Are you doing the bare minimum to sow the Gospel?


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Dec 2, 2021
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In the parable of the sower, the sower spreads the Gospel onto all sorts of soil. Then, depending on where the seed landed, resulted in different growth patterns. When looking at this parable, most people look at where the seed lands. But I think that we need to evaluate where we as believers fit into this parable. We are the sowers, and we are to share the Gospel with as many people as possible. The field is massive and there is a large harvest to be had. Are we telling as many people as possible the Gospel? Jesus told His disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” I believe that today, this command is for us. If we do not share the Gospel, then how shall the unbeliever believe without hearing?

So, the question is, how does our lifestyle and our evangelism fit into the parable of the sower?
This is how I believe it fits in. Believers have been told to spread as much seed as possible into a large field so that there will be a great harvest. And so, we go out into the field and find a comfortable place. We sit down and we start to talk to the soil, and we even water it. As we water the soil, this is like having a coffee with the unbeliever. Then, we give it fertilizer. And this is like taking the unbeliever out to a restaurant. Then, because we love the unbeliever so much, we cover the soil with compost, and this is like blessing the person. A lot of time and love is exerted when doing this process. Much time. While this happens, the labourer hopes that the unbeliever will ask about the joy that is within them. Thus, giving the sower the opportunity to plant a seed.
So, in life, we all do this. This is normal life. We find a place to settle and then we make friends with the locals. This is even what non-believers do. But, since we believe, if we get the opportunity, then we share the Gospel. This not going out of our comfort zone for the sake of the Gospel.

Now a believer who is a good labourer, who obeys what the Lord of the Harvest has commanded, will find a place to sit down in the field. They will talk, have cups of coffee, and go out to restaurants with those they make friends with, in the hope that they can share the Gospel. But they will also get up and go into other parts of the field and spread seed. They realise that there is a large field that needs to be sewn. They will boldly go out and do what has been asked of them. Go and preach the Gospel to all of creation.

The question is, are you a labourer who has become comfortable in your part of the field and has forgotten about the rest of the field that needs planting? Are you concentrating on one little area in the hope that someone may initiate a conversation with you? Or are you trying to spread as much seed as possible so that the harvest can be plentiful? With such a great harvest to be had, how are you investing your time? If we have faith in the Gospel, then we should be sharing it with as many people as possible. After all, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

We need to be careful that we do not become complacent. We all have a life to live, and we all make friends as we live life. But are we doing more than simply making friends? Are we telling the Gospel to as many people as possible? If we are just making friends in the hope that the unbeliever will ask us about the hope that is within us, then we may be neglecting the rest of the field. If we are neglecting the rest of the field, then are we a good labourer?
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Nov 6, 2023
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Good thought. Ive been thinking of something similar the last couple days: How can we share the Gospel as Christmas approaches? I was thinking of giving gospel booklets with small gifts, like along with some home made cookies for example. Super inexpensive and simple, and easy to do in large quantities. However, I think honestly most people wouldn't read a Gospel booklet if were being honest. Maybe a typed letter sharing the news of Christ, perhaps with an invitation to a Christmas eve church service at your church? Still thinking.
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In the parable of the sower, the sower spreads the Gospel onto all sorts of soil. Then, depending on where the seed landed, resulted in different growth patterns. When looking at this parable, most people look at where the seed lands. But I think that we need to evaluate where we as believers fit into this parable. We are the sowers, and we are to share the Gospel with as many people as possible. The field is massive and there is a large harvest to be had. Are we telling as many people as possible the Gospel? Jesus told His disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” I believe that today, this command is for us. If we do not share the Gospel, then how shall the unbeliever believe without hearing?

So, the question is, how does our lifestyle and our evangelism fit into the parable of the sower?
This is how I believe it fits in. Believers have been told to spread as much seed as possible into a large field so that there will be a great harvest. And so, we go out into the field and find a comfortable place. We sit down and we start to talk to the soil, and we even water it. As we water the soil, this is like having a coffee with the unbeliever. Then, we give it fertilizer. And this is like taking the unbeliever out to a restaurant. Then, because we love the unbeliever so much, we cover the soil with compost, and this is like blessing the person. A lot of time and love is exerted when doing this process. Much time. While this happens, the labourer hopes that the unbeliever will ask about the joy that is within them. Thus, giving the sower the opportunity to plant a seed.
So, in life, we all do this. This is normal life. We find a place to settle and then we make friends with the locals. This is even what non-believers do. But, since we believe, if we get the opportunity, then we share the Gospel. This not going out of our comfort zone for the sake of the Gospel.

