He who Scattered Israel, will Gather them

Grip Docility

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Isaiah 52:1-14 Awake; Awake, Zion, put on your strength! Jerusalem, holy city, put on your splendid garments, for the heathen and the ungodly will never again enter you. Arise, captive city – shake off the dust and undo your bonds, you captive daughter of Zion.

The Lord says: You were sold, but no price was paid and without payment you will be redeemed. My people were captives in Egypt, then in Assyria, but now what do I find? My people in exile and My Name reviled constantly. But on the Day that I save My people, they will know My Name and know that it is the Lord who speaks. Here I am!

Deliverance is announced, as the Lord bares His holy arm and makes His power seen by the whole world. The watchmen of Zion shout for joy amid the ruins of Jerusalem, for the Lord has comforted His people.

Go out, leave Babylon behind, keep pure, you that keep the sacraments of the Lord. But you will not flee in urgent haste or leave like fugitives, for the Lord will go before you and your rearguard will be Israel’s God. My servant will achieve success; He will be honoured and exalted. The time was when many despised My people, just as My servant is despised and rejected, but now they will see what they had never understood and their minds will be filled with things unheard of before. Ref: REB. Abridged.

‘My people – in Assyria’, This refers to the ten Northern tribes of Israel, now the Western, Christian Nations. But specifically: the Lord’s people are now every faithful Christian, from every race, nation and language. Revelation 5:9-10

‘The Lord bares His holy arm – His power seen by the whole world’, This will be the next action of the Lord on earth. It is the many prophesied Great Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, the Sixth Seal; a terrible judgement/punishment of fire, earthquakes, storms and tsunamis that will devastate and depopulate the entire Middle East, Ezekiel 30:1-5, and will severely affect all the world.

‘My servant’, The Lord Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who instigates this disaster, as we are told in Luke 3:17. He will not be seen on that Day, Psalms 18:11, Habakkuk 3:3-6, and from the many graphic descriptions of this event, He will cause a Coronal Mass Ejection, an explosion of the suns surface of an unprecedented magnitude that will cause all the prophesied effects. Isaiah 30:25-30

‘The Lord saves His people’, Those faithful Christians, born again in Jesus, who keep His commandments, who trust in Him for their salvation and who heed the warnings to take shelter, will be protected on that Day. Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21

‘Go out of Babylon, but not as fugitives’, Babylon: a metaphor for the ungodly nations. The Lord’s people have wonderful promises of how they will be transported back into all of the holy Land, where they will live in peace and security. Psalms 107

‘What they never understood’, The Lord’s plans are impossible to know by any atheist or false religion follower, but also those who study God’s Word in the Bible, if they have failed to properly discern the prophetic scriptures and allowed themselves to be swayed by false doctrines and teachings.
Ishmael (Arabic: إِسْمَاعِيْل, romanized: ʾIsmāʿīl) is regarded as a prophet and the ancestor to the Ishmaelites in Islam. He is the son of Ibrahim, born to Hajar. Ismail is also associated with Mecca and the construction of the Kaaba. Ismail is considered the ancestor to Muhammad.

And again…..

Assyria was located in the northern part of Mesopotamia, which corresponds to most parts of modern-day Iraq as well as parts of Iran, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey.

The very flag of those countries Carrie’s the Crescent Moon and Star

Of Israel, of today...

Hosea 14:4 “I will heal their waywardness
and love them freely,
for my anger has turned away from them.
5 I will be like the dew to Israel;
he will blossom like a lily.​
Like a cedar of Lebanon​
he will send down his roots;​
Jeremiah 30 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you. 3 The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity[a] and restore them to the land I gave their ancestors to possess,’ says the Lord.”​
4 These are the words the Lord spoke concerning Israel and Judah: 5 “This is what the Lord says:​
“‘Cries of fear are heard—
terror, not peace.
6 Ask and see:​
Can a man bear children?​
Then why do I see every strong man​
with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor,​
every face turned deathly pale?​
7 How awful that day will be!​
No other will be like it.​
It will be a time of trouble for Jacob,
but he will be saved out of it.
8 “‘In that day,’ declares the Lord Almighty,​
‘I will break the yoke off their necks​
and will tear off their bonds;​
no longer will foreigners enslave them.
9 Instead, they will serve the Lord their God​
and David their king,​
whom I will raise up for them.​
10 “‘So do not be afraid, Jacob my servant;
do not be dismayed, Israel,’
declares the Lord.
‘I will surely save you out of a distant place,
your descendants from the land of their exile.
Jacob will again have peace and security,
and no one will make him afraid.
11 I am with you and will save you,’
declares the Lord.
‘Though I completely destroy all the nations
among which I scatter you,
I will not completely destroy you.
I will discipline you but only in due measure;
I will not let you go entirely unpunished.’
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Of Israel, of today...

