Search results

  1. Pragmatix

    Christian Atheism

    I'm a Christian atheist (cultural Christian/non-realistic Christian). Having the church there, just down the road, with services ready to attend is convenient. The identity of being a Christian is convenient. These "new 'non-religious' ways to community and meaning" simply don't exist. We have...
  2. Pragmatix

    (moved) United Church of Canada responds to atheist minister

    What miracles? Who are you to say non-realist Christianity isn't Christianity? I know I'm a Christian. Who draws the line as to where non-literal interpretation of scripture should end? ETA. Do you know how irritating it is to have to scroll past your massive sig in order to read original content?
  3. Pragmatix

    (moved) United Church of Canada responds to atheist minister

    If she were a non-realistic Christian AKA a Christian atheist I wouldn't have a problem with it.
  4. Pragmatix

    The Cardinal and Theological Virtues

    Very informative Chesterton, thanks!
  5. Pragmatix

    (moved) United Church of Canada responds to atheist minister

    I believe in a non-literal interpretation of scripture. Am I an atheist? No. She was a fool to remove the Lord's Prayer from the service however IMO - it is entirely compatible with a non-literal interpretation of scripture.
  6. Pragmatix

    The Cardinal and Theological Virtues

    According to CS Lewis in Mere Christianity the Cardinal Virtues are prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude. The Theological Virtues are faith, charity and hope. My questions are where did they come from? Are they in the bible? Are there other widely acknowledged Christian virtues? Are there...
  7. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    Ha! Did it! Feels great - what on earth was I so apprehensive for? It was a tiny congregation - half a dozen souls and the speaker (not a vicar). They obviously hadn't sound checked the PA because it was all painfully quiet, which was a bit of a shame although I could make out most of the words...
  8. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    Aaaargh damnit! I wimped out of going to either of the morning services. There's another one at 6:30 tonight. I've got to make it or I'll be beating myself up about it all week. FORTITUDE!
  9. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    Up bright and early and planning on attending a 9 O'Clock service. Report to follow....
  10. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    I'm in England and I don't know if Celebrate Recovery groups operate here. AA was founded by Christians and it seems compatible...I think, although I'm a newbie there too! Cheltenham UK is my area. I should probably try a few different churches. 1 at a time mind.
  11. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    My local CofE church, St Mark - Cheltenham UK.
  12. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    Yes; just a glitch - that's how I view it. I'll be attending next Sunday (9.00 am) for sure. Thanks for your encouragement Albion :amen:
  13. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    I'm afraid to say my effort to worship last Sunday went wrong. I arrived at the church perhaps 15 minutes before the start time. There were perhaps 2 dozen people in the church including a good number of small children. I sat down in an aisle and after a few minutes a man in his sixties i'd...
  14. Pragmatix

    Is Jesus a good role model?

    I Think of Jesus as being the perfect role model. Where the texts show he did/said something which seems less than perfectly moral I ignore them as being inaccurate. I also attribute praiseworthy attributes to Jesus that are in no texts AFAIK, according to what the Holy spirit has shown me to be...
  15. Pragmatix

    Hi from Cheltenham UK

    Thanks for the welcoming messages. I have had a second burst of faith which is detailed in the link thread and am now committed to being a good Christian in a way I was not at the time of the OP. Things are looking up :amen:
  16. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    I didn't stick with my Christianity when I posted the OP - I think my idea of God was not right so I drifted. I've been going to AA and this made me search for a definition of the word God that I could relate to. I now think of God as being the form of perfect thought and behaviour - something...
  17. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    Thanks for the input Albion. And thank you especially for the book recommendation! I'm just over half way through and feel my faith strengthened to a great degree...such eloquence and intellect. I disagree on some points (such as his defence of the the Obey clause in the marriage vows - a...
  18. Pragmatix

    Hi from Cheltenham UK

    ETA: Here's a link to the thread I started.
  19. Pragmatix

    Is there a congregation out there for me?

    Hi. I just decided to be a Christian last week. That might sound flippant but it was an emotional experience, as if a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I worry that my beliefs might be taken as pure atheism by many Christians however and so am unsure if I would get by as part of a...
  20. Pragmatix

    Hi from Cheltenham UK

    Hello everybody. Last week I decided to try and be a Christian. I'm not sure it is possible to merely strive in that direction without undergoing some kind of supernatural conversion....maybe that is what happened. I'm going to start a thread where I can see what others make of my...