A Spiritual Dilemma - Please Help!


Jah is my strength and song!
Jun 12, 2006
Marital Status
I am very familiar with the prophetic ministry and believe that God has appointed some in the church to be prophets, apostles, evangelists pastors and teachers. I believe that some have the gift of prophecy. I believe that the Gifts of the Spirit are for today. That being said, I have a question/dilemma whatever you want to call it.

At my church, there is a lady who goes around praying for people, she always has a word for them. The first time she spoke a word at intercessory prayer, the person in charge said she was out of order (even though she spoke correctly) because the she spoke about something that the pastor was going to announce before he had the opportunity to speak about it.
After prayer, she ran over to me with her anointing oil and said "God told me to pray for you. I have a word for you" and grabbed my shoulders and proceeded to open her oil. I politely stopped her because I was taught that (1) you are supposed to introduce yourself to someone first, and (2) Ask if you can pray for them and (3) ask if you can lay hands on them. (3) If you are not a minister in the church, you might be out of order. I did not allow her to pray for me because something about her spirit bothered me. She would not look me in the eye for a long time after that. (I'm going somewhere with this and really want some input)
Last Sunday, I was sitting by myself and when she walked by i said "hi" to her, being friendly (big mistake) She came over to me and said "I have been talking to God about you" and she proceeded to tell me about some stuff from my past and so on...I was half listening because the stuff she was talking about has been long dealt with. It didn't need to be brought up. I just looked at her, no response. I really was sorry I spoke to her. I could have got up and walked away but did not want to be rude. So I said thank you, I receive that "(mistake #2).
Later at night, in my sleep, I got attacked in my spirit. It was like something was tearing at my spirit, I had a vision of words and an ark with a hole in it and it was like words were being pulled out of me but something was tearing at me. I could not see the words, they were small. I am a writer. I was breathing fast and it was like being in a tornado and all i could do was be still and let it pass. I was exhausted afterwards. I really feel it had something to do with this lady.
I do have a prayer life, maybe I need to pray more. But this woman bothers me in my spirit. She says she has been trained by some big-name prophets (she named them) but I have been around prophets and they don't bother me in my spirit. Even those who have "arrogant" personalities don't bother me spiritually. But this woman...I don't know if I should talk to the pastor or not.
At prayer, Pastor told everyone to be silent for 30 minutes and meditate on the Lord, read the Word, or journal. 15 minutes had not passed before this lady had to run to the pastor's office to talk to him. I thought silence was for everyone...
What should I do? Sorry this has been so long.
Thank you,


Junior Member
May 5, 2015
Word of Faith
Marital Status
I am very familiar with the prophetic ministry and believe that God has appointed some in the church to be prophets, apostles, evangelists pastors and teachers. I believe that some have the gift of prophecy. I believe that the Gifts of the Spirit are for today. That being said, I have a question/dilemma whatever you want to call it.

At my church, there is a lady who goes around praying for people, she always has a word for them. The first time she spoke a word at intercessory prayer, the person in charge said she was out of order (even though she spoke correctly) because the she spoke about something that the pastor was going to announce before he had the opportunity to speak about it.
After prayer, she ran over to me with her anointing oil and said "God told me to pray for you. I have a word for you" and grabbed my shoulders and proceeded to open her oil. I politely stopped her because I was taught that (1) you are supposed to introduce yourself to someone first, and (2) Ask if you can pray for them and (3) ask if you can lay hands on them. (3) If you are not a minister in the church, you might be out of order. I did not allow her to pray for me because something about her spirit bothered me. She would not look me in the eye for a long time after that. (I'm going somewhere with this and really want some input)
Last Sunday, I was sitting by myself and when she walked by i said "hi" to her, being friendly (big mistake) She came over to me and said "I have been talking to God about you" and she proceeded to tell me about some stuff from my past and so on...I was half listening because the stuff she was talking about has been long dealt with. It didn't need to be brought up. I just looked at her, no response. I really was sorry I spoke to her. I could have got up and walked away but did not want to be rude. So I said thank you, I receive that "(mistake #2).
Later at night, in my sleep, I got attacked in my spirit. It was like something was tearing at my spirit, I had a vision of words and an ark with a hole in it and it was like words were being pulled out of me but something was tearing at me. I could not see the words, they were small. I am a writer. I was breathing fast and it was like being in a tornado and all i could do was be still and let it pass. I was exhausted afterwards. I really feel it had something to do with this lady.
I do have a prayer life, maybe I need to pray more. But this woman bothers me in my spirit. She says she has been trained by some big-name prophets (she named them) but I have been around prophets and they don't bother me in my spirit. Even those who have "arrogant" personalities don't bother me spiritually. But this woman...I don't know if I should talk to the pastor or not.
At prayer, Pastor told everyone to be silent for 30 minutes and meditate on the Lord, read the Word, or journal. 15 minutes had not passed before this lady had to run to the pastor's office to talk to him. I thought silence was for everyone...
What should I do? Sorry this has been so long.
Thank you,

