Do most single Christian guys fail at being men?



Was talking to a woman on another forum who was asking whether it was OK for a Christian to marry a non-Christian. She ended up marrying a non-Christian against my advice and others posting, but she made a point about Christian guys that I thought I'd repost here. What do you think? Fair cop, or unfair accusation?

If you're a gal and you generally agree with the post, what specifically do you think needs to change about Christian men?

Originally Posted by Anonymous

I spent my life in church, mission trips, christian housing in college, more mission trips, volunteering with christians, working in christian ministries.

I was looking for someone who would pursue me and was serious about marriage, having a family, getting 'settled' down, plus those things above. Christian boys are wusses, total wimps. I had guys who would talk with me, act like 'just friends', then when I started dating someone, they acted all hurt and jealous, but how was I ever supposed to know they even liked me? They were 'just friends' and acted it. Then the boys I dated. One never smiled, was totally an over-analyzer of himself. Another was a total fake. The third was jealous and got mad at me for even watching people walk by, because some of them were boys. Gah. These were nice, upstanding young men, mind you.

Here is the other thing. Shallowness and stupid theology. You know the kind. "I FEEL this, clearly my feelings are the leading of the Holy Spirit!" Taking verses out of context. Emphasis on youth-leader like charismatic personality instead of character. I DESPISE the typical youth-leader personality... you know, the stereotype that so many American Christian boys try to emulate.

I had a lot of fun with Christian boys. Hiking.... well, there was that group that told me I had a problem with being a woman because I wanted to go hiking. THAT was something else. But others, I had fun with them. But they weren't looking for wives. They wanted a girlfriend.

That's the other thing I get sick of. Being a 'girlfriend' before the boy even knows if he really likes me. You know the boy I have now, he pursued me even though he knew another boy liked me (who I did not like, but anyway), and he knew beforehand that he wanted to marry me. He knew before I even realized he liked me. He told me in the beginning, "I don't want to hurt you," and held to it. I've always known he meant "this isn't where I date you and break up with you. You can decide to say no to me, but I'm not playing with you." It was just... honorable and strong. And yes, I liked the gutsiness of pursuing me even though there was competition. Some girls don't like that, it makes them feel like a prize. But I like that, it makes me feel like the boys are saying, "I really think I'll be best for you, I'd like to give you the honor of deciding for yourself." But it takes guts.

Here is the thing. There is this debate; nice guy or bad boy. Bad boy wins, nice guy finishes last, but christian girls are supposed to want the nice guy, blah blah blah. But the problem is no girl wants either. We want a dangerous and good boy. You know in Lord of the Rings, Gandalf talks about how he is dangerous, but he is good? It's in the second book, anyway, if you didn't. Or Chronicles of Narnia. There is a scene where they talk about Aslan. He is NOT a tame lion, he is scary, but good. The Inklings (Tolkien, Lewis, and the other two in their writing group) really had a strong grasp on the concept of good things can still be deadly and dangerous. I suppose they have to be, to be stronger than evil. God is light, and the strongest light, a laser, think what it does. It'll vaporize you. I suspect pure goodness is the most deadly and dangerous thing of all. And a good fear of that (called respect) is also a good thing. I want a boy like that. Good and dangerous. Not a nice boy with no guts or strength, just always nice and making people happy. And I definitely don't want a seducing bad boy who sees women as sex toys. I want a good boy who's goodness is strong enough to be dangerous to those who would hurt others. That's what I was looking for, and I'm sorry, but it's just not common in the somewhat feelingized, overly-feminine, 'let's consider God our lover' (poor guys.... homosexual deity relationship concept??) American church. It's. Just. Not. There.

I found a boy with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness (dang, that's a hot trait), and self-control. He is kind, and sometimes, he scares me. No, not fear. Respect. Like when I gossip about other people and he calls me out on it, tells me he doesn't want to hear it. I feel pretty stupid then, and it wasn't 'nice' of him. But wow, did I love it and respect it.

