 through Daniel 12:1-2 then explained a bit unto him, but mostly kept him in the dark, telling him that all these things would be locked up until the very end times, I think we are in the end times now, so God revealing's should not be a surprise.

In short, as I studied and did an Exegesis on Dan. 11 and 12, I understood that in vs. 6 an Angel asks the Man in Linen (Jesus pre incarnate or MIL) "how long until all these wonders end?" And in vs. 7 the MIL replied that from the time the holy people (Israel) are scattered (some get conquered and some flee) until all these wonders end will be 1260 days (Time, times and half). Now, of course Daniel had no clue of Jesus' second coming, but we do, and that gives us the advantage. We now can understand what ends this mans life and rule on earth in Dan. 11:36-45, its the second coming. So, the 1260 is very clear and easily understood as an event (the Little Horn/Anti-Christ conquers Israel) that will end in 1260 days, upon Jesus return. We piece this together by using scriptures from elsewhere in the bible, where he rules 1260 days over Israel.

Then as I read vs. 8 it hit me, Daniel was confused, and then he asked the exact same question as the Angel did in vs. 6, in vs. 8, "When will all these things end?" So, I thought to myself, everything has to end with the second coming, that is the fulcrum point God is using here, and if the 1260 was an event, so were the 1290 and 1335 events also. All three are just numbers with limited explanations for each event, and when they come to pass in juxtaposition to the second coming as per the numbers actual meaning, just like the 1260, we have to figure out what the numbers actually mean via gathering info from other scriptures elsewhere in the bible. I have done that, I will give the details and the scriptures that reveal why I came to these conclusions below in a longer dissertation, but to those who want to know what the other numbered events mean, in brief, here is the answer below.

1.) The 1335 is the Two-witnesses showing up (Blessing) to turn Israel back unto God before God's Wrath falls on mankind, they show up 1335 days before the second coming of Jesus.

2.) The 1290 is the False Prophet (a Jewish high priest) who takes away "the real sacrifice Jesus" and places the AoD in the temple, this happens 1290 days before the second coming.

Dan 12:11And from the time the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12Blessed is he who waits and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.

Joel 1
4What the devouring locust has left, the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust has left, the young locust has eaten;
and what the young locust has left, the destroying locust has eaten
. 5Wake up, you drunkards, and weep; wail, all you drinkers of wine,
because of the sweet wine, for it has been cut off from your mouth. 6For a nation has invaded My land, powerful and without number;
its teeth are the teeth of a lion, and its fangs are the fangs of a lioness
. 7It has laid waste My grapevine and splintered My fig tree.
It has stripped off the bark and thrown it away; the branches have turned white. 8Wail like a virgin dressed in sackcloth, grieving for the husband of her youth. 9Grain and drink offerings have been cut off from the house of the LORD; the priests are in mourning, those who minister before the LORD.

As you can see here, the 'locusts' are an invading nation who cut off the 'grain & drink offerings' = abolishing the daily (sacrifice) of Dan 12:11.
These 'locusts' are the 'locusts' of the 5th Trumpet. The abomination / great tribulation is either starting at the start of the Trumpets or at the 6th Trumpet. Due to timing issues, it is clear that the abomination is at the 6th Trumpet.

Hosea 5:7
They have transgressed against the Lord, for they have begotten children that are strangers: now shall a month devour them with their portions.

Zech 11
6For I will no longer have compassion on the people of the land, declares the LORD, but behold, I will cause each man to fall into the hands of his neighbor and his king, who will devastate the land, and I will not deliver it from their hands.”​
7So I pastured the flock marked for slaughter, especially the afflicted of the flock. Then I took for myself two staffs, calling one Favor and the other Union, and I pastured the flock. 8And in one month I dismissed three shepherds.
My soul grew impatient with the flock, and their souls also detested me. 9Then I said, “I will no longer shepherd you. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish; and let those who remain devour one another’s flesh.”​
10Next I took my staff called Favor and cut it in two,b revoking the covenant I had made with all the nations. 11It was revoked on that day, and so the afflicted of the flock who were watching me knew that it was the word of the LORD.​
12Then I told them, “If it seems right to you, give me my wages; but if not, keep them.” So they weighed out my wages, thirty pieces of silver.​
13And the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—this magnificent price at which they valued me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD.​
14Then I cut in two my second staff called Union, breaking the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.​
15And the LORD said to me: “Take up once more the equipment of a foolish shepherd. 16For behold, I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will neither care for the lost, nor seek the young, nor heal the broken, nor sustain the healthy, but he will devour the flesh of the choice sheep and tear off their hooves. 17Woe to the worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May a sword strike his arm and his right eye! May his arm be completely withered and his right eye utterly blinded!”

After this month, then the worthless shepherd is put in charge. This starts the 1260 days of the woman in the wilderness, and the 1260 days of the 2 witnesses. It is unclear whether the worthless / foolish shepherd is blinded (= gets a mortal head wound) at the start of the 1260 days or at the end. Probably at the end, but we can't be sure.

The end of the 1260 days is the start of the 7th Trumpet. This is the start of the beast from the sea & earth with living image.