- now my questions --
take a note on your messages in bold. Is she able to tell you something you did not tell you ?
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Teacher of the Word
Apr 28, 2006
Word of Faith
Marital Status
I am very familiar with the prophetic ministry and believe that God has appointed some in the church to be prophets, apostles, evangelists pastors and teachers. I believe that some have the gift of prophecy. I believe that the Gifts of the Spirit are for today. That being said, I have a question/dilemma whatever you want to call it.
Your recognition is good since scripture tells us this is true.

At my church, there is a lady who goes around praying for people, she always has a word for them. The first time she spoke a word at intercessory prayer, the person in charge said she was out of order (even though she spoke correctly) because the she spoke about something that the pastor was going to announce before he had the opportunity to speak about it.
If she knew something the pastor was going to say (and below you give indication that she often intrud-- ...er, talks with... the pastor) and "let the cat out of the bag," then I see that as pride and arrogance -- it just had to come from her -- than anything else. The person in charge (an elder, perhaps) was right to rebuke her.

After prayer, she ran over to me with her anointing oil and said "God told me to pray for you. I have a word for you" and grabbed my shoulders and proceeded to open her oil.
Just want to add that I've known a couple women like this in church in my past.

I politely stopped her because I was taught that (1) you are supposed to introduce yourself to someone first, and (2) Ask if you can pray for them and (3) ask if you can lay hands on them. (3) If you are not a minister in the church, you might be out of order.
To your (first) #3 the bible tells ministers that they should not be hasty to lay hands on people lest you share in their sins (1 Tim 5:22) So when you say #1 I get the impression that you did not personally know this woman at this time. This alone does not preclude prophecy, but it makes 1 Tim 5:22 that much more important. And to the "ask" part of #3, you are right that the anointing cannot be "forced" upon someone, they must be willing to receive a word.

I did not allow her to pray for me because something about her spirit bothered me. She would not look me in the eye for a long time after that. (I'm going somewhere with this and really want some input)
Good that you listened to your spirit. Her reaction shows the rejection was to her ego, for if she truly acted because God led then she (like, for instance, Moses with Pharaoh) would have been sent back.

Last Sunday, I was sitting by myself and when she walked by i said "hi" to her, being friendly (big mistake) She came over to me and said "I have been talking to God about you" and she proceeded to tell me about some stuff from my past and so on...I was half listening because the stuff she was talking about has been long dealt with. It didn't need to be brought up. I just looked at her, no response. I really was sorry I spoke to her. I could have got up and walked away but did not want to be rude. So I said thank you, I receive that "(mistake #2).
My initial question is this: how did she know these things from your past? Were they general things that could fit anyong? Did she know you or of you from the past?

Second, yes, it was a mistake to receive her words if your spirit was bothered. Don't open yourself up like that. Simply listen and say thank you.

Situations like this remind me of the old movie Ladyhawke when Etienne Navarre says to Phillipe (Matthew Broderick) "I have waited almost two years for a sign from God. ...You will be my guiding angel." And Phillipe responds: "Sir, the truth is I talk to God all the time, and no offense, but He never mentioned you."

