Recent content by BlackLamb

  1. BlackLamb

    Can a women be a pastor?

    I like the implication that I don't know what the Bible says about the subject. Only, I've done fairly extensive research on the matter and I have a great basis/foundation for believing what I do.
  2. BlackLamb

    Can a women be a pastor?

    Mmmmmmm....misogyny. Yummy. To the OP: of course women can be pastors. You really think God cares what's between our legs when we're out sharing His heart with people? ;) It seriously boggles my mind that people think that having a penis is some sort of a qualifier for teaching others. LOLWAT?
  3. BlackLamb

    13 good reasons NOT to vote for Hillary Clinton

    I'm not interested in supporting her because she's an advocate of video game censorship. People might think that's a frivolous reason not to vote for someone, but I want to get into the industry, so it's kind of a big deal for me. To be fair, I'm not interested in supporting Obama or McCain...
  4. BlackLamb

    Does God love everybody? By Dr. Robert A. Morey

    God is love. God is love. God is love. I don't understand why some people feel the need to make it more complicated then that, especially when it's just so they can feel "special" and better about themselves. P.S. Faith Defenders!? 'Cause Christians, who already have a terrible public...
  5. BlackLamb


    This isn't really a question as to whether or not polygamy should be practiced now (there have been so many discussions about it previously in the theology forum anyway). It's more about the way God views sex. I know we had a big topic about pre-marital sex recently, so I hope this isn't being...
  6. BlackLamb

    Please Post Homosexuality Resources

    This is kind of off topic, but a poster here prompted me to write. I don't understand why some Christians insist on referring to homosexuality as "lust". I mean, I know that's what it's referred to as in the Bible at one point, but it makes no sense at all. I highly doubt gay people would be...
  7. BlackLamb

    Favorite Liberal Christian Author!

    That was actually the one I was referring to. Although, I have to agree about it being better then the first, at least in some ways. The first half of Traveling Mercies was kind of dry for me...I don't think I've ever read a better conversion story though :D.
  8. BlackLamb

    Favorite Liberal Christian Author!

    I have to agree with everyone else that mentioned Anne Lamott. I just finished her sequel to Traveling Mercies, and it was a great read (well, aside from the constant whining about Bush. Give it a break already). This might be a bit out of left field, but you might try George MacDonald as...
  9. BlackLamb

    Problem exercising before work...

    Unfortunately, since I've started college I've gained weight and went up a few pants sizes, which I hate. I used to work out on our treadmill before I had to leave for school back in high school, and I want to get back into my old routine so I can lose the extra weight. However, I work at a...
  10. BlackLamb

    Macro test two

  11. BlackLamb

    Macro test

  12. BlackLamb


    I so agree. It's heartbreaking the Bible is used to justify such hatred of women. It's so blatantly wrong, it astounds me people can't see what they're wallowing in. It's no wonder non-Christians think we follow such a hateful and oppressive religion/faith. I don't understand why some men are...
  13. BlackLamb

    Pre-Marital Sex

    The thing about pre-marital sex and the Bible (for me) is that I feel like it puts couples in a tricky situation, and it's something I've been wrestling with myself. Despite arguements saying the Bible doesn't condemn pre-marital sex, suppose it did (I think it does, by the way). But Paul goes...
  14. BlackLamb

    ABC game...of gaming!

    Yoshi's Island (DS)
  15. BlackLamb

    The Ethics of Child Free Couples

    Hah. You had me going there until I saw who posted it. Nice. ^_^ Anyway, what about the people that simply don't like children? If everyone had to have kids, would you really want them raised in a home where they're not welcome? I think it's selfish to expect everyone to have children...