The abomination of desolation and living image are two separate events: the 1st (at the 6th Trumpet) is before the 'sign of the son of man in heaven' (see Matt 24:29-30) and the 'living image' of Rev 13 is after the 'sign of the son of man in heaven' (see Rev 12:1-Rev 13) at the 7th Trumpet.

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Why must people put the extra 30 and 75 days before Jesus Returns?
Simple reading of Daniel 12, is to think those extra days are added to the 1260 of Revelation and I have shown how they fit after the Glorious Return.
Jesus must Return 1260 days after the Temple is desecrated, proved by Revelation 12: when the faithful peoples kept in a place of safety will be gathered to where He will be - in Jerusalem for the next thousand years. Matthew 24:30-31

But of course; those who have made up fanciful charts and have promoted their belief of the extra days all ending at the Return, have to stick to their ideas, or admit they were wrong.
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Oct 18, 2023
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The events are the actions stated in the bible. The duration associated with those actions are the timeframes. The timeframes themselves are not event.
Looks like you would quit beating the "dead horse" I do not agree and I am correct. The end/

These are Events, matters not how you think per se.

The action of setting up the abomination of desolation in Daniel 12:11-12 is associated with timeframes of 1290 days and 1335 days.
No, just the 1290 event. ( I will say event each time I post the number now). Now the two-witnesses who show up at the 1335 event, and gets 1/3 of Israel to repent, is why the 1/3 start serving Jesus, and that is why the false prophet high priest stops Jesus worship in the temple, maybe in all Jerusalem.

First declare the event(s) according to the text of bible. Then determine when that event begins and ends on a timeline of the 7 year 70th week.
I have done this BOTH WAYS, its not that hard to add and subtract, me thinks you are pretending to not understand, or else Elementary should be a required event in your future life (smile). But I will do it...sigh

Day 1 the Agreement and Rapture happens when Israel joins the E.U. (Dan. 9:27 Covenant/Agreement)

Then we get 1150 days or so (rounded down a bit) of semi fake peace.........

Day 1185, the two-witnesses show up 1335 days before the second coming of Jesus thus when one adds 1185 + 1335 that = 2520. See what God did? He gave us the number of days each event was away from the second coming which "Ends all of these wonders/things". It shouldn't be hard once a person is given the grunt work I put in, and prayer....But, when it destroys peoples long held understanding, people want to go to la la land and just pretend it is not real. But it is my friend, it is. God word is all that matters to me.

Day 1290, the false prophet (a Jewish high priest) gets his orders from the E.U. President (A.C.) and maybe from the Israeli Prime Minister (its just like our political shenanigans today in the USA/Europe) and he then makes an edict that states there will be no more worshipping of Jesus in the temple, maybe in Israel. This event (AoD Event) happens 1230 days into the 7 years and thus 1290 days before "all these things end".

Day 1260, key date in history, this happens on day 1261. This is the day everything turns on, its the exact middle of the 70th week, thus it happens on day 1261 and there are also 1260 days left because it happens in the middle, 1260 and 1260 equals 2520, so it has to happen on day 1261, which means it is 1260 days away from the second coming of Jesus.

This day is a very, very special day in all of history, the A.C. can not go forth conquering until this day arrives, the Seals (as you know they are not Judgments, see I remember) are being opened, and all point to this one day that happens 1261 days into the seven years/70th week. Thus there are 1260 days left for the A.C. turned Beast (via conquering) to rule over Israel and all of the Mediterranean sea region.

So, what releases this man to go forth? Well, he is held back until God's wrath falls on day 1261 which is 1260 days away from all these wonders ending, via the second coming of Jesus, Amen. So, an asteroid kicks it all off, God foreknew of this event long ago, He has told of this in many prophesies, in the Joel 2:31 prophesy, in the seal #6 prophesy, and in many others. The Day of the Lord arrives. This happens on the 1260 event, 30 days after the 1290 event. (I will go through scenarios as to why in a bit). Only at this point in time can the A.C. go forth conquering, the Rev. 8 asteroid (Trumps 1-4, just different phases) is released by the 7th seal being opened up. Now God allows the A.C. to go forth conquering.

So, does God not allow him to go forth or is it strategic planning by the A.C. and Satan? Let's see, the E.U. right now is not much of an Army, they are being protected by USA dollars, that is changing. But this man wants to conquer Israel, well the first part is to get them to join the E.U. and the Gog & Magog war will drive them to join the E.U. So, he gains Israel trust by helping them against Russia/Iran and Turkey. Then the big elephant in the room is the USA, we would never fully allow an invasion by the E.U. in my opinion, but alas, we will more than likely get wiped out by an economic collapse, but we would still have nukes.