Be very careful of a supposed prophet who speaks something into your life that God Himself didn't. It would be another story if you were like Ninevah, not paying attention to God's voice that He has to send someone to get your attention. But if your relationship with God is strong then the Holy Spirit will guide you and speak to you. From the sound of it, you have a good relationship with God. I would see any prophetic word into your life being a confirmation, not a new thing. Does that make sense?

Later at night, in my sleep, I got attacked in my spirit. It was like something was tearing at my spirit, I had a vision of words and an ark with a hole in it and it was like words were being pulled out of me but something was tearing at me. I could not see the words, they were small. I am a writer. I was breathing fast and it was like being in a tornado and all i could do was be still and let it pass. I was exhausted afterwards. I really feel it had something to do with this lady.
I do have a prayer life, maybe I need to pray more. But this woman bothers me in my spirit. She says she has been trained by some big-name prophets (she named them) but I have been around prophets and they don't bother me in my spirit. Even those who have "arrogant" personalities don't bother me spiritually. But this woman...I don't know if I should talk to the pastor or not.
If you trust your pastor (and you should if this is the church you have been led to) then I would absolutely encourage this. There may be aspects to this you are not seeing; there may be warnings to this that you are not understanding.

At prayer, Pastor told everyone to be silent for 30 minutes and meditate on the Lord, read the Word, or journal. 15 minutes had not passed before this lady had to run to the pastor's office to talk to him. I thought silence was for everyone...
What should I do? Sorry this has been so long.
It shows self importance to me. Like I've said, I've seen two women who fit this mold. Neither were prophets; it played out in the long run and showed their true spirit: selfishness and ego.

I'll add my prayers to yours that God give you wisdom to walk righteously through this situation.

I don't appreciate the sarcasm.
Most refreshing. And I mean that. :)

I believe that I am the teacher that he is referring to. ;)
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Teacher of the Word
Apr 28, 2006
Word of Faith
Marital Status
your dilemma is typical... a prophet has burden from GOD thus bypassing your comfort zone, here i have dilemma that somebody thinks himself so smart that everything i id is a plain wrong. Now the funny things: he is nobody. he is not my boss, not my vendor / customer, but simply complainer...
What you've proven to date is that you are no prophet. You're words have disagreed with scripture. This has been pointed out many times and you even have stated that your words are more important to you than scripture itself.

That's not to say that everything you have said is wrong.

To that, I've never claimed to be your boss, your vendor, [definitely not] your customer. And no, my words are not a complaint. My words are a rebuke and a chastisement. I've got longsuffering. I can continue to defend this forum against false teaching for a long time yet to come.

I'm not going away.
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Junior Member
May 5, 2015
Word of Faith
Marital Status
What you've proven to date is that you are no prophet. You're words have disagreed with scripture. This has been pointed out many times and you even have stated that your words are more important to you than scripture itself.

That's not to say that everything you have said is wrong.

To that, I've never claimed to be your boss, your vendor, [definitely not] your customer. And no, my words are not a complaint. My words are a rebuke and a chastisement. I've got longsuffering. I can continue to defend this forum against false teaching for a long time yet to come.

I'm not going away.

lol.. you are my friend...
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Senior Member
Dec 1, 2014
Marital Status
Later at night, in my sleep, I got attacked in my spirit. It was like something was tearing at my spirit, I had a vision of words and an ark with a hole in it and it was like words were being pulled out of me but something was tearing at me. I could not see the words, they were small. I am a writer. I was breathing fast and it was like being in a tornado and all i could do was be still and let it pass. I was exhausted afterwards. I really feel it had something to do with this lady.
I believe you know the answer to your question because of what you have written above. Since this is a serious spiritual matter, those in spiritual leadership in your church must deal with this person, and you should have a meeting with at least two or three (if not all) the pastors/elders and tell them exactly what you have stated above. Or you could write them all and let them know that this lady is a problem which they must deal with.

They will have to deal with her, but you should avoid her entirely, and if she approaches you tell her firmly and politely that you do no wish to have anything to do with her
(without getting into any details or arguments).
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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What is disturbing is your dream of words leaving your mouth.
Some prophets have had dreams or visions of words from a Devine being projecting words into their mouth.
It could be she is overbearing and egotistical, or it could be much darker.

