Evolution is the Great Apostasy


Active Member
Jan 17, 2004
“Global Warming” Is NOT The Real Problem Behind
The Current Meltdown of the Earth’s Polar Ice Caps
By Bruce D. McKay, Elijah
The logic behind “global warming” and the scientific studies and debates on potential climate change has ignored almost any and all prospects of any kind of global catastrophes. Nevertheless, it is now evident that the mantle inside the earth is what’s “warming up,” as if it were somehow on fire. Ski lodges around the world ended up sending all their patrons up to the higher slopes this winter, because the ice has been melting beneath the snow, on many of the lower slopes. Hence, the sciences have wrongly focused on a greenhouse effect, as if a changing of gases in the atmosphere was the basic cause for what has at first been perceived as the basic cause, for a gradual increase in global temperatures! The real basis for that false scenario as is proven in this report is that the basic line of reasoning fails to address a more historic climatic scenario, or the issue of “a fearful constellation” as being what truly causes the more severe changes in this Earth and its climate. In addition, the scientific community has always tended to ignore the fact that the climate of this earth has been officially proven to have been repeatedly shifted, abruptly and dramatically in the relatively recent past.
What is the real problem? The following are a few “well-aimed flashes of lightening,” in that regard. The real problem is there has been a system of thinking imposed upon the intellectual minds of this world, by those who set up the “natural sciences” and the current system is one of “theoretical intellectualizing.” The current scheme, i.e., our “rules of geology” were in a like manner, set up or postulated almost 200 years ago, in the days of Charles Lyell; All the confusion has happened, simply because, all the logic has been allowed to develop according to the idea that the history of the earth had NOT included any sweeping, geological catastrophes. In brief, the idea of a vast geological time frame overtook the issue of massive floods, or what was known as Werner’s floods, and anything like ‘Hutton’s rivers of fire,’ all began to fall and fade away, being set aside as mere myths, as the supposedly true dictates of what is yet known as “geological evolution” began to surface. This is what basically set or posed all the wisdom of scientific thinking, in competition with the wisdom of God. And now comes an article titled Abrupt Climate Change: Should We Be Worried? by Robert B. Gagosian, President and Director of the highly prestigious, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. In this article he writes:
“Fossil evidence clearly demonstrates that Earth vs. climate can shift gears within a decade, establishing new and different patterns that can persist for decades to centuries. In addition, these climate shifts do not necessarily have universal, global effects. They can generate a counter intuitive scenario: Even as the earth as a whole continues to warm gradually, large regions may experience a precipitous and disruptive shift into colder climates.”