And... boys are too feminist. Buying into this crap idea that children are burdens. To my boy, marriage is normal and expected, kind of blah in that respect. It's just what happens, not really any question about it. And children, that's the point. And a good joyous point too. Boys just aren't like that these days.

I was on eharmony for a while (and got paired with some boy who took me to his apartment and tried to kiss me on the first date.... that was the end of my eharmony days, as clearly it didn't know how to match me with people. I was NOT the go back and sleep together first date type), and someone told me "You don't realize this cuz you don't see other girls' profiles, but you are a lot less shallow than most of them". So I'm pretty sure I'm not shallow, nor hypocritically religious. And boring? Well, to some I am (and they are to me), and to others we just laugh and laugh and laugh. And boring is about personality, not character. I love that my boy prefers good character of people over exciting personality. I learned that from him.

Also, I got sick of the Christian boys being so focused on their church bands and church youth groups (yay, let's isolate youngin's from wise adults. Good one! That's a stupid thing the church is doing, btw) and church mission trips and church baking and .... gah. Get out into the real world, people, where there are real things to spend time on, where people live in small apartments with out toys and food and furniture, no access to health care (don't worry, obamacare is a bad idea, I know!) and bad schools. Seriously. You know, in your own country, in your own city. Don't think you have to go overseas for a fun little vacation to get that. I've worked in social work where the board of directors was Christian, and not a single employee was. Because those boys have their band ministry. With the cheesy little skits for Sunday's sermon. Wow, that's important stuff there.

Seriously, that stuff makes my head pop.


I can't speak for every single Christian male in America (what a burden that would be!), but overall, we're products of our culture. We're told by the church, and told by Christian culture that we're supposed to honor God and our sisters by being "nice" guys - respectful, personable and not too pushy. We're also told that we should trust God to bring our mates to us (which is a very, very common thread 'round here). Some of us interpret that to mean waiting for the girl to come to us, some of us flirt with confidence, and God knows what some of us do.
Popular culture - and the subtle encouragement of our peers - tells us that shallow is in - deep thinking is boring or frowned upon or rarely appropriate for the occasion.
Want someone with the sack to pursue you with abandon? Let us know. And let us know when we're "hot," "cold," or "getting warmer." Not interested? Let us know. We're men, not mind readers.
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Jun 29, 2012
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Well most churches do not believe in teach men and women about sex or having a fuctional relationship... There are alot of singles because preacher do not teach about embracing Love and how to pursuit the person you like to meet. There's nothing wrong with studying body lanauage and being attracted to someone. I think most Christian mistaken when the bible said, "If you lust after a woman with your eyes, you have already committed adultry in your heart" but adultery means voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than the lawful spouse.... so I think christians in general sometime afraid to pursuit someone cause no one have taught them thats it OK to go after the woman you like...

And sometime we miss it because we do not understand the body lanauage that a woman show when the like you :)

But a christian marrying a non christian a recipe of disaster.. cause it may influence her from christianity.. for example Solomon had great wisdom, but he yoked himself with foreign women who believed in other gods.. and later his heart turned away from God. And I can tell from the letter that this woman kinda mocking the Church folks with her sarcastic, its getting to her as well. Just pray for her :)
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Dec 6, 2003
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I think she's a hypocrite to be honest. She ridicules the church for being led by emotions to determine truth, and its her emotions of being frustrated by not meeting a Christian man who pursued her the way she wanted that led her to determine the truth of her situation. Her argument is entirely emotionally based. I mean she's married now, so she's chosen her path and I do hope it works out for them both. But she has used some extremely bad logic and justification to arrive at the conclusions she has.

I've had my share of frustrations with guys.

Some are far to passive to admit feelings. I have experienced the "i just see you as a friend." line in the past, but as soon as my attention was otherwise occupied, he got jealous. And it is a complete turnoff. I try my best to be honest with men when I am interested, I don't think its a lot to ask for men to be honest with me.

