Defining sola scriptura.

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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
Marital Status
Whenever any of us has nothing of value to add to the conversation, it's always a good idea to let pass the impulse to write something anyway.

Sounds pretty bitter and angry for a guy who professes the fullness of faith and enjoys submission to the vicar of Christ.
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Rick Otto

The Dude Abides
Nov 19, 2002
On The Prairie
Marital Status
I've been asking for the official definition of sola scriptura for years now, not a repost of post #11, but anything linked to an official source. Perhaps it's the posting style or perhaps it's the shoddy understanding of Catholicism, but I'm not that gullible that I'm willing to take anyone's word for it. I, like the sola scripturists, like to read things for myself. Therefore, I would still like to examine any official definitions formulated by any of the sola scripturist denominations. Twelve years ago when I converted to Catholicism I never had to deal with this kind of obstructionism. Catholics were happy to link me to official documents which I could access and read at my own leisure. Ironic that it took a Catholic to recently provide the source for what we have been told is the official, historical, formal, confessional, verbatim definition of sola scriptura. Here are all seventeen words again in context:

The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord - Book of Concord

Notice, the word infallible isn't in there. Already you've deviated from the official, historical, formal, confessional, verbatim definition of sola scriptura. ;)

But, beyond that, I'm also seeing deviations from the definition offered us to in post #11. Concepts usually associated with sola scriptura such as scripture interprets scripture, the perspicuity of scripture or the Holy Spirit teaching individuals about scripture.

Really, the official official, historical, formal, confessional, verbatim definition of sola scriptura offered to us in post #11 is limited to an unnamed group of churchmen and then only for norming dogma. All this other stuff that comes up in the guise of sola scriptura isn't really sola scriptura. Or, so I'm told.

So, how about it? Surely Reformed Baptists have defined this iconic concept/principle/practice/rule/teaching/doctrine beyond seventeen words.

Finally, I hate to burst burst your bubble, but sola scriptura hasn't disproved, overturned or altered any dogma of the Catholic Church one tittle. Besides, that's not sola scriptura. Sola scriptura is for norming dogma 'among us', whoever 'us' is. I kind of doubt the authors had Reformed Baptists in mind when they penned that.

Your failure to find what you consider an official source bursted my bubble of thinking you were capable of understanding a definition when found.

But it is nice to know you are comfortable with your private decision on whom to trust in these matters, even if you are deeply confused about who that really is.
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
Marital Status
Your failure to find what you consider an official source bursted my bubble of thinking you were capable of understanding a definition when found.

But it is nice to know you are comfortable with your private decision on whom to trust in these matters, even if you are deeply confused about who that really is.

Pretty much what all our RCC friends have fallen back to is an appeal to authority fallacy.
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Dec 8, 2004
United States
Marital Status
Pretty much what all our RCC friends have fallen back to is an appeal to authority fallacy.

...and the worst of it is that they've flatout invented a justification for doing so.

If there were a real argument there, we'd all be appreciative of it. But it's not scriptural unless scripture is misstated and it's clearly not traditional, even if one were to think traditions to be the equal of scripture.
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
Marital Status
Metal, wrong really wrong. the only church Jesus founded was on His Apostles [ Eph 2: 19-20, The apostles were the first leaders and since the 1ST Century, there has been an unbroken line of Catholic clergy faithfully handing on what the apostles taught the first Christians in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Oral Tradition [ 2 Tim. 2:2 ]

No there hasn't, and you just proved my point! You just used circular reasoning to say the RCC is the church founded by Christ at Pentecost. Otherwise, if you think there's been this unbroken line, please provide for me this line, and a quote from every one of the bodily assumption of Mary.
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
Near the flying spaghetti monster
Marital Status
No there hasn't, and you just proved my point! You just used circular reasoning to say the RCC is the church founded by Christ at Pentecost. Otherwise, if you think there's been this unbroken line, please provide for me this line ...