I think this is Satan and the A.C.'s strategic plan. They know this Asteroid hitting will cause chaos, Satan is evil and sneaky, he will wait until this asteroid hits, and amongst the ongoing chaos, he will attack Israel and the Mediterranean region. Via my studies, I think the 1/3 mentioned in Rev. 8 is a destination, I looked up the New World's landmass its its almost exactly 1/3 of the landmass in the world. Then I looked at the Pacific ocean and it has 1/3 of the total waters on the face often earth, and seas water can not cross over into other seas !! So, this asteroid (Apophis) is going to hit just off the California and Mexico coast, in the Pacific ocean. The 1/3 trees that burn are in the New World, not the Old World where Jesus will be reigning from. Satan gets the A.C. to wait on this event, if we can understand it via reading the bible he understands it also. With Russia/Iran and the Turks Armies all wiped out by 5/6, and the USA on fire ole Satan sends forth the A.C. to go conquering, meanwhile, the rest of the world are probably trying to help out the New World which is ion fire, and not paying attention.

On what day on the timeline is the AoD setup ?
I just can't believe you can't add and subtract brother. I made it easy enough for a 5th grader to add it up and understand it above. If you would get your mind off going forward and grasp that the end time second coming is the actual fulcrum point, a countdown from the middle (1260) Day of the Lord/A.C. going forth, and for the AoD 1290 event, a countdown from that day until the second coming fulcrum point, and the 1335 is a countdown from that event (two-witnesses showing up) until the second coming of Jesus Christ. Seems you can count only one way.

No, it is on you for not acknowledging that the false prophet calls fire down from heaven like Elijah the prophet. And not acknowledging that the Jews (Judaism) as expecting Elijah the prophet to be a part of the beginning of the messianic age. And your not knowing that Jews (Judaism) believe that the messiah will be anointed the King of Israel by a known prophet.
A type is a type not a like for like (LOL) so should the A.C./Beast and/or false prophet eat pork on his 50th birthday because Antiochus or Jason did? If you don't understand what an archetype is that is on you, it is not a clone. The likeness I shared on three key points, that is all that matters.

No one was expecting Elijah to be at the beginning of the Messianic age per se, if Israel had accepted Jesus then the Messianic age would have started around 70 AD. Elijah will return to turn Israel back unto God, just before the DOTL, and thus Israel can at that point in time have the promised Kingdom Age. Jesus will be anointed as King of kings and Lord of lords, see Dan. 9:24, it has all 6 goals tgat have to be met before Jesus can return.

Dan. 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, (1)to finish the transgression, and (2)to make an end of sins, and (3)to make reconciliation for iniquity, and (4)to bring in everlasting righteousness, and (5)to seal up the vision and prophecy, and (6)to anoint the most Holy.

So, number 6 shows this prophecy will not end until Jesus is anointed the King pf kings he is the most Holy. He will bring in everlasting righteousness also (5). But Israel do not anoint a Gentile king as their Messiah brother, that just another wrong path you have chosen to go down.
The false prophet, who the Jews for a while will think is the embodiment of Elijah the prophet, will anoint the prince who shall come the King of Israel, making that person the Antichrist.
This is just not true, Elijah shows up (with Moses IMHO) and turns Israel unto God before the 1290 event even happens. You just get Eschatology all conflated brother.

But you are still missing - On what day on the timeline is the AoD setup ?
No I am not, you just can not grasp that the 1290 is 1290 days away from the 2nd coming, so it happens on day 1230. I mean you try guessing, and are asking, when it should be obvious. Remember, God told Daniel this was going to be locked up until the end times, so it had to be very complex by its very nature. God simply used the second coming as the fulcrum point.

You don't have a chart that shows all of the time line events. "in the very end" is ambiguous. Satan will be cast down to earth having a time, times, half time left. Here is the timeline chart I made which shows Satan cast down to earth, and events as related to their biblical given timeframes.

In your scenario of events, you have no reason, no time given for the Kings of the earth to assemble their armies at Armageddon to make war on Jesus.
I don't need charts, Jesus didn't need charts.

The Jews become believers in Jesus after their thought-to-be messiah the Antichrist betrays them. And then after said person is killed and comes back to life to become the beast-king, the abomination of desolation statue image is made of him and placed on the temple mount - set up as it says in Daniel 12:11-12.

The Jews in Judea see it and flee to the mountains, the wise ones without delay. The ones who delay, the beast-king will block their escape and they are the ones in Revelation 12:17.
Nope, we can see in Zech. 13:8-9 that Israel repents before the DOTL arrives in Zech. 14:1.
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Oct 18, 2023
United States
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Why must people put the extra 30 and 75 days before Jesus Returns?
Simple reading of Daniel 12, is to think those extra days are added to the 1260 of Revelation and I have shown how they fit after the Glorious Return.
Jesus must Return 1260 days after the Temple is desecrated, proved by Revelation 12: when the faithful peoples kept in a place of safety will be gathered to where He will be - in Jerusalem for the next thousand years. Matthew 24:30-31

But of course; those who have made up fanciful charts and have promoted their belief of the extra days all ending at the Return, have to stick to their ideas, or admit they were wrong.
I am giving all the answers that not many men, if any, know. Yet you can't see it brother. I do not put forth things that do not mesh via the holy spirits guidance. But men who can't get the raptures timing correct, I honestly do not expect them to see the deeper things of prophecy at all. Nothing is simpler than the pre 70th week rapture.
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