I've experienced the guy that expected me to fully submit and give him control over my life. Thats just... there's no word to accurately describe what a huge turnoff that is. Its completely disrespectful, to say the least. And a great sign of insecurity.

I've also experienced the confession of interest that never lined up with the way I was treated. I also consider that dishonest as well as immature.

I've experienced guys who will pursue even after I've made it clear I was not interested. That shows disrespect. And kills any chance of me ever changing my mind.

but you know what? these attitudes are not restricted to Christian men. I've seen it in both Christians and nonChristians. Men and women tend to be clueless about relationships inside and outside the church for many reasons. But there are also many decent, Godly, strong men and women within the church who are relationship material. You cannot generalize one entire group of people because they claim to be Christian.

If I find that the men who share my faith are not behaving the way I want them to, does that give me license to go against the Bible and marry a man who is not saved? And who will raise and encourage my future children to follow false gospels. No. I would have no right at all. The only way I could come to believe that is if I put my own perceived needs ahead of what I know my God has called me to and acted on my own desires.

Singleness is a lot better than knowing the man I'm married to will not be with me forever because He is not saved. And its a heck of a lot better than knowing I'm responsible for choosing a father for my future kids who will not teach them the true gospel because it isn't something he has. I'm not willing to play russian roulette with stuff like that. And I'm not willing to disobey my God because I'm not getting what I want. Its a childish response, to say the least.

My opinion is that if I am not with a Godly man now who is a good match for me, it is because he is either A)not in my life yet, B)in my life, but the timing is off, or C)God does not want me to marry and has closed those doors for me. And if the option is C, then I really do not want to have to stand before Him one day and give an accounting for why I so stubbornly pushed to have my own way in the matter.
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Miss Spaulding

Virtus semper viridis
Jan 6, 2005
The Tropics
United States
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wow. she sounds egotistical & full of herself.


All of my male Christian friends are not the way she guess all of her male Christian friends just happen to be losers (could be her own fault; perhaps she doesn't choose her friends well...?)

Anyway, just about the entire thing is crap. This totally rubs me the wrong way. And all the references to LOTR, Chronicles of Narnia, ect...ROTFL. I was like, "What the heck? Am I actually reading this??"
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Mature veteran
Sep 13, 2006
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I can relate to the OP. I was interpreting the Christain message about single sex to say I should be asexaul. So pretty much ever Christain woman would have seen me as being just a friend.

I've sense rejected that view of Christainity. I have no desire to be dangerous in the way the OP wanted. But there is now a dangerous side to me.
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Mature veteran
Sep 13, 2006
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I can relate to the OP. I was interpreting the Christain message about single sex to say I should be asexaul. So pretty much ever Christain woman would have seen me as being just a friend.

I've sense rejected that view of Christainity. I have no desire to be dangerous in the way the OP wanted. But there is now a dangerous side to me.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
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wow. she sounds egotistical & full of herself.

Yeah. It also sounds like this post was posted with great emotion behind it. I doubt if you asked this person this on a normal day, she wouldn't have said this.
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Miss Spaulding

Virtus semper viridis
Jan 6, 2005
The Tropics
United States
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It also weirds me out that she talks about dating boys and being married to a boy. um... maybe dating boys is why she had so many problems.

For me? I'm only interested in men.


I kept saying this same thing over and over in mind as I read it.
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Student of Life
Mar 6, 2005
United States
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Do most single Christian guys fail at being men?

No. Men are still men, and women are still women. What people fail at is knowing what they truly want. Even when people *think* they know what they want, it isn't necessarily so. If anything, I'd blame overly zealous advertisers and unstable home environments. That said, if one insists on blaming men, then I'll throw it right back to them. Why should a man act like a "real man" if there aren't any "real women" for him to pursue? But seriously, the notion that a member of the other gender isn't being a real member of their respective sex is ridiculous. If more folks cared enough to learn who they really are, to know what they need rather than simply what they want, then this wouldn't be as much of an issue. It all boils down to compatibility, regardless of gender.
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