The list for saint peter's see is long but you did ask.
The Lord Jesus Christ chose saint Peter the apostle to be the rock on which the church was to be built so the first 'pope' was
  1. Peter from the day Christ called him Rock -c. 64
  2. Linus c. 67-76/79
  3. Anacletus 76-88 or 79-91
  4. Clement I 88-97 or 92-101
  5. Evaristus c. 97-c. 107
  6. Alexander I 105-115 or 109-119
  7. Sixtus I c. 115-c. 125
  8. Telesphorus c. 125-c. 136
  9. Hyginus c. 136-c. 140
  10. Pius I c. 140-155
  11. Anicetus c. 155-c. 166
  12. Soter c. 166-c. 175
  13. Eleutherius c. 175-189
  14. Victor I c. 189-199
  15. Zephyrinus c. 199-217
  16. Calixtus I (Callistus) 217?-222
  17. Hippolytus 217/218-235
  18. Urban I 222-230
  19. Pontian 230-235
  20. Anterus 235-236
  21. Fabian 236-250
  22. Cornelius 251-253
  23. Novatian 251
  24. Lucius I 253-254
  25. Stephen I 254-257
  26. Sixtus II 257-258
  27. Dionysius 259-268
  28. Felix I 269-274
  29. Eutychian 275-283
  30. Gaius 283-296
  31. Marcellinus 291/296-304
  32. Marcellus I 308-309
  33. Eusebius 309/310
  34. Miltiades (Melchiades) 311-314
  35. Sylvester I 314-335
  36. Mark 336
  37. Julius I 337-352
  38. Liberius 352-366
  39. Felix (II) 355-358
  40. Damasus I 366-384
  41. Ursinus 366-367
  42. Siricius 384-399
  43. Anastasius I 399-401
  44. Innocent I 401-417
  45. Zosimus 417-418
  46. Boniface I 418-422
  47. Eulalius 418-419
  48. Celestine I 422-432
  49. Sixtus III 432-440
  50. Leo I 440-461
  51. Hilary 461-468
  52. Simplicius 468-483
  53. Felix III (or II)2 483-492
  54. Gelasius I 492-496
  55. Anastasius II 496-498
  56. Symmachus 498-514
  57. Laurentius 498, 501-c. 505/507
  58. Hormisdas 514-523
  59. John I 523-526
  60. Felix IV (or III)2 526-530
  61. Dioscorus 530
  62. Boniface II 530-532
  63. John II 533-535
  64. Agapetus I 535-536
  65. Silverius 536-537
  66. Vigilius 537-555
  67. Pelagius I 556-561
  68. John III 561-574
  69. Benedict I 575-579
  70. Pelagius II 579-590
  71. Gregory I 590-604
  72. Sabinian 604-606
  73. Boniface III 607
  74. Boniface IV 608-615
  75. Deusdedit (also called Adeodatus I) 615-618
  76. Boniface V 619-625
  77. Honorius I 625-638
  78. Severinus 640
  79. John IV 640-642
  80. Theodore I 642-649
  81. Martin I 649-655
  82. Eugenius I 654-657
  83. Vitalian 657-672
  84. Adeodatus II 672-676
  85. Donus 676-678
  86. Agatho 678-681
  87. Leo II 682-683
  88. Benedict II 684-685
  89. John V 685-686
  90. Conon 686-687
  91. Sergius I 687-701
  92. Theodore 687
  93. Paschal 687
  94. John VI 701-705
  95. John VII 705-707
  96. Sisinnius 708
  97. Constantine 708-715
  98. Gregory II 715-731
  99. Gregory III 731-741
  100. Zacharias (Zachary) 741-752
  101. Stephen (II)3 752
  102. Stephen II (or III)3 752-757
  103. Paul I 757-767
  104. Constantine (II) 767-768
  105. Philip 768
  106. Stephen III (or IV)3 768-772
  107. Adrian I 772-795
  108. Leo III 795-816
  109. Stephen IV (or V)3 816-817
  110. Paschal I 817-824
  111. Eugenius II 824-827
  112. Valentine 827
  113. Gregory IV 827-844
  114. John 844
