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  1. nagwalk

    Walmart CEO Pay: More in an Hour Than Workers Get All Year?

    As long as customers want to pay next to nothing for their purchases and have them fully guaranteed, then Walmart will have the products manufactured where the wage rat is $30. per month as opposed to $30. per hour. I am sure that if the company was convinced that the North American customer...
  2. nagwalk

    How seriously should bullying be handled?

    There should be no tolerance for bullying anywhere, nor for those who fail to report.
  3. nagwalk

    Why do Protestants not allow monasticism?

    Wasn't Francis Shaffer's group in Europe a form of Monasticism?
  4. nagwalk

    How does your anxiety manifest itself?

    When I stress I am not aware but my leg breaks out in open sores. The last time it happened we had just learned that a lump was found on my wife's breast.
  5. nagwalk

    My wife Marj and I just returned from niece's wedding

    We were on the coast to perform our niece's wedding. It was nice.
  6. nagwalk

    Why Did You Join The Salvation Army?

    When I first attended our home Corps I was scared away for a few weeks by the unconditional love shown as opposed to the stony unwelcome eyes of the frozen chosen of the church of my youth. Fortunatley I found that the unconditional love of my home corps was real. I have since come out of...
  7. nagwalk

    Which tribe are you from? Check and see!

    What about us North American/Canadian Indians?
  8. nagwalk

    ‘They Have Been Cursed’: Pat Robertson Says Haiti ‘Swore a Pact to the Devil’

    Maybe he is still crying for the French who were beaten by the slaves. The marching cry of his generation was, "Go and subdue all the earth..."
  9. nagwalk

    I was raped twice in Iraq – US veteran speaks out

    Looks like many of you would rather sit back and solve math oroblems than be disgusted over what is happening to your sisters cousins and aunties.
  10. nagwalk's album

    nagwalk's album

    family album
  11. nagwalk

    A Serious Question About Moral Failure and Ministry

    The bible exhorts us who are spiritual to restore those overtaken in a fault. All of the particulars will determine the type and length of discipline. If however the offending pastor fails to submit to discipline and breaks the restoration and reconciliation process by going back too early then...
  12. nagwalk

    Creationists are told the flood is true and actually happened,

    I live in the North Western part of BC Canada. Scientists are puzzeld by the existance of shell food imbedded in the mountain tops surrounding my homeland. Apart from the Bible, we have oral history pointing to a time when the earth was flooded. These stories were among us prior to the coming...
  13. nagwalk

    Why did you choose to be a part of the Salvation Army Church?

    Not with the 'in your face' service from every Corps, not just some.
  14. nagwalk

    it appears i am the only salvo on here atm

    Hi There. I recently came out of retirement to pastor a First Nations Corps in BC Canada.
  15. nagwalk

    Why did you choose to be a part of the Salvation Army Church?

    Because of their combined message of the gospel and reaching out to those less fortunate without judging. Jesus word,"Because you have done this to the least of these, you have have done it unto me."
  16. nagwalk

    Jimmy Carter: White People Oppose B.O. Because We're Racists?

    Personal opinion only...Obama, being liberal makes it easy for closet racists to hide behind their anti democratic tirades. They can even maintain their 'Christian' testimony as they froth from their self righteous conservative mouths...ain't fooling anyone.
  17. nagwalk

    Army reservist beaten in front of child

    Unfortunately, these types of incidents will continue in the current highly charged political climate that we live in.
  18. nagwalk

    More False Promises From Obama

    Someone is stretching. The President just asked for 30,000 more troops in Afghanistan. False prophet Beck, Limbaugh and world net news wrong again and lying.
  19. nagwalk

    How Does this align with TOTAL DEPRAVITY..?

    Choice is a falicy, we are either slaves of the god of this world or of Christ. God by His grace enables us to respond. We who were dead cannot respond to anything unless God enables. The reverse has spawned a few generations of spoiled Christians who parade that God is so lucky that they chose...
  20. nagwalk

    How Does this align with TOTAL DEPRAVITY..?

    The scriptures say, "No man can come unto the Father unless the Spirit draws him." The drawing is the external work of the Spirit of God on earth. Our salvation begins and ends with the Godhead, "So that no man can boast."