Advice or counsel accepted....


Jesus Christ is my God and King!
Dec 9, 2006
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Hello, i have been a pastor now for about a year, but i have not had my own church.....i have been serving in a church and have done sermons and lead Bible studies.....and i believe that Church is wherever The Lord sends you, everday, all the time!

A couple of months ago, The Lord spoke to me and gave me a vision that i am to go to McPherson, Kansas and start a church......and i am to leave before August!

Ok, well, i am very excited about this and know that The Lord will prepare me and work through me, so i am not worried......He has said go.....and so Go i will!

I am posting this so that if any of you have advice in any area that you feel led to give......please do! I am always seeking wisdom as scripture tells us to.

God Bless!:wave:


Oct 5, 2004
Auburn , IL.
look for confirmation , pastor , brother - sister in the lord... ask questions ... make plans ... dispose of goods seek not to move , run some searches in the area , what is available , what are you up against ... ask for favor for you, family , and work of Nehemiah ..
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Sep 20, 2006
Southern California
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If you are going to plant a church PLEASE talk to at least 3 people who have planted a church and 2 people who are in the midst of planting a church.

I can give you suggestions and advice but if you do the above you will never regret doing it!


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Jul 16, 2007
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Stop! Don't Do it! Who do you think you are! what, you think that just because you are Pastoring a year that you're ready to set out on your own? That's ridulous, anybody with good sense will tell you the truth... don't do it.

Ok, that just a few of the things that nay-sayers will bring to you and if your relationship is not tight with the Lord, you will lose hope in the vision that God gave to you. But if your relationship with God is tight, and I mean tight... nothing or nobody can turn you around.

Allow me to share my testimony...

Our Ministry is now 4 years old. One early Monday morning the Lord spoke to my spirit and told me what to do, I was clear and there was no doubt in my mind where it was coming from.... I shared it with my husband who I had only been married to one year.

The Lord told us to start a ministry of "hosting preachers for TV broadcast" and in it He gave me details on how to go about it. We were to have one service a month and invite 3 preachers to bring the Word, give each Preacher 20 minutes, do it on a Saturday Morning from 9am-12noon. And He even told me who the frist 3 preacher were to ask. That's how detailed it was. Yet, there was many things missing...

This is what was missing: a place or church, I knew nothing about TV broadcasting, the necessary equipment required to do so, money.... money.... money.. people...

Yet I was clear this is what God said do... so I did one thing: I stepped out on faith!

I'm a talker, more so than a writer.... so I'll fast forward up to present...

It is now 4 years later, it hasn't been easy, but we had hosted over 200 preachers, filmed and ready for tv broadcast.... with only one service a month...

We still have a ways to go.... still beieving God, still trusting Him.... we are only now in the beginning stages of preparing all thoses preachers for tv broadcast...

Wanna know where? On the Internet. Praise God!

Four years ago, we didn't have a clue that internet tv existed..... but God knew....

In January of this year, hubbie and I also started our daily E-Telecast, where each day we post a 5 - 8 minutes inspirational "Word For You", on the internet.

We started out emailing our 30 friends, and in less than six months, we are all over the country and in several countries.

Trust God, that's what the scripture you have posted say do... do it and you will be victorious.

Your Servant,

Pastor Aminata
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Jun 14, 2007
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Previous posts much GOOD advice.

Now, if you are sure it's of God....

Wonderful Lord and God, I thank You for Your communicating with these saints in a clear and Holy way. Bless them right at their needs... and grant them the extreme strength, power and favor they will need to promote You and Your cause! Let no man or evil agent waylay them. Let them be bold in Christ Jesus and may many come to salvation in Your effors thru them! Today Lord, get them started and grant them wisdom, discernment and clarity of purpose. Thanks Lord. We bless Your name here. Amen

God bless and Godspeed...
Rev J
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Jul 19, 2007
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You say the LORD has led you, only you will know for certain what the Lord has spoken to you. Pastoring is being responsible for the growth and wellbeing of your flock. Its a long term responsibility, take some time and ask the Lord to confirm once again to you all that He has told you. (Write down your vision & anything the Lord tells you)
I was a pastor of a church in India before the Lord called me to start a church in Mauritius, its been 5 years now & the going has not been easy, but the Lord has been with us all the way.

Do as the Lord leads you my brother.

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