Now a believer who is a good labourer, who obeys what the Lord of the Harvest has commanded, will find a place to sit down in the field. They will talk, have cups of coffee, and go out to restaurants with those they make friends with, in the hope that they can share the Gospel. But they will also get up and go into other parts of the field and spread seed. They realise that there is a large field that needs to be sewn. They will boldly go out and do what has been asked of them. Go and preach the Gospel to all of creation.

The question is, are you a labourer who has become comfortable in your part of the field and has forgotten about the rest of the field that needs planting? Are you concentrating on one little area in the hope that someone may initiate a conversation with you? Or are you trying to spread as much seed as possible so that the harvest can be plentiful? With such a great harvest to be had, how are you investing your time? If we have faith in the Gospel, then we should be sharing it with as many people as possible. After all, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

We need to be careful that we do not become complacent. We all have a life to live, and we all make friends as we live life. But are we doing more than simply making friends? Are we telling the Gospel to as many people as possible? If we are just making friends in the hope that the unbeliever will ask us about the hope that is within us, then we may be neglecting the rest of the field. If we are neglecting the rest of the field, then are we a good labourer?
As a Christian, I tried to get my friend (David) to stop following the New Age stuff and get him away from tarot cards and turn to Christ, as his mother is a devout Christian and she and I agree that David's New Age stuff is messed up. Luckily, he keeps the tarot and hokus pokus crud away from me. Sadly, David said I shouldn't bring up conversion to him. It is nearly impossible to convert a person in the US it seems.

Evangelization rarely works bro. I'll just be kind to people, but may give up on converting people to Christ. It rarely works. Actions speak louder than words, so maybe my kindness will convert people.
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Nov 6, 2023
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As a Christian, I tried to get my friend (David) to stop following the New Age stuff and get him away from tarot cards and turn to Christ, as his mother is a devout Christian and she and I agree that David's New Age stuff is messed up. Luckily, he keeps the tarot and hokus pokus crud away from me. Sadly, David said I shouldn't bring up conversion to him. It is nearly impossible to convert a person in the US it seems.

Evangelization rarely works bro. I'll just be kind to people, but may give up on converting people to Christ. It rarely works. Actions speak louder than words, so maybe my kindness will convert people.
I understand how frustrating and disappointing that may be, but I also think that us as disciples of Christ must not only set an example and be the reflection of the light of God, but also pray for them. I recently sent my friend a bible who lives far away, and although Im not there to speak to him in person, and dont want to be calling him every day asking how his reading is going, I simply pray that the Lord will speak to him through scripture. We should always pray for others. It may take a day, it may take years. The Lord knows the right time to speak to somebody. Have you tried praying for the Lord to speak to him? In the end, no matter how much the Lord may speak to someone, man was still made with free will...
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I understand how frustrating and disappointing that may be, but I also think that us as disciples of Christ must not only set an example and be the reflection of the light of God, but also pray for them. I recently sent my friend a bible who lives far away, and although Im not there to speak to him in person, and dont want to be calling him every day asking how his reading is going, I simply pray that the Lord will speak to him through scripture. We should always pray for others. It may take a day, it may take years. The Lord knows the right time to speak to somebody. Have you tried praying for the Lord to speak to him? In the end, no matter how much the Lord may speak to someone, man was still made with free will...
I pray for others and my friends every night that they may form a relationship with Jesus. But nah, telling someone to switch to Jesus doesn't work. For now, prayer is my mission. But physically telling someone to convert to Christ is nearly impossible in 2023. I'd rather finish up some of my anime this evening compared to forcing my Christianity on someone.
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Dec 2, 2021
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Evangelization rarely works bro. I'll just be kind to people, but may give up on converting people to Christ. It rarely works. Actions speak louder than words, so maybe my kindness will convert people.
Many people have become immune to the Gospel. Many have only ever heard the Good News and not heard the Bad News. This can make them Gospel-hardened. If they are told how they fall short of God's standards, then they will see their need for a saviour. But sadly, Satan has blinded the eyes of many. This does not mean we should not continue to obey what Jesus commanded. Keep going and tell others. If they do not listen, then tell someone else. People's lives are at stake.
Our actions are not the power of God unto Salvation. However, our actions will show an unbelieve if we truly believe and this gives credibility to the Gospel when we do say it.
But do not limit yourself to just a small piece of soil when you are in a large field. We have been told to spread the Gospel because there is a great harvest.
We are to scatter and sow the seed. But it is Jesus who reaps. Don't give up.
Matthew 25:24-26 are hard verses, but we need to take note. Are we a good labourer or a bad one?
“Now the one who had received the one talent also came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed. And I was afraid, so I went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you still have what is yours.’ “But his master answered and said to him, ‘You worthless, lazy slave! Did you know that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter seed?
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Aug 11, 2023
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Many people have become immune to the Gospel. Many have only ever heard the Good News and not heard the Bad News. This can make them Gospel-hardened. If they are told how they fall short of God's standards, then they will see their need for a saviour. But sadly, Satan has blinded the eyes of many. This does not mean we should not continue to obey what Jesus commanded. Keep going and tell others. If they do not listen, then tell someone else. People's lives are at stake.
Our actions are not the power of God unto Salvation. However, our actions will show an unbelieve if we truly believe and this gives credibility to the Gospel when we do say it.
But do not limit yourself to just a small piece of soil when you are in a large field. We have been told to spread the Gospel because there is a great harvest.
We are to scatter and sow the seed. But it is Jesus who reaps. Don't give up.
Matthew 25:24-26 are hard verses, but we need to take note. Are we a good labourer or a bad one?
“Now the one who had received the one talent also came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed. And I was afraid, so I went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you still have what is yours.’ “But his master answered and said to him, ‘You worthless, lazy slave! Did you know that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter seed?
What are you getting at? I am only going to ruin friendships if I shove my religion down their throats.

