God Has Sent them a Strong Delusion.

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Feb 16, 2007
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2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,
10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,

12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

When the "wicked one," the Anti-Christ, appears on the global stage, it will be at a time when the Gospel has gone out across the World to the lost and has been spurned by them. Instead, the lost, rejecting the truth, seek "pleasure in unrighteousness," and move further and further into the "strong delusion" God sends to them in response to their rejection of the truth. A more detailed description of this is given in Romans 1:18-32. Most significantly, those under this "strong delusion" pursue falsehoods, embracing them eagerly, and descending into depravity and darkness as a consequence.

Sound familiar? It does to me. "Men can get pregnant." "2+2 does not necessarily equal 4." "Gender is a mere social construct." "No one knows what a woman is." "It's not racist for a black man to say that all white folk are racist." "It's perfectly okay for homosexuals in drag to read books about sexual perversion to children in public libraries." And so on. The delusions of modern, western culture are multiplying thick and fast, bald-faced lies widely embraced as truth.

Of course, this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened. Many societies have imploded under the destructive weight of popular, evil delusions. But what seems to separate out the modern societal descent into madness from all earlier ones is that the Gospel has gone out across the globe, heard now in many thousands of different "mother tongues." It's hard to imagine that there is no language group that has not been penetrated by the Gospel at this point. And so, it appears to me that the stage is well-set for the appearance of the "wicked one."

Will the Church be snatched away secretly before things get too hairy? It's a nice thought, and I hope this is how things work out, but I'm still planning for the worst. How? Mainly, by drawing as close to the Lord as possible. Bug-out shelters, prepper compounds, etc. are not, I think, nearly as important as a deep, solid walk with God. But digging holes in the ground in which to hide, storing up food and water, going "off-grid," provide a far greater sense of safety and peace to many, it seems, than joyful fellowship with God.

Why is this? Why do some believers find more peace in a well-stocked larder of shelf-stable foods than in the Great Provider? Why are some Christians easier in their minds as they count bullets and clean their guns than in relying upon the promises of their Heavenly Father to protect and care for them? Why do some followers of Christ prepare to hide away as deep in the wilderness as possible, withdrawing the light they are from a World growing ever more in need of that light?

I'm not suggesting its unnecessary or foolish to make some preparations for emergencies, to have back-up supplies of food and water, etc. But too often I've observed believers jump into such preparations and become obsessed with them, God rapidly eclipsed by the effort of trying to think ahead and plan for every possible eventuality. Yes, God urges us in His word to plan for the future, to set aside now in anticipation of leaner times to come, but this ought never to be done in replacement of an ever-deepening dependency upon Him.

What of the person who stores up for two years but needs stores for two-and-a-half years? What of the person who imagines their FOB is impenetrable but finds it over-run in an afternoon? What of the person safe and hidden away all alone in the forest who suffers a stroke, or a lacerated brachial artery, or starts choking on a peanut? If all their dependency is upon themselves, upon their special preparations, if they've made ready materially but not spiritually, woe betide them!

The time we spend on this earth is a brief glimmer in the context of the bright, shining eternity to come. As citizens of heaven, we ought to have our eyes fixed beyond our temporal existence, investing in, and preparing for, our everlasting future with God. So, set aside for emergencies, prepare in anticipation of negative changes to the current status quo, but always be moving deeper with God, readying yourself for an unending life beyond the time you'll spend here amidst the delusion and darkness of a World approaching its End.

Matthew 6:31-33
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Philippians 3:20-21
20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.

Colossians 3:1-4
1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.


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Dec 29, 2002
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HI.. well for me that time ..seems to be here lol yet its not yet. The AC is not out in the open because the Church has all power over the enemy. Were still here. This is about truth Yeshua/Jesus Christ as lord the messiah so a strong delusion will be from the truth
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Nov 22, 2012
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2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,
10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,

12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

When the "wicked one," the Anti-Christ, appears on the global stage, it will be at a time when the Gospel has gone out across the World to the lost and has been spurned by them. Instead, the lost, rejecting the truth, seek "pleasure in unrighteousness," and move further and further into the "strong delusion" God sends to them in response to their rejection of the truth. A more detailed description of this is given in Romans 1:18-32. Most significantly, those under this "strong delusion" pursue falsehoods, embracing them eagerly, and descending into depravity and darkness as a consequence.