Hosea 14:4 “I will heal their waywardnessand love them freely,for my anger has turned away from them.5 I will be like the dew to Israel;he will blossom like a lily.Like a cedar of Lebanonhe will send down his roots;
Hosea is not Prophesying about the current Jewish State of Israel at all. He is referring to the House of Isarel, now still scattered among the nations.

Ancient Israel did not do as the Lord had commanded them. They worshipped idols and rebelled against His Laws. Ezekiel 12:1 So the Lord sent them into exile – Ezekiel 12:3, for a decreed time period; Ezekiel 4:4-6 Before this happened, the Israelites had split into two kingdoms; then the House of Israel, was taken into exile by Assyria, and the House of Judah, deported by Babylon. Deuteronomy 4:27

What happened to them and the land?
Ezekiel 6:8-14 Among the nations, there will be those of you who have survived the sword and are scattered in foreign lands. They will remember Me while in exile and they will loath themselves for the evil they have done.
Remember the Lord, that is: become Christians.

You will know that My threats were not in vain. Justice will be done. Nahum 1:2-3
Cry in pain, because of your wickedness, people of Israel. You will die by sword, famine and plague. Black Death, civil wars, world wars, etc.
So, I will spend My wrath upon them. Your Land will become a desolation.

Travellers in the 1800’s were amazed at the awful conditions in the Middle East of desertification, still today; with water shortages and continuing strife.
In Ezekiel chapter 11, after the House of Israel had been exiled, Ezekiel is prophesying to the leaders of Judah. In verses 1 to 13, he says that Judah too, will be conquered. Then in verse 15, he mentions their brothers and kinsmen, [the House of Israel, then in Northern Assyria] to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem say: They are separated far from the Lord, the land has been made over to us [Jews] to possess.

Ezekiel 11:16-44 Say therefore, When I dispersed them over the earth, I became their sanctuary in the countries where they have gone. I shall gather you from among the nations and I shall give the Land of Israel to you. Judah has come back, but in apostasy.
They will abolish all idols and vile practices. Not done yet.
I will give them a new heart and a new spirit. Wait for it!
They will keep My laws and I will be their God. Great will be the Day!

Go you Israelites and serve your idols! But in days to come I will punish you. On My holy mountain in the Land, the whole [peoples] of Israel will serve Me. I will accept you, when I have brought you out of all the places where you were sent.

I will bring you into the Land which I promised to the forefathers. You will remember your past and will hate yourselves for it.
You will know that I am the Lord when I deal with you, not as you really deserve, but as the honour of My holy Name demands.

But now, as we approach the end times, we see a Jewish restoration, but in unbelief. Zechariah 12:7 The Lord will free Judah first, for their greater glory. The State of Israel, now in a part of the holy Land, but they still reject their Messiah and now face another Judgement; the third swing of the Sword. Ezekiel 21:1-14

The forthcoming Day of the Lord’s wrath is also the judgement of Judah, as in: Amos 2:4-5, Jer. 13:19, Zeph. 1:4-6, Obadiah 1:12-16, Isaiah 4:3-4, Matthew 21:41-43
Ezekiel 20:46-47 O man, turn toward the South, prophesy to the desert of the Negev. The Lord God says: I am about to kindle a fire in you. Its fiery flame will not be put out; everyone to the North will be scorched by it. Zephaniah 1:14-18

The Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, Revelation 6:12-17
Isaiah 63:4 I resolved on a Day of vengeance, the year for redeeming My own has come. I stamped on peoples in My anger and their blood poured out on the ground. Psalms 110

This event will depopulate most of the Middle East, leaving the way for His people; Israel: the descendants of Jacob, plus those grafted in, mostly from the nominally Christian nations, still scattered around the world, to gather in the ‘wilderness’:

Ezekiel 20:34-38 By My strong arm and outpoured wrath, I shall bring you out from the peoples and gather you from the lands where you were dispersed. I shall confront you and bring you to judgement. Those who rebel will remain in the desert.