This is a “new paradigm,” according to the President and Director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. If it is, “a new paradigm,” (according to what President Robert B. Gagosian has written) then what is there to be said ancient Biblical teachings? We now need to consider what these incredible details all mean in terms of the rather poor and unfortunate Charles Lyell, since it was Lyell who “avowed himself” to “do away with the successive acts of the creation!” Now, the tables have turned! What all this means is that now, all creation has become a weapon, to repulse all foes! Obviously, all this also means that Lyell’s real intent was to simply use his “principles of geology, relating to a slow and steady alteration of the earth’s surface,” as a subtle means to discredit any biblical references to dramatic global changes.
“This new paradigm of abrupt climate change has been well established over the last decade by research of ocean, earth and atmosphere scientists at many institutions worldwide. But the concept remains little known and scarcely appreciated in the wider community of scientists, economists, policy makers, and world political and business leaders. Thus, world leaders may be planning for climate scenarios of global warming that are opposite to what might actually occur.” Note: These are the very words quoted in that written by Robert B. Gagosian.
Now according to Charles Lyell, what all the other scientists thought to be global catastrophes were only descriptive and deluding pictures! Obviously, that was all wrong. According to Lyell and his entire system of logic, nature could only be viewed properly, as having worked upon the earth’s crust over enormously long periods of time, by the agencies of water and ice, or an occasional volcano in a type of geological convulsion. By looking at the melt down now taking place involving both of the earth’s poles, we are forced to conclude Lyell was wrong. Nevertheless, this was the way, according to Lyell, that the whole earth very slowly changed in its appearance, over many millions of years of time, without there ever being any truly massive or destructive onslaughts ever taking place. While scientists cling to Lyell’s idea of a vast geological time frame has been used to supposedly validate a theoretical worldview of a planet that has never been struck with and widespread geological disasters for many hundred thousands of years! And since men had only been able to observe the effects and not the process of such change, according to Lyell, everyone had erroneously inferred that geological revolutions must have taken place! In other words, according to Lyell, God’s hand was never involved in anything that ever happened - and all this means that the whole world is supposedly many millions and millions of years old, far older in fact, than what anyone had ever supposed it to be!
What all this is referring to is that the logic of Charles Lyell and much of the logic of the natural sciences is actually only a unique system of memorizations and hopefully sound, “theoretical Intellectualizing(s).” And - the major problem is, in short, if you don’t want to think like everyone else is thinking, you aren’t welcome to “play the game.” It is a form of theorizing, highly depended on memorization, which supports this realm of thinking, and it is so “natural” that few persons have ever recognized that it also has some inherent and highly dangerous disadvantages. (Personally, I have learned to actually doubt that there is any real way for those who are a product of this “natural system of learning,” to even attempt to test those who emerge from a realm outside of their own, regular norm.) Nor is the logic and debates or the potential climate against any type of change, the first to have ignored all other prospects or explanations. For example, when Lord Kelvin was a student at Cambridge, he produced several original papers in the branches of higher mathematics. Nevertheless, his great intellect was not noted. It did not show through, even on his final exams. When tested, his test even indicated that he should be in less advanced classes! Those who administered the tests were puzzled, since they were aware of his tremendous intellectual abilities. After comparing their past experiences with his tests, they reached an incredible conclusion. He had done poorly on their ordinary series of examinations because there was only a test of memory, following after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, rather than there being any test of true originality. “You and I,” remarked one of his examiners to another, “are just about fit to mend his pens.”
In other words, the real mark of a genius is that a man thinks, beyond the mere realm of memorization, and he often thinks in quite un-ordinary terms. Nor are those persons recognized by exams! Those who design the exams often have no real method or real understanding, and to decipher what’s going on, overall, is often completely beyond their intellectual reach. Therefore, the forward progress of any society is always limited in a general way, to the extent that unrecognized genius is permitted or is not permitted to be heard. Hence, when history proves that none have truly made or produced the proper hopeful solution(s), needed to solve a given problem, or some otherwise unrecognizable or hitherto unsolvable problem(s); it often takes someone with a totally different outside perspective to un-block the overall progress of human development.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2004
Anyone who truly wishes to see what transpires at the end of this age has only to read the second half of the Wisdom of Solomon. Such a time brings a fire or the release of energy on all things in the form of “unusual rains and hailstorms, and relentless showers.” There is also an accompanying shift in molecular forces, which can be gathered from the fact that water, which normally “quenches every thing,” causes fire to have an even greater effect. (Wis 16:17) It is evident that the Oxygen and Hydrogen atoms become disassociated to some degree. “It blazed up in the midst of the water, with more than fiery power,” (Wis 16:19) and “snow and ice endured fire without melting.” (Wis 16:22) What crops the fire could not destroy “melted away when it was simply warmed by a fleeting sunbeam.”(Wis 16:27) What there is also to consider is that this incredible change in molecular forces, also carries all the way through the entire electromagnetic spectrum! For, as the scriptures say, they were “deprived of light and imprisoned in darkness.”(Wis 18;4) “Over them was spread a heavy night…” (Wis 17:21) “They were all bound with one chain of darkness.” (Wis 17:17) And the sound of it ranged from that of “a whistling wind,” to “a melodious sound of birds in spreading branches,” to a “regular noise of rushing water,” to an avalanche of rocks being thrown down, to the sounds like those of a stamped, and even “the most savage of wild roaring beasts.” (Wis 17:18-20) It paralyzed them with terror – and then the whole world became “bathed in a bright light,” and it was all “occupied in an unhindered work.” While those who had “plotted to kill all the babies of the holy ones, through one child had been exposed and saved, (Moses),” and to rebuke them God “took from them a multitude of their children, and destroyed them all together in a mighty flood.”(Wis 18:5) “For in one instant their most valued children were destroyed.” (Wis 18:12), The King James Version Apocrypha, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

