condition for people to be saved in their last moments


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Nov 14, 2004
Actually works are important for what God brings according to your path and what you can do that it shows you are christian but otherwise you dont need to do for as I posted before if you have bible in your head but dont help one on street it means nothing if you can help but one is only responsible to help those who are brought to your path and you have ability now to help and who cant be sure others will help.

That such works are just a reflection of true faith that if you are christian you will behave as one for the sake of gospel for anyone can help all types of needy they encounter even if you dont have a skill but to do what you can to tell others that can help that it is not that you need to know how to do a work but a reflection of your faith the willingness to help those you can to show you are christian for James says to him who knows to do good and does not do it to him it is sin.

I think it is safe all should trust only in christ as all need christ that you have to share gospel to all to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved. I believe now that to do such works is important and also to have relationship with christ to read His word and praying may be important also to be ready even for believers not just to help stop sin but may be important to be regarded to have relationship with christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe now that God will not judge any one for trying to do what one thinks is necessary to be saved to seek to do all works he has not done in his life and daily incase one thinks or if necessary but christians should be united to be born again so they may minister to all the gospel that I think is safest to do and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved for He alone knows to decide.I believe the below I wrote before is what all should follow.

I believe Greg Laurie explains well that works are the result of salvation that it is evidence if it so if it is not produced at all there is no evidence of salvation which I believe it is just the faith that action to desire to do which saves so that would result in works if one does not die which shows evidence of salvation. And works should be done as you dont know if you will die when you are not ready when you are not seeking to do and not turning to christ. Also I believe it is safest to teach incase right that I dont know that we should seek to do all works we have not done to feed the hungry clothe the naked visit the sick and in prison and a stranger in christ incase required but only God knows if not required but incase required not to be lukewarm.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually it is not right to take risk that all christians should be united to be born again as church is not scriptural so there is no basis to support it to not be united for the sake of people to come to christ if they meet people that they have to witness and they should look for some needy to preach to them but perhaps that is not what was required in matthew 25 but is required in matthew 24 that if you can not preach now atleast you should support people that do that matthew 25 may just be about helping needy christians or could be doing to those who could be christian as all human are brethren according to natural birth even if they are not saved the point being done to christ because christ desires them to be saved so need to preach that might be one or may require more since the church may hinder the work that people ought to be united for sake of people souls and leave judgement to christ who alone knows. So that will ensure people are saved that people ought to teach what they know to our loved ones and to be raptured if there is.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually salvation is a free gift that if you received christ then you fulfilled matthew 25 as that was about that there was needy people among those who are true christians that was sent along others path different for all that the righteous would have once ministered to one because they care for the truth and they received christ from them so is done to christ but it can be any to stranger. But we should go and preach to all that they may be saved but is sufficient to be united to receive christ as Lord and saviour to trust in His work to be saved because it can not be about works for some can not do. We should be united and preach only christ but as billy graham said you can not do one work to be saved that we are just to do works because we are christian to spread the gospel. Bible says it is not of works lest any boast so is not about working your way to heaven that you are not responsible for everyone for salvation but you should.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually I do believe it may be free gift but is safe to try to do works that christ understands if not know. We should visit the needy and seek to talk about christ to them to give a tract and try to explain the gospel to them and encourage them in making it practical. That we should say we are willing to explain to them if they will listen that it is practical. We should make a website or make resources to help to explain to encourage and share with them to help us.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually I think it is risk to trust in works that scripture says the law was written that every mouth may be stopped and all the world is guilty before God it is to show that all have fallen short according to law and by it none can be justified that you have to be justified by christ the bible says by the deeds of the law none should be justified yet it must be kept as the way to be saved on death but one hope to be justified must be in what christ did so all should trust in christ. So all should trust in christ and pray if christ shows other christians can be saved.

I know I posted if you have bible in your head but dont help one on street it means nothing but it only matters the state of your heart that you dont hate them but is not good from one and God may punish you on earth and not be saved straightaway on death.But persons soul is in the hands of God to save. The parable of the good samaritan was more a message for the unsaved that they have to love others different that in only loving others different do people find salvation that it may make them learn gospel

Also loving them is what makes others one open to the gospel if they hear it from a stranger and that one should minister gospel for dying soul for it is not our deeds to others that saves for it is not even required of us as no one can make another non saved that they can still believe so it wont be required. Or I suppose when told about parable of the good samaritan that was just a teaching of what is right to do to be saved on death but not to have eternal life in future but not to inherit it.