Who are the Israelites? Certainly, some must be ethnic descendants of the Patriarchs’, as in:-

Amos 9:8-9 I shall not totally destroy Jacobs posterity. I will shake Israel among the nations and not one pebble will fall to the ground.

Isaiah 14:1 The Lord will again show compassion for Jacob [the 12 tribes of Israel] and will once again make Israel His choice. He will resettle them on their native soil and aliens will join them.
Peoples from every race, nation and language. Isaiah 66:18b-21, Revelation 7:9

All faithful Christians have the wonderful promises of the New Testament:-

Acts 2:39 This promise is to you and your children, to all who are far away, to everyone whom the Lord may call.

Luke 12:32-40 Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has chosen to give you the Kingdom. Sell your possessions, give to charity. Provide for yourselves treasure [rewards] in Heaven.
Be ready for action. Be like a servant, ready to let your Master in as soon as He knocks.
Happy are those servants whom the Master finds awake when He comes. Truly, I tell you, He will seat you at the table and wait on you.
If it is midnight or before dawn and you are still awake, then great will be your reward.
Remember, if the householder had known when a thief would come, he would have stopped him.
So, be ready for the Son of Man will come when you least expect Him.

This refers to the Lord’s Day of fiery wrath, not His Return, when He will be expected, as the armies of the Anti-Christ attack Jerusalem. Revelation 19:19
Reference; Revised English Bible, some verses condensed.
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Grip Docility

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Hosea is not Prophesying about the current Jewish State of Israel at all. He is referring to the House of Isarel, now still scattered among the nations.

Ancient Israel did not do as the Lord had commanded them. They worshipped idols and rebelled against His Laws. Ezekiel 12:1 So the Lord sent them into exile – Ezekiel 12:3, for a decreed time period; Ezekiel 4:4-6 Before this happened, the Israelites had split into two kingdoms; then the House of Israel, was taken into exile by Assyria, and the House of Judah, deported by Babylon. Deuteronomy 4:27

What happened to them and the land?
Ezekiel 6:8-14 Among the nations, there will be those of you who have survived the sword and are scattered in foreign lands. They will remember Me while in exile and they will loath themselves for the evil they have done.
Remember the Lord, that is: become Christians.

You will know that My threats were not in vain. Justice will be done. Nahum 1:2-3
Cry in pain, because of your wickedness, people of Israel. You will die by sword, famine and plague. Black Death, civil wars, world wars, etc.
So, I will spend My wrath upon them. Your Land will become a desolation.

Travellers in the 1800’s were amazed at the awful conditions in the Middle East of desertification, still today; with water shortages and continuing strife.
In Ezekiel chapter 11, after the House of Israel had been exiled, Ezekiel is prophesying to the leaders of Judah. In verses 1 to 13, he says that Judah too, will be conquered. Then in verse 15, he mentions their brothers and kinsmen, [the House of Israel, then in Northern Assyria] to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem say: They are separated far from the Lord, the land has been made over to us [Jews] to possess.

Ezekiel 11:16-44 Say therefore, When I dispersed them over the earth, I became their sanctuary in the countries where they have gone. I shall gather you from among the nations and I shall give the Land of Israel to you. Judah has come back, but in apostasy.
They will abolish all idols and vile practices. Not done yet.
I will give them a new heart and a new spirit. Wait for it!
They will keep My laws and I will be their God. Great will be the Day!

Go you Israelites and serve your idols! But in days to come I will punish you. On My holy mountain in the Land, the whole [peoples] of Israel will serve Me. I will accept you, when I have brought you out of all the places where you were sent.

I will bring you into the Land which I promised to the forefathers. You will remember your past and will hate yourselves for it.
You will know that I am the Lord when I deal with you, not as you really deserve, but as the honour of My holy Name demands.

