Writing like a Prophet


I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven.
May 18, 2022
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In the second year of king Charles III of England, and in the third year of President Joseph Biden of the USA the Word of the Lord came to Xeno the son of Zeno the son of Nils in the city of Perth in the country of Australia, saying, "This is what the Lord says, the day is coming and is now here when few will abide sound doctrine but rather will they seek teachers who speak words that flatter and deceive. They will desire signs and miracles but will settle for ..."

Could you write a Prophet's book of 'revelations' from God? Evidently some can. Joseph Smith did, some recent "apostles" have. And if they craft their work well, with the right tone, and biblical vocabulary, and words to flatter many will accept their works. Ellen White wrote of her visions and many believed she was speaking as a prophet of God. Charles Taze Russell wrote his teachings down and convinced many to follow. Should it surprise us that others have written apostolic epistles in the name of God and led many to follow them.

But why have so many taken this road and why do so many follow?
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Jul 9, 2018
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You've probably stumbled across the reason a lot of people fall for it, that being it's written in "biblical" language. I personally don't buy it for the same reason. Anyone who's ever read the bible can do what you've just done, make it sound prophetic. But if you look at Joseph Smith for example, he was supposedly visited by an angel who recited scripture to him. Personally, if I was ever visited by an angel who recited scripture to me I would simply say, "I already know all that. Do you have any new information for me"?
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Bob Crowley

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the Word of the Lord came to Xeno the son of Zeno the son of Nils in the city of Perth ...
With a genealogy like yours you should be able to write one in a flash!

On a more serious note and writing as Crowley the son of Crowley the son of Crowley on the other side of the continent near Brisbane, I have no idea why some people write tomes like "The Book of Mormon". The only time I ever happened to see it I was struck by the number of times the phrase "and it came to pass" kept recurring, and that was after skimming just a few pages.

For a writer of "Biblical verse" the omnipotent source of Joseph Smith's inspiration must have been a bit short on vocabulary.
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I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven.
May 18, 2022
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"Can anything good come out of Australia? Everything wants to kill you in Australia." replied Chrysostom the Psalti.

View attachment 334133
And filled with the Spirit the prophet Xeno said to Chrysostom, "This is what the Lord of hosts says, 'shall not the snake strike at its enemy, and the spider bite its prey? Thus it is in the land and shall be until the day comes when judgement is passed upon the earth. So, speak not against the order of things, it is I, the Lord, who has established it and it is I who sustains it.' And Xeno sat in the seat near the bus stop and was silent."

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Mar 20, 2018
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And thusly, the Lord saith to the King of the Britons, "Verily, Verily, thou shalt sail the prisoners and exiles into the land down under in the place called Oz. They shall return to give the world bad catch phrases, Foster's, Men at Work and Farscape. In the distant lands of the West, the rebels of the Britons will emulate the Oz and make eateries which claim to have meats and shellfish 'on the barbie'. But nay, everything in Oz will still want to kill you. Especially the cuddly koalas when wet."

"Oh truly, it came to pass!"

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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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I don't fully remember where I heard this statement, but it's one I've kept with me for a very long time. Someone once said "a prophet never claims to be a prophet".

I actually do believe that there have been those who, over the course of the history of the Church, have acted in a prophetic capacity, not as bearers of divine truth but as preachers bearing the truth already given.

I have on many occasions said that I think, in modern times, that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr is an example of what the prophetic looks like.

Dr. King didn't found a church, he didn't begin some special "prophetic ministry", he didn't claim to have revelation--nor did he have some kind of "revelation". Instead King spoke to the powers of this world and dared to speak the truth that has already been written and declared so long ago: That God is not on the side of injustice, but God is the God of justice who stands with the oppressed.

Real prophets don't pretend to be prophets through cleverness of words, or trying to assert their authority, they don't come out saying "Verily thus saith the Lord" and then seek followers for themselves. Those are the tactics of grifters, hucksters, and charlatans.

Why do people fall for the grifters? Why did Simon Magus manage to make a following for himself in the days of the Apostles? They say things wrapped up in a semblence of religiosity, as being spiritual, and convince others that they are the mouthpiece of God. If you can also convince people that "these are the end times", it helps--fear is a powerful motivator. It shouldn't be suprising then that, over hundreds of years so many of those who have amassed followings like this did so by declaring the end is nigh. Did not old Montanus of Phrygia claim a new age was dawning and the end was near? Even Joseph Smith do the same thing. While Mormons today don't seem to focus on that as much, the apocalyptic-fever of the 19th century and the claims by Smith that Jesus was about to return and the end was coming along with the attack on all mainstream churches became a powerful factor in building a following. William Miller predicted the end, and those who came out of the Millerites would become the various branches of Adventism--it's right there in their name. Out of Adventism came Charles T. Russel and the Jehovah's Witnesses, who have been saying Armageddon is coming any day now and have had to change their mind on so many things so often.

So when men say they are a prophet, and that they bear new truth or the "real" truth from God. When they say every church was wrong before them, and they want to receive the praises of men. They want followers to serve under them. They want to be treated as the mouthpiece of God, that what they are doing is to prepare for the end of days. Do not believe them. Jesus gave us clear warnings in the Olivet Discourse--warnings we are often quick to forget or ignore.

But false teachers come, just as the Apostle said, with teachings that tickle itching ears. We hear what we want to hear, and believe what we want to believe--even when it goes against everything we have received from the beginning. We are not merely pushing against corrupt power, but against the word of God, becoming that very corrupt power that we should speak against.

That is why, I suspect, the Apostle calls this the doctrines of demons. Not because the devil himself is literally whispering in everyone's ear; but because the devil is a crafter of lies, and all lies which pervert the truth and drive men away from Christ and hope in Christ have the devil's seal of approval.

So "beware of false prophets" is as important today as ever. Because false teaching is, perhaps, even more pervasive today than it ever has been. There is a cacophony of heresy, noisy and loud. And it can make it hard to hear the simple truth of Christ.

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Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
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Because such presumptuous writings come from prideful flesh and are fuelled by seductive spirits that draw folk into deception.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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What you wrote is not new .... it's basically just a rewording of some of the principles taught in His Word .... this does not make one a prophet. This is what many inspired authors do ... and also is seen by the many translations ... the point is the guiding principles should not be changed.

One example of what you wrote .... although not exact .... was based on some biblical guiding principle(s)

2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version (KJV)
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Inspired writings does not make one a prophet necessarily, so, in the writings of others .... they are to be closely measured with His written word ... but if they contradict His guiding principles .... His written Word is the authority always.

The guiding principles of the apostles were to follow Jesus and their writings are based on His teachings ... not of themselves (and they understood this) .... they were special messengers, used by God to spread the good news ... (the gospel - all about Jesus) ... they were sent on a mission special mission by God to that end. The original 12 a unique group (chosen by Jesus) and had a special mission. There has not been since them (nor will there be) apostles ... there are disciples. The original disciples had direct interaction with Jesus Himself. Even though Jesus was not alive during the life of the apostle Paul ... Jesus did interact with Him personally (ie the road to Damascus) and verified by the Lord to Ananias (Acts 9:15) as HIs chosen vessel.

It's all about Jesus .... we follow Him. He is our example.

1 John 2:6

the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.

His Written Word is always to be used to discern the truth.
HIs written word states there would and will indeed be future prophets ... but those should be scrutinized carefully, because we are also warned of false prophets.

Prophets are certainly within the realm of biblical teaching ... so we should not dismiss that fact ... but also use very careful discernment through His Written Word.
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