Daniel: 10. 12. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. 13. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
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Fish Catcher Jim

Radically Saved
Feb 19, 2015
SW MI for now
United States
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I am very familiar with the prophetic ministry and believe that God has appointed some in the church to be prophets, apostles, evangelists pastors and teachers. I believe that some have the gift of prophecy. I believe that the Gifts of the Spirit are for today. That being said, I have a question/dilemma whatever you want to call it.

At my church, there is a lady who goes around praying for people, she always has a word for them. The first time she spoke a word at intercessory prayer, the person in charge said she was out of order (even though she spoke correctly) because the she spoke about something that the pastor was going to announce before he had the opportunity to speak about it.
After prayer, she ran over to me with her anointing oil and said "God told me to pray for you. I have a word for you" and grabbed my shoulders and proceeded to open her oil. I politely stopped her because I was taught that (1) you are supposed to introduce yourself to someone first, and (2) Ask if you can pray for them and (3) ask if you can lay hands on them. (3) If you are not a minister in the church, you might be out of order. I did not allow her to pray for me because something about her spirit bothered me. She would not look me in the eye for a long time after that. (I'm going somewhere with this and really want some input)
Last Sunday, I was sitting by myself and when she walked by i said "hi" to her, being friendly (big mistake) She came over to me and said "I have been talking to God about you" and she proceeded to tell me about some stuff from my past and so on...I was half listening because the stuff she was talking about has been long dealt with. It didn't need to be brought up. I just looked at her, no response. I really was sorry I spoke to her. I could have got up and walked away but did not want to be rude. So I said thank you, I receive that "(mistake #2).
Later at night, in my sleep, I got attacked in my spirit. It was like something was tearing at my spirit, I had a vision of words and an ark with a hole in it and it was like words were being pulled out of me but something was tearing at me. I could not see the words, they were small. I am a writer. I was breathing fast and it was like being in a tornado and all i could do was be still and let it pass. I was exhausted afterwards. I really feel it had something to do with this lady.
I do have a prayer life, maybe I need to pray more. But this woman bothers me in my spirit. She says she has been trained by some big-name prophets (she named them) but I have been around prophets and they don't bother me in my spirit. Even those who have "arrogant" personalities don't bother me spiritually. But this woman...I don't know if I should talk to the pastor or not.
At prayer, Pastor told everyone to be silent for 30 minutes and meditate on the Lord, read the Word, or journal. 15 minutes had not passed before this lady had to run to the pastor's office to talk to him. I thought silence was for everyone...
What should I do? Sorry this has been so long.
Thank you,

Hello bithiah,
I want to share what i have learned over the many years and what i just heard tonight and last night in a message i have been listening to.
To start with do not push away any feelings that there is something amiss or off or wrong, pray about them Because more then mot it is the Holy Spirit nudging you in this and trying to get your attention.

God will talk to you before some one else and when He sends some one it will always be as a comformation unto you and you WILL know it.
Paul had his share of some one like this. lol

There are many people who truly beleive they have a gift from God and believe they are doing what He wants in their prophesying and the bottom line is they are actually being motivated by the devil him self and not God.

Now please dont feel I am saying this is the case with this lady. I am just saying - Pray about everything - dont simply accept something because they know things that normally they should not. The devil is the great imatater and loves to imatate God to people. Truth is far to many Christians fall prey to this and truly believe things they should not.

Now then with that said I would roll this over unto the Lord. He will make your thoughts line up with His will - then your plans or thoughts will be established and then succeed. I would also spend time praying for this lady in the spirit and listen for anything God leads you to pray or do.
I hope this makes sense and helps
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Jah is my strength and song!
Jun 12, 2006
Marital Status
What is disturbing is your dream of words leaving your mouth.
Some prophets have had dreams or visions of words from a Devine being projecting words into their mouth.
It could be she is overbearing and egotistical, or it could be much darker.