Sound familiar? It does to me. "Men can get pregnant." "2+2 does not necessarily equal 4." "Gender is a mere social construct." "No one knows what a woman is." "It's not racist for a black man to say that all white folk are racist." "It's perfectly okay for homosexuals in drag to read books about sexual perversion to children in public libraries." And so on. The delusions of modern, western culture are multiplying thick and fast, bald-faced lies widely embraced as truth.

Of course, this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened. Many societies have imploded under the destructive weight of popular, evil delusions. But what seems to separate out the modern societal descent into madness from all earlier ones is that the Gospel has gone out across the globe, heard now in many thousands of different "mother tongues." It's hard to imagine that there is no language group that has not been penetrated by the Gospel at this point. And so, it appears to me that the stage is well-set for the appearance of the "wicked one."

Will the Church be snatched away secretly before things get too hairy? It's a nice thought, and I hope this is how things work out, but I'm still planning for the worst. How? Mainly, by drawing as close to the Lord as possible. Bug-out shelters, prepper compounds, etc. are not, I think, nearly as important as a deep, solid walk with God. But digging holes in the ground in which to hide, storing up food and water, going "off-grid," provide a far greater sense of safety and peace to many, it seems, than joyful fellowship with God.

Why is this? Why do some believers find more peace in a well-stocked larder of shelf-stable foods than in the Great Provider? Why are some Christians easier in their minds as they count bullets and clean their guns than in relying upon the promises of their Heavenly Father to protect and care for them? Why do some followers of Christ prepare to hide away as deep in the wilderness as possible, withdrawing the light they are from a World growing ever more in need of that light?

I'm not suggesting its unnecessary or foolish to make some preparations for emergencies, to have back-up supplies of food and water, etc. But too often I've observed believers jump into such preparations and become obsessed with them, God rapidly eclipsed by the effort of trying to think ahead and plan for every possible eventuality. Yes, God urges us in His word to plan for the future, to set aside now in anticipation of leaner times to come, but this ought never to be done in replacement of an ever-deepening dependency upon Him.

What of the person who stores up for two years but needs stores for two-and-a-half years? What of the person who imagines their FOB is impenetrable but finds it over-run in an afternoon? What of the person safe and hidden away all alone in the forest who suffers a stroke, or a lacerated brachial artery, or starts choking on a peanut? If all their dependency is upon themselves, upon their special preparations, if they've made ready materially but not spiritually, woe betide them!

The time we spend on this earth is a brief glimmer in the context of the bright, shining eternity to come. As citizens of heaven, we ought to have our eyes fixed beyond our temporal existence, investing in, and preparing for, our everlasting future with God. So, set aside for emergencies, prepare in anticipation of negative changes to the current status quo, but always be moving deeper with God, readying yourself for an unending life beyond the time you'll spend here amidst the delusion and darkness of a World approaching its End.

Matthew 6:31-33
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Philippians 3:20-21
20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.

Colossians 3:1-4
1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Could this be referring to the persecution of Christians during the Roman Empire times?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
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Sound familiar? It does to me.​
Sadly it does. This sort of rhetoric was going on fifty or sixty years ago but a different minority was being targeted as the cause of the downfall of western civilization.

"Men can get pregnant."

"2+2 does not necessarily equal 4."
who exactly si saying that?

"Gender is a mere social construct."
That's because it is

"No one knows what a woman is."
Of course people know but the question is being used to dehumanize a group of people and promote hate and discrimination.

"It's not racist for a black man to say that all white folk are racist."
Again who is saying that? If you are trying to associate this with Critical Race Theory all you are doing is demonstrating that you don't have a clue what CRT actually says.

"It's perfectly okay for homosexuals in drag to read books about sexual perversion to children in public libraries."
Heterosexuals can dress in drag to.