Edit: It is cool that you are from New Zealand by the way, on the opposite side of the planet from me. :)
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Dec 2, 2021
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physically telling someone to convert to Christ is nearly impossible in 2023. I'd rather finish up some of my anime this evening compared to forcing my Christianity on someone.
In New Zealand (where I live), most Christians say the exact same thing. But when I go to the parks, there are many who, after telling them the bad news and the good news, say that they need to make a commitment to God. So do not give up. Try evangelising in a different way. We do need equipping. Check out Living Waters on YouTube.
Also, if you spoke to 100 people and all of them were to deny Jesus, just remember that you were 100% successful. We have been told to go and preach the Gospel to all creation. Then it is God who creates the growth.
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Dec 2, 2021
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What are you getting at? I am only going to ruin friendships if I shove my religion down their throats.
I am not saying to continue shoving it down their throats. That is like a dripping tap. But live in a way that your conduct will give credit to what you say. And then, if they do not listen, move on and spread more seed but pray for that person who rejected it. There are many seeds to be planted and we should not get stuck on planting that one seed.
Pray that God will create growth within them.
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In New Zealand (where I live), most Christians say the exact same thing. But when I go to the parks, there are many who, after telling them the bad news and the good news, say that they need to make a commitment to God. So do not give up. Try evangelising in a different way. We do need equipping. Check out Living Waters on YouTube.
Also, if you spoke to 100 people and all of them were to deny Jesus, just remember that you were 100% successful. We have been told to go and preach the Gospel to all creation. Then it is God who creates the growth.
I'd rather stay home. Don't want to interact with the wrong person and get attacked for evangelizing. But hey, maybe that is a good thing, as a lot of folks in the Bible got attacked for evangelizing and are highly revered amongst us Christians.
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I am not saying to continue shoving it down their throats. That is like a dripping tap. But live in a way that your conduct will give credit to what you say. And then, if they do not listen, move on and spread more seed but pray for that person who rejected it. There are many seeds to be planted and we should not get stuck on planting that one seed.
Pray that God will create growth within them.
Ok. I'll stick to my old-school future house music, science documentaries and sci-fi/fantasy anime for now. Maybe in 2024 or 2025 I could start evangelizing. But I don't feel ready now.
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Dec 2, 2021
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Ok. I'll stick to my old-school future house music, science documentaries and sci-fi/fantasy anime for now. Maybe in 2024 or 2025 I could start evangelizing. But I don't feel ready now.
If that is the case, pray that God gives you a greater love for the lost. That love will create a drive within you. If that love becomes so large, it will overflow out from you. You will feel a need to get out there.
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If that is the case, pray that God gives you a greater love for the lost. That love will create a drive within you. If that love becomes so large, it will overflow out from you. You will feel a need to get out there.
I will pray for that. Thanks man. Anyways, have a good day. It is getting late here. We can talk about this more in depth another day, or in the DMs.
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