But now, as we approach the end times, we see a Jewish restoration, but in unbelief. Zechariah 12:7 The Lord will free Judah first, for their greater glory. The State of Israel, now in a part of the holy Land, but they still reject their Messiah and now face another Judgement; the third swing of the Sword. Ezekiel 21:1-14

The forthcoming Day of the Lord’s wrath is also the judgement of Judah, as in: Amos 2:4-5, Jer. 13:19, Zeph. 1:4-6, Obadiah 1:12-16, Isaiah 4:3-4, Matthew 21:41-43
Ezekiel 20:46-47 O man, turn toward the South, prophesy to the desert of the Negev. The Lord God says: I am about to kindle a fire in you. Its fiery flame will not be put out; everyone to the North will be scorched by it. Zephaniah 1:14-18

The Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, Revelation 6:12-17
Isaiah 63:4 I resolved on a Day of vengeance, the year for redeeming My own has come. I stamped on peoples in My anger and their blood poured out on the ground. Psalms 110

This event will depopulate most of the Middle East, leaving the way for His people; Israel: the descendants of Jacob, plus those grafted in, mostly from the nominally Christian nations, still scattered around the world, to gather in the ‘wilderness’:

Ezekiel 20:34-38 By My strong arm and outpoured wrath, I shall bring you out from the peoples and gather you from the lands where you were dispersed. I shall confront you and bring you to judgement. Those who rebel will remain in the desert.

Who are the Israelites? Certainly, some must be ethnic descendants of the Patriarchs’, as in:-

Amos 9:8-9 I shall not totally destroy Jacobs posterity. I will shake Israel among the nations and not one pebble will fall to the ground.

Isaiah 14:1 The Lord will again show compassion for Jacob [the 12 tribes of Israel] and will once again make Israel His choice. He will resettle them on their native soil and aliens will join them.
Peoples from every race, nation and language. Isaiah 66:18b-21, Revelation 7:9

All faithful Christians have the wonderful promises of the New Testament:-

Acts 2:39 This promise is to you and your children, to all who are far away, to everyone whom the Lord may call.

Luke 12:32-40 Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has chosen to give you the Kingdom. Sell your possessions, give to charity. Provide for yourselves treasure [rewards] in Heaven.
Be ready for action. Be like a servant, ready to let your Master in as soon as He knocks.
Happy are those servants whom the Master finds awake when He comes. Truly, I tell you, He will seat you at the table and wait on you.
If it is midnight or before dawn and you are still awake, then great will be your reward.
Remember, if the householder had known when a thief would come, he would have stopped him.
So, be ready for the Son of Man will come when you least expect Him.

This refers to the Lord’s Day of fiery wrath, not His Return, when He will be expected, as the armies of the Anti-Christ attack Jerusalem. Revelation 19:19
Reference; Revised English Bible, some verses condensed.
Is Israel considered a Wh#re, by God? You are violating the very intended Literary and Exegetical flow of the Book of Hosea.

Yes, but.....

But nothing. Hosea is about a wh#ring wife, who is deeply Loved, but keeps running into the Arms of other Lovers. Hosea is angry at his wh#ring bride, which is a direct parallel to Israel of Jacob.

God is expressing the heartbreak that His Jewish Bride has brought him.

Yes, but....

But Nothing. Unless the Body of Christ is a Harlot by your own judgment... ALL references to Israel within Hosea are about the Real Land and People of Jacob, by bloodline and Land allotment, which Paul speaks about very specifically in Romans 9-11.
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Grip Docility

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But nothing. Hosea is about a wh#ring wife, who is deeply Loved, but keeps running into the Arms of other Lovers. Hosea is angry at his wh#ring bride, which is a direct parallel to Israel of Jacob.

God is expressing the heartbreak that His Jewish Bride has brought him.
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Grip Docility

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Yes, but....
But Nothing. Unless the Body of Christ is a Harlot by your own judgment... ALL references to Israel within Hosea are about the Real Land and People of Jacob, by bloodline and Land allotment, which Paul speaks about very specifically in Romans 9-11.
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But Nothing. Unless the Body of Christ is a Harlot by your own judgment... ALL references to Israel within Hosea are about the Real Land and People of Jacob, by bloodline and Land allotment, which Paul speaks about very specifically in Romans 9-11.
You basically ignore the entire New Testament.
Since Jesus came; the true Israelites of God are His Christian peoples. Ephesians 2:11-18 makes that abundantly clear.
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Grip Docility

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You basically ignore the entire New Testament.
Since Jesus came; the true Israelites of God are His Christian peoples. Ephesians 2:11-18 makes that abundantly clear.
You basically ignore scriptural context. Not being rude, but to take the word Israel out of the actual context of the book of Hosea is 100% Eisegesis. No scriptural Apologist would allow that to be counted valid. If we could do that, we could take Galatians and chop it into pieces, reinterpret it and remove the Salvic impact of the Gospel.