As for the books. Here is a short list of books read at Drag Queen story readings in NYC public libraries
We Don't Eat Our Classmates
Thelma the Unicorn
The Princess and the Pony
Red: A Crayon's Story
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

These are nto pornographic and there is no way to pretend they are, saying so is just false witness and you should be ashamed for doing so.

We see this familiar trope again and again, the lie that minorities are somehow a danger to children keeps being repeated generation after generation all to promote prejudice. It is a fine example of "wicked deception"

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Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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the Gospel has gone out across the globe, heard now in many thousands of different "mother tongues." It's hard to imagine that there is no language group that has not been penetrated by the Gospel at this point. And so, it appears to me that the stage is well-set for the appearance of the "wicked one."

I believe there are still many people groups with unique languages that have not been reached especially in places like Papua New Guinea.
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Feb 16, 2007
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Sadly it does. This sort of rhetoric was going on fifty or sixty years ago but a different minority was being targeted as the cause of the downfall of western civilization.

Rhetoric? Interesting. What rhetoric is that, exactly? I don't recall "targeting" anyone as the "cause of the downfall of western civilization." Where do I say this in what I wrote?

And what? They can't.

That's because it is

No, gender is neither fundamentally, nor mainly, a cultural construct. Gender is an extension of sex, of being male or female, and the attendant physical and psychological differences generally characterizing them. Various cultures do, to varying degrees, impose gender-related roles upon the sexes, but in the Netherlands (if I remember correctly) where men and women are genuinely free to choose whatever career path they please, they make shockingly "traditional" choices. Dr. Jordan Peterson has often referred to this in his lectures.

Of course people know but the question is being used to dehumanize a group of people and promote hate and discrimination.

How does asking the question "What is a woman?" dehumanize entire groups of people, exactly? What constitutes "discrimination"? Refusing to participate in the delusion of a man thinking he is a woman (or vice versa)?

If you are trying to associate this with Critical Race Theory all you are doing is demonstrating that you don't have a clue what CRT actually says.

Well, fortunately, you don't get to determine what I do and don't "have a clue" about. It's indicative of your thinking, though, that you are so quick to jump to such an unfounded conclusion. I wonder how much of what you believe is based on similar, ill-informed ground?

Heterosexuals can dress in drag to.

Where did I say they couldn't? Nowhere.

As for the books. Here is a short list of books read at Drag Queen story readings in NYC public libraries
We Don't Eat Our Classmates
Thelma the Unicorn
The Princess and the Pony
Red: A Crayon's Story
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

These are nto pornographic and there is no way to pretend they are, saying so is just false witness and you should be ashamed for doing so.

??? Did I say drag queens were reading pornographic stuff to the kids? No. You didn't really read my OP, did you? And if you did, you certainly didn't understand it. Too busy axe-grinding, it seems.

We see this familiar trope again and again, the lie that minorities are somehow a danger to children keeps being repeated generation after generation all to promote prejudice. It is a fine example of "wicked deception"

??? Who said "minorities are a danger to children"? I didn't. Sexual perverts are a danger to children, though.
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Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
United States
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2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,
10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,

12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

When the "wicked one," the Anti-Christ, appears on the global stage, it will be at a time when the Gospel has gone out across the World to the lost and has been spurned by them. Instead, the lost, rejecting the truth, seek "pleasure in unrighteousness," and move further and further into the "strong delusion" God sends to them in response to their rejection of the truth. A more detailed description of this is given in Romans 1:18-32. Most significantly, those under this "strong delusion" pursue falsehoods, embracing them eagerly, and descending into depravity and darkness as a consequence.

Sound familiar? It does to me. "Men can get pregnant." "2+2 does not necessarily equal 4." "Gender is a mere social construct." "No one knows what a woman is." "It's not racist for a black man to say that all white folk are racist." "It's perfectly okay for homosexuals in drag to read books about sexual perversion to children in public libraries." And so on. The delusions of modern, western culture are multiplying thick and fast, bald-faced lies widely embraced as truth.

Of course, this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened. Many societies have imploded under the destructive weight of popular, evil delusions. But what seems to separate out the modern societal descent into madness from all earlier ones is that the Gospel has gone out across the globe, heard now in many thousands of different "mother tongues." It's hard to imagine that there is no language group that has not been penetrated by the Gospel at this point. And so, it appears to me that the stage is well-set for the appearance of the "wicked one."

Will the Church be snatched away secretly before things get too hairy? It's a nice thought, and I hope this is how things work out, but I'm still planning for the worst. How? Mainly, by drawing as close to the Lord as possible. Bug-out shelters, prepper compounds, etc. are not, I think, nearly as important as a deep, solid walk with God. But digging holes in the ground in which to hide, storing up food and water, going "off-grid," provide a far greater sense of safety and peace to many, it seems, than joyful fellowship with God.

Why is this? Why do some believers find more peace in a well-stocked larder of shelf-stable foods than in the Great Provider? Why are some Christians easier in their minds as they count bullets and clean their guns than in relying upon the promises of their Heavenly Father to protect and care for them? Why do some followers of Christ prepare to hide away as deep in the wilderness as possible, withdrawing the light they are from a World growing ever more in need of that light?

I'm not suggesting its unnecessary or foolish to make some preparations for emergencies, to have back-up supplies of food and water, etc. But too often I've observed believers jump into such preparations and become obsessed with them, God rapidly eclipsed by the effort of trying to think ahead and plan for every possible eventuality. Yes, God urges us in His word to plan for the future, to set aside now in anticipation of leaner times to come, but this ought never to be done in replacement of an ever-deepening dependency upon Him.

What of the person who stores up for two years but needs stores for two-and-a-half years? What of the person who imagines their FOB is impenetrable but finds it over-run in an afternoon? What of the person safe and hidden away all alone in the forest who suffers a stroke, or a lacerated brachial artery, or starts choking on a peanut? If all their dependency is upon themselves, upon their special preparations, if they've made ready materially but not spiritually, woe betide them!

The time we spend on this earth is a brief glimmer in the context of the bright, shining eternity to come. As citizens of heaven, we ought to have our eyes fixed beyond our temporal existence, investing in, and preparing for, our everlasting future with God. So, set aside for emergencies, prepare in anticipation of negative changes to the current status quo, but always be moving deeper with God, readying yourself for an unending life beyond the time you'll spend here amidst the delusion and darkness of a World approaching its End.

Matthew 6:31-33
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Philippians 3:20-21
20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.

Colossians 3:1-4
1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
4 When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
A serious question.

The only place in the entire Bible that uses the title "antichrist" is in first and second John. And when the word is used it never describes the characteristics of the "antichrist" person.

And when you read the verses that are used to prove the antichrist, the title "antichrist" is never used.

The question is, how do you link one with the other? In fact 1 John defines antichrist:

Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
— 1 John 2:22
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
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Rhetoric? Interesting. What rhetoric is that, exactly? I don't recall "targeting" anyone as the "cause of the downfall of western civilization." Where do I say this in what I wrote?
You asked if it all sounds familiar and yes, yes it does.

As for targeting: That is the content of your entire second paragraph. "The delusions of modern, western culture" that cause societies to implode under their evil.

No, gender is neither fundamentally, nor mainly, a cultural construct. Gender is an extension of sex, of being male or female, and the attendant physical and psychological differences generally characterizing them. Various cultures do, to varying degrees, impose gender-related roles upon the sexes, but in the Netherlands (if I remember correctly) where men and women are genuinely free to choose whatever career path they please, they make shockingly "traditional" choices. Dr. Jordan Peterson has often referred to this in his lectures.
Gender is the roles, behaviors, expressions and identities that are part of an individual's culture and something created by that culture Which is why it varies from place to place and culture to culture. This variation becomes really obvious when you look at cultures that have more than two genders.

How does asking the question "What is a woman?" dehumanize entire groups of people, exactly?
what is the motive for asking the question in the first place?

What constitutes "discrimination"? Refusing to participate in the delusion of a man thinking he is a woman (or vice versa)?
you just provided a fine example of dehumanizing, thank you

Well, fortunately, you don't get to determine what I do and don't "have a clue" about. It's indicative of your thinking, though, that you are so quick to jump to such an unfounded conclusion. I wonder how much of what you believe is based on similar, ill-informed ground?
What you wrote about racism is a common false clam made about Critical Race Theory, Anyone who have ever taken the time to find out what CRT actually says knows this.

Where did I say they couldn't? Nowhere.
yet you make a specific point about homosexuals in drag and how they are being a danger to children.

??? Did I say drag queens were reading pornographic stuff to the kids? No. You didn't really read my OP, did you? And if you did, you certainly didn't understand it. Too busy axe-grinding, it seems.
We Don't Eat Our Classmates is a children's book about a young dinosaur who bullies her schoolmates and ends up being bullied herself providing her with a lesson about how bullying feels and why it is wrong. There is no way to pretend this book is sexually perverted. Did you take a look at the books being read at these library story hours or were you more interested in attacking the people who volunteer their time to actually read to kids?

??? Who said "minorities are a danger to children"? I didn't. Sexual perverts are a danger to children, though.
you said it quite plainly.
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john the youngest

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Jul 7, 2022
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A serious question.

The only place in the entire Bible that uses the title "antichrist" is in first and second John. And when the word is used it never describes the characteristics of the "antichrist" person.

And when you read the verses that are used to prove the antichrist, the title "antichrist" is never used.

The question is, how do you link one with the other? In fact 1 John defines antichrist:

Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
— 1 John 2:22

Christ uses a similar word, 5580. pseudochristos. Matthew 24:24, Mark 13:22.
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Feb 16, 2007
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You asked if it all sounds familiar and yes, yes it does.

As for targeting: That is the content of your entire second paragraph. "The delusions of modern, western culture" that cause societies to implode under their evil.

In the early paragraphs of my OP, I "targeted" delusion, not particular people or groups of people.

Sexual perversion and delusion are not the cause of the implosion of a society but features of that implosion. When people "suppress the truth in unrighteousness," when they "worship and serve the creature more than the Creator," when they fail to glorify God as God, then it is they descend into all manner of depravity and delusion, as Paul detailed in Romans 1. But, again, delusion and depravity are not causes but consequences.

Gender is the roles, behaviors, expressions and identities that are part of an individual's culture and something created by that culture Which is why it varies from place to place and culture to culture. This variation becomes really obvious when you look at cultures that have more than two genders.

Nonsense. Gender extends naturally from sex. While there might be superficial variations between cultures in how men and women function within those cultures, in every culture that I'm aware of, women are clearly distinct from men. And this is because women have different genetics than men, different physical characteristics and capacities than men, different hormone levels, different preoccupations, different ways of thinking, and so on.

No man feeling he is a woman will ever be a woman, no matter how much he mutilates himself in an attempt to appear, superficially, to be a woman. He will never possess a functioning uterus; he will never experience menstruation; he will never endure menopause; he will never have the genetics of a woman. Simply feeling - however strongly - that one is a woman does not make it so any more than feeling strongly one is a kumquat or a vacuum cleaner makes one so. Obviously.

what is the motive for asking the question in the first place?

To draw out the obvious, the truth, which some noisy, deluded North Americans are eagerly attempting to deny and force others to deny, as well.

you just provided a fine example of dehumanizing, thank you

What is dehumanizing is to let a man think that he can be a woman unchallenged and to encourage him in such a dehumanizing delusion. The end result, if all modern efforts are made to "transition" the man (radical surgery, hormones) into a "woman," is a badly disfigured man, who is, for all that's been done to him, no more a woman than before his "transition" began. What cruel "kindness" such a deluded person is shown when those who should be helping him step free of his delusion, instead foster his descent, deeper and deeper, into it! As far as I'm concerned, this is a sick and evil thing to do.

What you wrote about racism is a common false clam made about Critical Race Theory, Anyone who have ever taken the time to find out what CRT actually says knows this.

I never mentioned CRT. But I have watched "educators" of various sorts, and read the teaching materials of these educators, essentially promoting "reverse racism" where the very racism black people accuse white folks of exerting upon them, they freely exert upon white folk. Crazy! Deluded, in fact.

yet you make a specific point about homosexuals in drag and how they are being a danger to children.

They most definitely are, normalizing what God in His word has repeatedly called an abomination: homosexuality (and cross-dressing). (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:18-32; Deuteronomy 22:5)
It is twisting children to expose them to the adult perversions of society which they are not equipped, by virtue of their age, to properly understand and assess. What child normally has any exposure to a drag queen? I guess, these days, if their parents are evil enough to make them attend a PRIDE parade, they may find themselves unhappy witnesses to the sexual degeneracy of deluded people, but, ordinarily, children don't encounter, let alone interact with, drag queens. And why should they? Any God-fearing, truth-loving parent would keep their highly-impressionable little ones well away from such abominable behavior.

you said it quite plainly.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
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In the early paragraphs of my OP, I "targeted" delusion, not particular people or groups of people.
and then you promptly went on to specific groups of people and started tossing around the pervert label.

Nonsense. Gender extends naturally from sex. While there might be superficial variations between cultures in how men and women function within those cultures, in every culture that I'm aware of, women are clearly distinct from men.
and those distinctions are cultural and change over time

No man feeling he is a woman will ever be a woman, no matter how much he mutilates himself in an attempt to appear, superficially, to be a woman. He will never possess a functioning uterus; he will never experience menstruation; he will never endure menopause;
the same is true for a lot of people you are labeling women.

To draw out the obvious, the truth, which some noisy, deluded North Americans are eagerly attempting to deny and force others to deny, as well.
the obvious truth is that the question is asked to promote prejudice.

What is dehumanizing is to let a man think that he can be a woman unchallenged and to encourage him in such a dehumanizing delusion. The end result, if all modern efforts are made to "transition" the man (radical surgery, hormones) into a "woman," is a badly disfigured man, who is, for all that's been done to him, no more a woman than before his "transition" began. What cruel "kindness" such a deluded person is shown when those who should be helping him step free of his delusion, instead foster his descent, deeper and deeper, into it! As far as I'm concerned, this is a sick and evil thing to do.

is this a man or a woman?

Better be sure before you challenge her on his delusions

I never mentioned CRT. But I have watched "educators" of various sorts, and read the teaching materials of these educators, essentially promoting "reverse racism" where the very racism black people accuse white folks of exerting upon them, they freely exert upon white folk. Crazy! Deluded, in fact.
which isn't CRT. and considering the description you might do well to see if what you heard was actaul material of something created to promote outrage.

They most definitely are, normalizing what God in His word has repeatedly called an abomination: homosexuality (and cross-dressing). (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:18-32; Deuteronomy 22:5)
The bible list over 90 abominations from shrimp scampi to tattoos to Christmas trees. Why are we fixated on one and all the others get a pass?

It is twisting children to expose them to the adult perversions of society which they are not equipped, by virtue of their age, to properly understand and assess. What child normally has any exposure to a drag queen?




the average child.

and they don't seem to have any problem with it

I guess, these days, if their parents are evil enough to make them attend a PRIDE parade, they may find themselves unhappy witnesses to the sexual degeneracy of deluded people,
I've been to many pride events and I've never witnessed anything like that.

but, ordinarily, children don't encounter, let alone interact with, drag queens. And why should they? Any God-fearing, truth-loving parent would keep their highly-impressionable little ones well away from such abominable behavior.
Yes reading books is just sick.
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Feb 16, 2007
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Seems that trying to dialogue with a strong delusion is unlikely to be fruitful.

I know that I'll not make the slightest dent in Silver Bear's delusions, but I will not fall silent before his virtue-signaling nonsense and specious reasoning. Christians are doing this far too often these days and it only emboldens the deluded.
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Feb 16, 2007
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and then you promptly went on to specific groups of people and started tossing around the pervert label.

I "toss around" the "pervert label" only as God's word does. If you've got a problem with God, take it up with Him.

and those distinctions are cultural and change over time

Which observation does nothing to diminish or rebut my point.

the same is true for a lot of people you are labeling women.

??? No idea what you are saying here...

the obvious truth is that the question is asked to promote prejudice.

I am deeply prejudiced against evil, against sin. Just as God is. People, though, are all made in His image and against them as such I hold no prejudice.

Better be sure before you challenge her on his delusions

??? This is verging on the ridiculous - as delusion often does. No woman is a man merely because she has adopted a manly appearance. Her genetics remain female, her hip-width is that of a woman, as is her brain size, and her musculature. She will still endure menopause and, unless her uterus has been removed (by which she is essentially castrated sexually), she will continue to menstruate as no actual man ever does, and she will never possess a real male penis, testicles or prostate.

Is a cow a horse if you glue a mane to it and put a saddle on it? Of course not. It's silly to have to say such obvious things to you. Sheesh.

which isn't CRT. and considering the description you might do well to see if what you heard was actaul material of something created to promote outrage.

But you asserted I was talking about CRT when I wasn't. You were misrepresenting my comments. Do you now acknowledge this? I doubt it. You're too invested in your delusion, I think, to do so.

The bible list over 90 abominations from shrimp scampi to tattoos to Christmas trees. Why are we fixated on one and all the others get a pass?

Why are you so fixated? My OP wasn't about biblical abominations but about trusting God. This is the problem with axe-grinding: It overtakes all of your thinking 'til you can't see anything else but the axe you're grinding.

If you think Mrs. Doubtfire is anything like the average gay drag queen, you're powerfully mistaken. The whole point of his get-up wasn't to deny his maleness but to hide it. The Mrs. Doubtfire character was not a man wishing to be woman but a man trying to get close to his children by any means possible.

The other characters you've put forward - except, perhaps, for the "chorus line" of ugly female superheroes - are all of a sort with the Mrs. Doubtfire character, not anything like the sexually-deviant
grotesqueries reading books to children in public libraries who are typically a mash-up of clownish make-up, outlandish (and even, sometimes, overtly demonic) costume, and garish wig.

and they don't seem to have any problem with it

Who's "they"? The parents? Children? And since when is "I don't have a problem with it" the litmus test for what God calls sin?

I've been to many pride events and I've never witnessed anything like that.

So? How does your experience represent all pride events?

Yes reading books is just sick.

See? More misrepresentation of my remarks. Can't help yourself, can you? Just too deep into the darkness, it seems.
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Sep 2, 2016
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I "toss around" the "pervert label" only as God's word does. If you've got a problem with God, take it up with Him.
no you are applying a label to people you don't like and then justifying by invoking the bible. Holding a bible doesn't make the calling people hateful names good or moral or justified. it's still hateful just an act of hate

Which observation does nothing to diminish or rebut my point.
actually it does. the fact that gender roles change over time and across cultures indicated that it is a construct.

??? No idea what you are saying here...
a lot of the people you label as women don't have a functioning uterus or experience menstruation or don't go through menopause. Because none of these things makes a woman a woman.

I am deeply prejudiced against evil, against sin. Just as God is. People, though, are all made in His image and against them as such I hold no prejudice.
Yet here you are spewing prejudice

??? This is verging on the ridiculous - as delusion often does. No woman is a man merely because she has adopted a manly appearance. Her genetics remain female, her hip-width is that of a woman, as does her brain size, and her musculature. She will still endure menopause and, unless her uterus has been removed (by which she is essentially castrated sexually), she will continue to menstruate as no actual man ever does, and she will never possess a real male penis, testicles or prostate.

Is a cow a horse if you glue a mane to it and put a saddle on it? Of course not. It's silly to have to say such obvious things to you. Sheesh.
So you aren't sure if that is a man or a woman

So what of your conviction that if this is a woman they need to be told how sick and delusional and disfigured she is and how it would be evil to leave her unchallenged?

But you asserted I was talking about CRT when I wasn't. You were misrepresenting my comments. Do you now acknowledge this? I doubt it. You're too invested in your delusion, I think, to do so.
oh so what were you talking about when you wrote "It's not racist for a black man to say that all white folk are racist."?

Why are you so fixated? My OP wasn't about biblical abominations but about trusting God. This is the problem with axe-grinding: It overtakes all of your thinking 'til you can't see anything else but the axe you're grinding.
so why did you bring up abominations?

If you think Mrs. Doubtfire is anything like the average gay drag queen, you're powerfully mistaken. The whole point of his get-up wasn't to deny his maleness but to hide it. The Mrs. Doubtfire character was not a man wishing to be woman but a man trying to get close to his children by any means possible.
is Mrs Doubtfire like the average straight drag queen? and who are you to say what drag queens are wishing or not. How many do you actually know?

The other characters you've put forward - except, perhaps, for the "chorus line" of ugly female superheroes - are all of a sort with the Mrs. Doubtfire character, not anything like the sexually-deviant
grotesqueries reading books to children in public libraries who are typically a mash-up of clownish make-up, outlandish (and even, sometimes, overtly demonic) costume, and garish wig.
Nope, no prejudice here

Who's "they"? The parents? Children? And since when is "I don't have a problem with it" the litmus test for what God calls sin?
you were the one making claims of twisting and confusing children by these grotesque sick and perverted deviants (no prejudice here) yet the kids aren't confused or twisted they are just entertained.

So? How does your experience represent all pride events?
how do your sad and hateful claims represent all pride events?

See? More misrepresentation of my remarks. Can't help yourself, can you? Just too deep into the darkness, it seems.
you mean we aren't talking about sick and gross degenerates who volunteer to read to children?
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Feb 16, 2007
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no you are applying a label to people you don't like and then justifying by invoking the bible. Holding a bible doesn't make the calling people hateful names good or moral or justified. it's still hateful just an act of hate

I am calling sin what it is. Just as God does. There's no hate on my part toward anything but sin, however you try to mischaracterize my remarks.

actually it does. the fact that gender roles change over time and across cultures indicated that it is a construct.

No, actually, it doesn't. There is no divorcing gender from sex. The former extends naturally and fundamentally out of the latter in the manner I've already described.

Transgender thinking is, of course, very odd. Why do men want to transition into being a woman? If "woman" is merely a social construct, what is a woman? It could be, potentially, anything. But if a woman is ultimately a totally malleable concept, it can't be said to be any particular thing. What, then, is it that transgendered men want to be? They seem to be very clear what a woman is, defying the gender theory nonsense by making physical changes to their appearance that mimic females.

Anyway, mere change over time across cultures in the roles of men and women in no way makes the natural, persistent differences between them that do exist across time and culture mere constructs of culture.

a lot of the people you label as women don't have a functioning uterus or experience menstruation or don't go through menopause. Because none of these things makes a woman a woman.

"A lot of people"? What "people," exactly? What constitutes " a lot"?

In fact, all of these things do very much distinguish a woman as such. It is sheer nonsense to assert otherwise.

Yet here you are spewing prejudice

Do you espouse my views? No. In fact, you are very prejudiced against them, as your remarks have illustrated. Why, if you are so against "spewing prejudice," are you doing so yourself in this thread? Kinda' hypocritical, I think.

So you aren't sure if that is a man or a woman

So what of your conviction that if this is a woman they need to be told how sick and delusional and disfigured she is and how it would be evil to leave her unchallenged?

??? I have no idea what your reasoning is here. Again, if you glue a horses' mane onto a cow and saddle it, is the cow then a horse? Obviously not.

You wrote:

oh so what were you talking about when you wrote "It's not racist for a black man to say that all white folk are racist."?

I indicated clearly in my OP what I was talking about. Maybe actually try reading it.

You wrote:

so why did you bring up abominations?

Again, read my OP. I said many things in it. You are the one who's made a big deal about abominations.

You wrote:

is Mrs Doubtfire like the average straight drag

If you think the average drag queen is like Mrs. Doubtfire, you don't understand the Mrs. Doubtfire character.

You wrote:

you were the one making claims of twisting and confusing children by these grotesque sick and perverted deviants (no prejudice here) yet the kids aren't confused or twisted they are just entertained

Exactly. They haven't the wherewithal to discern the perversion displayed before them, their exposure to such shameful behavior normalizing it in their thinking. Awful.

You wrote:

how do your sad and hateful claims represent all pride events?

I asked you first.

You wrote:

you mean we aren't talking about sick and gross degenerates who volunteer to read to children?

You made a remark about reading being sick which was never anything that I wrote. And now, with more slipperiness, you pretend to ignorance. You're revealing a great many unflattering things about yourself as you continue to attack me. Sure you want to continue?
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