Am I Wrong?


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Oct 26, 2012
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke. Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX. All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way. Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose? They know what I believe in and they respect that.

Am I wrong?

I am not here to argue with anyone; I really want to know. Be blunt
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Aug 15, 2005
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke. Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX. All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way. Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose. They know what I believe in and they respect that.

Am I wrong?

I am not here to argue with anyone; I really want to know. Be blunt

While it is true that Paul was referring to marriage when he said not to be unequally yoked, I still recommend caution in moving in with others of a different faith. I guess a more appropriate question would be "Would your friends tempt you into doing things you shouldn't do, or make you fall away from your beliefs"? Not trying to discourage you, you may be a very strong believer that can lead them to God, but please make sure you know what you're getting yourself into before you make that kind of choice.
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Jul 29, 2010
Saskatchewan, Canada
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke. Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX. All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way. Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose. They know what I believe in and they respect that.

Am I wrong?

I am not here to argue with anyone; I really want to know. Be blunt

if you don't try converting him/her at every turn, do you really believe in the gospel? it says, can light live with darkness in the bible.. paraphrasing. its not bad to have a secular room-mate, its wrong to not find complete sorrow for that person. you need to either be pushed away or accepted. its that simple. blunt.
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Sep 4, 2011
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Much of the Bible is about wisdom, but we tend to debate it as policy or mandates. People who go through partnerships where one person is putting more into the deal than the other -- they look back and wish someone had warned them.

There are no scriptures on roommates being faith-matched; but some good things could come of having a prayer partner and someone to vent more sensibly with.

With a roommate, you can always move out, with some cost. With a business partnership or marriage, sorting it out can take years and lots of legal fees.

Be wise. Look at the practical things:
- Will they bring illegal substances onto the property that could implicate you.
- Do they keep the same waking hours, or will they be throwing parties while you're trying to sleep.
- Have you ever heard them brag about stealing something.
- Will they invite in ten cousins and a wolf dog that chews the couch.
- Do they clean up after themselves, understand food bacteria risks, see flies and cockroaches as problems.
- Do they have a job -- a way to pay the rent?
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David Sylvian

From Japan With Love
Oct 12, 2013
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke. Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX. All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way. Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose? They know what I believe in and they respect that.

Am I wrong?

I am not here to argue with anyone; I really want to know. Be blunt

I think you care much too much about what "They" think.

Not sure how to explain that, except see Elizabethtown and the Claire character there well explains what I mean.
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Jul 30, 2007
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke. Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX. All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way. Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose? They know what I believe in and they respect that.

Am I wrong?

I am not here to argue with anyone; I really want to know. Be blunt

Are you talking about shacking up? That's far beyond just being unequally yoked.

When you say you prefer hanging out with non-believers, it implies you enjoy reveling in sinful behavior. At least that's the impression I get from your post. I don't make it a point to pick and choose Christians friends myself, but I certainly wouldn't avoid them or prefer not having any.

Being equally yoked doesn't only involve sex. It could also involve being unduly influenced to engage in sinful acts or behavior through peer pressure, preventing one from being sanctified unto the Lord. As the Lord said, "what good is salt if it has lost its savour". That kind of salt is no good and is cast away.
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May 22, 2013
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke.
I think the main thing about being unequally yoked is somehow you are attached to someone who is not of God and you are giving in to the person, depending on the person in ways you should not. You're not perfect; if you are so interested in being with an unbeliever, I would say you can be somehow giving in, in ways you may not realize. Pray.

Has your mother helped you to get more real with God and learn how to relate with Christians? If she has been a good example for you, I would pray and consider what she says, and do not just technically argue about what words mean. Because you're not perfect; so you can easily out-think anyone, for the sake of what you want the Bible to mean, for what you want.

Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX.
As I offered, it has to do with if and how you are under the power of someone who is not of God. If you have walked in God's love with His peace and joy, it can be simple to see if an ungodly person is getting power to get you elsewhere. If you have learned how to walk in Jesus Christ's "rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:29), you can tell if someone is getting you into worrying and arguing and other unrestful things.

Any of that would be an unequal yoke, because it gets you away from the yoke of Jesus with His "rest for your souls" and how He has us loving anybody and everybody . . . not only using anyone. Using is not loving. In an unequal yoke, you can be trying to use the other person, somehow, while that person is trying to use you, and there can be a tug-of-war, or mutually agreeing to take advantage of each other but only for what you want, instead of learning together how to walk with God.

All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way.
So, your mother's example does not inspire you to want to spend time with and grow with other Christians??

Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose?
"If you love those who love you, what reward have you?" Jesus says in Matthew 5:46.

They know what I believe in and they respect that.
My family has been very "good" about honoring if I want to drink or not, and they do not try to get in arguments with me about Jesus and the Bible. And they encourage me to choose and enjoy whatever I choose to do while I am visiting with them. But they do not feed me the example I need, of how to get real with God and how to relate in love. So, being respected by unbelievers can be somehow good, but they can't minister what God makes us believers able to minister to each other.

Am I wrong?
If you are not deeply being satisfied to seek and enjoy sharing with Christians . . . whether or not you are wrong is not what you need to be dealing with. How about all that the Bible says is right?

I am not here to argue with anyone; I really want to know. Be blunt
You need the sharp word of God and our Father's correction, like we all do! But we need to be committed to staying with other Christians, though ones may do us wrong > still . . . keep having hope for ones who are wrong . . . like how Jesus never gave up on His disciples. However . . . Sonny . . . there need to be really Christian example people with us; I do not mean getting with a group with only wrong people.