Put it this way... I could redefine Mount Sinai, as discussed in Galatians to be about the Mount of Olives, and thusly erase what Christ accomplished.

It's not a small error.
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Grip Docility

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You basically ignore the entire New Testament.
Since Jesus came; the true Israelites of God are His Christian peoples. Ephesians 2:11-18 makes that abundantly clear.
Because it is now apparent that you intentionally abrogate intended scriptural flow as it was expressed by the specific author of a specific book of scripture, it becomes obvious that you have done this in other places, within?

ALL Systematic interpretation is opinion. But, it is important to know that Systematic interpretation is like taking a small sailors eyepiece to look at stars beyond our solar system. If you have the coordinates 1 trillionth of a second off... the resulting find is incorrect by an Astronomical number of miles.
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Grip Docility

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You basically ignore the entire New Testament.
Since Jesus came; the true Israelites of God are His Christian peoples. Ephesians 2:11-18 makes that abundantly clear.
Wait... You're doing it again!

Ephesians 2:11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)—
Gentiles are the Uncircumcised, while Jews are circumcised.

12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.
This is speaking of the literal citizenship of Israel and the exclusion of foreigners that wouldn't submit to the Law, per the Law.
Numbers 15:13-16 The community has the same rules for you and the foreigner living among you. This is the regular rule for future generations. You and the foreigner are the same before GOD. The same laws and regulations apply to both you and the foreigner who lives with you.”

Are we now back under the LAW of MOSES Keras?
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
This denotes How we obtain salvation.

14 For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,
This is a specific reference to Christ being the Reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles... INTO THE BODY of Christ. It at no point Places us within Israel.

15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,
Per context, your take has us placed back under the Law. It even specifies that the two become a NEW HUMANITY out of the TWO, which literally CANNOT imply ISRAEL, because Israel isn't NEW.

16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.
Um...... In Christ the Carnal Bodies Jew and Gentile are Crucified, which is exactly why Paul specifies that there is NEITHER JEW nor GENTILE in the Body of Christ!

Keras.... How often do you eisegete?
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Unless the Body of Christ is a Harlot by your own judgment...
Why then did the newly formed State religion abandon the Kingdom to harlot itself to the Roman Empire? It never repented of the fact and all that followed were blinded by those blind.
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Grip Docility

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Why then did the newly formed State religion abandon the Kingdom to harlot itself to the Roman Empire? It never repented of the fact and all that followed were blinded by those blind.
Does our salvation depend on our Flesh or God’s goodness?

Also, please look at Hosea 14 and what was quoted. I recommend reading the entire book from beginning to end, then decide, per the literary intent of the book, what the Israel mentioned in Chapter 14 is referring to. I recommend just going up to my initial response about Israel… but to spare you that…

Really, read all of Hosea, but especially Hosea 14:4 and all of 14. Who is Israel in this passage?
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Because we both know that it depends on His Goodness.
True but He has been clear since the Garden that those that reject His will for the will of man as shown in my post, are doomed. "Why then did the newly formed State religion abandon the Kingdom to harlot itself to the Roman Empire? It never repented of the fact "
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Grip Docility

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True but He has been clear since the Garden that those that reject His will for the will of man as shown in my post, are doomed. "Why then did the newly formed State religion abandon the Kingdom to harlot itself to the Roman Empire? It never repented of the fact "
Repented of the Holocaust?
Repented of being the rear end of humor within Christendom.

They are to us… as we once were to them.

I totally get the weirdness of it, but Roman’s 11.
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Repented of the Holocaust?
Repented of blindsiding God and His Kingdom in order to seek power and glory among the fallen empires of man in partnership, starting during the time of Constantine. Christianity sold out.
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Grip Docility

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Repented of blindsiding God and His Kingdom in order to seek power and glory among the fallen empires of man in partnership, starting during the time of Constantine. Christianity sold out.
Do we not all reside under human kings?
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