11 The master and the servant were punished after one manner; and like as the king, so suffered the common person. 12 So they all together had innumerable dead with one kind of death; neither were the living sufficient to bury them: for in one moment the noblest offspring of them was destroyed. 13 For whereas they would not believe any thing by reason of the enchantments; upon the destruction of the firstborn, they acknowledged this people to be the sons of God. 14 For while all things were in quiet silence, and that night was in the midst of her swift course,15 Thine Almighty word leaped down from heaven out of thy royal throne, as a fierce man of war into the midst of a land of destruction,16 And brought thine unfeigned commandment as a sharp sword, and standing up filled all things with death; and it touched the heaven, but it stood upon the earth. 17 Then suddenly visions of horrible dreams troubled them sore, (in dreadful dreams startled them,) and terrors came upon them unlooked for. 18 And one thrown here, half dead, and another there, half dead, showed the cause of his death (showed why they were dying...) 19 For the dreams that troubled them did foreshow this, (giving warning and the promise of the Passover,) lest they should perish, and not know why they were afflicted.
20 Yea, the tasting of death touched the righteous also, and there was a destruction of the multitude in the wilderness: but the wrath endured not long. 21 For then the blameless man made haste, and stood forth to defend them; and bringing the shield of his proper ministry, even prayer, and the propitiation of incense, set himself against the wrath, and so brought the calamity to an end, declaring that he was thy servant. 22 So he overcame the destroyer, not with strength of body, nor force of arms, but with a word subdued he him that punished, alleging the oaths and covenants made with the fathers. (He appealed to the oaths and agreements given to the forefathers.) 23 For when the dead were now fallen down by heaps one upon another, standing between, he stayed the wrath, and parted the way to the living. 24 For in the long garment was the whole world, and in the four rows of the stones was the glory of the fathers graven, and thy Majesty upon the daidem of his head. 25 Unto these the destroyer gave place, and was afraid of them: for it was enough that they only tasted of the wrath.” The Wisdom of Solomon, 18:11-25, The King James Version Apocrypha, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

6 “For the whole creature in his proper kind was fashioned again anew, serving the peculiar commandments that were given unto them, that thy children might be kept without hurt…” (Wis 19:6) 17 Therefore even with blindness were these stricken, as those were at the doors of the righteous man: when, being compassed about with horrible great darkness, every one sought the passage of his own doors.” (“They were stricken with loss of sight, too, like those others, at the upright man’s door. When, surrounded with yawning darkness, each one sought the way through is own doors.” Goodspeed Ed.)
18 For the elements were changed in themselves by a kind of harmony, like as in a psaltery notes change the name of the tune, and yet are always sounds; which may well be perceived by the sight of the things that have been done. 19 For earthly things were turned into watery, and the things, that before swam in the water, now went upon the ground. 20 The fire had power in the water, forgetting his own virtue: and the water forgot his own quenching nature. 21 On the other side, the flames wasted not the flesh of the corruptible living things, though they walked therein; neither melted they the icy kind of heavenly meat that was of nature apt to melt. 22 For in all things, O Lord, thou didst magnify thy people, and glorify them, neither didst thou lightly regard them: but didst assist them in every time and place.” Wis 18:6, and 17-22, The King James Version Apocrypha, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

18 For the elements changed in order with one another, just as on a harp the notes vary the character of the time, yet keep the pitch, as one may accurately infer from the observation of what happened; 19 For land animals were turned into water creatures, and swimming things changed to the land; 20 Fire retained its power in water, and water forgot its quenching property. Contrariwise, flames did not wither the flesh of perishable animals that walked about among them, nor was the easily melted is-like kind of immortal food melted. For in everything, you Lord, magnified and glorified your people, and you did no neglect them, but stood by them at every time and place.” Wis 18:18-22, Goodspeed ed.

Perhaps a few passages from a few other ancient scriptures would function as a fitting close.
1You should also know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control; they will be cruel and have no interest in what is good. 4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5 They will act as if they are religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. You must stay away from people like that. 6 They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by many desires. 7 Such women are forever following new teachings, but they never understand the truth. 8 And these teachers fight the truth just as Jannes and Jambres fought against Moses. Their minds are depraved, and their faith is counterfeit. 9 But they won’t get away with this for long. Someday everyone will recognize what fools they are, just as happened with Jannes and Jambres. II Timothy 3:1-9, Living Bible
“…they erred in the knowledge of God; but whereas they lived in the great war of ignorance, those so great plagues called they peace. 23 For whilst they slew their children in sacrifices, or used secret ceremonies, or made revellings of strange rites; 24 They kept neither lives nor marriages any longer undefiled: but either one slew another traiterously, or grieved him by adultery. 25 So that there reigned in all men without exception blood, manslaughter, theft, and dissimulation, corruption, unfaithfulness, tumults, perjury, 26 Disquieting of good men, forgetfulness of good turns, defiling of souls, changing of kind, disorder in marriages, adultery, and shameless uncleanness. 27 For the worshipping of idols not to be named is the beginning, the cause, and the end, of all evil. 28 For either they are mad when they be merry, or prophesy lies, or live unjustly, or else lightly forswear themselves. 29 For insomuch as their trust is in idols, which have no life; though they swear falsely, yet they look not to be hurt. 30 Howbeit for both causes shall they be justly punished: both because they thought not well of God, giving heed unto idols, and also unjustly swore in deceit, despising holiness. 31 For it is not the power of them by whom they swear: but it is the just vengeance of sinners, that punisheth always the offence of the ungodly.” The Wisdom of Solomon, 14:22-31, The King James Version Apocrypha, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