  115. Sergius II 844-847
  116. Leo IV 847-855
  117. Benedict III 855-858
  118. Anastasius (Anastasius the Librarian) 855
  119. Nicholas I 858-867
  120. Adrian II 867-872
  121. John VIII 872-882
  122. Marinus I 882-884
  123. Adrian III 884-885
  124. Stephen V (or VI)3 885-891
  125. Formosus 891-896
  126. Boniface VI 896
  127. Stephen VI (or VII)3 896-897
  128. Romanus 897
  129. Theodore II 897
  130. John IX 898-900
  131. Benedict IV 900-903
  132. Leo V 903
  133. Christopher 903-904
  134. Sergius III 904-911
  135. Anastasius III 911-913
  136. Lando 913-914
  137. John X 914-928
  138. Leo VI 928
  139. Stephen VII (or VIII)3 929-931
  140. John XI 931-935
  141. Leo VII 936-939
  142. Stephen VIII (or IX)3 939-942
  143. Marinus II 942-946
  144. Agapetus II 946-955
  145. John XII 955-964
  146. Leo VIII4 963-965
  147. Benedict V4 964-966
  148. John XIII 965-972
  149. Benedict VI 973-974
  150. Boniface VII (1st time) 974
  151. Benedict VII 974-983
  152. John XIV 983-984
  153. Boniface VII (2nd time) 984-985
  154. John XV (or XVI)5 985-996
  155. Gregory V 996-999
  156. John XVI (or XVII)5 997-998
  157. Sylvester II 999-1003
  158. John XVII (or XVIII)5 1003
  159. John XVIII (or XIX)5 1004-09
  160. Sergius IV 1009-12
  161. Gregory (VI) 1012
  162. Benedict VIII 1012-24
  163. John XIX (or XX)5 1024-32
  164. Benedict IX (1st time) 1032-44
  165. Sylvester III6 1045
  166. Benedict IX (2nd time) 1045
  167. Gregory VI 1045-46
  168. Clement II 1046-47
  169. Benedict IX (3rd time) 1047-48
  170. Damasus II 1048
  171. Leo IX 1049-54
  172. Victor II 1055-57
  173. Stephen IX (or X)3 1057-58
  174. Benedict X 1058-59
  175. Nicholas II 1059-61
  176. Alexander II 1061-73
  177. Honorius (II) 1061-72
  178. Gregory VII 1073-85
  179. Clement (III) 1080-1100
  180. Victor III 1086-87
  181. Urban II 1088-99
  182. Paschal II 1099-1118
  183. Theodoric 1100-02
  184. Albert (also called Aleric) 1102
  185. Sylvester (IV) 1105-11
  186. Gelasius II 1118-19
  187. Gregory (VIII) 1118-21
  188. Calixtus II (Callistus) 1119-24
  189. Honorius II 1124-30
  190. Celestine (II) 1124
  191. Innocent II 1130-43
  192. Anacletus (II) 1130-38
  193. Victor (IV) 1138
  194. Celestine II 1143-44
  195. Lucius II 1144-45
  196. Eugenius III 1145-53
  197. Anastasius IV 1153-54
  198. Adrian IV 1154-59
  199. Alexander III 1159-81
  200. Victor (IV) 1159-64
  201. Paschal (III) 1164-68
  202. Calixtus (III) 1168-78
  203. Innocent (III) 1179-80
  204. Lucius III 1181-85
  205. Urban III 1185-87
  206. Gregory VIII 1187
  207. Clement III 1187-91
  208. Celestine III 1191-98
  209. Innocent III 1198-1216
  210. Honorius III 1216-27
  211. Gregory IX 1227-41
  212. Celestine IV 1241
  213. Innocent IV 1243-54
  214. Alexander IV 1254-61
  215. Urban IV 1261-64
  216. Clement IV 1265-68
  217. Gregory X 1271-76
  218. Innocent V 1276
  219. Adrian V 1276
  220. John XXI5 1276-77
  221. Nicholas III 1277-80
  222. Martin IV7 1281-85
  223. Honorius IV 1285-87
  224. Nicholas IV 1288-92
  225. Celestine V 1294
  226. Boniface VIII 1294-1303
  227. Benedict XI 1303-04
  228. Clement V (at Avignon from 1309) 1305-14
  229. John XXII5 (at Avignon) 1316-34
  230. Nicholas (V) (at Rome) 1328-30
  231. Benedict XII (at Avignon) 1334-42
  232. Clement VI (at Avignon) 1342-52
  233. Innocent VI (at Avignon) 1352-62
  234. Urban V (at Avignon) 1362-70
  235. Gregory XI (at Avignon, then Rome from 1377) 1370-78
  236. Urban VI 1378-89
  237. Clement (VII) (at Avignon) 1378-94
  238. Boniface IX 1389-1404
  239. Benedict (XIII) (at Avignon) 1394-1423
  240. Innocent VII 1404-06
  241. Gregory XII 1406-15
  242. Alexander (V) (at Bologna) 1409-10
  243. John (XXIII) (at Bologna) 1410-15
  244. Martin V7 1417-31
  245. Clement (VIII) 1423-29
  246. Eugenius IV 1431-47
  247. Felix (V) (also called Amadeus VIII of Savoy) 1439-49
  248. Nicholas V 1447-55
  249. Calixtus III (Callistus) 1455-58
  250. Pius II 1458-64
  251. Paul II 1464-71
  252. Sixtus IV 1471-84
  253. Innocent VIII 1484-92
  254. Alexander VI 1492-1503
  255. Pius III 1503
  256. Julius II 1503-13
  257. Leo X 1513-21
  258. Adrian VI 1522-23
  259. Clement VII 1523-34
  260. Paul III 1534-49
  261. Julius III 1550-55
  262. Marcellus II 1555
  263. Paul IV 1555-59
  264. Pius IV 1559-65
  265. Pius V 1566-72
  266. Gregory XIII 1572-85
  267. Sixtus V 1585-90
  268. Urban VII 1590
  269. Gregory XIV 1590-91
  270. Innocent IX 1591
  271. Clement VIII 1592-1605
  272. Leo XI 1605
  273. Paul V 1605-21
  274. Gregory XV 1621-23
  275. Urban VIII 1623-44
  276. Innocent X 1644-55
  277. Alexander VII 1655-67
  278. Clement IX 1667-69
  279. Clement X 1670-76
  280. Innocent XI 1676-89
  281. Alexander VIII 1689-91
  282. Innocent XII 1691-1700
  283. Clement XI 1700-21
  284. Innocent XIII 1721-24
  285. Benedict XIII 1724-30
  286. Clement XII 1730-40
  287. Benedict XIV 1740-58
  288. Clement XIII 1758-69
  289. Clement XIV 1769-74
  290. Pius VI 1775-99
  291. Pius VII 1800-23
  292. Leo XII 1823-29
  293. Pius VIII 1829-30
  294. Gregory XVI 1831-46
  295. Pius IX 1846-78
  296. Leo XIII 1878-1903
  297. Pius X 1903-14
  298. Benedict XV 1914-22
  299. Pius XI 1922-39
  300. Pius XII 1939-58
  301. John XXIII 1958-63
  302. Paul VI 1963-78
  303. John Paul I 1978
  304. John Paul II 1978-2005
  305. Benedict XVI 2005-13
  306. Francis I 2013-
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Listen Metal, I'm done playing silly games with you, why don't you settle the matter and show me from the Bible what you think those Bible verses in my last post and these new verses Luke 10:16 , Matt.28:19- 20. Jesus' Church is called Catholic because it is Universal [ "universal " in Greek ] He only told His Apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of "all nations ". Now ,it's your turn to prove your particular protestant church from the Bible
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
Marital Status
The list for saint peter's see is long but you did ask.
The Lord Jesus Christ chose saint Peter the apostle to be the rock on which the church was to be built so the first 'pope' was

[*]Peter from the day Christ called him Rock -c. 64
[*]Linus c. 67-76/79
[*]Anacletus 76-88 or 79-91
[*]Clement I 88-97 or 92-101
[*]Evaristus c. 97-c. 107
[*]Alexander I 105-115 or 109-119
[*]Sixtus I c. 115-c. 125
[*]Telesphorus c. 125-c. 136
[*]Hyginus c. 136-c. 140
[*]Pius I c. 140-155
[*]Anicetus c. 155-c. 166
[*]Soter c. 166-c. 175
[*]Eleutherius c. 175-189
[*]Victor I c. 189-199
[*]Zephyrinus c. 199-217
[*]Calixtus I (Callistus) 217?-222
[*]Hippolytus 217/218-235
[*]Urban I 222-230
[*]Pontian 230-235
[*]Anterus 235-236
[*]Fabian 236-250
[*]Cornelius 251-253
[*]Novatian 251
[*]Lucius I 253-254
[*]Stephen I 254-257
[*]Sixtus II 257-258
[*]Dionysius 259-268
[*]Felix I 269-274
[*]Eutychian 275-283
[*]Gaius 283-296
[*]Marcellinus 291/296-304
[*]Marcellus I 308-309
[*]Eusebius 309/310
[*]Miltiades (Melchiades) 311-314
[*]Sylvester I 314-335
[*]Mark 336
[*]Julius I 337-352
[*]Liberius 352-366
[*]Felix (II) 355-358
[*]Damasus I 366-384
[*]Ursinus 366-367
[*]Siricius 384-399
[*]Anastasius I 399-401
[*]Innocent I 401-417
[*]Zosimus 417-418
[*]Boniface I 418-422
[*]Eulalius 418-419
[*]Celestine I 422-432
[*]Sixtus III 432-440
[*]Leo I 440-461
[*]Hilary 461-468
[*]Simplicius 468-483
[*]Felix III (or II)2 483-492
[*]Gelasius I 492-496
[*]Anastasius II 496-498
[*]Symmachus 498-514
[*]Laurentius 498, 501-c. 505/507
[*]Hormisdas 514-523
[*]John I 523-526
[*]Felix IV (or III)2 526-530
[*]Dioscorus 530
[*]Boniface II 530-532
[*]John II 533-535
[*]Agapetus I 535-536
[*]Silverius 536-537
[*]Vigilius 537-555
[*]Pelagius I 556-561
[*]John III 561-574
[*]Benedict I 575-579
[*]Pelagius II 579-590
[*]Gregory I 590-604
[*]Sabinian 604-606
[*]Boniface III 607
[*]Boniface IV 608-615
[*]Deusdedit (also called Adeodatus I) 615-618
[*]Boniface V 619-625
[*]Honorius I 625-638
[*]Severinus 640
[*]John IV 640-642
[*]Theodore I 642-649
[*]Martin I 649-655
[*]Eugenius I 654-657
[*]Vitalian 657-672
[*]Adeodatus II 672-676
[*]Donus 676-678
[*]Agatho 678-681
[*]Leo II 682-683
[*]Benedict II 684-685
[*]John V 685-686
[*]Conon 686-687
[*]Sergius I 687-701
[*]Theodore 687
[*]Paschal 687
[*]John VI 701-705
[*]John VII 705-707
[*]Sisinnius 708
[*]Constantine 708-715
[*]Gregory II 715-731
[*]Gregory III 731-741
[*]Zacharias (Zachary) 741-752
[*]Stephen (II)3 752
[*]Stephen II (or III)3 752-757
[*]Paul I 757-767
[*]Constantine (II) 767-768
[*]Philip 768
[*]Stephen III (or IV)3 768-772
[*]Adrian I 772-795
[*]Leo III 795-816
[*]Stephen IV (or V)3 816-817
[*]Paschal I 817-824
[*]Eugenius II 824-827
[*]Valentine 827
[*]Gregory IV 827-844
[*]John 844
[*]Sergius II 844-847
[*]Leo IV 847-855
[*]Benedict III 855-858
[*]Anastasius (Anastasius the Librarian) 855
[*]Nicholas I 858-867
[*]Adrian II 867-872
[*]John VIII 872-882
[*]Marinus I 882-884
[*]Adrian III 884-885
[*]Stephen V (or VI)3 885-891
[*]Formosus 891-896
[*]Boniface VI 896
[*]Stephen VI (or VII)3 896-897
[*]Romanus 897
[*]Theodore II 897
[*]John IX 898-900
[*]Benedict IV 900-903
[*]Leo V 903
[*]Christopher 903-904
[*]Sergius III 904-911
[*]Anastasius III 911-913
[*]Lando 913-914
[*]John X 914-928
[*]Leo VI 928
[*]Stephen VII (or VIII)3 929-931
[*]John XI 931-935
[*]Leo VII 936-939
[*]Stephen VIII (or IX)3 939-942
[*]Marinus II 942-946
[*]Agapetus II 946-955
[*]John XII 955-964
[*]Leo VIII4 963-965
[*]Benedict V4 964-966
[*]John XIII 965-972
[*]Benedict VI 973-974
[*]Boniface VII (1st time) 974
[*]Benedict VII 974-983
[*]John XIV 983-984
[*]Boniface VII (2nd time) 984-985
[*]John XV (or XVI)5 985-996
[*]Gregory V 996-999
[*]John XVI (or XVII)5 997-998
[*]Sylvester II 999-1003
[*]John XVII (or XVIII)5 1003
