Are God's blessings for me given to me through my actions?


Dec 7, 2009
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I've been reading alot of Joel Osteen books lately, and as far as what I've learned is this: If I don't believe, I won't receive. Well, I've been obsessing over this.

Let's say I pray to God for blessings, but I commit wrong, a sin, on this very day. Does that mean that God will pass by my request and not complete it? Does that mean even if I doubt the blessing are coming once, it won't come after doubting that one time?

I just want to trust God, and not be depending on my own actions if He is going to see favor in me or not. I'm just scared too as well if I say something wrong to Him, He won't be so proud of me. Typing this is increasing the anxiety towards this.

What is your opinion on this?


Senior Veteran
Aug 24, 2010
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I used to think alot like that. Then I realized God is not a genie. If we pray for something it doens't mean we will get it. We may be denied because God has other plans. Its normal to have doubts, fears, anxiety...etc. Look at christians in general, we want to be so perfect for God that we doubt ourselves about if we actually being perfect lol.
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Whose Report Will You Believe? Isaiah 53:1
Jan 17, 2011
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Focus on pleasing Jesus, not yourself and your faults. Romans 8:6 "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." NASB

And if you sin just repent and ask forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 We are righteous not by our perfect life but by the blood of Jesus.
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Humble Servant of God
Dec 25, 2011
United States
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xfreak .. has got it right.
If we want a magic genie, the best place to look is somewhere on a remote beach in the Middle East. We might get lucky, find a magic lamp, rub the outside, and POOOF. A real genie. Yahoooooo !!

For Christians, perhaps the better approach is not to pray too often for blessings. But rather for us to pray that God will make us a blessing to others.

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Seed Planter
Jul 19, 2011
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Calvary Chapel
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I strongly suggest: reading your Bible more frequently and pray diligently, find a small group to do bible studies with and or a Christian mentor who is
firm in the faith and of good report/reputation. Consult with your minister.
Connect with a prayer partner/partners.
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Senior Veteran
Feb 15, 2004
Salvation Army
Dear Danny34. God is all-powerful, He knows All and sees All. God is Love and God is our loving Heavenly Father. When we need something we pray for it, then we thank God and let Him know that we love Him and thank Him. Whatever we say or do, God sees all, and we will get rewarding blessings, or fitting consequences. God wants to be part of our loving relationship, with our Heavenly Father. We have free will to love and trust God, or choose our own way. Jesus gave us 2 Commandments, they say all what God`s 10 Commandments tell us. Jesus gave them us simply and straightforward: 1) Love God with all our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our minds. 2) Love our neighbour as ourselves. (neighbour being all others, friends or not friends) God will see our sincere efforts, and God will bless us. AND God will know that we love Him. HOW?? Because we are following God`s Commandments to love and to care for each other.
Jesus told us to: " ask and receive," then we thank God, we show God that we love Him and are grateful. God sees all your actions, but why not tell God that you do it, because you love to? love God and your neighbour? I say this with love, Danny. Greetings from Emmy, your sister in Christ.
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I've been reading alot of Joel Osteen books lately..

BIG MISTAKE!!! :doh:

Listen very carefully to what I am about to tell you Danny. Sinful men will mislead you, inject in you a spirit of confusion and lead you astray. Do not turn to their books and do not allow them to mislead you.

There are 66 books in Scripture and Scripture is complete! You do not need to turn to uninspired books outside of the Holy Scripture. The Holy Spirit will teach you, John 16:13, not sinful men. Only the 66 books of Scripture were inspired by God, 2 Tim 3:16.

Turn to God to teach you the truth, not sinful men. Turn to the 66 books of Scripture to teach you and not to sinful people's books.

Do as I say, or you risk being led astray!

Throw away all your Joel Osteen books and any other books, and read and consume the Holy Scriptures alone.:thumbsup:

All Cults, all misleadings and deceptions have origin in the turning to external books outside of the 66 books of Holy Scripture. You are not too stupid to understand the Scripture that you need to turn to sinners to teach you their personal interpretations and opinions. The Holy Spirit is not too stupid to teach you.

COME BACK TO THE 66 books of Holy Scripture alone and throw away the other books.

God bless.
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How about instead of reading man made books, you read the Holy Bible of God?

That's the biggest flaw in modern day Christianity. Instead of reading and listening to God, we listen to other men? Since when did that become acceptable? The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God.

Man is corrupt.

AMEN! :thumbsup: I read your comment AFTER I posted my comments.
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