“The earth quaketh, and the foundations thereof; the sea ariseth up with waves from the deep, and the waves of it are troubled, and the fishes thereof also, before the Lord, and before the glory of his power: 13 For strong is his right hand that bendeth the bow, his arrows that he shooteth are sharp, and shall not miss, when they begin to be shot into the ends of the world. 14 Behold, the plagues are sent, and (once sent they) shall not return again, until they come upon the earth. 15 The fire is kindled, and shall not be put out, till it consume the foundation of the earth. 16 Like as an arrow which is shot of a mighty archer returneth not backward: even so the plagues that shall be sent upon earth shall not return again.” II Esdras 16:12-16, The King James Version Apocrypha, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.

“Behold, speak thou in the ears of my people the words of prophecy, which I will put in thy mouth, saith the Lord: 2 And cause them to be written in paper: for they are faithful and true. 3 Fear not the imaginations against thee, let not the incredulity of them trouble thee, that speak against thee. 4 For all the unfaithful shall die in their unfaithfulness.
5 Behold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues upon the world; the sword, famine, death, and destruction. 6 For wickedness hath exceedingly polluted the whole earth, and their hurtful works are fulfilled. 7 Therefore saith the Lord, 8 I will hold my tongue no more as touching their wickedness, which they profanely commit, neither will I suffer them in those things, in which they wickedly exercise themselves: behold, the innocent and righteous blood crieth unto me, and the souls of the just complain continually. 9 And therefore, saith the Lord, I will surely avenge them, and receive unto me all the innocent blood from among them. 10 Behold, my people is led as a flock to the slaughter: I will not suffer them now to dwell in the land of Egypt: 11 But I will bring them with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm, and smite Egypt with plagues, as before, and will destroy all the land thereof.
12 Egypt shall mourn, and the foundation of it shall be smitten with the plague and punishment that God shall bring upon it. 13 They that till the ground shall mourn: for their seeds shall fail through the blasting and hail, and with a fearful constellation. 14 Woe to the world and them that dwell therein! 15 For the sword and their destruction draweth nigh, and one people shall stand up and fight against another, and swords in their hands. 16 For there shall be sedition among men, and invading one another; they shall not regard their kings nor princes, and the course of their actions shall stand in their power. 17 A man shall desire to go into a city, and shall not be able. 18 For because of their pride the cities shall be troubled, the houses shall be destroyed, and men shall be afraid. 19 A man shall have no pity upon his neighbour, but shall destroy their houses with the sword, and spoil their goods, because of the lack of bread, and for great tribulation.
20 Behold, saith God, I will call together all the kings of the earth to reverence me, which are from the rising of the sun, from the south, from the east, and Libanus; to turn themselves one against another, and repay the things that they have done to them. 21 Like as they do yet this day unto my chosen, so will I do also, and recompense in their bosom. Thus saith the Lord God; 22 My right hand shall not spare the sinners, and my sword shall not cease over them that shed innocent blood upon the earth. 23 The fire is gone forth from his wrath, and hath consumed the foundat-ions of the earth, and the sinners, like the straw that is kindled. 24 Woe to them that sin, and keep not my commandments! saith the Lord. 25 I will not spare them: go your way, ye children, from the power, defile not my sanctuary. 26 For the Lord knoweth all them that sin against him, and therefore delivereth he them unto death and destruction. 27 For now are the plagues come upon the whole earth and ye shall remain in them: for God shall not deliver you, because ye have sinned against him.” II Esdras 15:1-27, The King James Version Apocrypha, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2004
More Scriptural Evidence

