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  1. ElElohe

    What nations have not yet heard the Gospel?

    The best resource for unreached peoples is
  2. ElElohe

    Urbana World Missions Conference

    I was there as an exhibitor with M-DAT. Was the exhibit hall useful to you? Were the seminars?
  3. ElElohe

    looking for printable handouts to pass out

    Have your own printed at Good prices.
  4. ElElohe

    Jesus Camp movie...Bummer

    Gak; what a stunted and unbiblical viewpoint. I've had some discussion on "worship" recently in the forums . . . which, in my own words, in American churches has become like a "Kleenex." Inotherwords, it as a word and idea has a connotative meaning which is completely unlike the Biblical...
  5. ElElohe

    Jesus Camp movie...Bummer

    One thing that was pointed in the Arts and Faith thread on this film out is the film is clearly portraying Pentacostals, while it was marketed to Evangelicals.
  6. ElElohe

    "Support-a-missionary" website goes live

    Just found this website, Mission World, today. I've had this idea in mind for a few years now, and glad someone finally did it! From their Why this site exists:
  7. ElElohe

    Leaving CF

    There doesn't seem to be a good place for this thread . . . . so it's ended up here. I'm probably going to stop posting on CF. It's not for any of the dramatic reasons I've come to read about lately — the supposed fighting and un-uniting that has supposedly plagued this website. Frankly...
  8. ElElohe

    worthwild gathering groups

    FWIW, I really have no idea what your posts are about.
  9. ElElohe

    What Keeps People From...

    * Fear (of disease, raising money, leaving their comfort zone) * Selfishness * Misunderstanding of the need (The erroneous "The need here is just as great" mindset) See the book Scaling the Wall for more on this. Selfishness is so underlying it's hard to find, even for the person themself...
  10. ElElohe

    A humble invitation

    (Two things to preface: Paragraphs and dark colored type make for the best legibility ;) ) And your post reminded me of a quote I found earlier this year:
  11. ElElohe

    The Missionary Game

    IIRC, there are still clauses in overseas missionary agency forms which say the agency is not responsible for funeral arrangements . . . Of course, death from disease is much less frequent than in the past.
  12. ElElohe

    The Missionary Game

    Click here. Created by those wonderful Norse ;)
  13. ElElohe

    What's going on in the UK?

    Friends of mine just moved to Oxford to work with Innovista there, which is targeting pretty much all of Europe.
  14. ElElohe

    Sunday Service

    I'm all for an occasional call to action, as you seem to be proposing. But must add that having an altar call every week is, well, very silly IMHO. Especially considering the services I've been to where this is done are not filled with new people . . .
  15. ElElohe

    How Much?

    It really varies on who you go with, where you go, how long you go for. An average is probably $3,000. This money is usually raised by the person going, by asking friends, family and the church to pitch in. Raising funds for short term stuff is usually not too difficult, at least not in...
  16. ElElohe

    I am back from Louisiana

    How has this experience motivated you to become more involved in missions? How will you keep the "fire" for missions going before your next trip?
  17. ElElohe

    What's your favorite way to worship God?

    Walk and pray after dark. Reading and thinking on theology and the arts. Creating in my studio.
  18. ElElohe

    Surfing for missions

    Agreed. But there is reasonable skepticism with respect to certain short term mission opportunities which are more like, and treated like, and approached by the participants as vacations. That's my concern. I'm not questioning something Pioneers would do. They have a great, and earned, reputation.
  19. ElElohe

    What about the ancient civilizations?

    See these links: Also see section four of the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement reader. There are a couple more a co-worker is still trying to dig up for you.
  20. ElElohe

    good verses to equip for a mission?

    This list isn't short, but is thorough.