For that there is a hell is certain scripture teaches but only those who do good enter eternal life on death which means inherit eternal life. Scripture teaches whoever does not repent of sin goes to where worm does not die and fire is not quenched so we can be sure about that.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually I believe now the only work a person must do is that work which is only your responsibility such as you find one in need which is critically in need that no one helps that you know they need help which you are able to for then it is not about doing works to be saved but it shows one faith is dead for it was asked from the Lord speciallly from you as is put before you and if one does not help shows that one does not believe in the Lord teachings. It is a sin one must confess to do better.It is just proof of faith in the Lord for it is required specially from you about something you can do so if you dont do it shows your faith is not true in the Lord so is dead.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe one should confess christ as only way to heaven before others that do not believe that when they are easily available that it is expected of one then only when one is before others incase one dies then before having opportunity to call to the Lord being repentant of that. That it is not required to do so when one is not before others but to accept christ. Christ accepts because it is the intention to repent of not being united for the sake of the gospel that in their heart they want to accept that so is not actually about the deed of doing for we are not saved as though works are required when the situation is not before you which specially requires your help and that includes to do works to many but not too many to anyone you hear about which you can easily do now which if it is not is the meaning not saved by works but we will do works if we have been changed to accept that if we happen to be in such situation before others and we will not hide from others when it is easily possible and expected of one to be in their presence.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe rather it is right to trust in christ that works are not necessary to be saved as bible says not of works lest any boast that one should trust only in christ work for the bible says by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified that the standard christ compares to is christ righteousness to never sin that any work that comes short of that is not good enough and need to put trust therefore in christ righteousness but works are necessary to be saved on death and should be done to help support gospel. So others should receive christ as Lord and saviour to put trust in what christ did and repent of sin for Him to be Lord by which is meant to believe and receive Him as the Lord who you must obey just what He requires to repent of sin to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows other christians can be saved.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually as this explains works naturally come from salvation that it should reflect our faith but is not needed to do any work to be justified but if we have truly repented we would do some works to show to have fruit that it is natural result of being in christ that when there is many needs you see one would do some works but not about doing many to earn but would do what is brought to you that is especially your responsibility such as a critically injured person that is brought to you that becomes especially your responsibility to help.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe is wrong to risk to trust in any work that I believe such preachers did support that from not having enough faith being confused by James letter which I believe is just that a man is justified by works not faith only when it comes to passing a test to be righteous only and in some cases to escape punishment on earth only as rahab and I believe also to be saved on death but the scriptures teach as paul said we are to be justified by faith. I believe people hope should just be in what christ did it is a free gift as video before I showed but they should do works to be saved on death that it is required to do works to be saved on death.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe I might be wrong for Jesus told parable of the good samaritan and there seems to be no excuse to ignore that and I believe as God is just that He will not judge those who see that works are needed when can and is safest to follow and I think as in the video from living waters they are right to see you are justified freely by grace but such faith if there was opportunity would not be alone but will be accompanied by works if there is time that you abide in christ by seeking to do works whenever there is need that it would be done if there is time so I believe the explanation below is right.

Actually as this explains works naturally come from salvation that it should reflect our faith but is not needed to do any work to be justified but if we have truly repented we would do some works to show to have fruit that it is natural result of being in christ that when there is many needs you see one would do some works but not about doing many to earn but would do what is brought to you that is especially your responsibility such as a critically injured person that is brought to you that becomes especially your responsibility to help.
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Nov 14, 2004
I do believe actually is wrong to judge those who follow churches that I should encourage them to follow jesus that as long as they are preaching church it is right as some can join church as they may be stumbled not to be serious though they ought to be just wanting revenge but is wrong but if they are worried they can follow only christ and also I believe it is better to witness to others and has better reward as that was what Jesus wanted others to be united saying call no one on earth your teacher.
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Nov 14, 2004
This video shows this speaker did not mean free gift is license not to seek to do good works when it is expected of one as I thought he did not mean you dont have to. Or if he changed his mind I dont believe that is right anymore that he said more accurate before.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe to be a christian one no longer works to be rich just that it is sufficient that you have enough to meet your needs now that is enough for all your needs for tommorow to also even to have money to be able to learn any skills to serve God but not store up more than is needed for worry about tommorow needs for you should trust God daily to help you provide for tommorow just for your needs and as He promised to just as He provides for birds to give work and if you work more just for any wishes to gain skills to serve God you can.You can work as much as needed for tommorow needs even to have money to enrol in a course to learn skills that it is sufficient to worry for tommorow needs today but not after having for tommorow and worries about tommorow worries to care for days after or rather you can seek to save to provide for it but not worry about what may happen in the future because you want to be rich that you have no control of that stops you from giving to charity because you did what you can to provide for needs you should lay up treasure in heaven where no thief approaches so you have treasure in heaven that is portion in heaven.

God will supply for your needs food and clothing which paul says to be content and you can then work more to save until you can afford for a course which God will help but maybe not on that day. For it is not unreasonable for i did not say not to work until you are already able to have all needs met for next day. God promises to provide as far as one seeks first the kingdom to preach Him. And if you did have money or will make money you are not asked to give all possesions that you can save to have extra for any needs such as to enroll in courses to gain skills to serve God but to be charitable with the rest even to be able to for one no longer stores up more money than one needs. You can keep enough money that will help you .

In the past one wealth was partly in possesisons that had value. It is not about needing to sell all but that you should be charitable to sell from much of it and give alms. It is not that it needs to be done but you are determined to do that you will be willing to do so one should not store up possesions more than one needs to worry about tommorow for the day after for your needs are met now. If one is rich he should seek to sell much what he has that he does not need. Even if one couldnt because of time but was seeking to do one is saved.One should seek to sell much of one possesions to obey jesus even if not rich but not need to sell all for is not practical for everyone must do charity.
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Nov 14, 2004
Jesus did say how hard it is for rich man to enter the kingdom and said with God all things are possible for God is able to change rich man. He only told the rich man to sell all possesions as he did think he could be perfect according to the law not to need christ who alone is perfect yet he said still said it is hard for a rich man to enter kingdom because they must not trust in riches so much and not in God that they are not willing to part with a fair part of it for sake of poor for wanting more even if he has his needs met because he thinks the more he shows he can earn the more he is acceptable to God or even if not he still needs to be charitable for the rich may not be humble or not acknowldge their responsibility to feel they ought to help the poor.

Or his trust is in his riches alone without being charitable also to seek to buy himself out of trouble for in time of trouble riches will be of no use if have not righteousness also and can also lose riches if you trust only in it so one trust should be in God who gives what you need even riches if need be if you also help others in need. Hence the parable make friends of unrighteous mammon so that when you fail that is one commentary says when money fails if it gets lost sometime or I suppose if you lose it then is meaning of you fail or if you waste it you should have done good with it so they may receive you into homes here by which I mean God will provide others not necessarily those you helped to help support you here that if they pass on by their prayers they will if you are in trouble to support you here if there is trouble here or everlasting homes there if there is no trouble here. Or could be any trust in riches as though you need to depend on yourself by your store of money as though needed to help you serve God to gain skills to serve is wrong for to serve God you dont need much money though is good to do more to serve God.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe one trust should only be in Jesus that you are saved by grace through faith but it will not be alone if there is situation before you that you can do works for true faith will lead to works that you should do when you have chance to many of those who need who you can help not too many when it is possible but otherwise your faith should only be in christ to receive Him as Lord and saviour to have your name in book of life to ensure you are saved and raptured if there is and pray if christ shows other christians can be saved.I do not say one should not go to orthodox or catholic church if one was that can go to encourage gatherings not to offend churches and people to feel stop them from teaching what may be helpful that they can take what is right if you dont know though one should know that you can without church but to show you know and should but should put trust in christ and encourage people to.

But is important to obey only jesus to seek to preach Him as churches do wrong to endure to have speakers that teach wrong that you can be lazy to not preach Him as parable of talents say to interpret it as talent being just loving your neighbor with the love christ gave you which I think hopefully they mean they should not hide they are christian and sharing christ when they ask but still I think people must make effort to also talk about christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
We are saved by grace through faith for if we were saved by works to do to many to many or some of each who is hungry naked sick in prison stranger some can not be saved but bible says any can be saved. Works are to only be fruit of salvation that you will seek to do if it is possible just to any one who critically needs your help for you cant do to all.

So when one asks Jesus is coming are you ready you can say I can say I know how to be ready for my trust is in christ that we are saved by grace that works are only needed to follow true faith as fruit if there is time to do that one will seek to do many works but not too many while there is need to show your faith is real to always do only one work at a time whenever there is critical needs that is especially brought to you to show your faith is real but is not about needing to do many to be required when cant but one a time but whatever is needed specially from you that you can see if you dont help when no one has helped and it was brought to you you must help and to seek to do many works as there is need but only need one a time but not too many so you can rest.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe salvation is by grace through faith but not a faith that is alone that if you have faith if it is real it will be accompanied by works as fruit but is not about doing many works but some works have to accompany faith when there is need but you dont have to do many works just that there will be fruit that a work will be produced when there is need brought to you that is especially your responsibility such as in the story of the good samaritan that you know person is at risk of harm for it was brought to you that God is testing your faith.

And should also bear fruit to show faith is real to help many of those you know about who may critically need help and who are needy and you can find who are help just to bear fruit as jesus says to go and do likewise so should but no one is asked to do all that is possible lest any boast just that their should be fruit that you do what is reasonable to help many but not too many of those who may critically need help and some others so there is some fruit as fulfill jesus expectations in saying go and do likewise that you have done to people not about needing to do to all that one is asked to just do one part in helping some.

For one is not saved by being worthy and even no one can as God requires perfection lest any boast that one has done all that can be done which only christ did just that you bear fruit to show your faith is real. So I believe all should put their faith in christ as Lord and saviour to ensure to be ready and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.
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