Another example of not following after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, is found in the rather brief life of E’variste Galois, born in 1811, in France. Galois became a student of mathematics at age 13. His would-be professors looked upon him as “uneducated.” He was denied admission to France’s greatest university, the E’cole, at age 16, and again at age 18. Unable to meet the stringent requirements of the entrance exams (those also being strictly bent on the terms of various memory requirements,) Galois was completely “on his own.” Within one year, however, he baffled the best of his processors and contemporaries by discovering how group-theoretical notions could be used to prove that there can be no general solution in terms of radicals for equations of degree higher than four!
Did the unopened university doors stop him? Not on your life! Galois, beset with many misunderstands and a great deal of frustrations, turned into a political revolutionary, totally opposed and against the establishment, and he was an individual whom his royalist enemies plotted to kill. On May 30, 1832, their plot was successful. The brilliance of Galois was rapidly extinguished by a bullet in the abdomen, the result of a “senseless duel of honor.” And what do you thing the ultra brilliant Galois was doing, on the night before the duel? Galois was hard at work! He was frantically writing down his mathematical discoveries on group theories! As he wrote, he would often mark the margins with these words: “I have not time – I have not time!” Granted, all that he might have been able to give mankind will never be known. Fourteen years latter, after his death, the French mathematician, Liouville, published Galois notes. It was only then that everyone came to realize that in a single night, before his death, Galois had written on such things as the fundamental theorems of arithmetic, the definitions, theorems, and proofs of groups and group-theory, the details of isomorphic systems, the ordering of axinomic and divisional theorems, prime numbers, composite numbers, and Euclidean Algorithms. Once again it must be said, Galois notes truly cast a very long shadow on all the tests in the world which typically seek to measure understanding in terms of memory.
To be quite blunt, these are the days of Elijah. They are days of great trail, and I speak for all the Galois and all the others martyrs of this world! It is my discovery that we are beset with certain segments of society, founded on highly specific fields of scientific knowledge that have not properly advanced, simply because the Fathers - deliberately sought to deny the very existence of the Lord God. Nevertheless, “behold, He comes,” in spite of all that the Fathers have deliberately imposed, for we are fast learning how certain unseen obstacles and boundary in regard to mankind’s established patterns of thinking, were all actually imposed on the minds of men! When just one piece of data is missed, turned end for end, or perhaps introduced at a time when the entire field of research is moving in some opposite direction, then there is always the chance, that that given field of information is progressing in a miss-ordered manner.
In the days of Copernicus, for example, nothing seemed more obvious to men than the basic myth, that the sun actually moved around the earth every day! It was God and the movement of the planets which dictated every seasonal change! Today, those who think the motions of the planets have a bearing on their lives, are at best said to believe in a "pseudo-science." In that regard and in the exact same manner, I was always of the wrong opinion, as has been every other inhabitant of this planet, as to the real, scientific cause of the earth’s seasons. When I was growing up I was always told that the seasons were due to hundreds of thousands of years which accommodated the earth’s slight tipping! We all know this highly popular story about what makes the seasons. We were all told how the surface in certain areas come nearer or they are at other times father away from the sun. In reality, however, it is a certainty that the Fathers were wrong; to be even more specific it is now know that the earth’s orbit actually carries the planet three million miles near to the sun, at the beginning of January, as compared to the beginning of July!