Daniel: 10. 12. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. 13. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
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Jah is my strength and song!
Jun 12, 2006
Marital Status
Your recognition is good since scripture tells us this is true.

If she knew something the pastor was going to say (and below you give indication that she often intrud-- ...er, talks with... the pastor) and "let the cat out of the bag," then I see that as pride and arrogance -- it just had to come from her -- than anything else. The person in charge (an elder, perhaps) was right to rebuke her.

Just want to add that I've known a couple women like this in church in my past.

To your (first) #3 the bible tells ministers that they should not be hasty to lay hands on people lest you share in their sins (1 Tim 5:22) So when you say #1 I get the impression that you did not personally know this woman at this time. This alone does not preclude prophecy, but it makes 1 Tim 5:22 that much more important. And to the "ask" part of #3, you are right that the anointing cannot be "forced" upon someone, they must be willing to receive a word.

Good that you listened to your spirit. Her reaction shows the rejection was to her ego, for if she truly acted because God led then she (like, for instance, Moses with Pharaoh) would have been sent back.

My initial question is this: how did she know these things from your past? Were they general things that could fit anyong? Did she know you or of you from the past?

Second, yes, it was a mistake to receive her words if your spirit was bothered. Don't open yourself up like that. Simply listen and say thank you.

Situations like this remind me of the old movie Ladyhawke when Etienne Navarre says to Phillipe (Matthew Broderick) "I have waited almost two years for a sign from God. ...You will be my guiding angel." And Phillipe responds: "Sir, the truth is I talk to God all the time, and no offense, but He never mentioned you."

Be very careful of a supposed prophet who speaks something into your life that God Himself didn't. It would be another story if you were like Ninevah, not paying attention to God's voice that He has to send someone to get your attention. But if your relationship with God is strong then the Holy Spirit will guide you and speak to you. From the sound of it, you have a good relationship with God. I would see any prophetic word into your life being a confirmation, not a new thing. Does that make sense?

If you trust your pastor (and you should if this is the church you have been led to) then I would absolutely encourage this. There may be aspects to this you are not seeing; there may be warnings to this that you are not understanding.

It shows self importance to me. Like I've said, I've seen two women who fit this mold. Neither were prophets; it played out in the long run and showed their true spirit: selfishness and ego.

I'll add my prayers to yours that God give you wisdom to walk righteously through this situation.

Most refreshing. And I mean that. :)

I believe that I am the teacher that he is referring to. ;)
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Jah is my strength and song!
Jun 12, 2006
Marital Status
Hello bithiah,
I want to share what i have learned over the many years and what i just heard tonight and last night in a message i have been listening to.
To start with do not push away any feelings that there is something amiss or off or wrong, pray about them Because more then mot it is the Holy Spirit nudging you in this and trying to get your attention.

God will talk to you before some one else and when He sends some one it will always be as a comformation unto you and you WILL know it.
Paul had his share of some one like this. lol

There are many people who truly beleive they have a gift from God and believe they are doing what He wants in their prophesying and the bottom line is they are actually being motivated by the devil him self and not God.

Now please dont feel I am saying this is the case with this lady. I am just saying - Pray about everything - dont simply accept something because they know things that normally they should not. The devil is the great imatater and loves to imatate God to people. Truth is far to many Christians fall prey to this and truly believe things they should not.

Now then with that said I would roll this over unto the Lord. He will make your thoughts line up with His will - then your plans or thoughts will be established and then succeed. I would also spend time praying for this lady in the spirit and listen for anything God leads you to pray or do.
I hope this makes sense and helps
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Let God alone answer through us
Feb 27, 2016
Word of Faith
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1 Thessalonians 5: 20, 21 says that prophecy ought not to be despised but checked and the good to be laid hold of. If the prophetic word exhorts you to confess sins, be holy, fast & pray, remember that you are trusting in the covenant of law. That indeed is the indirect message from the Lord. If on the contrary the prophetic word states that you are beloved and also states specific counsels to do to accept the blessings given freely, then it is a good prophetic word of His love and also clearly indicates that you have accepted the freedom from the law by faith.
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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums