SHOCKER - MOST men Christian men into porn


Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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I am *very, very quietly * tip-toeing out of this conversation ....
I was never here.
I am *very, very quietly * editing my previous posts ....


but in your remaining post you are right on target...:thumbsup:
we do need to ask what can we do..

i think in battle one must not ignore the obvious .for instance a charging rampaging enemy ..

and the weapons of OUR warfare....- we know the rest -or should-frown-.

so PRAY ladies groups PRAY the lord will shield your congregations
pray the lord will heal deliver mid week meetings pray for leaders pastors ,bless,build up,protect shield...
sing and worship and wait for the lords available to pray what the holy spirit shows you for he can pray through us what we cant know of ourselves to pray.

-confess admit your failings sins weaknesses in infirmities one to another
That YOU MAY PRAY one for another.. if we don't actually DO this ...its like standing idly by watching your sister and brother in Christ get attacked and viciously beaten down in front of us and saying ...tut tut that brother or sister needs to repent... ugh..we are jobs advisers the lord will rebuke us should we not repent...we Must LOVE and run in the spirit to their swift and victorious aid .
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Such is life....
Jan 5, 2012
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If a christian needs deliverance, than we would have to believe that

1. A christian with the Holy Spirit can become possessed by a demon at the same time.

2. That there is a demon responsible for leading people into lust, porn and adultery

3. That masturbation is a sin.


Spot on, ToBeBlessed!

Folks, there's not a demon associated with every sin in the world. If there were, every person in your congregation would need deliverance...........frequently....

The reason for the high numbers of "men looking at porn" is simple: It's more readily available than at any time in history. In the past, men had to go to a theater, a bordello, or go buy a magazine/movie from the store. Many didn't do it because they didn't want to be seen doing so....but you can best bet that they looked at it if it was "handy" and they thought no one was watching.

Men (yes, even Christian men) haven't changed
....they can just view it in their homes now on their computers/TV without anyone ever knowing.

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Jul 23, 2014
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Spot on, ToBeBlessed!

Folks, there's not a demon associated with every sin in the world. If there were, every person in your congregation would need deliverance...........frequently....

The reason for the high numbers of "men looking at porn" is simple: It's more readily available than at any time in history. In the past, men had to go to a theater, a bordello, or go buy a magazine/movie from the store. Many didn't do it because they didn't want to be seen doing so....but you can best bet that they looked at it if it was "handy" and they thought no one was watching.

Men (yes, even Christian men) haven't changed....they can just view it in their homes now on their computers/TV without anyone ever knowing.

The devil we need deliverance from is human nature(Adam) i.e....the old man

*[[Mat 15:11-20]] RNKJV*
%v 11% Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
%v 12% Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
%v 13% But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
%v 14% Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
%v 15% Then answered Kepha and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable.
%v 16% And Yahushua said, Are ye also yet without understanding?
%v 17% Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
%v 18% But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
%v 19% For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
%v 20% These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

*[[Jas 1:13-15]] RNKJV*
%v 13% Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of יהוה: for יהוה cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
%v 14% But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
%v 15% Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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Originally Posted by ToBeBlessed
If a christian needs deliverance, than we would have to believe that

1. A christian with the Holy Spirit can become possessed by a demon at the same time.

2. That there is a demon responsible for leading people into lust, porn and adultery

3. That masturbation is a sin.


Spot on, ToBeBlessed!

Folks, there's not a demon associated with every sin in the world. If there were, every person in your congregation would need deliverance...........frequently....

The reason for the high numbers of "men looking at porn" is simple: It's more readily available than at any time in history. In the past, men had to go to a theater, a bordello, or go buy a magazine/movie from the store. Many didn't do it because they didn't want to be seen doing so....but you can best bet that they looked at it if it was "handy" and they thought no one was watching.

Men (yes, even Christian men) haven't changed....they can just view it in their homes now on their computers/TV without anyone ever knowing.
its a little off topic but there's a little too much assumption in the terminology used in the quote your referring to .
-demon possession? no ..demonic evil spirit presence and influence in the life of a believer ..happens all the time ,permission can be given through behavioral choices or un-forgiveness or unbelief or disobedience to the Holy Spirit.
while an evil spirit does not force a person to look at porn ..there are underling and insidious methods by which they work an intellectual and emotional dependency into the carnal realm of the individual so that the individual begins to find a carnal (fasle & temporal)sense of comfort and therefore carnal and temporary dependence from the sin... this is a state of spiritual deception ..
the lord Jesus said .. and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free . the multifaceted meaning is of course "to know him" for he is truth .. but it is also to know the truth about things and actions .. once he shows a person the real true reason behind why they do what they do .. they can finally begin to respond from a foundation of truth ..until that point they continue in an entrapment like a man stuck in a tar pit twisting and turning to be free but finding it easier and more comforting (falsely) to give up the struggle this sense of false rest they do the sin all the more and the deception of the LIE gently lowers them deeper into the pit of despair ,,ever comforting them into it ever sinking them into more depravity to the doom .this is a demonic entrapment and what we can fully take authority against in the Spirit by the authority bought in the blood of the lamb and exercised in the name of the Lord Jesus .

the truth being that our only hope is to lift up our arms to the lord so he can lift us out by HIS strength .
it is essential to the believer that they learn to walk in the Spirit see in the spirit to known what's really going on as "savedbygrace" pointed out .

and the assumption that masturbation is not a sin is too easily said by those that have never known the misery and torment of its effects on the life of a believer - there is no act of innocence I know of that has such a devastating effect on the soul of a man - sin is to miss the mark to go astray. And in that respect masturbation in general is sinful .but it is God who changes the heart and saves so never allow yourself to be condemned but listen and obey the Holy Spirit ..admitting when you mess up and trusting him to do what we can never do .. save ourselves . :)
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Jul 23, 2014
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...and human nature encompasses more than just looking at porn......which is, after all, what the OP is about.

True but the answer to the problem is the same answer to bondage to anything in human nature....what works for porn works for drugs,lies,hatred, ect.
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Senior Member
Jun 18, 2012
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I'm not easily shocked and I was already aware there was a real problem within the church with this issue but I was truly stunned at the actually percentages.
[text truncation]

We need to get serious about our relationship with Christ, the Holy Spirit within us.... this does not speak well for the church at large and it grieves me but it also makes me wonder where the rest of us are getting it wrong. Where is our victory in Christ?

there is actually one problem with this, and it is the invasion of the devilish spirits which ill affect the humans sexually working through the system of (the) spiritual iniquity, because exactly they make the human (be) sexually abnormal, that is why the exorcism and purification is the way for solution in this regard which is possible by preaching the Gospel and repentance in the faith, because exactly the spiritual iniquity brings the devilish spirits in the world

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John 3:16
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The other day I read Romans 8:5-7 which speaks about our minds ever being controlled by the sinful nature/ flesh or our minds being controlled by the Holy Spirit.
When our thinking is controlled by the flesh our focus is ourselves but when our thinking is controlled by the Holy Spirit our focus is changed from self to God. So we need to learn to walk in power of the Holy Spirit because our sinful nature cannot please God.
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I think we are born with a carnal nature and carry this throughout our lives. I can feed my ego, choose to participate in gossip, steal from others and do numerous other things.

I believe in each second, each moment of our lives we are choosing. In this one second, one moment will I be carnal or will I be spiritual. I don't think that we can be both at the same time.

When we choose or let ourselves be carnal, we are feeding the big machine of 'self'. We may be tempted by a spirit or demon, but I'm not sure what it can exactly force us to do that we don't somehow give in to the temptation presented.

Did the television demon attach itself to me last night as I watched the Jimmy Kimmel Show? Did the demon of frustration with your teen child overcome my senses as I told my son 'no'. Does the demon of lie to your boss to get a sick day occur when it's 70 degrees and sunny? Did the demon of pharmaceuticals overtake me when I took that dose of Nyquil?

I just don't see the same possession, exorcism or deliverance things that everyone else sees. If your possessed by a demon, doesn't that demon take control over you and FORCE you to do things?

When is it a demon vs. my own carnal nature (flesh) that I've given into and sinned?
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Such is life....
Jan 5, 2012
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When is it a demon vs. my own carnal nature (flesh) that I've given into and sinned?

...when you need to have something else to blame it on besides what it really is.....bad PERSONAL choices and human weakness (SIN, the old man, etc....).
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Personally, I think the cure is to throw out the computer and repent. Get eyes off of porn and onto Jesus. Fill your mind with thoughts of Him and his word.... and every time a porn thought comes, take it to Christ. Literally say "here Lord' remove this from me, I cannot do it but I rejoice that You alone can forgive me.

I don't see how - unless you can use a blocker, that you can dance in mine fields and not explode those mines.
Someone mentioned women, thats not what this article is about, please do another thread. The simple reason is that women are biologically made different than men. This is not a thread of condemnation but one about the seriousness of this problem.

If these numbers are true??? nearly 30% think they are addicted to porn.

My thought was the implications, we wonder why the divorce rate is so high, abortion rate etc etc. Why are our Christian kids getting pregnant at the same rate as secular kids etc etc. Well allowing porn into our homes might be PART of the problem.

Yes, there is a demonic presence about porn, but we have the authority over demons. It should not be a big problem to get rid of these if there is repentance and IF the person is willing to receive their forgiveness. The Lord forgives sinners and I don't judge you bc your sin is different than mine. Porn has never been a problem for me, nor is it for most women. But to think nearly 60%-70% of men say it is a problem in their lives. I truly am stunned. My thought is that men do not realize when they begin this activity that it may actually be addictive, similarly to gambling. Which is also a very difficult addiction to overcome. Behavioral addictions or compulsions can destroy families and individuals.
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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The other day I read Romans 8:5-7 which speaks about our minds ever being controlled by the sinful nature/ flesh or our minds being controlled by the Holy Spirit.
When our thinking is controlled by the flesh our focus is ourselves but when our thinking is controlled by the Holy Spirit our focus is changed from self to God. So we need to learn to walk in power of the Holy Spirit because our sinful nature cannot please God.
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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Personally, I think the cure is to throw out the computer and repent. Get eyes off of porn and onto Jesus. Fill your mind with thoughts of Him and his word.... and every time a porn thought comes, take it to Christ. Literally say "here Lord' remove this from me, I cannot do it but I rejoice that You alone can forgive me.

I don't see how - unless you can use a blocker, that you can dance in mine fields and not explode those mines.
Someone mentioned women, thats not what this article is about, please do another thread. The simple reason is that women are biologically made different than men. This is not a thread of condemnation but one about the seriousness of this problem.

If these numbers are true??? nearly 30% think they are addicted to porn.

My thought was the implications, we wonder why the divorce rate is so high, abortion rate etc etc. Why are our Christian kids getting pregnant at the same rate as secular kids etc etc. Well allowing porn into our homes might be PART of the problem.