What then, is the true cause of the seasons? It might not have been popular for them to say so, but in 1945, according to the publication of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, (see: “Magnetism of the Earth” by A. K. Ludy and H. H. Howe, Washington, 1945, pages 24 and 25,) at that time the leading scientists wrote that the earth's “SEASONAL CHANGES CORRESPOND DIRECTLY TO CHANGES IN THE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF THE EARTH.” Furthermore, the scientifically astute geodetic team even produced a series of charts showing that the seasonal changes in the diurnal variation of magnetic elements compare almost exactly, on an hour to hour basis! So the real question is if this is indeed true, then what part does the science of meteorology and all the rest of the “natural sciences” play today? The real answer is that "meteorology" and the rest of the “natural sciences” are only a long series of "pseudo-sciences." In brief, everyone has been following along, after one myth after another!
After giving this topic some considerable thought, you begin to realize that there is truly, an even bigger myth involved. For example, you begin to sense that there is a myth or a hoax going on, when you read as I did, in one NASSA web page, that “Much has been made of the fact that the August 27th encounter with Mars is the closest in some 60,000 years." With that point in time being designated as a time when "Neanderthals" lived. In other words, is it any longer useful to teach that? We say the seasons are due to the earth’s tipping, so as to claim the existence of “Neanderthals” and the vast geological time frame of Charles Lyell that has never actually existed! Perhaps it is high time that everyone begins to give heed to what it says in the scriptures, “beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” (Col. 2:8)
Better yet, let me direct your attention to what Matthew Henry has written, in that there is one philosophy, “which is a noble exercise of our reasonable faculties, and highly serviceable to religion, such a study of the works of God as leads us to the knowledge of God and confirms our faith in him.” But there is another! There is also “a philosophy which is vain and deceitful, which is prejudicial to religion, and sets up the wisdom of man in competition with the wisdom of God,” according to Matthew Henry; “and while it pleases men’s fancies ruins their faith!” Such things are “After the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world,” according to Matthew Henry, “plainly reflects upon the Jewish pedagogy or economy, as well as the Pagan learning. The Jews governed themselves by the traditions of their elders and the rudiments or elements of the world, the rites and observances which were only preparatory and introductory to the gospel state; the Gentiles mixed their maxims of philosophy with their Christian principles; and both alienated their minds from Christ. Those who pin their faith on other men’s sleeves, and walk in the way of the world, have turned away from following after Christ,” according to Matthew Henry.
Hence, there are those who considered themselves to be scientists, and not pseudo-scientists – and they think it only "natural" to assume that we live only in a vast geological time frame, as if our forefathers were "'Neanderthals,' and they were “the last to observe Mars so favorably placed." But if the whole thing is not what we know to be a real scientific truth and it is indeed a myth - then all the hype is on the side of the would be geological scientists and if it’s truly the closest the Earth and Mars have been, it is only proper and fitting to expect that some change or changes will effect, and have already effected, both the climate and the internal mantle of this planet! In addition, the stated fact that "Mars and Earth have been almost this close many times in recent history" may or may not have any significant bearing or meaning to it, whatsoever. And if the reader is unable to secure the book noted above, which explains how the seasons are driven by magnetic changes within the earth, the same details are also reported in a so-called “inconclusive report,” that appeared in the magazine of Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity (Vol. 50., No 4, December, 1945.)
Oh, and in case you have been wondering - while the scientists have all been saying that "Mars will NOT be close enough to alter Earth's gravity, cause earthquakes, or alter magnetic fields . . ." just to make certain all bad pseudo-science and all its counter rumors are put to rest - what a great and glorious change is already in the process of rapidly taking place! The South Pole is indeed in the process of doing a tremendous “melt down,” and anyone can do a web page search on “melting faster than thought” to find more about all this. Nor is all this any issue concerning the industrial greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, since all the major ski lodges of the world have suffered a severe economic pinch this year, after being forced to move all of their operations up to the higher mountain ranges – due to a general melting of the ice beneath the snow, on most all of the lower slopes. Since all this is true then there is, in reality, a far greater pinch coming on, and all this brings us then to another incredible fact, that all this is just as was stated by Matthew Henry’s commentary on Paul, in the forth Chapter of I Corinthians; Paul wrote to let them know what would follow upon his coming to them: I will know, not the speech of those that are puffed up, but the power, v. 19. He stated that he would “bring the great pretenders among them to a trial,” and he “would know what they were, not by their rhetoric or philosophy, but by the (whose) authority and efficacy of what they taught. For, adds he, the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. It is not set up, nor propagated, nor established, in the hearts of men, by plausible reasoning nor florid discourses, but by the external power of the Holy Spirit in miraculous operations at first, and the powerful influence of divine truth on the minds and manners of men.”
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Apatheist Extraordinaire
Aug 3, 2003
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rudenski said:
Trying to make the blind that refuse to see open their eyes is greatly overstated as important...We all can only do what we are called by God to do and let the Holy Spirit Lead men to the truth..
Oh, so you were actually trying to change people's opinions. If you would like I could give you some tips on how not to go about doing that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2003
New York
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rudenski said:
Trying to make the blind that refuse to see open their eyes is greatly overstated as important...We all can only do what we are called by God to do and let the Holy Spirit Lead men to the truth..
Let me guess, evolution is responsible for Global Warming?