Part of getting real with Jesus includes becoming strong enough and stable and deeply emotionally sober so wrong people can't have power over us to control what we do. We need to be strong in love so wrong people can not decide if we are forgiving or not, for one example. But we honor Jesus on the cross and His example, how He forgave us and has born with us in love.

So, we can't be judging about who is good enough for us! If we can't handle being with Christians because they are kind and gentle and humble and quiet . . . this means we are under the power of things of this life, and this is weak so we can in weakness give in to pain and frustration and arguing, along with selfish pleasures and conveniences. So, there are things we can do and may have a "right" to do, but we need how God and His people bring us to become strong in love so we can handle well being with any person, actually, and be busy loving the person, instead of judging if the person is worth our time and attention. Jesus considered each of us worth all that suffering!

We need the people who help us get real with Jesus. By the way . . . if you are into what you have a "right" to do . . . this can mean you have been already wrongly influenced by your unbelieving "friends" who have been grooming you to think about your own "rights". Because we in Jesus are faithful to Jesus, by first desiring to please our Father and do all He leads us to do. So, if your attention is elsewhere . . . yes, you are wrong.
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growing in grace
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Mar 24, 2011
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke. Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX. All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way. Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose? They know what I believe in and they respect that.

Am I wrong?

I am not here to argue with anyone; I really want to know. Be blunt

Is it good to have close friendships with unbelievers?
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Feb 16, 2005
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Why take the light out of the darkness? You could be an example to your friends who don't know the Lord, as long as you are strong enough in faith, to refrain from participating in activities that are ungodly. Through your walk , you may lead them to the Lord, but then you would have to find other friends, and repeat...let your light shine and don't forget you are to be set apart from the ways of this world. God bless!!!
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God is salvation
Mar 14, 2012
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I think she has to be careful. Jws often have their own subculture. She could easily get drawn into something she might find difficult to walk away from.

Jesus is Lord... Paul confessed we wait on the return of our great God and savior Jesus Christ. Thomas confessed my Lord and my God. John showed us the full revelation of Christ as the Alpha and The Omega.

And they're just wrong. Their church is not blessed with The Spirit of truth, so what spirit guides it? Well the reality is in the very early Watchtower magazines themselves and reveals the truth of the origins of this practice.

Be very careful here. It you fall in love with this boy, you could be in extreme spiritual jeopardy.

I'd say really think about this.
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Feb 15, 2004
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Dear sonny1293. There are two ways at looking at it. If you are a Christian and you feel strongly about your partner, and want to talk about the Lord to show your love for the Lord, and want your partner to Love the Lord also, then stay with your partner. If you only want to have a good time, then I would listen to your Mother. I say this with love, sonny. Greetings from Emmy,
your sister in Christ.
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Nov 6, 2012
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My mom says that if I move in with a nonbeliever, I am being unequally yoke. Well, in my opinion unequally yoked is about SEX.
To understand what being unequally yoked means you must look at the context in which it appears.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
“I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
Therefore go out from their midst,
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
and touch no unclean thing;
then I will welcome you,
and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”
(2 Corinthians 6:14-18 ESV)
There is nothing about sex or marriage in this passage. It is all about the worship of God. We must avoid anything that might lead us away from serving him with our whole heart. It applies to marriage because marrying an unbeliever could easily lead us away from serving God. The experience of Solomon is evidence of this. But it isn't limited to marriage or sexual relationships.

What is the sex of the unbeliever you want to move in with? If it is a woman there will be a temptation of become sexually involved even if that is not your intention. If it is another man there is still the danger that he will have a bad influence on your relationship with God even if he doesn't intend to.

All of my friends are not Christians. I prefer it that way.
Why do you prefer it that way? One result of being saved is that we have a desire to associate with other believers.
We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers.
(1 John 3:14 ESV)

If you don't want to associate with other Christians then you should examine yourself to make sure you are really saved.

Is it my right to only hang out with certain people that I choose?
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
(Matthew 16:24 ESV)
We don't have the right to hang out with those we choose but we must associate with those he chooses. Some of these people will be unbelievers because he wants us to tell them the way of salvation but the Bible clearly teaches that we must also associate with other Christians because we need their help in remaining faithful to God and they need our help.
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Jul 29, 2010
Saskatchewan, Canada
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the fact that you don't have any christian friends isn't necessarily wrong, but the fact that you want it that way IS wrong. hanging out with nonbelievers is not sin, but Jesus would prefer we hang out with believers

Jesus doesn't see how heathens can have a good effect on a believer.... he just knows hope lies within the church and within its people
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Aug 24, 2010
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(reads initial post)
(backs out slowly)
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Love comes first.
Apr 6, 2013
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I just wanted to tell you that from my experience it will become increasingly difficult for you. I know from experience. I was with someone for over 10 years. She said she was a Christian. During that time she never prayed, never read her bible, never came to church. I ended up living my spiritual life alone. For a believer, our first priority is God. Eventually, she went to love a different life. Partying, etc. And this was a professing Christian. I can't imagine being with an unbeliever and never being able to pray with them or share the most important part of who I am. It may not seem like that big of a deal right now but a few years from now you may be wishing you weren't alone in this. And at that point it's just going to be more difficult to change your situation.
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Jul 27, 2009
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"Equally yoked" is written in the context of marriage. There are people who are nonbelievers today who will believe and go to Heaven. There are people who believe, or claim to believe, who will not stay the course and will not go to Heaven. The question is, what kind of influence do those people have on you and what kind of influence are you having on them? You know that answer in your heart already, of course. Praying for good roommates and good influences all around.
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