Yes, there is a demonic presence about porn, but we have the authority over demons. It should not be a big problem to get rid of these if there is repentance and IF the person is willing to receive their forgiveness. The Lord forgives sinners and I don't judge you bc your sin is different than mine. Porn has never been a problem for me, nor is it for most women. But to think nearly 60%-70% of men say it is a problem in their lives. I truly am stunned. My thought is that men do not realize when they begin this activity that it may actually be addictive, similarly to gambling. Which is also a very difficult addiction to overcome. Behavioral addictions or compulsions can destroy families and individuals.
well while that sounds like a nice solution its not a solution at all .
you will note the lord Jesus raised this issue in a time when there were no computers or videos movies photos ...
people did it with carvings in imagery and idols .and the lord Jesus pointed out that it was a matter of the heart .. if its not in the heart ..if the heart is ruled by the Holy Spirit ..a person will shun evil eschew it ..
if its in the heart and the heart has chosen to do it ... put them in the middle of the ocean on a boat and they will still think on such things .. so removing the outer tools is of some merit but not a solution .
its in prayer we help others and it is in surrender to the Holy Spirit that we find His victory established in us .
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...when you need to have something else to blame it on besides what it really is.....bad PERSONAL choices and human weakness (SIN, the old man, etc....).
That is your personal opinion... none of us know how much of this kind of thing is due to personal choice or addiction or demonic oppression... as in most personal problems the cause is probably varied but the answer is always Jesus
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Disciple of Jesus .
Nov 11, 2010
New Zealand
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I think we are born with a carnal nature and carry this throughout our lives. I can feed my ego, choose to participate in gossip, steal from others and do numerous other things.

I believe in each second, each moment of our lives we are choosing. In this one second, one moment will I be carnal or will I be spiritual. I don't think that we can be both at the same time.

When we choose or let ourselves be carnal, we are feeding the big machine of 'self'. We may be tempted by a spirit or demon, but I'm not sure what it can exactly force us to do that we don't somehow give in to the temptation presented.

Did the television demon attach itself to me last night as I watched the Jimmy Kimmel Show? Did the demon of frustration with your teen child overcome my senses as I told my son 'no'. Does the demon of lie to your boss to get a sick day occur when it's 70 degrees and sunny? Did the demon of pharmaceuticals overtake me when I took that dose of Nyquil?

I just don't see the same possession, exorcism or deliverance things that everyone else sees. If your possessed by a demon, doesn't that demon take control over you and FORCE you to do things?

When is it a demon vs. my own carnal nature (flesh) that I've given into and sinned?
I think your referring to that sinful nature that is bent toward sin ... we have a fleshly built in rudder that is set to catch the currents of the flesh at all times .. to follow the lord we sail against that current in the winds of the Spirit ..let the sail down and we drift back on that sinful current .

I like this analogy, because all we do is put up the sail in faith is the strength of the wind that over comes the current .
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Jul 23, 2014
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That is your personal opinion... none of us know how much of this kind of thing is due to personal choice or addiction or demonic oppression... as in most personal problems the cause is probably varied but the answer is always Jesus

The scripture says all three are the same thing...Adam in us.
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well while that sounds like a nice solution its not a solution at all .
you will note the lord Jesus raised this issue in a time when there were no computers or videos movies photos ...
people did it with carvings in imagery and idols .and the lord Jesus pointed out that it was a matter of the heart .. if its not in the heart ..if the heart is ruled by the Holy Spirit ..a person will shun evil eschew it ..
if its in the heart and the heart has chosen to do it ... put them in the middle of the ocean on a boat and they will still think on such things .. so removing the outer tools is of some merit but not a solution .
its in prayer we help others and it is in surrender to the Holy Spirit that we find His victory established in us .

Once an addiction has taken hold the way out can be very difficult. Not impossible but difficult.

This isn't a discussion about the sin of porn, I'd think most people would consider buying and viewing porn a sin, but it may be one they allow themselves to indulge in like gossip or over eating etc. The 'so called' acceptable sins.

Porn was never at everyone's finger tips all day long until quite recently. To compare a few graphic pictures to what is online today is to compare over using valium to shooting heroine. Both can kill you but the way out would vary.

Part of the OP was about how viewing porn can escalate to viewing the really sick stuff...I was wondering if it actually increased the likelihood of people engaging in these behaviors and if there was stats on that?? I have not looked into the research on this simply bc I don't like to open my computer to browsing for porn research. The pc doesn't know I don't like it and will start sending me those awful ads... ugh.

I think you're minimizing a problem that is already not addressed in the church today.
The OP was about "MOST" men, the majority of Christian men view porn on a regular basis. That was a surprise to me.

Do you think if these men realized that it could become a serious life altering addiction, they might reconsider their behavior?
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