I must admit, this is one connexion I never thought would be made.
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Just An Atheist

N. Hale - he died for you
Jul 11, 2003
Bushido216 said:
Let me guess, evolution is responsible for Global Warming?

I must admit, this is one connexion I never thought would be made.
You have to admit, in a sense it is true. Humans are here from evolution, and humans are causing global warming.

Q.E.D. :D
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reason, evidence
Nov 11, 2003
Vancouver, BC
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rudenski said:
Trying to make the blind that refuse to see open their eyes is greatly overstated as important...We all can only do what we are called by God to do and let the Holy Spirit Lead men to the truth..
Blind? I guess I felt blind after trying to read so much miniscule text. I gave up after the first post. It just keeps going and going and going... And even the first post isn't unified! What's the thesis? What's the object? Can't you break it into sections with nice headers or something instead of this endless text? If you want to lead people to the truth, don't bury it. It's not a rose that it can survive beneath so much, uh, fertilizer.
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Oct 13, 2003
I tried to find some kind of overview for the article and couldn't find one, so I'd much rather spend my time on something else. I honestly couldn't even figure out how it remotely involved evolution being the great apostasy by partially skimming it.

By the way, indention is sweet. So is writing your own posts.

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Prism Ranger
Feb 25, 2003
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rudenski said:
“Global Warming” Is NOT The Real Problem Behind
The Current Meltdown of the Earth’s Polar Ice Caps
By Bruce D. McKay, Elijah
The logic behind “global warming” and the scientific studies and debates on potential climate change has ignored almost any and all prospects of any kind of global catastrophes. Nevertheless, it is now evident that the mantle inside the earth is what’s “warming up,” as if it were somehow on fire. Ski lodges around the world ended up sending all their patrons up to the higher slopes this winter, because the ice has been melting beneath the snow, on many of the lower slopes. Hence, the sciences have wrongly focused on a greenhouse effect, as if a changing of gases in the atmosphere was the basic cause for what has at first been perceived as the basic cause, for a gradual increase in global temperatures! The real basis for that false scenario as is proven in this report is that the basic line of reasoning fails to address a more historic climatic scenario, or the issue of “a fearful constellation” as being what truly causes the more severe changes in this Earth and its climate. In addition, the scientific community has always tended to ignore the fact that the climate of this earth has been officially proven to have been repeatedly shifted, abruptly and dramatically in the relatively recent past.
What is the real problem? The following are a few “well-aimed flashes of lightening,” in that regard. The real problem is there has been a system of thinking imposed upon the intellectual minds of this world, by those who set up the “natural sciences” and the current system is one of “theoretical intellectualizing.” The current scheme, i.e., our “rules of geology” were in a like manner, set up or postulated almost 200 years ago, in the days of Charles Lyell; All the confusion has happened, simply because, all the logic has been allowed to develop according to the idea that the history of the earth had NOT included any sweeping, geological catastrophes. In brief, the idea of a vast geological time frame overtook the issue of massive floods, or what was known as Werner’s floods, and anything like ‘Hutton’s rivers of fire,’ all began to fall and fade away, being set aside as mere myths, as the supposedly true dictates of what is yet known as “geological evolution” began to surface. This is what basically set or posed all the wisdom of scientific thinking, in competition with the wisdom of God. And now comes an article titled Abrupt Climate Change: Should We Be Worried? by Robert B. Gagosian, President and Director of the highly prestigious, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. In this article he writes:
“Fossil evidence clearly demonstrates that Earth vs. climate can shift gears within a decade, establishing new and different patterns that can persist for decades to centuries. In addition, these climate shifts do not necessarily have universal, global effects. They can generate a counter intuitive scenario: Even as the earth as a whole continues to warm gradually, large regions may experience a precipitous and disruptive shift into colder climates.”