[*]John XVIII (or XIX)5 1004-09
[*]Sergius IV 1009-12
[*]Gregory (VI) 1012
[*]Benedict VIII 1012-24
[*]John XIX (or XX)5 1024-32
[*]Benedict IX (1st time) 1032-44
[*]Sylvester III6 1045
[*]Benedict IX (2nd time) 1045
[*]Gregory VI 1045-46
[*]Clement II 1046-47
[*]Benedict IX (3rd time) 1047-48
[*]Damasus II 1048
[*]Leo IX 1049-54
[*]Victor II 1055-57
[*]Stephen IX (or X)3 1057-58
[*]Benedict X 1058-59
[*]Nicholas II 1059-61
[*]Alexander II 1061-73
[*]Honorius (II) 1061-72
[*]Gregory VII 1073-85
[*]Clement (III) 1080-1100
[*]Victor III 1086-87
[*]Urban II 1088-99
[*]Paschal II 1099-1118
[*]Theodoric 1100-02
[*]Albert (also called Aleric) 1102
[*]Sylvester (IV) 1105-11
[*]Gelasius II 1118-19
[*]Gregory (VIII) 1118-21
[*]Calixtus II (Callistus) 1119-24
[*]Honorius II 1124-30
[*]Celestine (II) 1124
[*]Innocent II 1130-43
[*]Anacletus (II) 1130-38
[*]Victor (IV) 1138
[*]Celestine II 1143-44
[*]Lucius II 1144-45
[*]Eugenius III 1145-53
[*]Anastasius IV 1153-54
[*]Adrian IV 1154-59
[*]Alexander III 1159-81
[*]Victor (IV) 1159-64
[*]Paschal (III) 1164-68
[*]Calixtus (III) 1168-78
[*]Innocent (III) 1179-80
[*]Lucius III 1181-85
[*]Urban III 1185-87
[*]Gregory VIII 1187
[*]Clement III 1187-91
[*]Celestine III 1191-98
[*]Innocent III 1198-1216
[*]Honorius III 1216-27
[*]Gregory IX 1227-41
[*]Celestine IV 1241
[*]Innocent IV 1243-54
[*]Alexander IV 1254-61
[*]Urban IV 1261-64
[*]Clement IV 1265-68
[*]Gregory X 1271-76
[*]Innocent V 1276
[*]Adrian V 1276
[*]John XXI5 1276-77
[*]Nicholas III 1277-80
[*]Martin IV7 1281-85
[*]Honorius IV 1285-87
[*]Nicholas IV 1288-92
[*]Celestine V 1294
[*]Boniface VIII 1294-1303
[*]Benedict XI 1303-04
[*]Clement V (at Avignon from 1309) 1305-14
[*]John XXII5 (at Avignon) 1316-34
[*]Nicholas (V) (at Rome) 1328-30
[*]Benedict XII (at Avignon) 1334-42
[*]Clement VI (at Avignon) 1342-52
[*]Innocent VI (at Avignon) 1352-62
[*]Urban V (at Avignon) 1362-70
[*]Gregory XI (at Avignon, then Rome from 1377) 1370-78
[*]Urban VI 1378-89
[*]Clement (VII) (at Avignon) 1378-94
[*]Boniface IX 1389-1404
[*]Benedict (XIII) (at Avignon) 1394-1423
[*]Innocent VII 1404-06
[*]Gregory XII 1406-15
[*]Alexander (V) (at Bologna) 1409-10
[*]John (XXIII) (at Bologna) 1410-15
[*]Martin V7 1417-31
[*]Clement (VIII) 1423-29
[*]Eugenius IV 1431-47
[*]Felix (V) (also called Amadeus VIII of Savoy) 1439-49
[*]Nicholas V 1447-55
[*]Calixtus III (Callistus) 1455-58
[*]Pius II 1458-64
[*]Paul II 1464-71
[*]Sixtus IV 1471-84
[*]Innocent VIII 1484-92
[*]Alexander VI 1492-1503
[*]Pius III 1503
[*]Julius II 1503-13
[*]Leo X 1513-21
[*]Adrian VI 1522-23
[*]Clement VII 1523-34
[*]Paul III 1534-49
[*]Julius III 1550-55
[*]Marcellus II 1555
[*]Paul IV 1555-59
[*]Pius IV 1559-65
[*]Pius V 1566-72
[*]Gregory XIII 1572-85
[*]Sixtus V 1585-90
[*]Urban VII 1590
[*]Gregory XIV 1590-91
[*]Innocent IX 1591
[*]Clement VIII 1592-1605
[*]Leo XI 1605
[*]Paul V 1605-21
[*]Gregory XV 1621-23
[*]Urban VIII 1623-44
[*]Innocent X 1644-55
[*]Alexander VII 1655-67
[*]Clement IX 1667-69
[*]Clement X 1670-76
[*]Innocent XI 1676-89
[*]Alexander VIII 1689-91
[*]Innocent XII 1691-1700
[*]Clement XI 1700-21
[*]Innocent XIII 1721-24
[*]Benedict XIII 1724-30
[*]Clement XII 1730-40
[*]Benedict XIV 1740-58
[*]Clement XIII 1758-69
[*]Clement XIV 1769-74
[*]Pius VI 1775-99
[*]Pius VII 1800-23
[*]Leo XII 1823-29
[*]Pius VIII 1829-30
[*]Gregory XVI 1831-46
[*]Pius IX 1846-78
[*]Leo XIII 1878-1903
[*]Pius X 1903-14
[*]Benedict XV 1914-22
[*]Pius XI 1922-39
[*]Pius XII 1939-58
[*]John XXIII 1958-63
[*]Paul VI 1963-78
[*]John Paul I 1978
[*]John Paul II 1978-2005
[*]Benedict XVI 2005-13
[*]Francis I 2013-