This is a “new paradigm,” according to the President and Director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. If it is, “a new paradigm,” (according to what President Robert B. Gagosian has written) then what is there to be said ancient Biblical teachings? We now need to consider what these incredible details all mean in terms of the rather poor and unfortunate Charles Lyell, since it was Lyell who “avowed himself” to “do away with the successive acts of the creation!” Now, the tables have turned! What all this means is that now, all creation has become a weapon, to repulse all foes! Obviously, all this also means that Lyell’s real intent was to simply use his “principles of geology, relating to a slow and steady alteration of the earth’s surface,” as a subtle means to discredit any biblical references to dramatic global changes.
“This new paradigm of abrupt climate change has been well established over the last decade by research of ocean, earth and atmosphere scientists at many institutions worldwide. But the concept remains little known and scarcely appreciated in the wider community of scientists, economists, policy makers, and world political and business leaders. Thus, world leaders may be planning for climate scenarios of global warming that are opposite to what might actually occur.” Note: These are the very words quoted in that written by Robert B. Gagosian.
Now according to Charles Lyell, what all the other scientists thought to be global catastrophes were only descriptive and deluding pictures! Obviously, that was all wrong. According to Lyell and his entire system of logic, nature could only be viewed properly, as having worked upon the earth’s crust over enormously long periods of time, by the agencies of water and ice, or an occasional volcano in a type of geological convulsion. By looking at the melt down now taking place involving both of the earth’s poles, we are forced to conclude Lyell was wrong. Nevertheless, this was the way, according to Lyell, that the whole earth very slowly changed in its appearance, over many millions of years of time, without there ever being any truly massive or destructive onslaughts ever taking place. While scientists cling to Lyell’s idea of a vast geological time frame has been used to supposedly validate a theoretical worldview of a planet that has never been struck with and widespread geological disasters for many hundred thousands of years! And since men had only been able to observe the effects and not the process of such change, according to Lyell, everyone had erroneously inferred that geological revolutions must have taken place! In other words, according to Lyell, God’s hand was never involved in anything that ever happened - and all this means that the whole world is supposedly many millions and millions of years old, far older in fact, than what anyone had ever supposed it to be!
What all this is referring to is that the logic of Charles Lyell and much of the logic of the natural sciences is actually only a unique system of memorizations and hopefully sound, “theoretical Intellectualizing(s).” And - the major problem is, in short, if you don’t want to think like everyone else is thinking, you aren’t welcome to “play the game.” It is a form of theorizing, highly depended on memorization, which supports this realm of thinking, and it is so “natural” that few persons have ever recognized that it also has some inherent and highly dangerous disadvantages. (Personally, I have learned to actually doubt that there is any real way for those who are a product of this “natural system of learning,” to even attempt to test those who emerge from a realm outside of their own, regular norm.) Nor is the logic and debates or the potential climate against any type of change, the first to have ignored all other prospects or explanations. For example, when Lord Kelvin was a student at Cambridge, he produced several original papers in the branches of higher mathematics. Nevertheless, his great intellect was not noted. It did not show through, even on his final exams. When tested, his test even indicated that he should be in less advanced classes! Those who administered the tests were puzzled, since they were aware of his tremendous intellectual abilities. After comparing their past experiences with his tests, they reached an incredible conclusion. He had done poorly on their ordinary series of examinations because there was only a test of memory, following after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, rather than there being any test of true originality. “You and I,” remarked one of his examiners to another, “are just about fit to mend his pens.”
In other words, the real mark of a genius is that a man thinks, beyond the mere realm of memorization, and he often thinks in quite un-ordinary terms. Nor are those persons recognized by exams! Those who design the exams often have no real method or real understanding, and to decipher what’s going on, overall, is often completely beyond their intellectual reach. Therefore, the forward progress of any society is always limited in a general way, to the extent that unrecognized genius is permitted or is not permitted to be heard. Hence, when history proves that none have truly made or produced the proper hopeful solution(s), needed to solve a given problem, or some otherwise unrecognizable or hitherto unsolvable problem(s); it often takes someone with a totally different outside perspective to un-block the overall progress of human development.
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Prism Ranger
Feb 25, 2003
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OK, I have now read the whole thing (except for the bible verses comprising most of post #2), and I believe I can break each post down into it's main thrust, also with a brief summary of the evidence and/or links presented.

#1: Global warming happens because the mantle is getting hotter. Gelogical processes happen fast, the only reason people think the earth is old is because they think they are slow. Lord Kelvin was smart. Also, evil academics have been educated stupid.

Evidence presented: *crickets chirping*

#2: Soon, molecular forces will shift. This will cause water to set things on fire. This shift in molecular forces will affect the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Evidence presented: *Tumbleweed rolls past*

#3 Galois was smart. The scientific idea that seasons are altered due to proximity to the sun is wrong, it happens because of magnets. The south pole is melting faster than thought.

Evidence presented: Hey, he actually said something this time! Apparently, the earth is closer to the sun in January than it is in July. Of course, this is a moot point, because the seasons have nothing to do with proximity to the sun, which he would know if he knew what he was talking about.
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