Ahem, perhaps read ALL of what I asked for. I could go get a copy and paste of what the RCC claims is the list, but that's only half of what I asked for.
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
Marital Status
Listen Metal, I'm done playing silly games with you, why don't you settle the matter and show me from the Bible what you think those Bible verses in my last post and these new verses Luke 10:16 , Matt.28:19- 20. Jesus' Church is called Catholic because it is Universal [ "universal " in Greek ] He only told His Apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of "all nations ". Now ,it's your turn to prove your particular protestant church from the Bible

So you can't answer my question. Thank you! That's all I needed to know! :wave:
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
Near the flying spaghetti monster
Marital Status
Ahem, perhaps read ALL of what I asked for. I could go get a copy and paste of what the RCC claims is the list, but that's only half of what I asked for.

I replied to precisely the portion of your post which I reproduced.
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
Marital Status
I replied to precisely the portion of your post which I reproduced.

Except I also asked for the quotes from each espousing the bodily assumption of Mary. Otherwise you just gave me a fallible and disputable list.
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
Marital Status
I did not reproduce your question about the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Then you basically just wasted time? Interesting, but ultimately useless, except in proving that this is an impossible feat correct?
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Repentance works.
Jan 8, 2011
Near the flying spaghetti monster
Marital Status
Then you basically just wasted time? Interesting, but ultimately useless, except in proving that this is an impossible feat correct?

This reply is my last time wasting on behalf of the rabbit trail you're creating. It is off topic to this thread. Please start a new thread if you want to discuss it.
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Metal Minister

New Year, Still Old School!
May 8, 2012
Marital Status
This reply is my last time wasting on behalf of the rabbit trail you're creating. It is off topic to this thread. Please start a new thread if you want to discuss it.

Then you should talk with Barry. He began this trail when he used begging the question to "prove" the RCC was the church at Pentecost. I'm disabusing him of this error. Though it is telling that what I asked for can't be much for sacred Tradition?
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